Daniel Sandler
am 57e7aa12: am 74d39bd9: Merge "Correct the translationY of the empty notification panel." into honeycomb
* commit '57e7aa12d960cc20b2620b367be39e921f1a145d':
Correct the translationY of the empty notification panel.
2011-01-27 15:11:38 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
am 82ba0eca: am 315f3865: Merge "CustomSelectionActionModeCallback can prevent selection mode from starting." into honeycomb
* commit '82ba0ecaa72df892a34c279ac449e752e87f7ed8':
CustomSelectionActionModeCallback can prevent selection mode from starting.
2011-01-27 15:11:33 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
am 7af3a6f3: am bbdd9d3f: Merge "Refresh the list of preloaded drawables and color state lists" into honeycomb
* commit '7af3a6f3ddec456ade2c671e9ef53030d7b9f1a2':
Refresh the list of preloaded drawables and color state lists
2011-01-27 15:11:27 -08:00
Chet Haase
am 19312cfe: am 246bf85a: Merge "Fix NPE with display lists when view not attached" into honeycomb
* commit '19312cfef15608fca2c8403dc240e8ec4f54d6b7':
Fix NPE with display lists when view not attached
2011-01-27 15:11:20 -08:00
Daniel Sandler
am 74d39bd9: Merge "Correct the translationY of the empty notification panel." into honeycomb
* commit '74d39bd902c8561153647b19625b32938f38498c':
Correct the translationY of the empty notification panel.
2011-01-27 15:00:33 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
am 315f3865: Merge "CustomSelectionActionModeCallback can prevent selection mode from starting." into honeycomb
* commit '315f3865983f59e5ad9f42602f443e8c42b6e5c4':
CustomSelectionActionModeCallback can prevent selection mode from starting.
2011-01-27 15:00:29 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
am bbdd9d3f: Merge "Refresh the list of preloaded drawables and color state lists" into honeycomb
* commit 'bbdd9d3fbc1995adb4d327515ba0af8515436d2d':
Refresh the list of preloaded drawables and color state lists
2011-01-27 15:00:23 -08:00
Chet Haase
am 246bf85a: Merge "Fix NPE with display lists when view not attached" into honeycomb
* commit '246bf85aaacbadf4e892270d714efcdb280a3de8':
Fix NPE with display lists when view not attached
2011-01-27 15:00:17 -08:00
Daniel Sandler
Merge "Correct the translationY of the empty notification panel." into honeycomb
2011-01-27 11:11:37 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
Merge "CustomSelectionActionModeCallback can prevent selection mode from starting." into honeycomb
2011-01-27 11:07:16 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
Merge "Refresh the list of preloaded drawables and color state lists" into honeycomb
2011-01-27 11:07:04 -08:00
Irfan Sheriff
Merge "Fix the build"
2011-01-27 11:05:04 -08:00
Chet Haase
Merge "Fix NPE with display lists when view not attached" into honeycomb
2011-01-27 10:41:26 -08:00
Gil Dobjanschi
am 0966fb9e: am eea200a9: Bug fix: 3398192 NPE at android.media.videoeditor.VideoEditorImpl.clearSurface
* commit '0966fb9e73345b1e5ea9464e77beed07378edd6a':
Bug fix: 3398192 NPE at android.media.videoeditor.VideoEditorImpl.clearSurface
2011-01-27 10:36:33 -08:00
Gil Dobjanschi
am eea200a9: Bug fix: 3398192 NPE at android.media.videoeditor.VideoEditorImpl.clearSurface
* commit 'eea200a96a561d8eb9e26831aa6aaf7ddf6ad5a5':
Bug fix: 3398192 NPE at android.media.videoeditor.VideoEditorImpl.clearSurface
2011-01-27 10:34:39 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 1aa79d4b: am d1ca9aa5: am 591a5f86: Doc change: fix adt archive filename.
* commit '1aa79d4b5c2f12aa3a9ddabbdd679cd3f21a1476':
Doc change: fix adt archive filename.
2011-01-27 10:13:18 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am d1ca9aa5: am 591a5f86: Doc change: fix adt archive filename.
* commit 'd1ca9aa561337dd294b8ae137f54b182372e69fb':
Doc change: fix adt archive filename.
2011-01-27 10:10:49 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 591a5f86: Doc change: fix adt archive filename.
