Romain Guy
am 7c53a0d6: Merge "Don\'t draw the same triangles several times. Bug #3388197 " into honeycomb
* commit '7c53a0d6078620df3abc4997acfe267ef903f5c6':
Don't draw the same triangles several times. Bug #3388197
2011-01-26 22:47:01 -08:00
Adam Cohen
am 3b52ca3b: Merge "Fixing some ugly StackView relayouts on rotation" into honeycomb
* commit '3b52ca3bbcb989200abff5582ef569d5f316d7f5':
Fixing some ugly StackView relayouts on rotation
2011-01-26 22:44:53 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Don't draw the same triangles several times. Bug #3388197 " into honeycomb
2011-01-26 22:44:02 -08:00
Adam Cohen
Merge "Fixing some ugly StackView relayouts on rotation" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 22:41:43 -08:00
Joe Onorato
am e193c468: Merge "Fix 3388705: Explicitly check for low battery level" into honeycomb
* commit 'e193c4688f9062e1d4dba97413788b6ffa122a55':
Fix 3388705: Explicitly check for low battery level
2011-01-26 22:23:56 -08:00
Joe Onorato
Merge "Fix 3388705: Explicitly check for low battery level" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 22:21:26 -08:00
Joe Onorato
am ea1fbe9c: Merge "Revert "getRingtone is causing an anr. Turn it off for now."" into honeycomb
* commit 'ea1fbe9c8c9fe32690252dcc4dc96c93ae03f686':
Revert "getRingtone is causing an anr. Turn it off for now."
2011-01-26 22:02:18 -08:00
Joe Onorato
Merge "Revert "getRingtone is causing an anr. Turn it off for now."" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 22:00:07 -08:00
Basavapatna Dattaguru
am 9af5da52: Merge "Video editor CTS: Framework modifications" into honeycomb
* commit '9af5da5258d14c743150318e9887b7d10c0117d4':
Video editor CTS: Framework modifications
2011-01-26 21:51:49 -08:00
Basavapatna Dattaguru
am 643e8476: Merge "Fixes Issue ID: 3396697" into honeycomb
* commit '643e8476e1b9da93a06d073797863298ae268393':
Fixes Issue ID: 3396697
2011-01-26 21:49:34 -08:00
Basavapatna Dattaguru
Merge "Video editor CTS: Framework modifications" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 21:48:02 -08:00
Basavapatna Dattaguru
Merge "Fixes Issue ID: 3396697" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 21:47:40 -08:00
Justin Ho
am 08006286: Merge "New stat_sys_download/upload icons" into honeycomb
* commit '08006286b40cf9031766a97e4d50ebb47c8b514d':
New stat_sys_download/upload icons
2011-01-26 21:41:50 -08:00
Justin Ho
Merge "New stat_sys_download/upload icons" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 21:37:22 -08:00
James Dong
am 3b1fd35c: Merge "Eliminate duplicated code in export method" into honeycomb
* commit '3b1fd35c6876f7eb1d15db3095c3e57969783302':
Eliminate duplicated code in export method
2011-01-26 21:15:37 -08:00
Kenny Root
am 5d506fa7: Merge "Add API for preferred Launcher icon size and density" into honeycomb
* commit '5d506fa7274e8ba84e348e11c22729b58802f796':
Add API for preferred Launcher icon size and density
2011-01-26 21:15:28 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
am 62461d12: Merge "LayoutLib: put a default image on the quickcontactbadge." into honeycomb
* commit '62461d128fcb1314d96661e77f9744e5e50f57e3':
LayoutLib: put a default image on the quickcontactbadge.
2011-01-26 21:15:22 -08:00
Jim Miller
am 57d472a5: Merge "Fix 3381324: Restart ripples when the user moves away from the edge." into honeycomb
* commit '57d472a5b1f69e3aa0159f41c7ef625d4418c27f':
Fix 3381324: Restart ripples when the user moves away from the edge.
2011-01-26 21:15:17 -08:00
Justin Ho
am 597e644d: Merge "Integrating xlarge mdpi battery charging assets" into honeycomb
* commit '597e644d7a445e6f5555f3f51b6ed78b1e6c1243':
Integrating xlarge mdpi battery charging assets
2011-01-26 21:15:10 -08:00
Michael Kolb
am 85fd2c91: Merge "fix incognito url loading" into honeycomb
* commit '85fd2c9102f7cf105bf498f05ca35360a4bcede5':
fix incognito url loading
2011-01-26 21:15:01 -08:00
James Dong
Merge "Eliminate duplicated code in export method" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 20:42:18 -08:00
Kenny Root
Merge "Add API for preferred Launcher icon size and density" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 20:16:31 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
Merge "LayoutLib: put a default image on the quickcontactbadge." into honeycomb
2011-01-26 19:54:46 -08:00
Jim Miller
Merge "Fix 3381324: Restart ripples when the user moves away from the edge." into honeycomb
2011-01-26 19:39:23 -08:00
Justin Ho
Merge "Integrating xlarge mdpi battery charging assets" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 19:34:50 -08:00
Michael Kolb
Merge "fix incognito url loading" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 19:21:49 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 2dc9c784: Merge "Fix issue #3382992 : IME close animation stutters from URL bar" into honeycomb
* commit '2dc9c784b2fab67a8233318f559e65f444bf0c97':
Fix issue #3382992 : IME close animation stutters from URL bar
2011-01-26 19:08:20 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Fix issue #3382992 : IME close animation stutters from URL bar" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 19:04:15 -08:00
Scott Main
Merge "resolved conflicts for merge of 77ba255e to honeycomb-plus-aosp" into honeycomb-plus-aosp
2011-01-26 18:48:22 -08:00
Romain Guy
am ede54ce2: Merge "Fix crash in movie studio." into honeycomb
* commit 'ede54ce2fe3252d4ab56b90de464b35a6920970d':
Fix crash in movie studio.
