Dianne Hackborn
am b32ea255: am 7daaa98c: Merge "Fix issue #3149290 : java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to pause activity" into gingerbread
* commit 'b32ea25529589a77ede8faf278068157107ba897':
Fix issue #3149290 : java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to pause activity
2010-12-15 13:00:52 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 7daaa98c: Merge "Fix issue #3149290 : java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to pause activity" into gingerbread
* commit '7daaa98c6531373a2a742c1360f0a2795de0619f':
Fix issue #3149290 : java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to pause activity
2010-12-15 12:58:54 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Fix issue #3149290 : java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to pause activity" into gingerbread
2010-12-15 12:56:53 -08:00
Patrick Dubroy
Merge "Turn fatal assertion in decodeRegion into a warning."
2010-12-15 12:44:32 -08:00
Scott Main
Merge "docs: updates to menu resource doc for new attributes"
2010-12-15 12:11:10 -08:00
Scott Main
am 9278d321: am 52078255: cherrypick Change-Id: I7a0fc4863c547bd40051437a834bb50373415abd docs: fix bug 3216642
* commit '9278d3216837ad45eae13b87f04f050acb4ddafa':
cherrypick Change-Id: I7a0fc4863c547bd40051437a834bb50373415abd docs: fix bug 3216642
2010-12-15 12:01:58 -08:00
Scott Main
am d88c90fb: am 6390fa6b: cherrypick Change-Id: I653e91a47979b24e7ecfcbce013c4ffaaa3c55ee docs: fix bug 3273882
* commit 'd88c90fb0805b2dda5664f413b32ada5a5fa6fdc':
cherrypick Change-Id: I653e91a47979b24e7ecfcbce013c4ffaaa3c55ee docs: fix bug 3273882
2010-12-15 12:01:53 -08:00
Scott Main
am 8591872a: am 92b03085: cherrypick Change-Id: I19d2be00c807b6cbdab357b32a7dd13f98a5433e docs: update to adt 8.0.1; delete ADT archive page, put a redirect in its place; update tools release notes and sys reqs to require ant 1.8
* commit '8591872a5c37754aa3be3ef575d3de667f8ee70c':
cherrypick Change-Id: I19d2be00c807b6cbdab357b32a7dd13f98a5433e docs: update to adt 8.0.1; delete ADT archive page, put a redirect in its place; update tools release notes and sys reqs to require ant 1.8
2010-12-15 11:59:16 -08:00
Scott Main
am 52078255: cherrypick Change-Id: I7a0fc4863c547bd40051437a834bb50373415abd docs: fix bug 3216642
* commit '52078255dacabe9b779613b032a4dc3706b2b5d3':
cherrypick Change-Id: I7a0fc4863c547bd40051437a834bb50373415abd docs: fix bug 3216642
2010-12-15 11:56:04 -08:00
Scott Main
am 6390fa6b: cherrypick Change-Id: I653e91a47979b24e7ecfcbce013c4ffaaa3c55ee docs: fix bug 3273882
* commit '6390fa6bdf50a3bf10cd6c54328397fe709f7c37':
cherrypick Change-Id: I653e91a47979b24e7ecfcbce013c4ffaaa3c55ee docs: fix bug 3273882
2010-12-15 11:56:00 -08:00
Scott Main
am 92b03085: cherrypick Change-Id: I19d2be00c807b6cbdab357b32a7dd13f98a5433e docs: update to adt 8.0.1; delete ADT archive page, put a redirect in its place; update tools release notes and sys reqs to require ant 1.8
* commit '92b0308530d21195425c918cbe6057dd84f37992':
cherrypick Change-Id: I19d2be00c807b6cbdab357b32a7dd13f98a5433e docs: update to adt 8.0.1; delete ADT archive page, put a redirect in its place; update tools release notes and sys reqs to require ant 1.8
2010-12-15 11:53:20 -08:00
Eric Laurent
Merge "Change audio routing policy for HDMI"
2010-12-15 11:48:46 -08:00
Adam Cohen
Merge "New stack visualization"
2010-12-15 11:20:43 -08:00
Irfan Sheriff
Merge "Use clear names for native API"
2010-12-15 11:18:04 -08:00
Robert Greenwalt
Merge "Fix some older (depricated) API so they work."
