Scott Main
am 3c585db2: am 090a3dc3: cherrypick Change-Id: I1cfbf9ba9dfaf9bd88c4c6874a3a55f065aa591a docs: remove uninstalling link from adt docs (section was previously removed)
* commit '3c585db26cca2a45ceff81f8ce08d32ac0fc76ea':
cherrypick Change-Id: I1cfbf9ba9dfaf9bd88c4c6874a3a55f065aa591a docs: remove uninstalling link from adt docs (section was previously removed)
2010-12-14 17:39:30 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Make Drawable.mCallback a WeakReference."
2010-12-14 17:36:28 -08:00
Xia Wang
Merge "Disable airplane mode once the test is finished. #3276498 Verify wifi state in 3g->AM->3g test."
2010-12-14 17:36:20 -08:00
Eric Fischer
Merge "Import revised translations."
2010-12-14 17:35:41 -08:00
Scott Main
am 090a3dc3: cherrypick Change-Id: I1cfbf9ba9dfaf9bd88c4c6874a3a55f065aa591a docs: remove uninstalling link from adt docs (section was previously removed)
* commit '090a3dc33fbb0d450dd5823fd2756360e4acdd12':
cherrypick Change-Id: I1cfbf9ba9dfaf9bd88c4c6874a3a55f065aa591a docs: remove uninstalling link from adt docs (section was previously removed)
2010-12-14 17:34:35 -08:00
Scott Main
am cb27bc7d: am 0846a2f5: cherrypick Change-Id: I7033e605213db4b5c73c09c2207bed68a704aa72 docs: update sitemap add new webmaster tools verification file
* commit 'cb27bc7d29685182ad0694ce7830664bcb758203':
cherrypick Change-Id: I7033e605213db4b5c73c09c2207bed68a704aa72 docs: update sitemap add new webmaster tools verification file
2010-12-14 17:34:00 -08:00
Scott Main
am 0846a2f5: cherrypick Change-Id: I7033e605213db4b5c73c09c2207bed68a704aa72 docs: update sitemap add new webmaster tools verification file
* commit '0846a2f5ec77a8862d92430b6721da0960d0d001':
cherrypick Change-Id: I7033e605213db4b5c73c09c2207bed68a704aa72 docs: update sitemap add new webmaster tools verification file
2010-12-14 17:30:04 -08:00
Scott Main
am 14e6325d: am 1bcfd85c: cherrypick Change-Id: I56db12e2444e5020cd72a0c974539e777a7f1ebd docs: fix syntax error; enlarge screenshot thumbnail
* commit '14e6325da97289735c659ebf0de0e99ba83796e3':
cherrypick Change-Id: I56db12e2444e5020cd72a0c974539e777a7f1ebd docs: fix syntax error; enlarge screenshot thumbnail
2010-12-14 17:09:29 -08:00
Scott Main
am 1bcfd85c: cherrypick Change-Id: I56db12e2444e5020cd72a0c974539e777a7f1ebd docs: fix syntax error; enlarge screenshot thumbnail
* commit '1bcfd85cc0f274b250b68a122f964b276ef4be4a':
cherrypick Change-Id: I56db12e2444e5020cd72a0c974539e777a7f1ebd docs: fix syntax error; enlarge screenshot thumbnail
2010-12-14 17:06:58 -08:00
Patrick Dubroy
Merge "Allocate bitmap backing buffers in the Java heap."
