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Eric Fischer 67638c9962 am 5b6f9bf5: (-s ours) am 8b6d7b06: am 650462bb: Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '5b6f9bf51c13532acac782a23506cb0b783b8876':
2012-02-10 13:15:26 -08:00
cmds Some hardening of isolated processes by restricting access to services. 2012-02-09 18:06:01 -08:00
include Some hardening of isolated processes by restricting access to services. 2012-02-09 18:06:01 -08:00
libs Some hardening of isolated processes by restricting access to services. 2012-02-09 18:06:01 -08:00
opengl fix a dead-lock in eglMakeCurrent 2012-02-03 15:24:51 -08:00
services/surfaceflinger Merge "Return information about whether overlays are disabled." 2012-02-07 13:46:46 -08:00
NOTICE resolved conflicts for merge of adee6b35 to honeycomb-plus-aosp 2011-01-17 14:17:12 -08:00