Derek Sollenberger
am 7cabb03d: Resize the WebView when the soft-keyboard appears in landscape mode.
Merge commit '7cabb03da7053f3ceb5ff8b41b6a46052c6658a1' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '7cabb03da7053f3ceb5ff8b41b6a46052c6658a1':
Resize the WebView when the soft-keyboard appears in landscape mode.
2010-01-21 08:29:33 -08:00
Mike Lockwood
Merge "Implement Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS flag."
2010-01-21 08:18:15 -08:00
San Mehat
Merge "INetworkManagementService: Add support for enumerating TTYs and attaching ppp servers to them"
2010-01-20 18:15:43 -08:00
San Mehat
Merge "NativeDaemonConnector: Add a convenience method for obtaining lists"
2010-01-20 18:12:54 -08:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "Fix no-copy-overhead OMXCodec implementation to actually work."
2010-01-20 16:07:23 -08:00
Vasu Nori
Merge "reduce logging noise from cache-full conditions."
2010-01-20 15:41:54 -08:00
Jim Miller
Merge "Fix 2385283: Add DevicePolicyManager calls to LockScreen."
2010-01-20 15:12:04 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "fix [2363362] [Sapphire] Corrupted raw picture displayed during snapshot"
2010-01-20 15:08:33 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "part of fix for [2363362] [Sapphire] Corrupted raw picture displayed during snapshot"
2010-01-20 15:08:27 -08:00
Joe Onorato
am b3699b14: am 836e1666: Merge "add drawSpriteScreenspaceCropped to renderscript" into eclair
Merge commit 'b3699b14be3a3db1d75ea4c38853b0a53d14b1be'
* commit 'b3699b14be3a3db1d75ea4c38853b0a53d14b1be':
add drawSpriteScreenspaceCropped to renderscript
2010-01-20 14:35:52 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
fix [2363362] [Sapphire] Corrupted raw picture displayed during snapshot
handled all cases where the scale factor of a video is out of bounds of
supported scale factors in copybit.
2010-01-20 14:31:53 -08:00
Jacek Surazski
Merge "Add systemApp field to ApplicationErrorReport"
2010-01-20 14:14:12 -08:00
Barry Hayes
Merge "Check the boolean value for the arg to ZygoteInit to make sure it's either true or false. Make a slightly more informative usage message. Give developers a slightly easier way to have their preloaded classes list out of sync without blowing up."
2010-01-20 14:11:26 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
part of fix for [2363362] [Sapphire] Corrupted raw picture displayed during snapshot
make sure to fallback properly to software when copybit operation fails.
with this change, the preview image will at least be displayed in b&w
(since GL doesn't support the yuv format). This would also fix
2363506, but that one is now handled more cleanly.
2010-01-20 14:07:44 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "fix [2363506] [Sapphire] Video playback broken"
2010-01-20 13:44:53 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
fix [2363506] [Sapphire] Video playback broken
don't try to use copybit for incompatible buffers
2010-01-20 13:24:14 -08:00
Makoto Onuki
Merge "DomainNameValiator: Remove workaround"
2010-01-20 12:03:24 -08:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "Adds support for 8-bit (unsigned) PCM wave files."
2010-01-20 11:43:25 -08:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "Support for 'iTunes-style' metadata in .mp4 and .3gp files."
2010-01-20 11:35:02 -08:00
Eric Laurent
Merge "Create base class for audio policy manager."
2010-01-20 10:03:36 -08:00
Makoto Onuki
DomainNameValiator: Remove workaround
Remove the workaround introduced in CL 68137-p9.
Validation should fail when a certification can't be parsed.
Bug: 2369689
2010-01-20 09:58:42 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
am b44051ee: Merge "ADT/Layoutlib: implement sweep gradient." into eclair
Merge commit 'b44051eee04450888a7dcb1cd2e6f31d0edfb678' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'b44051eee04450888a7dcb1cd2e6f31d0edfb678':
ADT/Layoutlib: implement sweep gradient.
2010-01-20 09:47:06 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
Merge "ADT/Layoutlib: implement sweep gradient." into eclair
2010-01-20 09:43:46 -08:00
Makoto Onuki
Merge "Addign more tests for DomainNameValidator."
2010-01-20 09:22:42 -08:00
Tom O'Neill
Merge "Get rid of a TODO to add documentation for now-hidden columns"
2010-01-20 09:15:14 -08:00
Scott Main
am 5615ca19: docs: a lot of revision and expansion of the hello view tutorials includes new screenshots for some tutorials and a new sample images zip file
Merge commit '5615ca1979caa79041bf16a2cae49f9cfadd7ee5' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '5615ca1979caa79041bf16a2cae49f9cfadd7ee5':
docs: a lot of revision and expansion of the hello view tutorials
2010-01-19 19:59:24 -08:00
Adam Powell
am 5910cb53: Merge "Edge of screen slop detection for ScaleGestureDetector." into eclair
Merge commit '5910cb53ea7085dff4c8c6b9c1edde5a1b59fa28' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '5910cb53ea7085dff4c8c6b9c1edde5a1b59fa28':
Edge of screen slop detection for ScaleGestureDetector.
