Romain Guy
am 0aaa11ed: Merge "Remove many unnecessary save/restore calls." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '0aaa11ed5be45170fb2535a6ce021c92b18d8878':
Remove many unnecessary save/restore calls.
2011-03-07 11:25:41 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Remove many unnecessary save/restore calls." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-07 11:24:02 -08:00
Soojung Shin
am fa680a18: am ff5a0990: Added to check for supporting mms content-disposition, utf8 decoding.
* commit 'fa680a18f617de202912b8a9fe3fc0890a9fe09e':
Added to check for supporting mms content-disposition, utf8 decoding.
2011-03-07 11:10:28 -08:00
Daniel Sandler
am ec1f1f4c: Merge changes I674abfcc,Ia40f4c53 into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'ec1f1f4cfc6e253cee4320fe33a385d2218a9bb2':
When the user touches a peeked notification, reset the fadeout timer.
Fix touches on glowing region around panel.
2011-03-07 10:50:54 -08:00
Daniel Sandler
Merge changes I674abfcc,Ia40f4c53 into honeycomb-mr1
* changes:
When the user touches a peeked notification, reset the fadeout timer.
Fix touches on glowing region around panel.
2011-03-07 10:47:13 -08:00
Winson Chung
am d452dbc2: Merge "Fixing issue where AppWidget service was being hit regardless of caching in RemoteViewsAdapter. (3467340)" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'd452dbc2b62a9ddf7558965404f69f9a5e4ad1f5':
Fixing issue where AppWidget service was being hit regardless of caching in RemoteViewsAdapter. (3467340)
2011-03-07 10:24:42 -08:00
Adam Powell
am 9ab91b84: Merge "Fix bug 3509417 - Serialize touch event handling in webview" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '9ab91b843a82ccc853b78cc3c0f21c86e668418e':
Fix bug 3509417 - Serialize touch event handling in webview
2011-03-07 10:22:24 -08:00
Winson Chung
Merge "Fixing issue where AppWidget service was being hit regardless of caching in RemoteViewsAdapter. (3467340)" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-07 10:21:11 -08:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Fix bug 3509417 - Serialize touch event handling in webview" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-07 10:20:23 -08:00
Justin Ho
am ef560044: Merge "SearchView textfield backgrounds for bracketing the submit/voice button and improve padding." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'ef56004420cd9f1cb84f22e20d649ba8f1791dea':
SearchView textfield backgrounds for bracketing the submit/voice button and improve padding.
2011-03-07 07:32:04 -08:00
Justin Ho
Merge "SearchView textfield backgrounds for bracketing the submit/voice button and improve padding." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-07 07:30:09 -08:00
Kristian Monsen
am 9f5f7af6: Deprecating webkit API\'s that might not be supported in the future do not merge
* commit '9f5f7af6ccaf14303c109bfd5b2605eac16c46c6':
Deprecating webkit API's that might not be supported in the future do not merge
2011-03-07 05:10:12 -08:00
Xia Wang
am 7d83f602: am 928ec5e0: Merge "Modify connectivity manager test suite so that it can be run on Wi-Fi only device." into honeycomb
* commit '7d83f6020c31c21b84114b35e6303895d082e18d':
Modify connectivity manager test suite so that it can be run on Wi-Fi only device.
2011-03-05 09:29:50 -08:00
Scott Main
am d75ff0e2: am fa331d0d: docs: update publishing doc to remove pname search parameter
* commit 'd75ff0e2965f28a5b3a93c6f4aeae306ebd2da79':
docs: update publishing doc to remove pname search parameter
2011-03-05 09:29:47 -08:00
Xia Wang
am 928ec5e0: Merge "Modify connectivity manager test suite so that it can be run on Wi-Fi only device." into honeycomb
* commit '928ec5e021162fe371da8bdac7f5bb2c854b1aa1':
Modify connectivity manager test suite so that it can be run on Wi-Fi only device.
2011-03-05 09:25:30 -08:00
Scott Main
am fa331d0d: docs: update publishing doc to remove pname search parameter
* commit 'fa331d0dfee0bc7324c788915292066e31842d49':
docs: update publishing doc to remove pname search parameter
2011-03-05 09:24:55 -08:00
Lorenzo Colitti
am 362da509: (-s ours) am b028ce55: Merge "Add a protocol property to the APNs and use it." into gingerbread
* commit '362da509897a497848860ea8b9944ab192ad1e4c':
Add a protocol property to the APNs and use it.
2011-03-05 09:19:42 -08:00
Lorenzo Colitti
am ba76f2ac: (-s ours) am 6987036f: Merge "Make setupDataCall take a protocol parameter." into gingerbread
* commit 'ba76f2ac2a2edf9b3a2c67ab57f9514289473549':
Make setupDataCall take a protocol parameter.
2011-03-05 09:19:37 -08:00
Xia Wang
Merge "Modify connectivity manager test suite so that it can be run on Wi-Fi only device." into honeycomb
2011-03-04 19:23:21 -08:00
Mike Cleron
am 54bb9869: Merge "Don\'t fail unlinking death recipients on dead binders" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '54bb98698a3550250b332b2f4d756b1a5c7473f5':
Don't fail unlinking death recipients on dead binders
2011-03-04 18:00:29 -08:00
Mike Cleron
Merge "Don't fail unlinking death recipients on dead binders" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-04 17:58:09 -08:00
Soojung Shin
am ff5a0990: Added to check for supporting mms content-disposition, utf8 decoding.
* commit 'ff5a09904fb05f2776f1bbf1dd3915f38031190c':
Added to check for supporting mms content-disposition, utf8 decoding.
