Dianne Hackborn
am 915bacf6: (-s ours) am 71bb59f9: (-s ours) am c12cdda9: Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix screen size compatibility mode." into gingerbread
* commit '915bacf6c4e318a144f1b59213f8a4ed672cd839':
DO NOT MERGE: Fix screen size compatibility mode.
2011-01-29 22:38:32 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 71bb59f9: (-s ours) am c12cdda9: Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix screen size compatibility mode." into gingerbread
* commit '71bb59f9e6799083830077dbb7e0f1effdd3faf7':
DO NOT MERGE: Fix screen size compatibility mode.
2011-01-29 22:35:42 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
am c12cdda9: Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix screen size compatibility mode." into gingerbread
* commit 'c12cdda949e6b916dd9e6fa4b30ab8b0d1898faa':
DO NOT MERGE: Fix screen size compatibility mode.
2011-01-29 22:30:57 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Fix screen size compatibility mode." into gingerbread
2011-01-29 22:20:05 -08:00
Ken Wakasa
am 4e3f3a20: am 8710e76a: Follow up change to I741642ac
* commit '4e3f3a2046a5743f02ebca665b771467ad900ce1':
Follow up change to I741642ac
2011-01-29 21:46:22 -08:00
Ken Wakasa
am 8710e76a: Follow up change to I741642ac
* commit '8710e76a897cd546a79ee4338a4147eeb9f3e068':
Follow up change to I741642ac
2011-01-29 21:42:30 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 13cd9664: am e802b592: am 2107757d: am bbb5a5ce: Merge "Make AaptGroupEntry::getMncName accept mnc00"
* commit '13cd966415a5cf83934868751f19bf69fa4ff9df':
Make AaptGroupEntry::getMncName accept mnc00
2011-01-29 15:10:20 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
am e802b592: am 2107757d: am bbb5a5ce: Merge "Make AaptGroupEntry::getMncName accept mnc00"
* commit 'e802b59280540ce24ea1db61907a0f1f22f01fad':
Make AaptGroupEntry::getMncName accept mnc00
2011-01-29 15:08:07 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 2107757d: am bbb5a5ce: Merge "Make AaptGroupEntry::getMncName accept mnc00"
* commit '2107757dde0b3159119edcc9084fcb9a87985e88':
Make AaptGroupEntry::getMncName accept mnc00
2011-01-29 15:05:30 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
am bbb5a5ce: Merge "Make AaptGroupEntry::getMncName accept mnc00"
* commit 'bbb5a5ce1922a168335811b177cd7341350c15cc':
Make AaptGroupEntry::getMncName accept mnc00
2011-01-29 14:59:02 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 66700397: Merge 3100207b from gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit '66700397496fc6f6d26f9f0b56ead8ef610b9654':
Tweak to make merges easier
2011-01-29 14:54:43 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge 3100207b from gingerbread-plus-aosp
Change-Id: Ib2eaede8b9e400e1d273f981c08a6ef82f3dd588
2011-01-29 14:51:17 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 1358b6a4: Tweak to make merges easier
* commit '1358b6a4fb68e81058aa938e46b125350bdf0fff':
Tweak to make merges easier
2011-01-29 14:43:33 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Make AaptGroupEntry::getMncName accept mnc00"
2011-01-29 14:38:48 -08:00
Jason parks
am d4796c82: am a2e765ef: Merge "Update the encryption password when the device password is changed." into honeycomb
* commit 'd4796c823b92866d5895acf610e5571e9b5724d9':
Update the encryption password when the device password is changed.
2011-01-29 12:06:39 -08:00
Jason parks
am a2e765ef: Merge "Update the encryption password when the device password is changed." into honeycomb
* commit 'a2e765ef1ad2cb907a4ae0a93bb15e4764ebb59a':
Update the encryption password when the device password is changed.
2011-01-29 12:04:11 -08:00
Jason parks
Merge "Update the encryption password when the device password is changed." into honeycomb
2011-01-29 12:02:19 -08:00
am f163b4d3: am e40dea0d: Fix a bug that IME switch disappiers at switching IME subtype.
* commit 'f163b4d3318d3cedd1ef633ae45ab6b822c1d24f':
Fix a bug that IME switch disappiers at switching IME subtype.
2011-01-29 09:53:34 -08:00
am e40dea0d: Fix a bug that IME switch disappiers at switching IME subtype.
* commit 'e40dea0d06ec1c04db80191fd2965363b4fac781':
Fix a bug that IME switch disappiers at switching IME subtype.
