Jean-Baptiste Queru
am a49b2dbd: am a38762f3: am 7ae7d31c: Merge "MOTOYA changed two kinds of Japanese font files."
* commit 'a49b2dbdde52e20b6d590b35e209033229f5d82d':
MOTOYA changed two kinds of Japanese font files.
2011-05-19 03:44:45 -07:00
Gloria Wang
am 8d161fe1: (-s ours) am 5a6c3d49: am 07e9267d: Merge "DO NOT MERGE For bug 4422428 Squashed commit of the following:" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '8d161fe1eafe80e01d84d2be55ae47314f944721':
DO NOT MERGE For bug 4422428 Squashed commit of the following:
2011-05-19 03:44:31 -07:00
Jim Miller
Merge "First pass at integrating new ScrollView-based recents panel. - added layout transitions - now calls removeTask() for selected activity."
2011-05-18 17:49:32 -07:00
Kazuhiro Ondo
am b22a9fd9: am 01758e81: Linkproperties update via unsol data call state change.
* commit 'b22a9fd9bb32133cbc7dc4fc7752dbf68e52dffe':
Linkproperties update via unsol data call state change.
2011-05-18 17:48:37 -07:00
Wink Saville
am e34a7686: am 258208a7: Merge "Remove SIM operator name hack" into honeycomb-LTE
* commit 'e34a7686a36bf0f48cd9d20090b4b8df1bf0d1ce':
Remove SIM operator name hack
2011-05-18 17:47:49 -07:00
Adam Powell
resolved conflicts for merge of 961f8bef to master
Change-Id: I9b437ddbebb10cf3ccf579b6b13e6c86bd73900c
2011-05-18 17:32:16 -07:00
Alex Sakhartchouk
Merge "Preparing libRS for for compilation on host."
2011-05-18 16:39:05 -07:00
Daniel Sandler
Merge "Turn off navbar for now."
2011-05-18 14:44:16 -07:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "Disable error report temporarily to enable inline video"
2011-05-18 14:43:53 -07:00
Teng-Hui Zhu
Disable error report temporarily to enable inline video
Change-Id: I06f05a4781ad432ab71db93f0815eb89cd2e7a69
2011-05-18 14:37:51 -07:00
Guang Zhu
Merge "call clearCache from UI thread"
2011-05-18 14:21:29 -07:00
Fabrice Di Meglio
Merge "Fix bug #4441002 Crash in SkPathEffectGlue::OneD_constructor"
2011-05-18 12:50:34 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 4f9bb17f: am c2db2144: am a429d5df: Merge "Improve compat mode scaling implementation." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '4f9bb17f7e74746c4296100f2fbd47f0f6ead3a7':
Improve compat mode scaling implementation.
2011-05-18 10:36:14 -07:00
Adam Powell
resolved conflicts for merge of f61c3d07 to master
Change-Id: Id38b4ff3ccc677b2d9e743186473b3559b00119b
2011-05-18 10:33:20 -07:00
Katie McCormick
am 2c898da6: am 32638ccb: am 4ef5f4dc: am 566489db: Cherrypick from HC--3.0 appwidget features. Change-Id: Idf9e0003db0f45264ca34e513ad132cc089cf62d
* commit '2c898da6d3306e041da0165607555303203ec86d':
Cherrypick from HC--3.0 appwidget features. Change-Id: Idf9e0003db0f45264ca34e513ad132cc089cf62d
2011-05-18 10:25:02 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am a38762f3: am 7ae7d31c: Merge "MOTOYA changed two kinds of Japanese font files."
* commit 'a38762f340853cca5a07732c21e9fb816fd252b8':
MOTOYA changed two kinds of Japanese font files.
2011-05-18 09:52:18 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 7ae7d31c: Merge "MOTOYA changed two kinds of Japanese font files."
* commit '7ae7d31c2fb06a5c53e71c9e77fa75c8f5777391':
MOTOYA changed two kinds of Japanese font files.
2011-05-18 09:46:16 -07:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "Properly forward rotation information from input format to output format."