* commit '591a5f86bd4b3f1732b935daad909e4e63149f01':
Doc change: fix adt archive filename.
2011-01-27 10:08:09 -08:00
Justin Ho
am 3f047aee: am bbc1d355: Updated stat_sys for battery and bluetooth and USB in hdpi, mdpi and xlarge-hdpi
* commit '3f047aeed0281853141172cdf4ea8b74bd7b85b4':
Updated stat_sys for battery and bluetooth and USB in hdpi, mdpi and xlarge-hdpi
2011-01-27 08:11:05 -08:00
Justin Ho
am bbc1d355: Updated stat_sys for battery and bluetooth and USB in hdpi, mdpi and xlarge-hdpi
* commit 'bbc1d355f8f9b9908bd152125a42c3d890a12d63':
Updated stat_sys for battery and bluetooth and USB in hdpi, mdpi and xlarge-hdpi
2011-01-27 07:58:01 -08:00
Chet Haase
am cd88c39b: am e38ba4ac: Fix gmail crossfade artifacts.
* commit 'cd88c39b989fc927016aa8d1c3794b872519d575':
Fix gmail crossfade artifacts.
2011-01-27 01:32:44 -08:00
Chet Haase
am e38ba4ac: Fix gmail crossfade artifacts.
* commit 'e38ba4acbe6f1536997ffb98d662fc3eff07add8':
Fix gmail crossfade artifacts.
2011-01-27 01:30:09 -08:00
Jeff Brown
am 9d925d2d: am da910fd5: Merge "Handle ActivityNotFoundException in the WM policy." into honeycomb
* commit '9d925d2dfdb2a0bd89ff081c1693129f3bf85e77':
Handle ActivityNotFoundException in the WM policy.
2011-01-26 23:58:10 -08:00
Chet Haase
am fcf51a67: am a45c056e: Merge "Fix display List bugs" into honeycomb
* commit 'fcf51a67967a402bf2178c3d0e09828e8942cade':
Fix display List bugs
2011-01-26 23:55:50 -08:00
Jeff Brown
am da910fd5: Merge "Handle ActivityNotFoundException in the WM policy." into honeycomb
* commit 'da910fd5ea024f214f806d880d86d77bf94497b5':
Handle ActivityNotFoundException in the WM policy.
2011-01-26 23:54:16 -08:00
Jeff Brown
Merge "Handle ActivityNotFoundException in the WM policy." into honeycomb
2011-01-26 23:52:41 -08:00
Chet Haase
am a45c056e: Merge "Fix display List bugs" into honeycomb
* commit 'a45c056e62be0ca97edbdd6f6660822cf453c886':
Fix display List bugs
2011-01-26 23:51:58 -08:00
Jeff Brown
am b43610f8: am f02853f2: Merge "Fix down arrow in AutoCompleteTextView." into honeycomb
* commit 'b43610f8c9994163a1b69d23ac893de3f80a5355':
Fix down arrow in AutoCompleteTextView.
2011-01-26 23:51:36 -08:00
Jeff Brown
am f02853f2: Merge "Fix down arrow in AutoCompleteTextView." into honeycomb
* commit 'f02853f211f0b7f698f82305e30c23e527192584':
Fix down arrow in AutoCompleteTextView.
2011-01-26 23:49:41 -08:00
Chet Haase
Merge "Fix display List bugs" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 23:49:23 -08:00
Vasu Nori
am 7489a470: am d529d0df: Merge "bug:3396894 (HC branch) remove STOPSHIP code" into honeycomb
* commit '7489a4709daf39aff61a17818de282d9ca4dc7c8':
bug:3396894 (HC branch) remove STOPSHIP code
2011-01-26 23:47:22 -08:00
Jeff Brown
Merge "Fix down arrow in AutoCompleteTextView." into honeycomb
2011-01-26 23:45:59 -08:00
Vasu Nori
am d529d0df: Merge "bug:3396894 (HC branch) remove STOPSHIP code" into honeycomb
* commit 'd529d0df8f2e93e0dc74887ab43eff46e07cef2e':
bug:3396894 (HC branch) remove STOPSHIP code
2011-01-26 23:45:27 -08:00
Vasu Nori
Merge "bug:3396894 (HC branch) remove STOPSHIP code" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 23:43:17 -08:00
Svetoslav Ganov
am a7477f6b: am c291a7bf: Merge "The calendar view widget was jumping incorrectly to the next week while selectiong the last day of the week." into honeycomb
* commit 'a7477f6b1c2222bc2cc71416cad108adc0b6f0a3':
The calendar view widget was jumping incorrectly to the next week while selectiong the last day of the week.
