Andreas Huber
Merge "Support http authentication ala in stagefright."
2011-03-09 15:26:11 -08:00 |
Lorenzo Colitti
am d1e09e08: am 8df2477c: am bd0e806a: Support IPv6->IPv4 fallback in HTTP streaming.
* commit 'd1e09e08210e755034bbdd07e1f48b35ec9a4752':
Support IPv6->IPv4 fallback in HTTP streaming.
2011-03-09 15:21:34 -08:00 |
Lorenzo Colitti
am d6aaec0c: am e4a02b61: am b9da16a1: Support IPv6 in HTTP streaming.
* commit 'd6aaec0ce7639a9d8bb73983711e20545b55e860':
Support IPv6 in HTTP streaming.
2011-03-09 15:21:31 -08:00 |
Lorenzo Colitti
am 8df2477c: am bd0e806a: Support IPv6->IPv4 fallback in HTTP streaming.
* commit '8df2477c4e7e5bf72d6d1216ae5184c53304470e':
Support IPv6->IPv4 fallback in HTTP streaming.
2011-03-09 15:17:20 -08:00 |
Lorenzo Colitti
am e4a02b61: am b9da16a1: Support IPv6 in HTTP streaming.
* commit 'e4a02b61290fa61955c979cfd1afc17a92bba481':
Support IPv6 in HTTP streaming.
2011-03-09 15:17:12 -08:00 |
Lorenzo Colitti
am bd0e806a: Support IPv6->IPv4 fallback in HTTP streaming.
* commit 'bd0e806a61df9b67890dc3b1390db554e7468b4a':
Support IPv6->IPv4 fallback in HTTP streaming.
2011-03-09 15:09:20 -08:00 |
Lorenzo Colitti
am b9da16a1: Support IPv6 in HTTP streaming.
* commit 'b9da16a1e36fcf4e38a50adcf10ea59c12dea254':
Support IPv6 in HTTP streaming.
2011-03-09 15:09:04 -08:00 |
Jamie Gennis
am 7b13e27e: am 6167a390: Merge "ANativeWindow: add queues-to-window-composer check." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '7b13e27ee4a42c205b4a20d145610e8c912e7b0c':
ANativeWindow: add queues-to-window-composer check.
2011-03-09 15:03:04 -08:00 |
Jim Miller
am c00c887c: am 5c9248f6: Merge "Fix 4027057: Improve resolution of RecentApps thumbnail images." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'c00c887c118849ac308f6fb1f6fad28b2929e6bb':
Fix 4027057: Improve resolution of RecentApps thumbnail images.
2011-03-09 15:02:59 -08:00 |
Robert Ly
am d545a40d: am 788dd5e0: am 2a36cf42: doc change: removing references to eclipse 3.4
* commit 'd545a40dc92ea876b58c6e87f6e6724406bb2841':
doc change: removing references to eclipse 3.4
2011-03-09 15:02:54 -08:00 |
Jamie Gennis
am 6167a390: Merge "ANativeWindow: add queues-to-window-composer check." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '6167a390e34981ea92fc6d5458add2da04ee15bc':
ANativeWindow: add queues-to-window-composer check.
2011-03-09 14:59:30 -08:00 |
Jim Miller
am 5c9248f6: Merge "Fix 4027057: Improve resolution of RecentApps thumbnail images." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '5c9248f668201a751500f67cc60bd45ff905751a':
Fix 4027057: Improve resolution of RecentApps thumbnail images.
2011-03-09 14:59:26 -08:00 |
Robert Ly
am 788dd5e0: am 2a36cf42: doc change: removing references to eclipse 3.4
* commit '788dd5e076821d8604be7a8e44a1c5ae5f4e198e':
doc change: removing references to eclipse 3.4
2011-03-09 14:59:17 -08:00 |
Jamie Gennis
Merge "ANativeWindow: add queues-to-window-composer check." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-09 14:47:56 -08:00 |
Jim Miller
Merge "Fix 4027057: Improve resolution of RecentApps thumbnail images." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-09 14:42:56 -08:00 |
Andreas Huber
Merge "Use the same http proxy mechanism that webkit uses instead of bypassing proxies."
