Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change I499f8819 into donut
* changes:
Add density support to layoutlib so that bitmap are scaled if needed.
2009-09-29 18:24:44 -04:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change Id16e0e13 into donut
* changes:
Add density value to density enum.
2009-09-29 17:56:16 -04:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change Ia4e59dbb into donut
* changes:
Add a new IResourceValue that knows about the density.
2009-09-29 17:55:27 -04:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change I915efc49 into donut
* changes:
Update docs for NDK.
2009-09-29 13:03:12 -04:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change I7b64ad2e into donut
* changes:
doc change only. fix toc links on terms page.
2009-09-29 11:42:03 -04:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 27064 into donut
* changes:
docs only. add information on provisional api level and fix some link titles
2009-09-25 20:51:31 -04:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 3583 into donut
* changes:
implement browser history for tabbed search results... this adds a parameter to the URL hash on all search queries. the main motive is to allow searches from the blog to automatically open the blog tab.
2009-09-25 12:05:28 -04:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 24816 into donut
* changes:
TextToSpeech javadoc update.
2009-09-14 13:54:00 -04:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 24700 into donut
* changes:
docs only. add android 1.6 video to the highlights doc and featured videos list
2009-09-11 13:44:08 -04:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 24690 into donut
* changes:
docs only. update japanese site homepage with 1.6 sdk links
2009-09-11 12:27:49 -04:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 24574 into donut
* changes:
docs only. revise the maxSdkVersion description
2009-09-11 12:27:30 -04:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 24631 into donut
* changes:
Minor changes to api levels doc and upgrading doc. Change Linux "tested on" to Hardy Heron.
2009-09-11 12:19:28 -04:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 24419 into donut
* changes:
Move API change details from highlights doc to version notes doc.
2009-09-11 12:16:19 -04:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 24641 into donut
* changes:
docs only. change the japanese homepage Market link to go to the Market dev site instead of the English market promo site
2009-09-10 22:46:35 -04:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 24559 into donut
* changes:
docs only. add documentation to notify developers about variable camera specifications and add some more links
2009-09-10 20:17:52 -04:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 22323 into donut
* changes:
docs only. add the 1.6 platform highlights
2009-09-10 14:29:59 -04:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 23126 into donut
* changes:
docs only. add documentation about zipalign and new auto-signing procedures for Ant
2009-09-02 20:19:39 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 23762 into donut
* changes:
Add updated API diff based on 4.xml.
2009-09-02 19:29:45 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 23565 into donut
* changes:
docs only. add new announcement for 1.6 sdk to homepage
2009-09-02 17:55:32 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge snapshot version of donut back into the main tree
2009-09-02 13:42:40 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 23569 into donut
* changes:
Update 4.xml to the most recent APIs.
2009-09-01 19:15:59 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 23499 into donut
* changes:
Fix content provider
2009-09-01 19:09:24 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 23503 into donut
* changes:
docs only. expand the uses-feature docs
2009-09-01 19:04:15 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 23345 into donut
* changes:
Fix an emoji-measuring bug that caused an exception when editing a contact.
2009-09-01 11:16:25 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 23242 into donut
* changes:
docs only. add uses-feature "name" attribute
2009-08-31 15:00:36 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge snapshot version of donut back into the main tree
2009-08-31 09:32:35 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
donut snapshot
2009-08-31 09:17:57 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 23241 into donut
* changes:
add searchable dictionary to html docs and dev guide nav and add screenshots.
2009-08-29 13:38:17 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 23198 into donut
* changes:
Update SearchManager documentation to reflect latest behavior.
2009-08-28 16:14:21 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 23173 into donut
* changes:
Remove flaky test LifecycleTest.testDialog from large continuous suite.
2009-08-28 13:48:09 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 23043 into donut
* changes:
Revert "Remove third party support for Quick Search Box (aka global search)."
2009-08-27 18:32:27 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 22939 into donut
* changes:
Final Donut API list.
2009-08-27 12:57:09 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 22883 into donut
* changes:
Various tweaks to try to improve low memory behavior.
2009-08-27 01:14:00 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 22090 into donut
* changes:
docs only. add new documentation for installing the new winusb driver. also add a link to the HTC support site for ADP flashing and remove references to the G1 and generalize to "consumer devices"
2009-08-26 12:55:54 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 22379 into donut
* changes:
modified: MediaFrameworkTest/src/com/android/mediaframeworktest/functional/ Fixed the passing incorrect media names and add the localH263AMRprepareAsync test.
2009-08-24 10:11:00 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 22322 into donut
* changes:
Add FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag when adding a word to the dictionary.
2009-08-21 14:47:41 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 21977 into donut
* changes:
docs only. add reference information for new <path-permission> element
2009-08-20 11:19:08 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 21772 into donut
* changes:
Fix Resources#opeRawResource(int, TypedValue) in layoutlib.
2009-08-18 13:39:50 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 21652 into donut
* changes:
Make ZoomButtonsController public.
2009-08-17 18:38:53 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 21178 into donut
* changes:
Simplified algorithm used to generate the preloaded-classes list. Generated a new preloaded-classes file.
2009-08-17 17:58:05 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 21408 into donut
* changes:
Improved drawing/matrix support in layoutlib
2009-08-17 14:22:24 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 21572 into donut
* changes:
Add constants to adjust Vending input and output buffer sizes.
2009-08-17 14:19:42 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 21549 into donut
* changes:
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2009-08-17 13:42:24 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 21358 into donut
* changes:
Unhide the broadcast intent that signals completion of the TTS language files. This is required for bug 2022435. Correct the javadoc where two intents were mislabelled as broadcast, but were activity actions.
2009-08-14 16:28:12 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 21241 into donut
* changes:
Layoutlib now uses the dimen status_bar_height instead of hard-coded value
2009-08-14 10:57:25 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 21226 into donut
* changes:
Fix bug 2046705 where the output of the speech synthesizer is too low. The language files for the SVOX Pico engine result in the output of the synthesizer to be too soft, and barely audible on a phone speaker. The change implements a low shelf filter on the output of the synthesis and a drastic amplification. This works as intended because the synthesized data contains too much energy in the lower frequencies that is wasted on a phone speaker. Once filtered out, they leave room for amplication to address the volume issue.
2009-08-14 10:24:07 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 21124 into donut
* changes:
Add license-related files
2009-08-14 09:04:59 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 21149 into donut
* changes:
DOCS ONLY. add manifest documentation for uses-feature and supports-screens elements. also update the navigation and manifest home page, update the uses-sdk element to include new maxSdk and targeSdk attributes, and add some sample code to DisplayMetrics to query the device for screen info.
2009-08-13 17:33:03 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 21100 into donut
* changes:
Use dataRoaming in dataConnectionTracker.
2009-08-13 12:36:22 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 21063 into donut
* changes:
Fix handling of reference XML file in layout files
2009-08-13 11:31:07 -07:00