Merge commit '8657978aabc7141869926a98a0da257255678dd4'
* commit '8657978aabc7141869926a98a0da257255678dd4':
Expose onReceivedSslError() so that the WebView client
Merge commit '54f5ca4115b776eb5a1e04a4c014acccb916ef9c'
* commit '54f5ca4115b776eb5a1e04a4c014acccb916ef9c':
Add Java exceptions to catch RS calls with no context or no surface.
Merge commit '2109e6801199b10460330027f3537d406b6a0149'
* commit '2109e6801199b10460330027f3537d406b6a0149':
Fixing the build, only instantiate the software aac decoder in full stagefright builds.
Merge commit '81a005d070bec3a756f5caa48cdda25bcc732ce9'
* commit '81a005d070bec3a756f5caa48cdda25bcc732ce9':
Initial check in of stagefright software AAC decoder based on PV source code.
Merge commit 'a3d15d3b01146df40e72d67b79dd1f9368398f23'
* commit 'a3d15d3b01146df40e72d67b79dd1f9368398f23':
1) Capture the start memory before the test started
Merge commit 'f553a58425c66a990dbc5f4579c976a0636fc573'
* commit 'f553a58425c66a990dbc5f4579c976a0636fc573':
Change OMXCodec::Create to return an sp<MediaSource> instead of an sp<OMXCodec>, this is more general and does not sacrifice any functionality as the remaining OMXCodec APIs are not meant to be public anyway.
Merge commit '44e537a859966378f1599db5e5d41045e78efd94'
* commit '44e537a859966378f1599db5e5d41045e78efd94':
Improves the touch-based text selection UI in text boxes.
Merge commit '0c15b889317e9569282e4513db598369a0506b40'
* commit '0c15b889317e9569282e4513db598369a0506b40':
Revert "When using MDP, we needed to use a texture for diming."
Merge commit '16c82c34edfef70bc74e6d6fdf3f08506bf8f27f'
* commit '16c82c34edfef70bc74e6d6fdf3f08506bf8f27f':
Fire OnGroupClick events when collapsing a group in ExpandableListView.
Merge commit '0f91f87002a9cdf0216aa9ae60001b1d4ff6ea61'
* commit '0f91f87002a9cdf0216aa9ae60001b1d4ff6ea61':
move event log tags used by ActivityManager into this package
Merge commit 'e300deaf2fd2842240ea90fd00296a6e2ceba9d8'
* commit 'e300deaf2fd2842240ea90fd00296a6e2ceba9d8':
Report SCROLL_STATE_IDLE after the user finishes a scroll (not a fling.)
Merge commit '32c66ee4976857c0db80ebfcfe42d7627dc9d2a2'
* commit '32c66ee4976857c0db80ebfcfe42d7627dc9d2a2':
If the usage stats file doesn't exist in the first place there is no need to
Merge commit 'ddcea3d21645bb3037703c84807dae077aae62ce' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit 'ddcea3d21645bb3037703c84807dae077aae62ce':
Expose onReceivedSslError() so that the WebView client
Merge commit '14467eb2eea119b4d71dd7dd149479aa092e6de2' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '14467eb2eea119b4d71dd7dd149479aa092e6de2':
Add "res" support for WebView.
Merge commit 'ffacbc3419825ec1c786dd3c27f3e2a8cd071d8f' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit 'ffacbc3419825ec1c786dd3c27f3e2a8cd071d8f':
Add Java exceptions to catch RS calls with no context or no surface.
Merge commit 'fd2f6358321e95d661f24ba4e08327268035aa59' into eclair-mr2
* commit 'fd2f6358321e95d661f24ba4e08327268035aa59':
Add Java exceptions to catch RS calls with no context or no surface.
Merge commit '1b15acf705a6bcca333b1e8a6a48039242cc7d57' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '1b15acf705a6bcca333b1e8a6a48039242cc7d57':
Allow room for descenders in am/pm text.
The ToneGenerator failed to initialize because no more tracks were available in AudioFlinger mixer.
All tracks were used because the duplicating output was failing to free the tracks on audio hardware output mixer when exiting due to a misplaced test on output activity: output tracks where only freed if the duplicating output was active when exiting.
The fix consists in freeing the output tracks when the duplicating thread is destroyed without condition.
Merge commit '8c7ab034692eea550b97bebd7746e1a82735bbbd' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '8c7ab034692eea550b97bebd7746e1a82735bbbd':
Fixing the build, only instantiate the software aac decoder in full stagefright builds.
Merge commit '73abc2ea4c4e23a5561bbf769b4b74d1faa38e4a' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '73abc2ea4c4e23a5561bbf769b4b74d1faa38e4a':
Initial check in of stagefright software AAC decoder based on PV source code.
Merge commit 'b8341cf7c8b0b4af14ea87a4c2335e28865adff1' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit 'b8341cf7c8b0b4af14ea87a4c2335e28865adff1':
Fix issue 2304669: VoiceIME: starting and canceling voice IME yields persistent "error 8" state on future attempts and breaks voice search.
Merge commit '8e6d79e2b570d73b620a4f5a98d461329e5f2477' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '8e6d79e2b570d73b620a4f5a98d461329e5f2477':
1) Capture the start memory before the test started
Merge commit '6d42d80653f2c41f3e72a878a1d9a6f9693b89f7' into eclair-mr2
* commit '6d42d80653f2c41f3e72a878a1d9a6f9693b89f7':
Fix issue 2304669: VoiceIME: starting and canceling voice IME yields persistent "error 8" state on future attempts and breaks voice search.
Merge commit '8445f367070514dce3154be73827107b8a93f234' into eclair-mr2
* commit '8445f367070514dce3154be73827107b8a93f234':
1) Capture the start memory before the test started