Ken Wakasa
am a7001ee8: Merge "Append IME\'s name to the subtype name in the "Select input method" dialog" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'a7001ee8b60d66c25de69c8496108c40a0f2df88':
Append IME's name to the subtype name in the "Select input method" dialog
2011-03-04 00:16:16 -08:00
Stephen Hines
am 6e71c954: Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Almost all warnings are now errors in RS build." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '6e71c954faff34b78a2952436b4f48d84a8c20cd':
DO NOT MERGE: Almost all warnings are now errors in RS build.
2011-03-04 00:16:11 -08:00
Wink Saville
am 389bf4f7: Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Revert "LTE Changes for Telephony including Multiple PDN support and IPV6 support"" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '389bf4f734f1820e31f8807d117b6b15ded9ff8b':
DO NOT MERGE: Revert "LTE Changes for Telephony including Multiple PDN support and IPV6 support"
2011-03-04 00:16:05 -08:00
Stephen Hines
am 3080b85c: Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix typos in RenderScript docs." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '3080b85c2ef8846099ae86cd8fea65592a6a591d':
DO NOT MERGE: Fix typos in RenderScript docs.
2011-03-04 00:15:59 -08:00
Eric Fischer
am 6c935e63: Merge "Remove unneeded large-screen-specific translations." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '6c935e634844055b3e6a4deed64d6e3dc816d1c5':
Remove unneeded large-screen-specific translations.
2011-03-04 00:15:54 -08:00
Shimeng (Simon) Wang
am 6cc2bbe5: Merge "Shorten the animation length to make it snappier." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '6cc2bbe5cf8c959239d35972c0acac494e5c1559':
Shorten the animation length to make it snappier.
2011-03-04 00:15:48 -08:00
Adam Powell
am 580cde18: Merge "Fix bug 3506261 - Theme attributes and placeholder assets to support selection action modes" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '580cde18619be70d3fe296c83360bf52772af636':
Fix bug 3506261 - Theme attributes and placeholder assets to support selection action modes
2011-03-04 00:15:41 -08:00
Adam Powell
am 789ff0a1: Merge "Fix bug 3505901 - SeekBar should account for thumb width in layout" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '789ff0a13b9bbb69ead32d0084ec9e058061f419':
Fix bug 3505901 - SeekBar should account for thumb width in layout
2011-03-04 00:15:35 -08:00
Irfan Sheriff
am 9c8de733: Merge "DO NOT MERGE update current config with dhcp settings" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '9c8de7331475ef6f55449d95d0dfc6dcb425d116':
DO NOT MERGE update current config with dhcp settings
2011-03-04 00:15:28 -08:00
Ed Heyl
Merge branch 'master' into honeycomb-plus-aosp
2011-03-03 21:49:11 -08:00
Jeff Brown
am 9503e8bc: (-s ours) am e23c235c: Merge "Only set KeyEvent long press flag when repeat count equals 1." into gingerbread
* commit '9503e8bc17d72d16631e8d79e8d1c29702fc1e42':
Only set KeyEvent long press flag when repeat count equals 1.
2011-03-03 18:45:18 -08:00
Svetoslav Ganov
am e70c6607: Merge "NPE in in AppGlobals#getIntCoreSetting" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'e70c6607e0316fe390d52a544f6832c60223881f':
NPE in in AppGlobals#getIntCoreSetting
2011-03-03 17:37:20 -08:00
Ken Wakasa
Merge "Append IME's name to the subtype name in the "Select input method" dialog" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-03 17:02:47 -08:00
Stephen Hines
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Almost all warnings are now errors in RS build." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-03 16:14:00 -08:00
Wink Saville
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Revert "LTE Changes for Telephony including Multiple PDN support and IPV6 support"" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-03 16:13:07 -08:00
Stephen Hines
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix typos in RenderScript docs." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-03 16:12:08 -08:00
Eric Fischer
Merge "Remove unneeded large-screen-specific translations." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-03 16:03:20 -08:00
Eric Fischer
am 8264781e: Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '8264781eb070b980664aa3994b162886b4a74678':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-03-03 15:48:55 -08:00
am c91437d3: do not merge: Cherry pick change I878192090 from master.
* commit 'c91437d38ae14a20046de47831eb0f9bfd329af7':
do not merge: Cherry pick change I878192090 from master.
2011-03-03 15:47:43 -08:00
Shimeng (Simon) Wang
Merge "Shorten the animation length to make it snappier." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-03 15:39:18 -08:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Fix bug 3506261 - Theme attributes and placeholder assets to support selection action modes" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-03 15:13:04 -08:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Fix bug 3505901 - SeekBar should account for thumb width in layout" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-03 15:12:02 -08:00
Jeff Brown
am e23c235c: Merge "Only set KeyEvent long press flag when repeat count equals 1." into gingerbread
* commit 'e23c235c662c3028cfb080c6ed60d7defcdd0b69':
Only set KeyEvent long press flag when repeat count equals 1.