2010-12-15 11:13:21 -08:00
Alex Sakhartchouk
Merge "Cleanup and refactoring of an earlier cl."
2010-12-15 11:05:23 -08:00
Irfan Sheriff
Merge "Handle supplicant stop correctly"
2010-12-15 09:58:12 -08:00
Huahui Wu
Merge "b/2864818 Prompt the SSL error dialog to user and proceed or cancel the request. C++ side cl: https://android-git.corp.google.com/g/#change,84529 "
2010-12-15 09:42:35 -08:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "Emit better (correct) timestamps that respect AAC upsampling."
2010-12-15 09:17:21 -08:00
Ben Murdoch
Merge "Remove fragment as well as the query from URLs when resolving MIME type"
2010-12-15 09:07:02 -08:00
Leon Scroggins
Merge "Make a long press on a textfield work."
2010-12-15 07:07:51 -08:00
Jason Sams
Merge "Fix mipmap bug introduced with Allocation cleanup. Add syncAll to rsg headers."
2010-12-15 02:11:26 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Fix launching of activities that I broke."
2010-12-15 00:22:43 -08:00
James Dong
Merge "Fix media metadata retriever JNI due to a change to the private native Bitmap constructor signature"
2010-12-14 22:25:02 -08:00
Merge "Fix the bug that IME switch button is shown when there are two IME is installed but only one IME is enabled."
2010-12-14 21:01:05 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Cleanup OpenGLRenderer::drawLines()"
2010-12-14 20:13:18 -08:00
Mike Lockwood
Merge "Clean up USB notifications:"
2010-12-14 19:23:02 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Fix the build."
2010-12-14 18:43:44 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "fix debug.sf.showbackground"
2010-12-14 18:40:18 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
fix debug.sf.showbackground
Change-Id: Ie4eeca006ad6d8030900d8cb0029e4d1c22474fb
2010-12-14 18:38:36 -08:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Fix bug 3274422 - Prevent pop-in of items in certain lists"
2010-12-14 18:01:36 -08:00
Vasu Nori
Merge "bug:3264401 changes to support usage of new downloads dir in /data"
2010-12-14 17:57:41 -08:00
Patrick Dubroy
Merge "Fix build break due to additional arg in Bitmap ctor"
2010-12-14 17:57:00 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Fix Dialog generating multiple onCancel()."
2010-12-14 17:51:44 -08:00
Scott Main
am f6847bf3: am e09009d6: cherrypick Change-Id: I719d9a9929a56c0586a7daba8f889706ec7b2bc1 docs: remove adt.jd and place a redirect in its place to go to ADT Plugin doc
* commit 'f6847bf386bc063f178ae2aabfff040ef90bd7d7':
cherrypick Change-Id: I719d9a9929a56c0586a7daba8f889706ec7b2bc1 docs: remove adt.jd and place a redirect in its place to go to ADT Plugin doc
2010-12-14 17:48:50 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Work around issue #3241701 : crash in ActivityThread.handleWindowVisibility"
2010-12-14 17:47:39 -08:00
Scott Main
am 3354f4dc: am 369c1c1f: cherrypick Change-Id: I52bc4e2d34015e6e30887590f920b580a034180e docs: anchor link fixes
* commit '3354f4dc3de531cf5e5039c0b9f40de4fbdac255':
cherrypick Change-Id: I52bc4e2d34015e6e30887590f920b580a034180e docs: anchor link fixes
2010-12-14 17:45:39 -08:00
Scott Main
am e09009d6: cherrypick Change-Id: I719d9a9929a56c0586a7daba8f889706ec7b2bc1 docs: remove adt.jd and place a redirect in its place to go to ADT Plugin doc
* commit 'e09009d6a63cfab2a64d02ca49a462d46e62f750':
cherrypick Change-Id: I719d9a9929a56c0586a7daba8f889706ec7b2bc1 docs: remove adt.jd and place a redirect in its place to go to ADT Plugin doc
2010-12-14 17:45:24 -08:00
Scott Main
am 369c1c1f: cherrypick Change-Id: I52bc4e2d34015e6e30887590f920b580a034180e docs: anchor link fixes
* commit '369c1c1fa22802b6504c5cde533d797841700a66':
cherrypick Change-Id: I52bc4e2d34015e6e30887590f920b580a034180e docs: anchor link fixes
2010-12-14 17:42:28 -08:00
Scott Main
am 3c585db2: am 090a3dc3: cherrypick Change-Id: I1cfbf9ba9dfaf9bd88c4c6874a3a55f065aa591a docs: remove uninstalling link from adt docs (section was previously removed)
* commit '3c585db26cca2a45ceff81f8ce08d32ac0fc76ea':
cherrypick Change-Id: I1cfbf9ba9dfaf9bd88c4c6874a3a55f065aa591a docs: remove uninstalling link from adt docs (section was previously removed)
2010-12-14 17:39:30 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Make Drawable.mCallback a WeakReference."