2010-01-19 19:59:19 -08:00
Scott Main
am de54a95b: Merge "docs: add a section about debugging web pages with the Console APIs; revise and cleanup some of the other content." into eclair
Merge commit 'de54a95b98b9d80c10ca2788b83386094222cb4f' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'de54a95b98b9d80c10ca2788b83386094222cb4f':
docs: add a section about debugging web pages with the Console APIs;
2010-01-19 19:59:13 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
am b1c4a2a3: Fix issue #2364506 : Phone locked up while listening to music and attempting to download an update
Merge commit 'b1c4a2a3b37fccf68e6a9563cccf1685df2bf3e7' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'b1c4a2a3b37fccf68e6a9563cccf1685df2bf3e7':
Fix issue #2364506 : Phone locked up while listening to music and attempting to download an update
2010-01-19 19:59:04 -08:00
Jason Sams
Merge "Fix RS mipmap generation for 8 bit alpha textures."
2010-01-19 17:54:27 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Measure AutoCompleteTextView's dropdown to have enough room for all items. Bug #2363514 "
2010-01-19 16:57:51 -08:00
Joe Onorato
Merge "Add DateTimeView, a widget that shows a time or the date depending on the current time. Use that for notifications instead of a TextView that doesn't ever update."
2010-01-19 16:45:05 -08:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Edge of screen slop detection for ScaleGestureDetector." into eclair
2010-01-19 16:40:17 -08:00
Scott Main
am 7cc57ff2: am 0409b1ba: Merge "docs: remove dev guide link from download confirmation content so we only link to the install guide and re-affirm the system reqs bug: 2374363,2374334" into eclair
Merge commit '7cc57ff22d23daa62e07e0f3d28010d75ed19eea'
* commit '7cc57ff22d23daa62e07e0f3d28010d75ed19eea':
docs: remove dev guide link from download confirmation content
2010-01-19 16:35:10 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
2010-01-19 16:35:00 -08:00
Joe Onorato
Merge "Make the space between the time and the AM/PM smaller by putting preceding whitespace inside the span."
2010-01-19 16:34:58 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
am f95e3dd2: am 5e083024: ADT/Layoutlib: shader clean-up.
Merge commit 'f95e3dd23cb6cbd7a86dece3c4bafff71307721a'
* commit 'f95e3dd23cb6cbd7a86dece3c4bafff71307721a':
ADT/Layoutlib: shader clean-up.
2010-01-19 16:34:48 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
am e1a99147: am d3026e16: Merge "ADT/Layoutlib: 2 color, linear gradient support." into eclair
Merge commit 'e1a991476365cf1a8249c842e2b936db6940b0a7'
* commit 'e1a991476365cf1a8249c842e2b936db6940b0a7':
ADT/Layoutlib: 2 color, linear gradient support.
2010-01-19 16:34:32 -08:00
Grace Kloba
am 181963a0: (-s ours) am 196926b9: Merge "DO NOT MERGE" into eclair
Merge commit '181963a0200e7c442d66f9f893da41e2b52a4d8c'
* commit '181963a0200e7c442d66f9f893da41e2b52a4d8c':
2010-01-19 16:34:11 -08:00
Scott Main
Merge "docs: add a section about debugging web pages with the Console APIs; revise and cleanup some of the other content." into eclair
2010-01-19 16:18:52 -08:00
Makoto Onuki
Addign more tests for DomainNameValidator.
Added tests that use actual certificates.
See bug:2369689 for background.
2010-01-19 15:03:10 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
am 6866daee: Merge "ADT/Layoutlib: implement radial gradient." into eclair
Merge commit '6866daee6a18992e8f2c9a948e873bbfc2090fb0' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '6866daee6a18992e8f2c9a948e873bbfc2090fb0':
ADT/Layoutlib: implement radial gradient.
2010-01-19 14:53:52 -08:00
Ying Wang
am b5fb50a1: Merge "Add instrumentation as a source tag for proguard keep options." into eclair
Merge commit 'b5fb50a133c6fc7fc93d6241912dd9ec24de6ace' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'b5fb50a133c6fc7fc93d6241912dd9ec24de6ace':
Add instrumentation as a source tag for proguard keep options.
2010-01-19 14:53:47 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
Merge "ADT/Layoutlib: implement radial gradient." into eclair
2010-01-19 14:48:58 -08:00
Suchi Amalapurapu
Merge "Mount/Unmount secure containers Persist flags in PackageSetting. Flags are relevant to ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM, Application.FLAG_ON_SDCARD, ApplicationInfo.FLAG_FORWARD_LOCK. New pm command to simulate mount/unmount in Pm. This will be removed when MountService/vold event generation gets fixed. Calls from MountService into PackageManager when media gets mounted/unmounted. Scan the packages and grant permissions when the sdcard gets mounted. This api might change again."
2010-01-19 14:11:43 -08:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "Fix trailing garbage after UCS-2 encoded strings in ID3 V2."
2010-01-19 14:05:46 -08:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "Support for ID3 version 1 (and 1.1) tags in .mp3 files."
2010-01-19 14:05:40 -08:00
Tom O'Neill
Merge "Find out whether we should mention behavior specific to our own provider"
2010-01-19 13:54:00 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Make sure the drawing cache is invalidated when reattaching a view. Bug #2373677 "
2010-01-19 13:29:03 -08:00
Ying Wang
Merge "Add instrumentation as a source tag for proguard keep options." into eclair
2010-01-19 11:55:12 -08:00