2011-03-09 14:42:12 -08:00 |
Robert Ly
am 2a36cf42: doc change: removing references to eclipse 3.4
* commit '2a36cf42fa6f941b2a55f7f391d79b93b8f780f4':
doc change: removing references to eclipse 3.4
2011-03-09 14:39:55 -08:00 |
Mathias Agopian
am 176e7108: am 838aa45b: Merge "fix [4026375] SensorManager quaternion functions can call sqrt with a negative number" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '176e71081b17787652c778cd115e079199dac536':
fix [4026375] SensorManager quaternion functions can call sqrt with a negative number
2011-03-09 14:36:05 -08:00 |
Stephen Hines
am 67eab1e9: am c8a4b11e: Merge "Fix a race condition during Context init/teardown." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '67eab1e9cd9a7bfb1a32492cdaa6f52bf470e11d':
Fix a race condition during Context init/teardown.
2011-03-09 14:35:55 -08:00 |
Mathias Agopian
am 838aa45b: Merge "fix [4026375] SensorManager quaternion functions can call sqrt with a negative number" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '838aa45b99f504596971063003fa8a75e89e4c41':
fix [4026375] SensorManager quaternion functions can call sqrt with a negative number
2011-03-09 14:32:47 -08:00 |
Stephen Hines
am c8a4b11e: Merge "Fix a race condition during Context init/teardown." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'c8a4b11e1f752b901610472039f981f97a65aae6':
Fix a race condition during Context init/teardown.
2011-03-09 14:32:44 -08:00 |
Mathias Agopian
Merge "fix [4026375] SensorManager quaternion functions can call sqrt with a negative number" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-09 14:30:16 -08:00 |
Stephen Hines
Merge "Fix a race condition during Context init/teardown." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-09 14:29:57 -08:00 |
Leon Scroggins
am e1413a9e: am 23c5861c: Merge "Scroll textfield onscreen when the IME shows." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'e1413a9e9cdb2dd2792d318542db483b188276c8':
Scroll textfield onscreen when the IME shows.
2011-03-09 14:25:10 -08:00 |
Leon Scroggins
am 23c5861c: Merge "Scroll textfield onscreen when the IME shows." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '23c5861cde7efef568fa3c61e0f1fa4fe97c7cfa':
Scroll textfield onscreen when the IME shows.
2011-03-09 14:22:50 -08:00 |
Leon Scroggins
Merge "Scroll textfield onscreen when the IME shows." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-09 14:21:17 -08:00 |
Huahui Wu
am 45e5db99: am 166b190e: Merge "b/3307761 Clean up the flag mIsHandlingMultiTouch." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '45e5db99979d9f85e7c3cad3e750b886e3abb105':
b/3307761 Clean up the flag mIsHandlingMultiTouch.
2011-03-09 14:07:20 -08:00 |
Huahui Wu
am 166b190e: Merge "b/3307761 Clean up the flag mIsHandlingMultiTouch." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '166b190efc35b7ddad6b011ba537c177e88a2336':
b/3307761 Clean up the flag mIsHandlingMultiTouch.
