Use froyo updated prelink map and fix BUILD_ID Change-Id: Iad7f132006a57860835c3ddf95bb7d08c1a7c112
208 lines
8.4 KiB
208 lines
8.4 KiB
# 0xC0000000 - 0xFFFFFFFF Kernel
# 0xB0100000 - 0xBFFFFFFF Thread 0 Stack
# 0xB0000000 - 0xB00FFFFF Linker
# 0xA0000000 - 0xBFFFFFFF Prelinked System Libraries
# 0x90000000 - 0x9FFFFFFF Prelinked App Libraries
# 0x80000000 - 0x8FFFFFFF Non-prelinked Libraries
# 0x40000000 - 0x7FFFFFFF mmap'd stuff
# 0x10000000 - 0x3FFFFFFF Thread Stacks
# 0x00000000 - 0x0FFFFFFF .text / .data / heap
# Note: The general rule is that libraries should be aligned on 1MB
# boundaries. For ease of updating this file, you will find a comment
# on each line, indicating the observed size of the library, which is
# one of:
# [<64K] observed to be less than 64K
# [~1M] rounded up, one megabyte (similarly for other sizes)
# [???] no size observed, assumed to be one megabyte
# core system libraries
libdl.so 0xAFF00000 # [<64K]
libc.so 0xAFD00000 # [~2M]
libstdc++.so 0xAFC00000 # [<64K]
libm.so 0xAFB00000 # [~1M]
liblog.so 0xAFA00000 # [<64K]
libcutils.so 0xAF900000 # [~1M]
libthread_db.so 0xAF800000 # [<64K]
libz.so 0xAF700000 # [~1M]
libevent.so 0xAF600000 # [???]
libssl.so 0xAF400000 # [~2M]
libcrypto.so 0xAF000000 # [~4M]
libsysutils.so 0xAEF00000 # [~1M]
# bluetooth
liba2dp.so 0xAEE00000 # [~1M]
audio.so 0xAED00000 # [~1M]
input.so 0xAEC00000 # [~1M]
libbluetoothd.so 0xAEA00000 # [~2M]
libbluedroid.so 0xAE900000 # [<64K]
libbluetooth.so 0xAE800000 # [~1M]
libdbus.so 0xAE700000 # [~1M]
# extended system libraries
libril.so 0xAE600000 # [~1M]
libreference-ril.so 0xAE500000 # [~1M]
libwpa_client.so 0xAE400000 # [<64K]
libnetutils.so 0xAE300000 # [~1M]
# core dalvik runtime support
libandroid_servers.so 0xAE200000 # [~1M]
libicuuc.so 0xADE00000 # [~4M]
libicui18n.so 0xAD900000 # [~5M]
libandroid_runtime.so 0xAD300000 # [~6M]
libnativehelper.so 0xAD100000 # [~2M]
libdvm-ARM.so 0xAD000000 # [???]
libdvm.so 0xACA00000 # [~6M]
# Note: libicudata.so intentionally omitted
# graphics
libpixelflinger.so 0xAC900000 # [~1M]
# libcorecg is for backward-compatibility with donut
libcorecg.so 0xAC800000 # [???]
libsurfaceflinger_client.so 0xAC700000 # [~1M]
libsurfaceflinger.so 0xAC500000 # [~2M]
libGLES_android.so 0xAC400000 # [~1M]
libagl.so 0xAC300000 # [???]
libGLESv1_CM.so 0xAC200000 # [~1M]
libGLESv2.so 0xAC100000 # [~1M]
libOpenVG_CM.so 0xAC000000 # [???]
libOpenVGU_CM.so 0xABF00000 # [???]
libEGL.so 0xABE00000 # [~1M]
libETC1.so 0xABD00000 # [<64K]
libacc.so 0xABC00000 # [~1M]
libexif.so 0xABB00000 # [~1M]
libcamera_client.so 0xABA80000 # [~1M]
libui.so 0xAB900000 # [~1M]
# libsgl is for backward-compatibility with donut
libsgl.so 0xAB800000 # [???]
libskia.so 0xAB100000 # [~7M]
librs_jni.so 0xAB000000 # [~1M]
libRS.so 0xA9E00000 # [~2M]
libjnigraphics.so 0xA9D00000 # [<64K]
libskiagl.so 0xA9C00000 # [~1M]
# audio
libFLAC.so 0xA9B00000 # [???]
libaudiopolicy.so 0xA9A00000 # [~1M]
libaudiopolicygeneric.so 0xA9900000 # [???]
libsoundpool.so 0xA9800000 # [~1M]
libgps.so 0xA9700000 # [~1M] (moved for hero)
libcamera.so 0xA9680000 # [~1M] (moved for hero)
liboemcamera.so 0xA9400000 # [~2M] (moved for hero)
libmedia_jni.so 0xA9300000 # [~1M]
libmediaplayerservice.so 0xA9200000 # [~1M]
libmedia.so 0xA9000000 # [~2M]
libFFTEm.so 0xA8F00000 # [~1M]
libSR_AudioIn.so 0xA8E00000 # [~1M] for external/srec
libaudioflinger.so 0xA8D00000 # [~1M]
# assorted system libraries
libsqlite.so 0xA8B00000 # [~2M]
libexpat.so 0xA8A00000 # [~1M]
libwebcore.so 0xA8300000 # [~7M]
libbinder.so 0xA8200000 # [~1M]
libutils.so 0xA8100000 # [~1M]
libcameraservice.so 0xA8000000 # [~1M]
libhardware.so 0xA7F00000 # [<64K]
libhardware_legacy.so 0xA7E00000 # [~1M]
libapp_process.so 0xA7D00000 # [???]