2011-01-26 18:47:59 -08:00
Scott Main
resolved conflicts for merge of 77ba255e to honeycomb-plus-aosp
Change-Id: Ib40af8301e19b70c86161fc0a6cc061b118863ab
2011-01-26 18:47:13 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Fix crash in movie studio." into honeycomb
2011-01-26 18:46:29 -08:00
Scott Main
am ba3dd323: enable preview mode for docs and add api level 10 flag for api level diffs
* commit 'ba3dd32357b47ab0b55a1976bbafc225df78a59d':
enable preview mode for docs and add api level 10 flag for api level diffs
2011-01-26 18:37:22 -08:00
Romain Guy
am 9c8307fb: Merge "Make sure that we update SurfaceView\'s window with display lists. Bug #3395487 " into honeycomb
* commit '9c8307fb19558ffe2e897bad009fb038bb9e845b':
Make sure that we update SurfaceView's window with display lists. Bug #3395487
2011-01-26 18:32:54 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Make sure that we update SurfaceView's window with display lists. Bug #3395487 " into honeycomb
2011-01-26 18:29:38 -08:00
Daniel Sandler
am da597b5c: Merge "Status bar visual tweaks." into honeycomb
* commit 'da597b5c1a6553a43f1e938ef87b29c8f2a59386':
Status bar visual tweaks.
2011-01-26 18:19:19 -08:00
Daniel Sandler
Merge "Status bar visual tweaks." into honeycomb
2011-01-26 18:17:49 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
am bc3f7937: Merge "Tabs are resized to make sure they fit in their parent." into honeycomb
* commit 'bc3f79371bb93e075bcb91d92180487337afce17':
Tabs are resized to make sure they fit in their parent.
2011-01-26 18:10:58 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
Merge "Tabs are resized to make sure they fit in their parent." into honeycomb
2011-01-26 18:09:23 -08:00
Jaikumar Ganesh
am 55271a79: Merge "Disable PBAP for no voice capability" into honeycomb
* commit '55271a79d1c14e2952d550995569135a23971672':
Disable PBAP for no voice capability
2011-01-26 18:03:40 -08:00
Shih-wei Liao
am b9d69d59: Merge "For rs_cl, fix _RS_STATIC (used while we do on-host linking). Now we do on-device linking, STATIC no longer makes sense. (b/2943524)" into honeycomb
* commit 'b9d69d595fa17ae87b4e615c2339df64a5df8324':
For rs_cl, fix _RS_STATIC (used while we do on-host linking). Now we do on-device linking, STATIC no longer makes sense. (b/2943524)
2011-01-26 18:03:31 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 14cd455d: Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb
* commit '14cd455dd57f2708b63f88aab24ba6c75d13d96f':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-01-26 18:03:18 -08:00
Scott Main
am bedd2427: am a7ce2f04: Merge "catchup the gingerbread branch to gingerbread-docs for all sdk docs" into gingerbread
* commit 'bedd242768f7594d12bde0b4c4e7d153c27858d4':
catchup the gingerbread branch to gingerbread-docs for all sdk docs
2011-01-26 17:58:54 -08:00
Scott Main
am a7ce2f04: Merge "catchup the gingerbread branch to gingerbread-docs for all sdk docs" into gingerbread
* commit 'a7ce2f04ef0ae548370eebd1314558f24f40e8f0':
catchup the gingerbread branch to gingerbread-docs for all sdk docs
2011-01-26 17:56:26 -08:00
Jaikumar Ganesh
Merge "Disable PBAP for no voice capability" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 17:52:50 -08:00
Scott Main
Merge "catchup the gingerbread branch to gingerbread-docs for all sdk docs" into gingerbread
2011-01-26 17:52:08 -08:00
Shih-wei Liao
Merge "For rs_cl, fix _RS_STATIC (used while we do on-host linking). Now we do on-device linking, STATIC no longer makes sense. (b/2943524)" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 17:43:13 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 17:38:57 -08:00
Wink Saville
am 13a8f2a5: Merge "Comment out the isAvailable optimization." into honeycomb
* commit '13a8f2a59c063b988502de9b7197d83b5db487d9':
Comment out the isAvailable optimization.
2011-01-26 17:32:10 -08:00
Wink Saville
Merge "Comment out the isAvailable optimization." into honeycomb
2011-01-26 17:29:32 -08:00