Andrew Flynn
am ec63cd85: Merge "DO NOT MERGE Return 1.5 * density as default for large screens." into ics-scoop
* commit 'ec63cd85c8b7f90a39e04aeec560fea7ea973b9a':
DO NOT MERGE Return 1.5 * density as default for large screens.
2012-02-23 18:45:52 -08:00 |
Joe Fernandez
am c6e3f6f1: am 566328a2: Merge "docs: NDK overview, remove x86 instruction set mention (b/6044027)" into ics-mr1
* commit 'c6e3f6f1a758a91d486cbcebb8241f8413c6e770':
2012-02-23 18:45:51 -08:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am b3c780f1: am 816b873d: Move the automatic namespace outside of the res namespace. do not merge.
* commit 'b3c780f16c37d2fb41a4eb211ea062b4c0b4e366':
Move the automatic namespace outside of the res namespace. do not merge.
2012-02-23 18:44:16 -08:00 |
am 9694910e: am eed8d0b3: Fix for issue 9656 - custom xml attributes in Android Libraries. do not merge.
* commit '9694910e17a18c307e61811284f88a26db2bfbae':
Fix for issue 9656 - custom xml attributes in Android Libraries. do not merge.
2012-02-23 18:44:14 -08:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am 816b873d: Move the automatic namespace outside of the res namespace. do not merge.
* commit '816b873df1ab98d0e79913cf589b7b1fbaf14e85':
Move the automatic namespace outside of the res namespace. do not merge.
2012-02-23 18:42:01 -08:00 |
am eed8d0b3: Fix for issue 9656 - custom xml attributes in Android Libraries. do not merge.
* commit 'eed8d0b3af8e76d6146ce4ed3fbe6ef7e172c8cd':
Fix for issue 9656 - custom xml attributes in Android Libraries. do not merge.
2012-02-23 18:41:54 -08:00 |
Andrew Flynn
Merge "DO NOT MERGE Return 1.5 * density as default for large screens." into ics-scoop
2012-02-23 16:09:36 -08:00 |
Joe Fernandez
am 53c0d46d: am 566328a2: Merge "docs: NDK overview, remove x86 instruction set mention (b/6044027)" into ics-mr1
* commit '53c0d46d85a651093382a92466b0b0658ef1920c':
docs: NDK overview, remove x86 instruction set mention (b/6044027)
2012-02-23 14:28:07 -08:00 |
Joe Fernandez
am 566328a2: Merge "docs: NDK overview, remove x86 instruction set mention (b/6044027)" into ics-mr1
* commit '566328a2a5fcd8c40fc67d8974d6df0df48b0056':
docs: NDK overview, remove x86 instruction set mention (b/6044027)
2012-02-23 14:25:01 -08:00 |
Joe Fernandez
am 566328a2: Merge "docs: NDK overview, remove x86 instruction set mention (b/6044027)" into ics-mr1
* commit '566328a2a5fcd8c40fc67d8974d6df0df48b0056':
docs: NDK overview, remove x86 instruction set mention (b/6044027)
2012-02-23 14:24:53 -08:00 |
Joe Fernandez
Merge "docs: NDK overview, remove x86 instruction set mention (b/6044027)" into ics-mr1
2012-02-23 14:22:41 -08:00 |
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am fe99051c: am 0e25e4cd: am 63e43ba5: Merge "Fix for issue 9656 - custom xml attributes in Android Libraries"
* commit 'fe99051c78994e0cc5153468eeba6f75f3e04b8e':
Fix for issue 9656 - custom xml attributes in Android Libraries
2012-02-23 13:01:59 -08:00 |
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 0e25e4cd: am 63e43ba5: Merge "Fix for issue 9656 - custom xml attributes in Android Libraries"
* commit '0e25e4cd292dbc6bce330a876dedb7154e5cd847':
Fix for issue 9656 - custom xml attributes in Android Libraries
2012-02-23 12:59:22 -08:00 |
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 63e43ba5: Merge "Fix for issue 9656 - custom xml attributes in Android Libraries"
* commit '63e43ba56a95708c229eec539a544967f1bbb7d7':
