Dianne Hackborn
am 0821f274: am 2a108403: I am a dummy.
* commit '0821f2745d05af98195c9c1c7889ca14e9c56e0b':
I am a dummy.
2011-05-26 14:14:41 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
am d5238cc1: am 7a09f72b: Merge "Rework how we decide whether to use system or status bar." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit 'd5238cc1ab8366389b2aada228f2f2e5cbb3244e':
Rework how we decide whether to use system or status bar.
2011-05-26 14:14:35 -07:00 |
Eric Fischer
am 90856661: am 66fd9ab2: Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '90856661cf07453a23c3737f421a4686b70d95c1':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-05-26 14:14:31 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
am 2a108403: I am a dummy.
* commit '2a108403803bd30bee1c019060c208fb8c52c10c':
I am a dummy.
2011-05-26 13:34:37 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
am 7a09f72b: Merge "Rework how we decide whether to use system or status bar." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '7a09f72b8850ec22e4ca7fd50aba20ead7666f67':
Rework how we decide whether to use system or status bar.
2011-05-26 13:34:33 -07:00 |
Eric Fischer
am 66fd9ab2: Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '66fd9ab236b3df85a32792caec41a2cd83622e28':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-05-26 13:34:29 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Rework how we decide whether to use system or status bar." into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-26 11:39:22 -07:00 |
Eric Fischer
Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-26 11:36:58 -07:00 |
Wink Saville
am f55e0346: Merge "Remove or disable some verbose debugging." into honeycomb-LTE
* commit 'f55e0346a5a40714be8a7e1571ff65e6ef1a9949':
Remove or disable some verbose debugging.
2011-05-26 11:07:18 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
am 80ef2a97: am 42f8094c: Merge "Spiffy new compatibility mode UI." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '80ef2a9745e6103efd9698577536bbfed1fd74f6':
Spiffy new compatibility mode UI.
2011-05-26 11:02:52 -07:00 |
Wink Saville
Merge "Remove or disable some verbose debugging." into honeycomb-LTE
2011-05-26 10:55:46 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
am 42f8094c: Merge "Spiffy new compatibility mode UI." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '42f8094c066209a65b09d53611ef5c93daba4c51':
Spiffy new compatibility mode UI.
2011-05-26 10:00:00 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Spiffy new compatibility mode UI." into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-25 21:18:36 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am a4e74744: am fa574c0e: Merge "Touch pad UX improvements." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit 'a4e747445ac0bdd2cc561802c9c7abfedbd0d981':
Touch pad UX improvements.
2011-05-25 19:19:01 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am fa574c0e: Merge "Touch pad UX improvements." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit 'fa574c0e0ce7f84eea34e96dededea35329dbd18':
Touch pad UX improvements.
2011-05-25 19:16:39 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
Merge "Touch pad UX improvements." into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-25 19:15:24 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am 919a2efe: am 5665770b: Merge "Fix deadlock in dispatcher. (DO NOT MERGE)" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '919a2efeeff6c5ac0dc36883c84d13ed4ca6bce2':
Fix deadlock in dispatcher. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 19:00:42 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am 5665770b: Merge "Fix deadlock in dispatcher. (DO NOT MERGE)" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '5665770bc4449a96f2365bec71fb012ca2e7bc81':
Fix deadlock in dispatcher. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 18:58:22 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
Merge "Fix deadlock in dispatcher. (DO NOT MERGE)" into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-25 18:55:52 -07:00 |
Adam Powell
am b017632d: am 5a328f0f: Merge "Updated popup dialog 9 patches (light)" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit 'b017632dad1c6a89cbdc02a9fa7a0029a7dbac12':
Updated popup dialog 9 patches (light)
2011-05-25 18:16:48 -07:00 |
Adam Powell
am 5a328f0f: Merge "Updated popup dialog 9 patches (light)" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '5a328f0f7cf88a2b917db15aec9f9d1714db3e06':
Updated popup dialog 9 patches (light)
2011-05-25 18:12:40 -07:00 |
Adam Powell
Merge "Updated popup dialog 9 patches (light)" into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-25 18:10:22 -07:00 |
Joe Onorato
am 94a06bd8: am 6fb093b1: Merge "Move status bar icons to sw600." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '94a06bd8db0d19be3108bd2ee709373f80318c8b':
Move status bar icons to sw600.
2011-05-25 17:42:27 -07:00 |
Joe Onorato
am 6fb093b1: Merge "Move status bar icons to sw600." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '6fb093b14bb1bf4b933a5f624b03085977d12ff9':
Move status bar icons to sw600.
2011-05-25 17:39:04 -07:00 |
Joe Onorato
Merge "Move status bar icons to sw600." into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-25 17:36:54 -07:00 |
Jeff Hamilton
am 5e654d02: am 14019abb: Merge "Swap Mifare for MIFARE." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '5e654d02457e0f90f8cdaf07843af1be7328ed7f':
Swap Mifare for MIFARE.
