Jeff Brown
Refactor how timeouts are calculated.
Added a timeout mechanism to EventHub and InputReader so that
InputMappers can request timeouts to perform delayed processing of
input when needed.
Change-Id: Iec2045baaf4e67690b15eef3c09a58d5cac76897
2011-03-17 17:29:09 -07:00
Jeff Brown
Merge "Improve VelocityTracker numerical stability."
2011-03-15 20:01:16 -07:00
Jeff Brown
Improve VelocityTracker numerical stability.
Replaced VelocityTracker with a faster and more accurate
native implementation. This avoids the duplicate maintenance
overhead of having two implementations.
The new algorithm requires that the sample duration be at least
10ms in order to contribute to the velocity calculation. This
ensures that the velocity is not severely overestimated when
samples arrive in bursts.
The new algorithm computes the exponentially weighted moving
average using weights based on the relative duration of successive
sample periods.
The new algorithm is also more careful about how it handles
individual pointers going down or up and their effects on the
collected movement traces. The intent is to preserve the last
known velocity of pointers as they go up while also ensuring
that other motion samples do not count twice in that case.
Bug: 4086785
Change-Id: I2632321232c64d6b8faacdb929e33f60e64dcdd3
2011-03-15 19:59:47 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Add new PreferenceActivity API for settings."
2011-03-15 16:52:40 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 9b7c1274: am e2e8da7c: am 7c2e76f0: Merge "Improve error reporting for issue #3183612 " into gingerbread
* commit '9b7c1274ddba8db2842431649d46c4cef510131f':
Improve error reporting for issue #3183612
2011-03-15 15:47:32 -07:00
Mike Lockwood
am a32b5978: (-s ours) am 3c9aa1aa: (-s ours) am b0976320: Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Backport more USB accessory changes from honeycomb" into gingerbread
* commit 'a32b5978b700abf02e9fe6ae4eb95dfd4c158e4f':
DO NOT MERGE: Backport more USB accessory changes from honeycomb
2011-03-15 15:47:29 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am e2e8da7c: am 7c2e76f0: Merge "Improve error reporting for issue #3183612 " into gingerbread
* commit 'e2e8da7c734b71c4b6b81e51e16ce3f4061f0f07':
Improve error reporting for issue #3183612
2011-03-15 15:44:18 -07:00
Mike Lockwood
am 3c9aa1aa: (-s ours) am b0976320: Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Backport more USB accessory changes from honeycomb" into gingerbread
* commit '3c9aa1aa093ff8acc5ec71190a35b9ab04d64fda':
DO NOT MERGE: Backport more USB accessory changes from honeycomb
2011-03-15 15:44:13 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 7c2e76f0: Merge "Improve error reporting for issue #3183612 " into gingerbread
* commit '7c2e76f0a4daa7e4316e7a85d41d3c391319d955':
Improve error reporting for issue #3183612
2011-03-15 14:49:45 -07:00
Mike Lockwood
am b0976320: Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Backport more USB accessory changes from honeycomb" into gingerbread
* commit 'b09763209980ff9210cc353f2410598220ec0480':
DO NOT MERGE: Backport more USB accessory changes from honeycomb
2011-03-15 14:49:37 -07:00
Kenny Root
Merge "Revise free space checks for package installs"
2011-03-15 14:48:56 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Improve error reporting for issue #3183612 " into gingerbread
2011-03-15 14:40:56 -07:00
Gloria Wang
Merge "Bug fixes of DRM framework."