2010-12-14 17:36:28 -08:00
Xia Wang
Merge "Disable airplane mode once the test is finished. #3276498 Verify wifi state in 3g->AM->3g test."
2010-12-14 17:36:20 -08:00
Eric Fischer
Merge "Import revised translations."
2010-12-14 17:35:41 -08:00
Scott Main
am 090a3dc3: cherrypick Change-Id: I1cfbf9ba9dfaf9bd88c4c6874a3a55f065aa591a docs: remove uninstalling link from adt docs (section was previously removed)
* commit '090a3dc33fbb0d450dd5823fd2756360e4acdd12':
cherrypick Change-Id: I1cfbf9ba9dfaf9bd88c4c6874a3a55f065aa591a docs: remove uninstalling link from adt docs (section was previously removed)
2010-12-14 17:34:35 -08:00
Scott Main
am cb27bc7d: am 0846a2f5: cherrypick Change-Id: I7033e605213db4b5c73c09c2207bed68a704aa72 docs: update sitemap add new webmaster tools verification file
* commit 'cb27bc7d29685182ad0694ce7830664bcb758203':
cherrypick Change-Id: I7033e605213db4b5c73c09c2207bed68a704aa72 docs: update sitemap add new webmaster tools verification file
2010-12-14 17:34:00 -08:00
Scott Main
am 0846a2f5: cherrypick Change-Id: I7033e605213db4b5c73c09c2207bed68a704aa72 docs: update sitemap add new webmaster tools verification file
* commit '0846a2f5ec77a8862d92430b6721da0960d0d001':
cherrypick Change-Id: I7033e605213db4b5c73c09c2207bed68a704aa72 docs: update sitemap add new webmaster tools verification file
2010-12-14 17:30:04 -08:00
Scott Main
am 14e6325d: am 1bcfd85c: cherrypick Change-Id: I56db12e2444e5020cd72a0c974539e777a7f1ebd docs: fix syntax error; enlarge screenshot thumbnail
* commit '14e6325da97289735c659ebf0de0e99ba83796e3':
cherrypick Change-Id: I56db12e2444e5020cd72a0c974539e777a7f1ebd docs: fix syntax error; enlarge screenshot thumbnail
2010-12-14 17:09:29 -08:00
Scott Main
am 1bcfd85c: cherrypick Change-Id: I56db12e2444e5020cd72a0c974539e777a7f1ebd docs: fix syntax error; enlarge screenshot thumbnail
* commit '1bcfd85cc0f274b250b68a122f964b276ef4be4a':
cherrypick Change-Id: I56db12e2444e5020cd72a0c974539e777a7f1ebd docs: fix syntax error; enlarge screenshot thumbnail
2010-12-14 17:06:58 -08:00
Patrick Dubroy
Merge "Allocate bitmap backing buffers in the Java heap."
2010-12-14 16:56:07 -08:00
Scott Main
am 84bf9bc7: am e9123960: cherrypick Change-Id: I00fd449b1daf5b75d6a051af46bfa6e45d131708 docs: misc doc fixes
* commit '84bf9bc70fba3e6adea473033c411ab145aa9698':
cherrypick Change-Id: I00fd449b1daf5b75d6a051af46bfa6e45d131708 docs: misc doc fixes
2010-12-14 16:51:53 -08:00