Fix for issue 9656 - custom xml attributes in Android Libraries
2012-02-23 12:57:03 -08:00 |
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge "Fix for issue 9656 - custom xml attributes in Android Libraries"
2012-02-23 12:38:14 -08:00 |
Michael Jurka
am a7e1d8d5: am bf378fd7: Don\'t allow screen invalidations to go outside bounds of screen
* commit 'a7e1d8d5f7d16cd1004189f9aee727962790b8bf':
2012-02-23 08:11:45 -08:00 |
Michael Jurka
am 0a232673: am bf378fd7: Don\'t allow screen invalidations to go outside bounds of screen
* commit '0a232673370989f54e05fd2508ce90267a54abd1':
Don't allow screen invalidations to go outside bounds of screen
2012-02-23 08:09:59 -08:00 |
Michael Jurka
am bf378fd7: Don\'t allow screen invalidations to go outside bounds of screen
* commit 'bf378fd7d7a91085685fe9e5528b84c485041c77':
Don't allow screen invalidations to go outside bounds of screen
2012-02-23 08:07:51 -08:00 |
Michael Jurka
am bf378fd7: Don\'t allow screen invalidations to go outside bounds of screen
* commit 'bf378fd7d7a91085685fe9e5528b84c485041c77':
Don't allow screen invalidations to go outside bounds of screen
2012-02-23 08:07:22 -08:00 |
Scott Main
am 2a24914c: am 68d97aa2: Merge "docs: fix broken link" into ics-mr1
* commit '2a24914caf7dd2906b0af3b82c40db5917b6e545':
2012-02-22 16:27:16 -08:00 |
Scott Main
am ce980d8e: am 68d97aa2: Merge "docs: fix broken link" into ics-mr1
* commit 'ce980d8ea0c4747ee23b05dfcc7c02655f595fde':
docs: fix broken link
2012-02-22 16:25:49 -08:00 |
Scott Main
am 68d97aa2: Merge "docs: fix broken link" into ics-mr1
* commit '68d97aa2c1ff16f327491fed5afb8b318f034a01':
docs: fix broken link
2012-02-22 16:23:04 -08:00 |
Scott Main
am 68d97aa2: Merge "docs: fix broken link" into ics-mr1
* commit '68d97aa2c1ff16f327491fed5afb8b318f034a01':
docs: fix broken link
2012-02-22 16:23:03 -08:00 |
Scott Main
Merge "docs: fix broken link" into ics-mr1
2012-02-22 16:20:49 -08:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am 1f46d79f: am 503247f2: Merge "Make sure resource references are resolved." into ics-mr1
* commit '1f46d79faf1b947b3d169c336e013cea89e8de11':
2012-02-22 12:54:50 -08:00 |
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 1cd83102: am b92aee4e: am 69e9c30c: Merge "Add stubs for improved compatibility"
* commit '1cd83102d4950327a6bd76f27b5d320d77e4bf84':
Add stubs for improved compatibility
2012-02-22 12:39:13 -08:00 |
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am b92aee4e: am 69e9c30c: Merge "Add stubs for improved compatibility"
* commit 'b92aee4e8c3d93235c9a57afa81711383538f54f':
Add stubs for improved compatibility
2012-02-22 12:36:35 -08:00 |
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 69e9c30c: Merge "Add stubs for improved compatibility"
* commit '69e9c30c2641add74c9a3b02d0959c0ded9e66f7':
Add stubs for improved compatibility
2012-02-22 12:34:06 -08:00 |
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge "Add stubs for improved compatibility"
2012-02-22 12:22:07 -08:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am 22701ec5: am 503247f2: Merge "Make sure resource references are resolved." into ics-mr1
* commit '22701ec5b11f6138e6298814fff5f09da82df144':
Make sure resource references are resolved.
2012-02-22 10:52:16 -08:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am 503247f2: Merge "Make sure resource references are resolved." into ics-mr1
* commit '503247f213ef2894324a22e7608101e90a7fe8fb':
Make sure resource references are resolved.