2011-03-15 14:10:30 -07:00
Kenny Root
am b3150784: (-s ours) am 7ddd62b5: (-s ours) Merge "Add byte limit in addition to ratio for installs DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'b3150784487e7578a004c14da5c00d9bc6eb2fc9':
Add byte limit in addition to ratio for installs DO NOT MERGE
2011-03-15 14:09:54 -07:00
Mike Lockwood
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Backport more USB accessory changes from honeycomb" into gingerbread
2011-03-15 14:04:54 -07:00
Kenny Root
am 7ddd62b5: (-s ours) Merge "Add byte limit in addition to ratio for installs DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '7ddd62b5bedf9065bba00e25aa62f2eae14cf92e':
Add byte limit in addition to ratio for installs DO NOT MERGE
2011-03-15 14:03:50 -07:00
Kenny Root
Merge "Add byte limit in addition to ratio for installs DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-15 14:01:39 -07:00
Glenn Kasten
am 7d7dcb5e: am 4528a7db: Merge "Bug 4016329 do full string comparisons" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '7d7dcb5ea891ad4c3252ed832ebd06accc96153d':
Bug 4016329 do full string comparisons
2011-03-15 13:51:17 -07:00
Mike Lockwood
am c9b82ebb: am 3b7871c2: Merge "USB Manager string clean up:" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'c9b82ebb97411cf4a8494dc83f57039bb77937c5':
USB Manager string clean up:
2011-03-15 13:49:14 -07:00
Svetoslav Ganov
am 3b901c4b: am bdabdda8: Merge "CheckBoxPreferences do not fire accessibility events" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '3b901c4b89b2f42c4a212d3f176272f911386e64':
CheckBoxPreferences do not fire accessibility events
2011-03-15 13:49:12 -07:00
Mike Lockwood
am 6a20784e: am afd1c014: Merge "SqliteDatabase: Fix local reference leak in custom_function_callback()" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '6a20784e461b0c0b24ccd04acf9509565aec3e70':
SqliteDatabase: Fix local reference leak in custom_function_callback()
2011-03-15 13:49:09 -07:00
Glenn Kasten
am 4528a7db: Merge "Bug 4016329 do full string comparisons" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '4528a7db389b4da73207d00ca15b306a111650cc':
Bug 4016329 do full string comparisons
2011-03-15 13:46:27 -07:00
Glenn Kasten
Merge "Bug 4016329 do full string comparisons" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-15 13:44:58 -07:00
Mike Lockwood
am 3b7871c2: Merge "USB Manager string clean up:" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '3b7871c242bea5834c657c25fbb89c382566f66f':
USB Manager string clean up:
2011-03-15 13:42:44 -07:00
Svetoslav Ganov
am bdabdda8: Merge "CheckBoxPreferences do not fire accessibility events" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'bdabdda8954a70625368fbfe6bb283a9200bf2f8':
CheckBoxPreferences do not fire accessibility events
2011-03-15 13:42:38 -07:00
Mike Lockwood
am afd1c014: Merge "SqliteDatabase: Fix local reference leak in custom_function_callback()" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'afd1c0143dfa63bd133e3a4163cc9cc4216e3514':
SqliteDatabase: Fix local reference leak in custom_function_callback()
2011-03-15 13:42:35 -07:00
Mike Lockwood
Merge "USB Manager string clean up:" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-15 13:34:06 -07:00
Svetoslav Ganov
Merge "CheckBoxPreferences do not fire accessibility events" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-15 13:23:17 -07:00
Mike Lockwood
Merge "SqliteDatabase: Fix local reference leak in custom_function_callback()" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-15 13:20:58 -07:00
Adam Powell
am fbe9ca72: am 1d233d97: Merge "Fix bug 4088936 - Tabs in the action bar don\'t seem to have a fading edge" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'fbe9ca72625e9789f334e96b731a6ce0e4153ada':
Fix bug 4088936 - Tabs in the action bar don't seem to have a fading edge
2011-03-15 13:01:32 -07:00
Stephen Hines
am ae2f3b3a: am c2db0d40: Merge "Make RS Matrix functions threadable." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'ae2f3b3a4629629914e6ad5d410594c7dbc856ee':
Make RS Matrix functions threadable.
2011-03-15 13:01:30 -07:00
Jamie Gennis
am 0ea44ac0: am 00f47af8: Merge "SurfaceTexture: disallow unsupported uses." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '0ea44ac0deb5cc95d60dd512c3a8f6a1bb69f5d1':
SurfaceTexture: disallow unsupported uses.
2011-03-15 13:01:27 -07:00
Romain Guy
am 5c84a134: am a1bd5a5f: Merge "Fix disappearing edges in lists/scrollviews/etc. Bug #4093871 " into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '5c84a1341b05e96f2c76da7252ed823ec3121102':
Fix disappearing edges in lists/scrollviews/etc. Bug #4093871
2011-03-15 13:01:24 -07:00
Scott Main
am d0217844: am 197d7752: am e8f95e7f: docs: update device dashboard
* commit 'd0217844320aa5ce620d7fa9e994d78d378006ae':
docs: update device dashboard
2011-03-15 13:01:20 -07:00
Amith Yamasani
am 4a04f11b: am 7e978441: Merge "Use more padding on the sides for SearchView" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '4a04f11b437d7d92d580c7c8b0b4b54876b6a934':
Use more padding on the sides for SearchView
2011-03-15 13:01:17 -07:00
Adam Powell
am 1d233d97: Merge "Fix bug 4088936 - Tabs in the action bar don\'t seem to have a fading edge" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '1d233d9708e39f5b57b231746df658567b153484':
Fix bug 4088936 - Tabs in the action bar don't seem to have a fading edge
2011-03-15 12:51:07 -07:00
Stephen Hines
am c2db0d40: Merge "Make RS Matrix functions threadable." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'c2db0d405b7d4b7654dbd3740cc065802e4c294e':
Make RS Matrix functions threadable.