2011-01-26 23:03:01 -08:00
Svetoslav Ganov
am c291a7bf: Merge "The calendar view widget was jumping incorrectly to the next week while selectiong the last day of the week." into honeycomb
* commit 'c291a7bf7a163cea10be135279103f72a6418383':
The calendar view widget was jumping incorrectly to the next week while selectiong the last day of the week.
2011-01-26 23:01:03 -08:00
Svetoslav Ganov
Merge "The calendar view widget was jumping incorrectly to the next week while selectiong the last day of the week." into honeycomb
2011-01-26 22:59:23 -08:00
Basavapatna Dattaguru
am 90982936: am 89378fd1: Merge "Revert "Video editor CTS: Framework modifications"" into honeycomb
* commit '90982936a026f1f951fe06ad4d2bcfd72a99ab8f':
Revert "Video editor CTS: Framework modifications"
2011-01-26 22:54:41 -08:00
Basavapatna Dattaguru
am 141a2adb: am 3b728ca7: Merge "Revert "Fixes Issue ID: 3396697"" into honeycomb
* commit '141a2adb25130bcbe8620ae239e94d33c7c92eef':
Revert "Fixes Issue ID: 3396697"
2011-01-26 22:54:37 -08:00
Basavapatna Dattaguru
am 89378fd1: Merge "Revert "Video editor CTS: Framework modifications"" into honeycomb
* commit '89378fd1666cd589599a0c5a7d0c71fa2f8159a5':
Revert "Video editor CTS: Framework modifications"
2011-01-26 22:52:38 -08:00
Basavapatna Dattaguru
am 3b728ca7: Merge "Revert "Fixes Issue ID: 3396697"" into honeycomb
* commit '3b728ca70a4fe6760b682589505d76848c47d765':
Revert "Fixes Issue ID: 3396697"
2011-01-26 22:52:31 -08:00
Basavapatna Dattaguru
Merge "Revert "Video editor CTS: Framework modifications"" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 22:50:59 -08:00
Basavapatna Dattaguru
Merge "Revert "Fixes Issue ID: 3396697"" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 22:50:50 -08:00
Romain Guy
am 38f34ed2: am 7c53a0d6: Merge "Don\'t draw the same triangles several times. Bug #3388197 " into honeycomb
* commit '38f34ed20a52d027cbf1b72fe22c6d616810613b':
Don't draw the same triangles several times. Bug #3388197
2011-01-26 22:49:13 -08:00
Romain Guy
am 7c53a0d6: Merge "Don\'t draw the same triangles several times. Bug #3388197 " into honeycomb
* commit '7c53a0d6078620df3abc4997acfe267ef903f5c6':
Don't draw the same triangles several times. Bug #3388197
2011-01-26 22:47:01 -08:00
Adam Cohen
am a05a3e3a: am 3b52ca3b: Merge "Fixing some ugly StackView relayouts on rotation" into honeycomb
* commit 'a05a3e3ad7fbb27d1629836141e9d52937299bda':
Fixing some ugly StackView relayouts on rotation
2011-01-26 22:46:57 -08:00
Adam Cohen
am 3b52ca3b: Merge "Fixing some ugly StackView relayouts on rotation" into honeycomb
* commit '3b52ca3bbcb989200abff5582ef569d5f316d7f5':
Fixing some ugly StackView relayouts on rotation
2011-01-26 22:44:53 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Don't draw the same triangles several times. Bug #3388197 " into honeycomb
2011-01-26 22:44:02 -08:00
Adam Cohen
Merge "Fixing some ugly StackView relayouts on rotation" into honeycomb
2011-01-26 22:41:43 -08:00
Joe Onorato
am 7c77bd0e: am e193c468: Merge "Fix 3388705: Explicitly check for low battery level" into honeycomb
* commit '7c77bd0e3dda93242e7dbcfb4754817894483653':
Fix 3388705: Explicitly check for low battery level
2011-01-26 22:26:15 -08:00