2011-03-04 17:16:49 -08:00
James Dong
am 99b86247: Fix a leak from AACEncoder.cpp
* commit '99b862476df2f5d487db98a32a0c88e3a6be8420':
Fix a leak from AACEncoder.cpp
2011-03-04 16:50:27 -08:00
Justin Ho
am 0b51f574: Merge "Updated stat notification icons" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '0b51f57479f243a597d7c73b6ac44d3e687bafa8':
Updated stat notification icons
2011-03-04 16:46:18 -08:00
Justin Ho
am abd481f6: Merge "Updated clock notification panel background (pressed state)" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'abd481f686ccce3eb1277ba6d560960d640dc4bb':
Updated clock notification panel background (pressed state)
2011-03-04 16:46:13 -08:00
Leon Scroggins
am 97827bbd: Merge "Update media controller appearance." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '97827bbd6ce10471f2c4399ffbe4dce2faf6d632':
Update media controller appearance.
2011-03-04 16:46:04 -08:00
Justin Ho
Merge "Updated stat notification icons" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-04 15:40:00 -08:00
Justin Ho
Merge "Updated clock notification panel background (pressed state)" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-04 15:22:01 -08:00
Leon Scroggins
Merge "Update media controller appearance." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-04 15:03:46 -08:00
Eric Fischer
am 4d3e7fb7: Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '4d3e7fb7ab00c190aa7ce4f8a4d5174909067ccc':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-03-04 13:54:25 -08:00
Eric Fischer
Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-04 13:52:11 -08:00
Jean-Michel Trivi
am 371fd13c: Merge "Fix bug 3511256 invalid TTS parameter cache size" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '371fd13c31b7e067fafc680948b907b6a0a621d7':
Fix bug 3511256 invalid TTS parameter cache size
2011-03-04 12:08:40 -08:00
Jean-Michel Trivi
Merge "Fix bug 3511256 invalid TTS parameter cache size" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-04 12:06:22 -08:00
James Dong
am 865448a0: Merge "Do not enforce the rule in MP3Extractor that all audio frames in an mp3 file must have the same mode" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '865448a04f4921877d652c3018ef65bada312084':
Do not enforce the rule in MP3Extractor that all audio frames in an mp3 file must have the same mode
2011-03-04 11:39:15 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
am 78e76847: Merge "getTextRunCursor gets deprecated in SpannableStringBuilder" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '78e7684713ddac5e8e3cf69b702cbcb4e473aacd':
getTextRunCursor gets deprecated in SpannableStringBuilder
2011-03-04 11:39:09 -08:00
James Dong
Merge "Do not enforce the rule in MP3Extractor that all audio frames in an mp3 file must have the same mode" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-04 11:37:07 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
Merge "getTextRunCursor gets deprecated in SpannableStringBuilder" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-04 11:36:17 -08:00
Scott Main
am 42424da2: am 22724f38: docs: fix toc link in publishing doc
* commit '42424da28b7e2c61d48b13f0daaf2f5b94788c93':
docs: fix toc link in publishing doc
2011-03-04 11:23:07 -08:00
Scott Main
am 4f996852: am a2f21847: docs: update market publishing doc
* commit '4f996852e14eea9a7f88715c56484225f52b5d45':
docs: update market publishing doc
2011-03-04 11:23:00 -08:00
Scott Main
am 22724f38: docs: fix toc link in publishing doc
* commit '22724f3873b50747ca0fb41bbc5fe9b1acacadf2':
docs: fix toc link in publishing doc
2011-03-04 11:17:53 -08:00
Scott Main
am a2f21847: docs: update market publishing doc
* commit 'a2f21847d97042677efdd3b4f001bdbdc8dd1a43':
docs: update market publishing doc
2011-03-04 11:17:28 -08:00
Chet Haase
am b0be85f5: Merge "Fix problem with transparent background on Twitter app" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'b0be85f50d55b03a34bec5bbb326daa79d5907fe':
Fix problem with transparent background on Twitter app
2011-03-04 10:39:15 -08:00
Chet Haase
Merge "Fix problem with transparent background on Twitter app" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-04 10:35:40 -08:00
Scott Main
am b1912259: am c44f3907: docs: add redirects for preview docs
* commit 'b191225940ba2f1f56100e62ba2a4f6a49e820ea':
docs: add redirects for preview docs
2011-03-04 09:45:56 -08:00
Scott Main
am c44f3907: docs: add redirects for preview docs
* commit 'c44f3907c4a45a1b3724535bf4aa6de7f31224ee':
docs: add redirects for preview docs
2011-03-04 09:42:52 -08:00
Leon Scroggins
am 91ac3dc0: Merge "Use the same width as the TextView created layout." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '91ac3dc06d1b99c5e63cda3b5ae0adfec406fd7a':
Use the same width as the TextView created layout.
2011-03-04 09:35:25 -08:00
Leon Scroggins
Merge "Use the same width as the TextView created layout." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-04 09:32:14 -08:00
Ken Wakasa
am 6e38d26c: Merge "Fix the sort order of the input methods & subtypes in the settings." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '6e38d26c1e66cc957c33d4263013e02623ebd6da':
Fix the sort order of the input methods & subtypes in the settings.
2011-03-04 02:59:48 -08:00
Ken Wakasa
Merge "Fix the sort order of the input methods & subtypes in the settings." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-04 02:57:20 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
am f8b8a3fa: Refector preferred activity code out of package manager.
* commit 'f8b8a3fa955b545843ca264428c620b67c2a5359':
Refector preferred activity code out of package manager.
2011-03-04 00:22:40 -08:00