2010-12-14 16:56:07 -08:00
Scott Main
am 84bf9bc7: am e9123960: cherrypick Change-Id: I00fd449b1daf5b75d6a051af46bfa6e45d131708 docs: misc doc fixes
* commit '84bf9bc70fba3e6adea473033c411ab145aa9698':
cherrypick Change-Id: I00fd449b1daf5b75d6a051af46bfa6e45d131708 docs: misc doc fixes
2010-12-14 16:51:53 -08:00
Scott Main
am e9123960: cherrypick Change-Id: I00fd449b1daf5b75d6a051af46bfa6e45d131708 docs: misc doc fixes
* commit 'e9123960764d7b2e94fb0d68aae21fccc472abcd':
cherrypick Change-Id: I00fd449b1daf5b75d6a051af46bfa6e45d131708 docs: misc doc fixes
2010-12-14 16:48:38 -08:00
Scott Main
am a925b6a6: am 93d204ed: cherrypick Change-Id: Icf74572932165270a93243f4a109979807b495df docs: fix misc broken links; update some screenshots using windows bug: 3258882
* commit 'a925b6a64c8137804547d5cfcd97415392d667b1':
cherrypick Change-Id: Icf74572932165270a93243f4a109979807b495df docs: fix misc broken links; update some screenshots using windows bug: 3258882
2010-12-14 16:46:56 -08:00
Scott Main
am 627b78f4: am 071360d1: cherrypick Change-Id: I0b44b8b11599ac94fd0ecac84dcb71725d69cd63 Doc change: Update min glibc version for linux.
* commit '627b78f49d06cb9e317915c86e64906fc671343c':
cherrypick Change-Id: I0b44b8b11599ac94fd0ecac84dcb71725d69cd63 Doc change: Update min glibc version for linux.
2010-12-14 16:43:41 -08:00
Scott Main
am 93d204ed: cherrypick Change-Id: Icf74572932165270a93243f4a109979807b495df docs: fix misc broken links; update some screenshots using windows bug: 3258882
* commit '93d204ed98019322e434b714c7c0a619d69f24f5':
cherrypick Change-Id: Icf74572932165270a93243f4a109979807b495df docs: fix misc broken links; update some screenshots using windows bug: 3258882
2010-12-14 16:43:28 -08:00
Scott Main
am 071360d1: cherrypick Change-Id: I0b44b8b11599ac94fd0ecac84dcb71725d69cd63 Doc change: Update min glibc version for linux.
* commit '071360d1fe5cb75925e5a7ff1b799c5cab160a44':
cherrypick Change-Id: I0b44b8b11599ac94fd0ecac84dcb71725d69cd63 Doc change: Update min glibc version for linux.
2010-12-14 16:40:39 -08:00
Brad Fitzpatrick
Merge "Add MODE_MULTI_PROCESS flag to Context.getSharedPreferences()"
2010-12-14 16:28:33 -08:00
Scott Main
am 178d5005: am b94df620: cherrypick Change-Id: I653e91a47979b24e7ecfcbce013c4ffaaa3c55ee docs: edit manifest samples to indicate <application> element is always last
* commit '178d500551c1d88a2e8ec9425d9cbfbb7d998113':
cherrypick Change-Id: I653e91a47979b24e7ecfcbce013c4ffaaa3c55ee docs: edit manifest samples to indicate <application> element is always last
2010-12-14 16:26:32 -08:00
Scott Main
am b94df620: cherrypick Change-Id: I653e91a47979b24e7ecfcbce013c4ffaaa3c55ee docs: edit manifest samples to indicate <application> element is always last
* commit 'b94df620959de658990c1ed1263e2e1c42df7f6b':
cherrypick Change-Id: I653e91a47979b24e7ecfcbce013c4ffaaa3c55ee docs: edit manifest samples to indicate <application> element is always last
2010-12-14 16:22:56 -08:00
Christopher Tate
Merge "Don't queue multiple pending backups for the same app"
2010-12-14 16:22:28 -08:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Add color selectors for transparent cache color hint when accelerated"
2010-12-14 16:11:13 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
Merge "update-api step missing. Broken build."
2010-12-14 16:09:56 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Continue cleanup refactoring in OpenGLRenderer."