2011-01-29 09:50:03 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am d9e6bda6: (-s ours) am 34ebb5bf: (-s ours) am 87d19759: Delete browerplugin tests - do not merge
* commit 'd9e6bda6b9d12f002345c8e45cf3a94c3500851a':
Delete browerplugin tests - do not merge
2011-01-29 09:37:46 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 6ace65d2: (-s ours) am 88d7300d: (-s ours) am d4c8cec0: am 9720323a: (-s ours) Merge "Delete browerplugin tests - do not merge"
* commit '6ace65d25f5d004117c27f45dbf4499b82581470':
Delete browerplugin tests - do not merge
2011-01-29 09:37:38 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 34ebb5bf: (-s ours) am 87d19759: Delete browerplugin tests - do not merge
* commit '34ebb5bfec0794d5852b47edaa8b9d4cea22e515':
Delete browerplugin tests - do not merge
2011-01-29 09:36:02 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 88d7300d: (-s ours) am d4c8cec0: am 9720323a: (-s ours) Merge "Delete browerplugin tests - do not merge"
* commit '88d7300d2abaf638c2c0b5505b657b401f881c14':
Delete browerplugin tests - do not merge
2011-01-29 09:35:55 -08:00
Robert Greenwalt
am f8fdec50: resolved conflicts for merge of aa3866e6 to honeycomb-plus-aosp
* commit 'f8fdec50c7871b640c13cfe3e2e7a3b449f62f69':
Add some network types that OEM's are asking for.
2011-01-29 09:35:28 -08:00
Robert Greenwalt
resolved conflicts for merge of aa3866e6 to honeycomb-plus-aosp
Change-Id: I7a3445f7df2a66c70f630fa63ceb4ae150d70963
2011-01-29 09:32:04 -08:00
Eric Fischer
am a0e51ef2: (-s ours) am 287fbba5: (-s ours) am 5f2def8c: Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into gingerbread
* commit 'a0e51ef2a4d5d16ed68b360851c5428b17e75eb4':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-01-29 09:18:14 -08:00
Eric Fischer
am 287fbba5: (-s ours) am 5f2def8c: Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into gingerbread
* commit '287fbba5b88cfba1e55fd98979ebe83b4b8ed8f4':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-01-29 09:13:21 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 51bae7e7: am 30a85ec7: am fa809dba: Merge "Doc change: Add time-lapse video to 3.0 highlights." into gingerbread
* commit '51bae7e74aa63b2ff455631c5b7954cfa1927b2f':
Doc change: Add time-lapse video to 3.0 highlights.
2011-01-29 09:00:41 -08:00
Andreas Huber
am c2bee3ae: (-s ours) am 70888c00: (-s ours) am b6c2e2b4: DO NOT MERGE: More robust parsing of NPT time ranges in RTSP.
* commit 'c2bee3ae2d6cebdaf588a102ff64499717e43cc7':
DO NOT MERGE: More robust parsing of NPT time ranges in RTSP.
2011-01-29 09:00:38 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 4eeb1047: Merge 13212f83 from gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit '4eeb10470ffafe8c508027f363ac66b58da5bf00':
Fix issue 2988031.
2011-01-29 08:57:47 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 30a85ec7: am fa809dba: Merge "Doc change: Add time-lapse video to 3.0 highlights." into gingerbread
* commit '30a85ec7e8d79448fbd0d0af3ac25b656f8428c4':
Doc change: Add time-lapse video to 3.0 highlights.
2011-01-29 08:57:25 -08:00
Andreas Huber
am 70888c00: (-s ours) am b6c2e2b4: DO NOT MERGE: More robust parsing of NPT time ranges in RTSP.
* commit '70888c00a0371692a07132f0dd94208456dd44c1':
DO NOT MERGE: More robust parsing of NPT time ranges in RTSP.
2011-01-29 08:57:21 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge 13212f83 from gingerbread-plus-aosp
Change-Id: I9a8ee0c7e7896aea85e7a7c18ee82927091cb670
2011-01-29 08:54:06 -08:00
Jim Miller
am 4876c29f: (-s ours) am 145643ca: (-s ours) am 226e5756: Merge "Fix 3391330: Use BATTERY_STATUS_FULL as "Charged" state [DO NOT MERGE]" into gingerbread
* commit '4876c29f48dda11a2fd13d9a61050783565e7595':
Fix 3391330: Use BATTERY_STATUS_FULL as "Charged" state [DO NOT MERGE]
2011-01-29 08:53:01 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am bf9f3ea7: Merge 34afc2cd from gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit 'bf9f3ea72ea3201415acb3bb016de3009d3ed1b3':
API: Make close() throw an IOException.