2011-03-03 15:03:26 -08:00
Irfan Sheriff
Merge "DO NOT MERGE update current config with dhcp settings" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-03 15:01:53 -08:00
Jeff Brown
Merge "Only set KeyEvent long press flag when repeat count equals 1." into gingerbread
2011-03-03 14:42:14 -08:00
Svetoslav Ganov
Merge "NPE in in AppGlobals#getIntCoreSetting" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-03 14:25:13 -08:00
Eric Fischer
Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-03 14:21:32 -08:00
Mike Lockwood
am d948b85d: (-s ours) am 611af238: DO NOT MERGE: UsbManager: Don\'t display activity picker if there are no apps available for an accessory
* commit 'd948b85dc9d0362a2ba0f7a3b905be0107a948f4':
DO NOT MERGE: UsbManager: Don't display activity picker if there are no apps available for an accessory
2011-03-03 11:42:13 -08:00
Mike Lockwood
am e91e5f6e: (-s ours) am c9ac3f51: Merge "DO NOT MERGE: UsbService: Make sure the USB accessory function is disabled when we disconnect" into gingerbread
* commit 'e91e5f6e9db4db5cd53836c901a7f80c11abb55c':
DO NOT MERGE: UsbService: Make sure the USB accessory function is disabled when we disconnect
2011-03-03 11:42:05 -08:00
Scott Main
am f1d8e049: docs: fix error in themes doc
* commit 'f1d8e04912b6a4031e0d1f129c231de869852a04':
docs: fix error in themes doc
2011-03-03 10:06:20 -08:00
Jeff Brown
Merge "Recognize 3D joysticks."
2011-03-03 03:40:34 -08:00
Merge "Add tests for"
2011-03-03 02:56:00 -08:00
Jeff Brown
Merge "Fix off by one errors in touch motion ranges."
2011-03-03 02:41:36 -08:00
Bjorn Bringert
Merge "Pass AppData to the app from SearchDialog queries."
2011-03-03 00:18:23 -08:00
Bjorn Bringert
Merge "A Java implementation of the SearchBox API."
2011-03-03 00:11:25 -08:00
Bjorn Bringert
Merge "Fixed NPE in ActivityManager's launch count service."
2011-03-03 00:10:03 -08:00
Jeff Brown
Merge "Add new ViewConfiguration accessors for key repeat parameters."
2011-03-02 22:51:50 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Fix issue #3485923 : Gmail crash"
2011-03-02 22:44:55 -08:00
Eric Fischer
am 6498f2fe: (-s ours) am 190586b7: Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
* commit '6498f2fed29042cce29faadcf0cc6b74180e1ba0':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
Initialize mRetyMgr when constructing GsmDataConnectionTracker.
2011-03-02 22:26:51 -08:00
Patrick Dubroy
Merge "Make sure we send a cancel event on system bar keys."
2011-03-02 22:19:31 -08:00
Simon Wilson
am df58a1bb: am 3d79f1ce: am edc68a00: Merge "Attempt to reduce problems from issue #3183612 " into gingerbread
* commit 'df58a1bbf8d7f6608848eae4d5d48dcff137dc8c':
Attempt to reduce problems from issue #3183612
2011-03-02 22:11:19 -08:00
Mike Lockwood
am 093430fd: (-s ours) am b13581a9: (-s ours) am 1110748b: DO NOT MERGE: USB accessory support library
* commit '093430fd5dbbdc6f5e0de6f25f6f9bb381cdd239':
DO NOT MERGE: USB accessory support library
2011-03-02 22:11:14 -08:00
Mike Lockwood
am 17fc2ce4: (-s ours) am 7866be2b: (-s ours) am 40bbf929: DO NOT MERGE: Backport USB accessory support to gingerbread
* commit '17fc2ce479b70a539cf3aaf0e89829ad6eedc2b6':
DO NOT MERGE: Backport USB accessory support to gingerbread
2011-03-02 22:11:07 -08:00
Mike Lockwood
am 611af238: DO NOT MERGE: UsbManager: Don\'t display activity picker if there are no apps available for an accessory
* commit '611af238185cf924a425a1a2154b8439b8f8d7a5':
DO NOT MERGE: UsbManager: Don't display activity picker if there are no apps available for an accessory
2011-03-02 22:07:59 -08:00
Mike Lockwood
Merge " UsbManager: Don't display activity picker if there are no apps available for an accessory"
2011-03-02 22:00:02 -08:00
Jeff Brown
Merge "Get key repeat timeout and delay from ViewConfiguration."
2011-03-02 21:43:40 -08:00
Mike Lockwood
Merge "UsbManager: Don't display activity picker if there are no apps available for a device"
2011-03-02 21:41:53 -08:00
Jeff Brown
Merge "Only set KeyEvent long press flag when repeat count equals 1."
2011-03-02 21:30:25 -08:00
Daniel Sandler
Merge "Pressed states for the notification panel's title area."
2011-03-02 21:20:08 -08:00
Jim Miller
Merge "Fix 3502257: Fix glow calculation in EdgeGlow"
2011-03-02 20:52:16 -08:00