2010-12-14 16:05:50 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "fix [3223749] media server crashes when switching mode from video capture to still image capture"
2010-12-14 16:04:44 -08:00
Louis Huemiller
Merge "HWC Stress Test - relocate print msg"
2010-12-14 16:01:45 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
fix [3223749] media server crashes when switching mode from video capture to still image capture
there was an issue were in some situation SF would call prepare() on hwc
with a NULL handle and never call prepare again.
in this situation, we onw set the SKIP flag to make sure that hwc
won't process this layer and as soon as we receive our first buffer we
trigger a recompute of the visible regions which will end-up calling
prepare() again.
Change-Id: I6b400b2df79712408b9315a9859290c7fcb1609e
2010-12-14 15:53:39 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "fix [3176642] Camera preview turns completely black for multiple toggles between camera and camcorder app"
2010-12-14 15:51:41 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "minor clean-up. SurfaceFlinger doesn't need"
2010-12-14 15:51:32 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "dump callstack on Surface use error"
2010-12-14 15:51:22 -08:00
Jesse Wilson
Merge "Move 41 tests to libcore, closer to the tested code. (2nd half)"
2010-12-14 15:41:44 -08:00
Amith Yamasani
Merge "Add a way to insert a parent bread crumb so that deep linked settings can navigate up."
2010-12-14 15:34:08 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
Merge "Create some layout files for HwAccelerationTest"
2010-12-14 15:33:54 -08:00
Robert Greenwalt
Merge "Fix some IpV4-only code."
2010-12-14 15:28:01 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
Merge "LayoutLib: Fix gradient rendering."
2010-12-14 15:03:26 -08:00
Jeff Brown
Merge "Improve documentation on Vibrator.vibrate."
2010-12-14 15:02:52 -08:00
Louis Huemiller
HWC Stress Test - relocate print msg
Change-Id: I95f9f5c6edffff8c737c4a6996f97e69bccc0448
2010-12-14 14:58:55 -08:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Fix bug 3210201 - Popup window wrong size/position when IME hidden"
2010-12-14 14:51:13 -08:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Updated spinner assets from UX"
2010-12-14 14:50:09 -08:00
Robert Greenwalt
Merge "DHCP core classes, defining data, behavior, and state transitions for the DHCP protocol. The DHCP client and DHCP server classes are not included in this commit: still working out some integration issues with ethernet & wifi services"
2010-12-14 14:40:49 -08:00
Jason Sams
Merge "Add support for non-malloc backed textures."
2010-12-14 14:32:36 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
Merge "LayoutLib: Misc fix to rendering."
2010-12-14 14:32:09 -08:00
Mike Lockwood
Merge "MTP: Make recursive delete more efficient"
2010-12-14 14:20:35 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 042042b8: am 2bd83c00: Merge "Work on issue #3255640 : Need to bump GB to API 10 version name "2.4"" into gingerbread
* commit '042042b809e3a0ff6cea915ccc7b176948833be9':
Work on issue #3255640 : Need to bump GB to API 10 version name "2.4"
2010-12-14 14:18:33 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 2bd83c00: Merge "Work on issue #3255640 : Need to bump GB to API 10 version name "2.4"" into gingerbread
* commit '2bd83c00a0c72d3f6bd929c4df5fe83ee31b4704':
Work on issue #3255640 : Need to bump GB to API 10 version name "2.4"
2010-12-14 14:15:16 -08:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Work on issue #3255640 : Need to bump GB to API 10 version name "2.4"" into gingerbread
2010-12-14 14:12:37 -08:00
Louis Huemiller
Merge "HWC Stres Test Enhancments"
2010-12-14 14:08:09 -08:00
Jeff Brown
Merge "Expose split touch API on PopupWindow."
2010-12-14 14:04:59 -08:00
Jesse Wilson
Merge "Move HashMapTest from frameworks/base to libcore (second half)"
2010-12-14 14:02:55 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Colors are in the [0..1] range, not [0..255]"
2010-12-14 13:45:07 -08:00
Gilles Debunne
Merge "Heterogeneous comment for convertView in getView documentation"
2010-12-14 13:32:23 -08:00