2011-05-18 09:40:52 -07:00
Gloria Wang
am 5a6c3d49: am 07e9267d: Merge "DO NOT MERGE For bug 4422428 Squashed commit of the following:" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '5a6c3d491ccac07ef3f6a624a8a3e0c36959b661':
DO NOT MERGE For bug 4422428 Squashed commit of the following:
2011-05-18 09:30:01 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge "MOTOYA changed two kinds of Japanese font files."
2011-05-18 09:24:40 -07:00
Mike Lockwood
am 53b988ba: am 5a79cfd7: am 27ac64ec: Merge "StorageVolume: Add getStorageId() accessor" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '53b988ba1842f40e595bb85f2ca055c24787e6dc':
StorageVolume: Add getStorageId() accessor
2011-05-18 09:23:35 -07:00
John Reck
am c54d3a98: am 1818b4a9: am 1147bf63: Don\'t use mobile for large uastring
* commit 'c54d3a987235c615715e45f5a22ba75e6fae22b3':
Don't use mobile for large uastring
2011-05-18 09:23:22 -07:00
Eric Fischer
am 49ac7418: (-s ours) am d9703697: am da480945: Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '49ac741841224b9ff2579f6b7722dc7eb0ebcd3a':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-05-18 09:21:13 -07:00
Gloria Wang
am 07e9267d: Merge "DO NOT MERGE For bug 4422428 Squashed commit of the following:" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '07e9267d33bb199d0a2b8de221c64541bdf2465a':
DO NOT MERGE For bug 4422428 Squashed commit of the following:
2011-05-18 09:19:56 -07:00
Gloria Wang
Merge "DO NOT MERGE For bug 4422428 Squashed commit of the following:" into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-18 09:17:50 -07:00
Eino-Ville Talvala
Merge "Add auto-white balance locking to the Camera API."
2011-05-18 08:54:40 -07:00
Mike Lockwood
resolved conflicts for merge of 22c140b7 to master
Change-Id: I1d57d76519d7a8d8ea7c5be4f49ef885f1ffb302
2011-05-18 09:25:49 -04:00
Kazuhiro Ondo
am 01758e81: Linkproperties update via unsol data call state change.
* commit '01758e81b3ad89934581885bb2fc7006510ec639':
Linkproperties update via unsol data call state change.
2011-05-18 00:02:31 -07:00
Wink Saville
Merge "dumpstate: don't attempt to use vril-dump, it breaks adb bugreport"
2011-05-17 23:32:01 -07:00
Wink Saville
am 258208a7: Merge "Remove SIM operator name hack" into honeycomb-LTE
* commit '258208a78ca90a7d3a45a2f15af4bbb21a266f47':
Remove SIM operator name hack
2011-05-17 20:38:05 -07:00
Wink Saville
Merge "Remove SIM operator name hack" into honeycomb-LTE
2011-05-17 20:35:35 -07:00
Adam Powell
am 98603eed: am 30a76196: Merge "Fix bug 4416126 - orientation change bug with action bar overflow menu" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '98603eed2ff95d1d0dcb7fc1ecf3c35f3b447f55':
Fix bug 4416126 - orientation change bug with action bar overflow menu
2011-05-17 20:28:06 -07:00
Adam Powell
am 30a76196: Merge "Fix bug 4416126 - orientation change bug with action bar overflow menu" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '30a76196c8f426b530a80166817d3280acb2b100':
Fix bug 4416126 - orientation change bug with action bar overflow menu
2011-05-17 20:25:58 -07:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Fix bug 4416126 - orientation change bug with action bar overflow menu" into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-17 20:24:39 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am c2db2144: am a429d5df: Merge "Improve compat mode scaling implementation." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit 'c2db21445ddd4327e949b38edcf1ab9fd18f94f0':
Improve compat mode scaling implementation.
2011-05-17 18:42:23 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am a429d5df: Merge "Improve compat mode scaling implementation." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit 'a429d5df1aa59d817d694b96a07351224cc5d146':
Improve compat mode scaling implementation.
