Adam Powell
am e3ba5cfe: am d1f94e36: Merge "Fix bug 3399725 - externally reported issue 14317: android:scrollbarSize attribute does not work in ScrollView tag" into honeycomb
* commit 'e3ba5cfe9b4f524d955f77f5fff53440d80f9464':
Fix bug 3399725 - externally reported issue 14317: android:scrollbarSize attribute does not work in ScrollView tag
2011-01-27 16:02:33 -08:00
Adam Powell
am d1f94e36: Merge "Fix bug 3399725 - externally reported issue 14317: android:scrollbarSize attribute does not work in ScrollView tag" into honeycomb
* commit 'd1f94e36da6276acc00d0a3267a505fd6a61702d':
Fix bug 3399725 - externally reported issue 14317: android:scrollbarSize attribute does not work in ScrollView tag
2011-01-27 15:59:46 -08:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Fix bug 3399725 - externally reported issue 14317: android:scrollbarSize attribute does not work in ScrollView tag" into honeycomb
2011-01-27 15:58:18 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
am 4c02c224: am a3e586af: Merge "LayoutLib: Properly compute available space to layouts." into honeycomb
* commit '4c02c2246a9060487e4a7be3389c23c8533f9a5d':
LayoutLib: Properly compute available space to layouts.
2011-01-27 15:56:32 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
am a3e586af: Merge "LayoutLib: Properly compute available space to layouts." into honeycomb
* commit 'a3e586af439137eb4216bc7ba62167f516e028c2':
LayoutLib: Properly compute available space to layouts.
2011-01-27 15:53:46 -08:00
Justin Ho
am d931cb47: am 0a5481db: Merge "Pushing in fixed scrubber asset" into honeycomb
* commit 'd931cb4731929d25c4aeb495a8df802f6f939d26':
Pushing in fixed scrubber asset
2011-01-27 15:53:12 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
Merge "LayoutLib: Properly compute available space to layouts." into honeycomb
2011-01-27 15:51:13 -08:00
Justin Ho
am 0a5481db: Merge "Pushing in fixed scrubber asset" into honeycomb
* commit '0a5481db2256651ffe75e0f6e7e01b333ea5df3f':
Pushing in fixed scrubber asset
2011-01-27 15:50:26 -08:00
Justin Ho
am f6edcc47: am c1913ecc: Merge "Removing old pocket assets" into honeycomb
* commit 'f6edcc4710f9e0cd2f118a52c3d90ef425971398':
Removing old pocket assets
2011-01-27 15:49:58 -08:00
Justin Ho
am c1913ecc: Merge "Removing old pocket assets" into honeycomb
* commit 'c1913eccb15513a1b75928131649ff93eaaeedb3':
Removing old pocket assets
2011-01-27 15:48:22 -08:00
Justin Ho
Merge "Pushing in fixed scrubber asset" into honeycomb
2011-01-27 15:47:31 -08:00
Justin Ho
Merge "Removing old pocket assets" into honeycomb
2011-01-27 15:46:45 -08:00
Romain Guy
am 01a58129: am 0250bc2f: Merge "Catch exception when ViewRoot\'s surface is not valid. Bug #3399426 " into honeycomb
* commit '01a5812902668d0dbba51cd0efe22bfba3711230':
Catch exception when ViewRoot's surface is not valid. Bug #3399426
2011-01-27 15:45:38 -08:00
Romain Guy
am 0250bc2f: Merge "Catch exception when ViewRoot\'s surface is not valid. Bug #3399426 " into honeycomb
* commit '0250bc2faca14a332155b9111e0ee5dfc8493d6a':
Catch exception when ViewRoot's surface is not valid. Bug #3399426
2011-01-27 15:43:03 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Catch exception when ViewRoot's surface is not valid. Bug #3399426 " into honeycomb
2011-01-27 15:41:08 -08:00
Derek Sollenberger
am f454cee0: am 8f9fb947: Merge "Add Plugin API for controling the device power states" into honeycomb
* commit 'f454cee04456acf74871b02033e6972f71919e55':
Add Plugin API for controling the device power states
2011-01-27 15:31:23 -08:00
Derek Sollenberger
am 8f9fb947: Merge "Add Plugin API for controling the device power states" into honeycomb
* commit '8f9fb94741b5032c8774f87130133ef14d9af4e2':