2011-01-29 08:50:38 -08:00
Jim Miller
am 145643ca: (-s ours) am 226e5756: Merge "Fix 3391330: Use BATTERY_STATUS_FULL as "Charged" state [DO NOT MERGE]" into gingerbread
* commit '145643ca4bb98a88977026ea4d7866e391d53dce':
Fix 3391330: Use BATTERY_STATUS_FULL as "Charged" state [DO NOT MERGE]
2011-01-29 08:47:55 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge 34afc2cd from gingerbread-plus-aosp
Change-Id: I2471571af1d8e34e7270cb6f765f16b4a474bb28
2011-01-29 08:45:29 -08:00
Eric Fischer
am 16e52bcb: (-s ours) am e49e30cc: (-s ours) am 3d73c4d3: Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into gingerbread
* commit '16e52bcbdf11c7411be683efabddf7080c54ffd2':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-01-29 08:35:58 -08:00
Nick Pelly
am 7a69ffa0: am 32f7d50d: am 21d0a173: Fix build - javadoc.
* commit '7a69ffa0e455cfb990b53d9dffa3b76c590dea0e':
Fix build - javadoc.
2011-01-29 08:35:53 -08:00
Scott Main
am 213705e3: am 51330184: am 7a9741ca: Merge "cherry pick Change-Id: I82981801475dc1be766d59e0e384c856bdf59d6d revise info about emulator snapshots to indicate it\'s not final" into gingerbread
* commit '213705e37be670552ff30892b2e60f7b8d279a7e':
cherry pick Change-Id: I82981801475dc1be766d59e0e384c856bdf59d6d revise info about emulator snapshots to indicate it's not final
2011-01-29 08:02:26 -08:00
Eric Fischer
am e49e30cc: (-s ours) am 3d73c4d3: Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into gingerbread
* commit 'e49e30cc4d9411326735f15d92e8d7455467072f':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-01-29 08:02:19 -08:00
Nick Pelly
am 32f7d50d: am 21d0a173: Fix build - javadoc.
* commit '32f7d50df147e4eb171044aad376bd1425fcf5e7':
Fix build - javadoc.
2011-01-29 08:02:04 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 87d19759: Delete browerplugin tests - do not merge
* commit '87d197597c9130b10ba9d67f17ed81db26e35cd8':
Delete browerplugin tests - do not merge
2011-01-29 08:00:52 -08:00
Scott Main
am 51330184: am 7a9741ca: Merge "cherry pick Change-Id: I82981801475dc1be766d59e0e384c856bdf59d6d revise info about emulator snapshots to indicate it\'s not final" into gingerbread
* commit '51330184feb1b8d01ac48f4f13e4b91e7e334401':
cherry pick Change-Id: I82981801475dc1be766d59e0e384c856bdf59d6d revise info about emulator snapshots to indicate it's not final
2011-01-29 07:59:28 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am d4c8cec0: am 9720323a: (-s ours) Merge "Delete browerplugin tests - do not merge"
* commit 'd4c8cec094dbf7bcfa3f31bedae15e5c65b13e94':
Delete browerplugin tests - do not merge
2011-01-29 07:58:36 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 9720323a: (-s ours) Merge "Delete browerplugin tests - do not merge"
* commit '9720323a5138acafbe30da38d61eeac469b675a4':
Delete browerplugin tests - do not merge
2011-01-29 07:39:47 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 7d4b7dab: Merge 55e124c4 from gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit '7d4b7dab397fb780873303d60650bf0a0557cf41':
Clean up MifareUltralight API.
2011-01-29 07:38:41 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge 55e124c4 from gingerbread-plus-aosp
Change-Id: I8b428792ced31b73e8cc3743ab38e157578e9377
2011-01-29 07:32:39 -08:00
Robert Greenwalt
am 6b739dc7: Merge "Add some network types that OEM\'s are asking for." into gingerbread
* commit '6b739dc7292452227cdd8abd90658f4db8f0ce70':
Add some network types that OEM's are asking for.
2011-01-29 06:55:38 -08:00
Robert Greenwalt
am b79c611e: am 19eecb02: Merge "Don\'t use mobile networktype icon if not connected" into honeycomb
* commit 'b79c611ebf16b7b03273e0a0bdac09181e50a12e':
Don't use mobile networktype icon if not connected
2011-01-29 06:53:07 -08:00