2011-03-09 14:04:52 -08:00 |
Huahui Wu
Merge "b/3307761 Clean up the flag mIsHandlingMultiTouch." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-09 13:55:35 -08:00 |
Ed Heyl
am cc7d3c53: am b22bb1da: Merge "UsbManager: Fix broken Javadoc links" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'cc7d3c539abd4affd5e95cff8740d9303deac63d':
UsbManager: Fix broken Javadoc links
2011-03-09 13:06:36 -08:00 |
Ed Heyl
am b22bb1da: Merge "UsbManager: Fix broken Javadoc links" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'b22bb1dae1213fe9383020a53eeb89de40e7bbd0':
UsbManager: Fix broken Javadoc links
2011-03-09 12:56:17 -08:00 |
Ed Heyl
Merge "UsbManager: Fix broken Javadoc links" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-09 12:53:38 -08:00 |
Eric Laurent
am 2dc78477: am cc34967f: Merge "Fix issue 3439872: video chat and bluetooth SCO" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '2dc78477364bd4accb9a603baaafca9a5523dcec':
Fix issue 3439872: video chat and bluetooth SCO
2011-03-09 11:00:22 -08:00 |
Eric Laurent
am cc34967f: Merge "Fix issue 3439872: video chat and bluetooth SCO" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'cc34967fdcbf64826a068901d6fb1bd8bb1fa99f':
Fix issue 3439872: video chat and bluetooth SCO
2011-03-09 10:57:49 -08:00 |
Eric Laurent
Merge "Fix issue 3439872: video chat and bluetooth SCO" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-09 10:56:01 -08:00 |
Shimeng (Simon) Wang
am 246b2b31: am 12c37caf: Merge "Consider mInitialScale when setting min zoom scale." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '246b2b313cb545da9d6f791b90d5a1cc4316114e':
Consider mInitialScale when setting min zoom scale.
2011-03-09 10:53:44 -08:00 |
Shimeng (Simon) Wang
am 12c37caf: Merge "Consider mInitialScale when setting min zoom scale." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '12c37cafe184d5a6ac2a7a097c2fc616e5c1a6c8':
Consider mInitialScale when setting min zoom scale.
2011-03-09 10:51:26 -08:00 |
Mike Lockwood
am 094c9900: am 2c3ed826: Merge "Change UsbManager.requestPermission to only grant permission temporarily" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '094c9900de383f0934f74cedef0d24b6d8a14905':
Change UsbManager.requestPermission to only grant permission temporarily
2011-03-09 10:51:16 -08:00 |
Shimeng (Simon) Wang
Merge "Consider mInitialScale when setting min zoom scale." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-09 10:48:57 -08:00 |
Mike Lockwood
am 2c3ed826: Merge "Change UsbManager.requestPermission to only grant permission temporarily" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '2c3ed82600af117e791a087330a198fe90d298b7':
Change UsbManager.requestPermission to only grant permission temporarily
2011-03-09 10:48:13 -08:00 |
Mike Lockwood
Merge "Change UsbManager.requestPermission to only grant permission temporarily" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-09 10:44:19 -08:00 |
Andreas Huber
Merge "An HTTP datasource for stagefright using the chromium code."
2011-03-09 10:37:20 -08:00 |
Jean-Michel Trivi
am 8d0e2b98: am 5fa7aac8: Merge "Fix bug 4064086 Use a death handler on audio focus changes from mode" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '8d0e2b9857e5f77ced233dc408a7acd9e8ab2e8c':
Fix bug 4064086 Use a death handler on audio focus changes from mode
2011-03-09 10:22:56 -08:00 |
Jean-Michel Trivi
am 5fa7aac8: Merge "Fix bug 4064086 Use a death handler on audio focus changes from mode" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '5fa7aac81b471557cd944f762340281e5fa012f9':
Fix bug 4064086 Use a death handler on audio focus changes from mode
2011-03-09 10:20:24 -08:00 |
Jean-Michel Trivi
Merge "Fix bug 4064086 Use a death handler on audio focus changes from mode" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-09 10:18:31 -08:00 |
David Li
Merge "Added screenshot after glDraw* option to GLES2 Debugger"
2011-03-09 10:05:38 -08:00 |
David Li
Merge "Initial commit of GLESv2 debugger server"
2011-03-09 10:04:46 -08:00 |
Wink Saville
Merge "Telephony: Corrections to LTE and eHRPD constant values."
2011-03-09 09:48:05 -08:00 |
Irfan Sheriff
am 86587185: am 7ad85eb6: Merge "Persist wifi override in airplane mode" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '865871850bcedd4b9da0536c8b41f3c1816e5f43':
Persist wifi override in airplane mode
2011-03-09 09:36:40 -08:00 |
Irfan Sheriff
am 7ad85eb6: Merge "Persist wifi override in airplane mode" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '7ad85eb62f9f332cc8002ec996cd359333ba590e':
Persist wifi override in airplane mode
2011-03-09 09:32:55 -08:00 |