Jake Hamby
Merge "Fix some typos and logging of calls to CDMA methods."
2010-03-22 15:47:37 -07:00
Mike Lockwood
Merge "Improve wakelock debugging:"
2010-03-22 14:28:36 -07:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Fix possible NPE in AdapterView's OnItemClickListener clients. Bug #2533718 "
2010-03-22 14:20:15 -07:00
Jean-Michel Trivi
Merge "Unhide the MediaButton receiver API in android.media.AudioManager"
2010-03-22 13:59:09 -07:00
Derek Sollenberger
Merge "Adding a hidden method to check if a surface is fixed in size."
2010-03-22 13:10:50 -07:00
Brad Fitzpatrick
Merge "Make getting wifi state lockless."
2010-03-22 12:49:25 -07:00
Marco Nelissen
Merge "Fix Tabwidget copy/paste bug."
2010-03-22 12:03:37 -07:00
Mark Wagner
Merge "null check"
2010-03-22 11:51:51 -07:00
Xia Wang
Merge "Add connectivity manager automation test framework: - Create a dummy activity - ConnectivityManagerTestActivity - to listen to broadcast from connectivity manager, to control wifi, and to verify that connectivity information for different network types. This framework will be used for funcitonal tests and stress tests."
2010-03-22 11:16:16 -07:00
Marco Nelissen
Merge "Fix javadoc copy/paste error."
2010-03-22 11:14:38 -07:00
Nick Kralevich
Merge "Unittests for EntropyService. Make EntropyService more testable."
2010-03-22 11:14:25 -07:00
San Mehat
Merge "MountService: Handle volumes shared on startup"
2010-03-22 10:30:27 -07:00
Steve Block
Merge "Implements layoutTestController.setAppCacheMaximumSize"
2010-03-22 03:44:09 -07:00
Patrick Scott
Merge "Compare the cookie names to ensure a consistent ordering."
2010-03-19 17:59:39 -07:00
Brian Carlstrom
Merge "b/2511635 Browser displays incorrect SSL cert information"
2010-03-19 17:49:37 -07:00
Amith Yamasani
Merge "Move the key feedback bubble to the side if there's not enough room above. bug: 2519903"
2010-03-19 17:31:31 -07:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "libutils Condition are now PRIVATE by default"
2010-03-19 17:20:08 -07:00
Jean-Michel Trivi
Merge "Fix two AudioFocus issues: - if a focus owner abandons audio focus during a call, the next focus owner in the stack was never notified - if a focus owner requests the focus while alread owning it, and the type of focus request changes, the previous focus owner was not notified that the type of focus loss had changed."
2010-03-19 16:31:34 -07:00
Dmitry Shmidt
Merge "Fix bcm4329 FW dump in bugreport for user-debug build"
2010-03-19 16:26:52 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
Merge "Allow space in SSID"
2010-03-19 16:17:00 -07:00
Mathias Agopian
libutils Condition are now PRIVATE by default
Condition must be initialized with SHARED for the old behavior, where
they can be used accross processes.
Updated the two places android that require SHARED conditions.
PRIVATE conditions (and mutexes) use more efficient syscalls.
Change-Id: I9a281a4b88206e92ac559c66554e886b9c62db3a
2010-03-19 16:16:43 -07:00
Christopher Tate
Merge "Use atomic++ rather than lock/++/unlock in the input dispatch code path"
2010-03-19 16:13:33 -07:00
Eric Olsen
Merge "Add check for null name on SCO connect"
2010-03-19 14:51:53 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
Merge "Fix wakelock"
2010-03-19 14:08:01 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Fix issue #2512131 : Trackball goes up when moving"
2010-03-19 14:01:48 -07:00
Suchi Amalapurapu
Merge "Grant permissions to apps on sd when enabling/disabling packages."
2010-03-19 13:38:50 -07:00
Christopher Tate
Merge "Ensure that binder incalls to the system process keep the fg cgroup"
2010-03-19 12:42:29 -07:00
Kenny Root
Merge "Ensure adapter is not null in AutoCompleteTextView"
2010-03-19 11:59:56 -07:00
Brett Chabot
Merge "Add -e package description to InstrumentationTestRunner javadoc."