2012-02-22 10:49:35 -08:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am 503247f2: Merge "Make sure resource references are resolved." into ics-mr1
* commit '503247f213ef2894324a22e7608101e90a7fe8fb':
Make sure resource references are resolved.
2012-02-22 10:49:15 -08:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
Merge "Make sure resource references are resolved." into ics-mr1
2012-02-22 10:47:32 -08:00 |
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am fc4215ee: am 2d03a93e: Merge "Xcode 4.3 compatibility checkin"
* commit 'fc4215eec9b947628c3ab5b3707711d16da19120':
Xcode 4.3 compatibility checkin
2012-02-22 10:23:09 -08:00 |
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 2d03a93e: Merge "Xcode 4.3 compatibility checkin"
* commit '2d03a93ecf00fb43272364293a21f88720884ce2':
Xcode 4.3 compatibility checkin
2012-02-22 10:17:24 -08:00 |
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am aff90790: am 4280891d: Merge "The bigger touch slop still has a problem"
* commit 'aff90790dff94eb9a4bed541eff4f106623afd09':
The bigger touch slop still has a problem
2012-02-22 10:01:01 -08:00 |
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 4280891d: Merge "The bigger touch slop still has a problem"
* commit '4280891dbc2cf60bdf51726e0aa9265ccb64ec88':
The bigger touch slop still has a problem
2012-02-22 09:56:27 -08:00 |
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge "Xcode 4.3 compatibility checkin"
2012-02-22 09:54:40 -08:00 |
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge "The bigger touch slop still has a problem"
2012-02-22 09:10:43 -08:00 |
Rich Hyndman
am 3ebde8a2: am 942b823c: Merge "docs: Added Lint into Android Training and removed Layoutopt." into ics-mr1
* commit '3ebde8a2304296565a870339cd47bfc08b021083':
2012-02-22 04:03:24 -08:00 |
Rich Hyndman
am 22c98df9: am 942b823c: Merge "docs: Added Lint into Android Training and removed Layoutopt." into ics-mr1
* commit '22c98df9d6180a5d28db3525b3aba81c4f04fa2c':
docs: Added Lint into Android Training and removed Layoutopt.
2012-02-22 03:45:48 -08:00 |
Rich Hyndman
am 942b823c: Merge "docs: Added Lint into Android Training and removed Layoutopt." into ics-mr1
* commit '942b823ce4b2e0e11d395dffb2d340de01811612':
docs: Added Lint into Android Training and removed Layoutopt.
2012-02-22 03:43:35 -08:00 |
Rich Hyndman
am 942b823c: Merge "docs: Added Lint into Android Training and removed Layoutopt." into ics-mr1
* commit '942b823ce4b2e0e11d395dffb2d340de01811612':
docs: Added Lint into Android Training and removed Layoutopt.
2012-02-22 03:43:21 -08:00 |
Rich Hyndman
Merge "docs: Added Lint into Android Training and removed Layoutopt." into ics-mr1
2012-02-22 03:41:05 -08:00 |
The Android Open Source Project
am 41cea4b5: Reconcile with ics-mr1-release
* commit '41cea4b5a631708c45255eeb2299ed9d522c8ba3':
2012-02-21 20:16:01 -08:00 |
The Android Open Source Project
am 64a907c5: Reconcile with ics-mr1-release
* commit '64a907c5fddb9846737a8e60e603ccbe2267a930':
2012-02-21 15:38:35 -08:00 |
The Android Open Source Project
Reconcile with ics-mr1-release
Change-Id: Id8505107b41a8b89c123c16d33f609480a555632
2012-02-21 15:36:34 -08:00 |
The Android Open Source Project
Reconcile with ics-mr1-release
Change-Id: Ibfaead4c0416959781113e6000356f954fe4cfb8
2012-02-21 15:34:49 -08:00 |
The Android Automerger
merge in ics-mr1-release history after reset to ics-mr1
2012-02-21 15:27:33 -08:00 |
The Android Open Source Project
am 6815d49c: Reconcile with ics-mr1-release
* commit '6815d49cfa1ee74ffc8e9640e42d0fd1a7592286':
2012-02-21 15:17:26 -08:00 |