Add Plugin API for controling the device power states
2011-01-27 15:28:52 -08:00
Derek Sollenberger
Merge "Add Plugin API for controling the device power states" into honeycomb
2011-01-27 15:26:53 -08:00
Basavapatna Dattaguru
am b408c3e9: am 64a2c359: Merge "Fix Issue: 3373525: reduces app. 100mS in create" into honeycomb
* commit 'b408c3e984dbc3af43befc6fd16ff74dd24457a9':
Fix Issue: 3373525: reduces app. 100mS in create
2011-01-27 15:12:16 -08:00
Adam Powell
am e4960883: am 43d7b83e: Merge "Fix bug 3391818 - Keyboard covers the "Show in chat list" selection in talk > Friend Info" into honeycomb
* commit 'e49608831178981a3de06019e15c5c8918734d62':
Fix bug 3391818 - Keyboard covers the "Show in chat list" selection in talk > Friend Info
2011-01-27 15:12:12 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
am 1ad0fac2: am 6f7a6bc3: Merge "Soft keyboard is not shown when text selection mode is aborted." into honeycomb
* commit '1ad0fac2f4ca502e66358cee11a46475690ead07':
Soft keyboard is not shown when text selection mode is aborted.
2011-01-27 15:12:03 -08:00
Huahui Wu
am 491784f2: am cbcdc614: Merge "b/3347670 Support installing online certs to the system keystore." into honeycomb
* commit '491784f2ecf617f787e11c2393d190b657b2ecde':
b/3347670 Support installing online certs to the system keystore.
2011-01-27 15:11:59 -08:00
Justin Ho
am 63b2af9b: am c7b032d9: Fixing download notification icons
* commit '63b2af9bc0dee57bf0447b6166e579cd9496049f':
Fixing download notification icons
2011-01-27 15:11:55 -08:00
Vasu Nori
am 242fa0eb: am ce3b35a7: Merge "bug:3398527 return List insttead of ArrayList from public API" into honeycomb
* commit '242fa0eb73d555eb025c39cf212030f00cb53cb4':
bug:3398527 return List insttead of ArrayList from public API
2011-01-27 15:11:44 -08:00
Daniel Sandler
am 57e7aa12: am 74d39bd9: Merge "Correct the translationY of the empty notification panel." into honeycomb
* commit '57e7aa12d960cc20b2620b367be39e921f1a145d':
Correct the translationY of the empty notification panel.
2011-01-27 15:11:38 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
am 82ba0eca: am 315f3865: Merge "CustomSelectionActionModeCallback can prevent selection mode from starting." into honeycomb
* commit '82ba0ecaa72df892a34c279ac449e752e87f7ed8':
CustomSelectionActionModeCallback can prevent selection mode from starting.
2011-01-27 15:11:33 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
am 7af3a6f3: am bbdd9d3f: Merge "Refresh the list of preloaded drawables and color state lists" into honeycomb
* commit '7af3a6f3ddec456ade2c671e9ef53030d7b9f1a2':
Refresh the list of preloaded drawables and color state lists
2011-01-27 15:11:27 -08:00
Chet Haase
am 19312cfe: am 246bf85a: Merge "Fix NPE with display lists when view not attached" into honeycomb
* commit '19312cfef15608fca2c8403dc240e8ec4f54d6b7':
Fix NPE with display lists when view not attached
2011-01-27 15:11:20 -08:00
Basavapatna Dattaguru
am 64a2c359: Merge "Fix Issue: 3373525: reduces app. 100mS in create" into honeycomb
* commit '64a2c359aeda59e4bc43d48f31ade919e918ea26':
Fix Issue: 3373525: reduces app. 100mS in create
2011-01-27 15:03:36 -08:00
Adam Powell
am 43d7b83e: Merge "Fix bug 3391818 - Keyboard covers the "Show in chat list" selection in talk > Friend Info" into honeycomb
* commit '43d7b83ed92d54eeaf81e8e8b554daee1741df7b':
Fix bug 3391818 - Keyboard covers the "Show in chat list" selection in talk > Friend Info
2011-01-27 15:03:22 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
am 6f7a6bc3: Merge "Soft keyboard is not shown when text selection mode is aborted." into honeycomb
* commit '6f7a6bc3454fce5cfb86a0fc6a37022d24d1e465':
Soft keyboard is not shown when text selection mode is aborted.