2010-03-19 11:41:42 -07:00
Grace Kloba
Merge "Change overscroll background to be same as status bar pulldown."
2010-03-19 10:41:01 -07:00
Vasu Nori
Merge "limit sql statement in finalizer warning to 100 chars"
2010-03-19 10:38:29 -07:00
Eric Olsen
Merge "Add the blacklist for the SCO connections"
2010-03-19 10:26:53 -07:00
Marco Nelissen
Merge "We should pass null for the album artist if it was not set, instead of a copy of the artist, since the media provider needs to know whether the album artist was actually set."
2010-03-19 10:25:13 -07:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Force all views to relayout when ViewRoot is resized. Bug #2519590 "
2010-03-19 09:34:31 -07:00
Robert Greenwalt
Merge "Add support for DUN over a cdma connection."
2010-03-19 09:03:27 -07:00
Robert Greenwalt
Merge "Fix Tethering Notifications for multiple ifaces"
2010-03-19 09:02:00 -07:00
Steve Block
Merge "Fix HttpAuthHandler for synchronous requests"
2010-03-19 08:47:56 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Fix issue #2512507 : Shortcuts and Widgets lost on upgrading from Eclair to FRE70D"
2010-03-18 19:25:57 -07:00
Kenny Root
Merge "Make aapt warning concise"
2010-03-18 19:15:51 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Only backup real files."
2010-03-18 18:26:06 -07:00
Eric Laurent
Merge "Unhide AudioManager API to control bluetooth SCO audio connection."
2010-03-18 18:23:17 -07:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Fix bug 2520540"
2010-03-18 18:22:57 -07:00
Dmitri Plotnikov
Merge "Cleaning up list of common nicknames"
2010-03-18 18:18:02 -07:00
Christopher Tate
Ensure that binder incalls to the system process keep the fg cgroup
On binder incalls, the handler thread is given the caller's priority by the
driver, but not the caller's cgroup. We have explicit code that sets the
handler's cgroup to match the caller's, *except* that the system process
explicitly disables this behavior. This led to a siuation in which we were
running binder incalls to the system process at nice=10 but cgroup=fg.
That's fine as far as it goes, except that if a GC happened in the handler
thread, it would be promoted to foreground priority and cgroup both, to avoid
having the GC take forever. Then, when GC finished, the original priority
is reset, and the cgroup set *based on that priority*. This would push the
handler thread into nice=10 cgroup=bg_non_interactive -- which matches the
caller, but is supposed to be impossible in the system process.
The end result of this was that we could be running "lengthy" operations in
the system process in the background. Unfortunately, some of the operations
that wound up like this would hold important global system locks for up to
twenty seconds as a result, making the entire device unresponsive to input
for that period.
This CL fixes the binder incall setup to ensure that within the system process,
a binder incall is always begun from the normal foreground priority as well
as cgroup. In practice now the device still becomes laggy/sluggish when the
offending lock-holding time-consuming incall occurs, but since it still runs
as a foreground task it is able to proceed to completion within a short time
rather than taking 20 seconds.
Fixes bug #2403717
Change-Id: Id046aeabd0e80c48eef94accc37842835eab308d
2010-03-18 18:13:57 -07:00
Suchi Amalapurapu
Merge "Switch default install location to unspecified. Add a new install location unspecified for backward compatibility. There is not much difference between policies auto and unspecified. But we dont have to make any code changes in PackageParser based on our preference for install location. Add tests"
2010-03-18 18:07:54 -07:00
Wink Saville
Merge "Allow transitionTo in enter/exit."
2010-03-18 18:03:48 -07:00
Marco Nelissen
Merge "Include "album artist" when inserting items in the media provider."
2010-03-18 17:23:32 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
Merge "Clean up changing AP configuration"
2010-03-18 16:42:48 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Fix issue #2438457 : Resolving Flash artifacts while scrolling."
2010-03-18 16:34:07 -07:00
Jason Sams
Merge "Change opaque RS typedefs from void * to int. These will likely become int64_t once proper support for >32bits is worked out."
2010-03-18 16:30:43 -07:00