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Free/libre firmware for Kobo ebook readers. No proprietary software (except firmware for the WiFi adapter), no spyware and no DRM. Based on koreader and Debian.

Supported hardware

Tested on:

  • Kobo Touch
  • Kobo Aura

okreader is also expected to work on Kobo Glo out of the box.

There seem to be multiple hardware revisions with different WiFi adapters. The firmware-okreader package only provides the required firmware for the adapters in the devices I've tested.


Note: The build system is intended to run on Debian or Ubuntu, on ARM. Cross-building should also be possible with little effort, but it's not implemented. If you don't have access to an ARM system, you could try using QEMU.

Fetch all resources:

git clone https://github.com/lgeek/okreader.git
cd okreader
git submodule init
git submodule update
./fetch.sh all

Build all packages:

./build.sh all

...or, alternatively, one at a time:

./build.sh linux-image
./build.sh linux-modules
./build.sh firmware-okreader
./build.sh koreader

Prepare a Debian rootfs:


Installation on the device

To be documented...