2011-01-27 15:03:19 -08:00
Huahui Wu
am cbcdc614: Merge "b/3347670 Support installing online certs to the system keystore." into honeycomb
* commit 'cbcdc6147aa7dd4bcfcdaae6fc673c68f9be5dcf':
b/3347670 Support installing online certs to the system keystore.
2011-01-27 15:02:09 -08:00
Justin Ho
am c7b032d9: Fixing download notification icons
* commit 'c7b032d95bfae8b956dd4da8b6cbbd94ab534137':
Fixing download notification icons
2011-01-27 15:01:54 -08:00
Vasu Nori
am ce3b35a7: Merge "bug:3398527 return List insttead of ArrayList from public API" into honeycomb
* commit 'ce3b35a7b0b80061692d9fa1977cee68b365728c':
bug:3398527 return List insttead of ArrayList from public API
2011-01-27 15:00:38 -08:00
Daniel Sandler
am 74d39bd9: Merge "Correct the translationY of the empty notification panel." into honeycomb
* commit '74d39bd902c8561153647b19625b32938f38498c':
Correct the translationY of the empty notification panel.
2011-01-27 15:00:33 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
am 315f3865: Merge "CustomSelectionActionModeCallback can prevent selection mode from starting." into honeycomb
* commit '315f3865983f59e5ad9f42602f443e8c42b6e5c4':
CustomSelectionActionModeCallback can prevent selection mode from starting.
2011-01-27 15:00:29 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
am bbdd9d3f: Merge "Refresh the list of preloaded drawables and color state lists" into honeycomb
* commit 'bbdd9d3fbc1995adb4d327515ba0af8515436d2d':
Refresh the list of preloaded drawables and color state lists
2011-01-27 15:00:23 -08:00
Chet Haase
am 246bf85a: Merge "Fix NPE with display lists when view not attached" into honeycomb
* commit '246bf85aaacbadf4e892270d714efcdb280a3de8':
Fix NPE with display lists when view not attached
2011-01-27 15:00:17 -08:00
Basavapatna Dattaguru
Merge "Fix Issue: 3373525: reduces app. 100mS in create" into honeycomb
2011-01-27 13:54:52 -08:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Fix bug 3391818 - Keyboard covers the "Show in chat list" selection in talk > Friend Info" into honeycomb
2011-01-27 13:53:03 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
Merge "Soft keyboard is not shown when text selection mode is aborted." into honeycomb
2011-01-27 13:51:48 -08:00
Huahui Wu
Merge "b/3347670 Support installing online certs to the system keystore." into honeycomb
2011-01-27 13:26:27 -08:00
Vasu Nori
Merge "bug:3398527 return List insttead of ArrayList from public API" into honeycomb
2011-01-27 12:46:00 -08:00
Daniel Sandler
Merge "Correct the translationY of the empty notification panel." into honeycomb
2011-01-27 11:11:37 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
Merge "CustomSelectionActionModeCallback can prevent selection mode from starting." into honeycomb
2011-01-27 11:07:16 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
Merge "Refresh the list of preloaded drawables and color state lists" into honeycomb
2011-01-27 11:07:04 -08:00
Irfan Sheriff
Merge "Fix the build"
2011-01-27 11:05:04 -08:00
Chet Haase
Merge "Fix NPE with display lists when view not attached" into honeycomb
2011-01-27 10:41:26 -08:00
Gil Dobjanschi
am 0966fb9e: am eea200a9: Bug fix: 3398192 NPE at
* commit '0966fb9e73345b1e5ea9464e77beed07378edd6a':
Bug fix: 3398192 NPE at
2011-01-27 10:36:33 -08:00
Gil Dobjanschi
am eea200a9: Bug fix: 3398192 NPE at
* commit 'eea200a96a561d8eb9e26831aa6aaf7ddf6ad5a5':
Bug fix: 3398192 NPE at
2011-01-27 10:34:39 -08:00