2011-03-15 12:50:57 -07:00
Jamie Gennis
am 00f47af8: Merge "SurfaceTexture: disallow unsupported uses." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '00f47af85a98c6dc3b20d04d8ee6b9a327175ab6':
SurfaceTexture: disallow unsupported uses.
2011-03-15 12:50:55 -07:00
Romain Guy
am a1bd5a5f: Merge "Fix disappearing edges in lists/scrollviews/etc. Bug #4093871 " into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'a1bd5a5fd7107483290627d942ae2dd1910b57ca':
Fix disappearing edges in lists/scrollviews/etc. Bug #4093871
2011-03-15 12:50:50 -07:00
Scott Main
am 197d7752: am e8f95e7f: docs: update device dashboard
* commit '197d77528648b7ec3d44ca6ab63e3036669c1bc8':
docs: update device dashboard
2011-03-15 12:50:47 -07:00
Amith Yamasani
am 7e978441: Merge "Use more padding on the sides for SearchView" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '7e978441eeed9defb1031cc17c2857cf06cf825a':
Use more padding on the sides for SearchView
2011-03-15 12:50:35 -07:00
Xavier Ducrohet
am 9b50c1fc: (-s ours) am b7b877a4: (-s ours) am 0a98226e: Merge 9d76581f from honeycomb. do not merge.
* commit '9b50c1fcda99fd74fe40b6393d57f9dacc8c7d12':
Merge 9d76581f from honeycomb. do not merge.
2011-03-15 12:07:43 -07:00
Xavier Ducrohet
am 20ad9553: (-s ours) am a82a219a: (-s ours) am b243aabd: Merge adaa12cd from honeycomb. do not merge.
* commit '20ad95532476bad17bbef8d406814b06f3d7fcf1':
Merge adaa12cd from honeycomb. do not merge.
2011-03-15 12:07:41 -07:00
Brad Fitzpatrick
am aaae0573: am 403da3a7: am 8d25eab1: Merge "Releasing lock even if exception is thrown."
* commit 'aaae0573bb537b9de89c0410b9386e8f96c3568b':
Releasing lock even if exception is thrown.
2011-03-15 12:07:36 -07:00
Brad Fitzpatrick
am b8c5fe00: am a74887e8: am 56c4c442: Merge "Lazy initialization must be synchronized to avoid parallel instances cretation."
* commit 'b8c5fe004dce258eeca5fbba1925b9b1f513d650':
Lazy initialization must be synchronized to avoid parallel instances cretation.
2011-03-15 12:07:33 -07:00
Brad Fitzpatrick
am 36ca1d3a: am 9ac9b285: am b98c8fca: Merge "Removing self-assignment statement."
* commit '36ca1d3a693f0a416e758bb52801a3381a34a605':
Removing self-assignment statement.
2011-03-15 12:07:30 -07:00
Brad Fitzpatrick
am b41c37ee: am b01fc9fb: (-s ours) am 8b5345fb: Merge "Fixing self-assignment in copying code."
* commit 'b41c37eec16d030563829108d8c77a9c14931991':
Fixing self-assignment in copying code.
2011-03-15 12:07:27 -07:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Fix bug 4088936 - Tabs in the action bar don't seem to have a fading edge" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-15 12:06:45 -07:00
Xavier Ducrohet
am b7b877a4: (-s ours) am 0a98226e: Merge 9d76581f from honeycomb. do not merge.
* commit 'b7b877a45f469336703844a928482e6438442567':
Merge 9d76581f from honeycomb. do not merge.
2011-03-15 12:05:46 -07:00
Xavier Ducrohet
am a82a219a: (-s ours) am b243aabd: Merge adaa12cd from honeycomb. do not merge.
* commit 'a82a219a7aaee82d790810f6660924604b7a7e81':
Merge adaa12cd from honeycomb. do not merge.
2011-03-15 12:05:43 -07:00