2011-05-17 18:40:12 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Improve compat mode scaling implementation." into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-17 18:38:37 -07:00
Adam Powell
am 16c69222: am 185d9c4d: Merge "Tweak padding and sizing of alert dialog elements to fit better in landscape mode on large screen devices. Integrate new dialog frame assets that take up less space." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '16c692229d6ed3d0df8682884b35252ea72c7c26':
Tweak padding and sizing of alert dialog elements to fit better in landscape mode on large screen devices. Integrate new dialog frame assets that take up less space.
2011-05-17 18:34:49 -07:00
Adam Powell
am 185d9c4d: Merge "Tweak padding and sizing of alert dialog elements to fit better in landscape mode on large screen devices. Integrate new dialog frame assets that take up less space." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '185d9c4dbf4b0ee976e4d0c3ea9d3ba307491339':
Tweak padding and sizing of alert dialog elements to fit better in landscape mode on large screen devices. Integrate new dialog frame assets that take up less space.
2011-05-17 18:32:06 -07:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Tweak padding and sizing of alert dialog elements to fit better in landscape mode on large screen devices. Integrate new dialog frame assets that take up less space." into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-17 18:30:08 -07:00
Katie McCormick
am 32638ccb: am 4ef5f4dc: am 566489db: Cherrypick from HC--3.0 appwidget features. Change-Id: Idf9e0003db0f45264ca34e513ad132cc089cf62d
* commit '32638ccb66d933512f4792d120b5cd93e9a26537':
Cherrypick from HC--3.0 appwidget features. Change-Id: Idf9e0003db0f45264ca34e513ad132cc089cf62d
2011-05-17 17:47:48 -07:00
Katie McCormick
am 4ef5f4dc: am 566489db: Cherrypick from HC--3.0 appwidget features. Change-Id: Idf9e0003db0f45264ca34e513ad132cc089cf62d
* commit '4ef5f4dce666b90c786da61bb2371dc51ea8dc40':
Cherrypick from HC--3.0 appwidget features. Change-Id: Idf9e0003db0f45264ca34e513ad132cc089cf62d
2011-05-17 17:40:38 -07:00
Katie McCormick
am 566489db: Cherrypick from HC--3.0 appwidget features. Change-Id: Idf9e0003db0f45264ca34e513ad132cc089cf62d
* commit '566489dbf6047ce90f3765b4058723dbcd731b30':
Cherrypick from HC--3.0 appwidget features. Change-Id: Idf9e0003db0f45264ca34e513ad132cc089cf62d
2011-05-17 17:38:04 -07:00
Eric Fischer
Merge "Import revised translations."
2011-05-17 17:14:56 -07:00
Mike Lockwood
am 5a79cfd7: am 27ac64ec: Merge "StorageVolume: Add getStorageId() accessor" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '5a79cfd7518defdce1911cecbc2441bb0a057e54':
StorageVolume: Add getStorageId() accessor
2011-05-17 16:49:40 -07:00
John Reck
am 1818b4a9: am 1147bf63: Don\'t use mobile for large uastring
* commit '1818b4a99016486d42de1a2ff35c88bb3197cd20':
Don't use mobile for large uastring
2011-05-17 16:49:25 -07:00
Mike Lockwood
am 27ac64ec: Merge "StorageVolume: Add getStorageId() accessor" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '27ac64eceee8d4e392983861c6bc6bd620e4c6f7':
StorageVolume: Add getStorageId() accessor
2011-05-17 16:44:51 -07:00
Mike Lockwood
Merge "StorageVolume: Add getStorageId() accessor" into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-17 16:42:48 -07:00
John Reck
am 1147bf63: Don\'t use mobile for large uastring
* commit '1147bf638a791ef403c0cc6654f4decd1b0d67c1':
Don't use mobile for large uastring
2011-05-17 16:18:11 -07:00
Alex Sakhartchouk
Merge "Moves fbo support in renderscript behind the hal"
2011-05-17 15:40:29 -07:00