2011-05-25 16:32:12 -07:00 |
Joe Onorato
am a2a605a9: am c112118a: Merge "move resources" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit 'a2a605a958ae8443e54b7a2607bc71501682f9ae':
move resources
2011-05-25 16:25:02 -07:00 |
Jeff Hamilton
am 14019abb: Merge "Swap Mifare for MIFARE." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '14019abb40785064ebef5d14e82586a910d33181':
Swap Mifare for MIFARE.
2011-05-25 15:41:51 -07:00 |
Jeff Hamilton
Merge "Swap Mifare for MIFARE." into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-25 15:38:56 -07:00 |
Joe Onorato
am c112118a: Merge "move resources" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit 'c112118a9091aa69ea70fea7c23f1e078ee87908':
move resources
2011-05-25 15:23:26 -07:00 |
Joe Onorato
Merge "move resources" into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-25 15:18:56 -07:00 |
James Dong
am 05e13b9e: am c1ded373: Merge "Revert "Use pread() to get the decrypted data for container based DRM file."" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '05e13b9edd3ef6edb286ddc2d92bebecf6666bf8':
Revert "Use pread() to get the decrypted data for container based DRM file."
2011-05-25 14:57:45 -07:00 |
James Dong
am c1ded373: Merge "Revert "Use pread() to get the decrypted data for container based DRM file."" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit 'c1ded373951f8bd489401e93f2dd512ff9705a49':
Revert "Use pread() to get the decrypted data for container based DRM file."
2011-05-25 14:54:19 -07:00 |
James Dong
Merge "Revert "Use pread() to get the decrypted data for container based DRM file."" into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-25 14:51:52 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am 6ef142a0: am b416e241: Fix bug reporting presence of orientation axis. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit '6ef142a05081333f104abde225af9eccd1b92d6c':
Fix bug reporting presence of orientation axis. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 14:49:20 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am 53c3d5b1: am 325bd07b: Add tap/drag touchpad gesture. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit '53c3d5b1d5ba00c7be444a358a5fa678de44f6cd':
Add tap/drag touchpad gesture. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 14:46:57 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am 8148cc3e: am 86ea1f5f: Initial checkin of spot presentation for touchpad gestures. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit '8148cc3e47e50c916066e2fed562618b5827188f':
Initial checkin of spot presentation for touchpad gestures. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 14:46:53 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am e8dc05aa: am a6dbfdd3: Add a sprite controller. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit 'e8dc05aa6d2f4138729438281485ca10d854dc8d':
Add a sprite controller. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 14:46:50 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am d5358874: am 5ced76a1: Coalesce input events that arrive faster than 333Hz. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit 'd5358874e2cc90be3d7d3370ef7342c96c212451':
Coalesce input events that arrive faster than 333Hz. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 14:46:37 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am dd2534c2: am 7157f6fe: Allow batching samples onto the pending motion event. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit 'dd2534c2910e851cc8a2e2adeac091df252b503a':
Allow batching samples onto the pending motion event. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 14:46:33 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am c5c7e047: am d0132e8e: Minor Alt-TAB / Recent Apps Dialog improvements. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit 'c5c7e047d1a1c56ba55bdfea9391d1907f355dbc':
Minor Alt-TAB / Recent Apps Dialog improvements. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 14:46:25 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am 6f37a7f9: am eea0aa25: Support primitive ALT-TAB style navigation using Recent Apps. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit '6f37a7f9b6f83fbcc919dc452e72838623e8bb5d':
Support primitive ALT-TAB style navigation using Recent Apps. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 14:46:21 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am b416e241: Fix bug reporting presence of orientation axis. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit 'b416e241db85b678cdfcdee1c74a7f356a5554ef':
Fix bug reporting presence of orientation axis. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 14:45:51 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am 325bd07b: Add tap/drag touchpad gesture. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit '325bd07b311f8ba68079000e9fe8afbcc076d7b6':
Add tap/drag touchpad gesture. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 14:43:37 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am 86ea1f5f: Initial checkin of spot presentation for touchpad gestures. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit '86ea1f5f521981d075aef56f11693e4f3bc32fdb':
Initial checkin of spot presentation for touchpad gestures. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 14:43:34 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am a6dbfdd3: Add a sprite controller. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit 'a6dbfdd3a858aac52cc87f80f91e8eef7d613605':
Add a sprite controller. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 14:43:26 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am 5ced76a1: Coalesce input events that arrive faster than 333Hz. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit '5ced76a14350db56f1a80f00076f8be3d982c389':
Coalesce input events that arrive faster than 333Hz. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 14:43:23 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am 7157f6fe: Allow batching samples onto the pending motion event. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit '7157f6fe13ab7e2fef44cc33c95d1c531418220f':
Allow batching samples onto the pending motion event. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 14:43:20 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am d0132e8e: Minor Alt-TAB / Recent Apps Dialog improvements. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit 'd0132e8e187ebf69bf4d2d6d0ef0027ff3f7a727':
Minor Alt-TAB / Recent Apps Dialog improvements. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 14:43:16 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
am eea0aa25: Support primitive ALT-TAB style navigation using Recent Apps. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit 'eea0aa25870d49e381567f09abbfb41de52a5a32':
Support primitive ALT-TAB style navigation using Recent Apps. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-25 14:43:13 -07:00 |