libsystem_server.so 0xA7C00000 # [~1M]
libime.so 0xA7B00000 # [???]
libaudio.so 0xA7A00000 # [~1M] (moved for hero)
libspeech.so 0xA7900000 # [~1M] (moved for hero)
libsonivox.so 0xA7800000 # [~1M] (moved for hero)
libvorbisidec.so 0xA7700000 # [~1M] (moved for hero)
libdiskconfig.so 0xA7600000 # [<64K]
libemoji.so 0xA7500000 # [<64K]
libjni_latinime.so 0xA7400000 # [~1M]
libjni_pinyinime.so 0xA7300000 # [~1M]
libttssynthproxy.so 0xA7200000 # [~1M] for frameworks/base
libttspico.so 0xA7000000 # [~2M] for external/svox
# pv libraries
libpvasf.so 0xA6F00000 # [???]
libpvasfreg.so 0xA6E00000 # [???]
libomx_sharedlibrary.so 0xA6D00000 # [~1M]
libopencore_download.so 0xA6C00000 # [~1M]
libopencore_downloadreg.so 0xA6B00000 # [~1M]
libopencore_net_support.so 0xA6800000 # [~3M]
libopencore_rtsp.so 0xA6200000 # [~6M]
libopencore_rtspreg.so 0xA6100000 # [~1M]
libopencore_author.so 0xA5D00000 # [~4M]
libomx_aacdec_sharedlibrary.so 0xA5B00000 # [~2M]
libomx_amrdec_sharedlibrary.so 0xA5A00000 # [~1M]
libomx_amrenc_sharedlibrary.so 0xA5900000 # [~1M]
libomx_avcdec_sharedlibrary.so 0xA5800000 # [~1M]
libomx_avcenc_sharedlibrary.so 0xA5700000 # [???]
libomx_m4vdec_sharedlibrary.so 0xA5600000 # [~1M]
libomx_m4venc_sharedlibrary.so 0xA5500000 # [???]
libomx_mp3dec_sharedlibrary.so 0xA5400000 # [~1M]
libopencore_mp4local.so 0xA5200000 # [~2M]
libopencore_mp4localreg.so 0xA5100000 # [~1M]
libopencore_player.so 0xA4800000 # [~9M]
# opencore hardware support
libmm-adspsvc.so 0xA4700000 # [<64K]
libOmxCore.so 0xA4600000 # [<64K]
libOmxMpeg4Dec.so 0xA4500000 # [~1M]
libOmxH264Dec.so 0xA4400000 # [~1M]
libOmxVidEnc.so 0xA4300000 # [~1M]
libopencorehw.so 0xA4200000 # [~1M]
libOmxVdec.so 0xA4100000 # [~1M]
libmm-omxcore.so 0xA4000000 # [<64K]
# pv libraries
libopencore_common.so 0xA3900000 # [~7M]
libqcomm_omx.so 0xA3800000 # [<64K]
# stagefright libraries
libstagefright_amrnb_common.so 0xA3700000 # [~1M]
libstagefright_avc_common.so 0xA3600000 # [~1M]
libstagefright_color_conversion.so 0xA3500000 # [<64K]
libstagefright_omx.so 0xA3400000 # [~1M]
libstagefrighthw.so 0xA3300000 # [~1M]
libstagefright.so 0xA2F00000 # [~4M]
# libraries for specific hardware
libgsl.so 0xA2E00000 # [~1M]
libhtc_acoustic.so 0xA2D00000 # [<64K]
libhtc_ril.so 0xA2C00000 # [~1M]
liblvmxipc.so 0xA2B00000 # [~1M] for vendor/nxp
libreference-cdma-sms.so 0xA2A00000 # [<64K] for hardware/ril
# libraries for specific apps or temporary libraries
libcam_ipl.so 0x9F000000 # [???]
libwbxml.so 0x9EF00000 # [???]
libwbxml_jni.so 0x9EE00000 # [~1M]
libxml2wbxml.so 0x9EB00000 # [~1M]
libdrm1.so 0x9EA00000 # [~1M]
libdrm1_jni.so 0x9E900000 # [<64K]
libwapcore.so 0x9E800000 # [???]
libstreetview.so 0x9E700000 # [???]
libwapbrowsertest.so 0x9E600000 # [???]
libminiglobe.so 0x9E500000 # [???]
libearth.so 0x9E400000 # [???]
libembunit.so 0x9E300000 # [<64K]
libneon.so 0x9E200000 # [???]
libjni_example.so 0x9E100000 # [???]
libjni_load_test.so 0x9E000000 # [???]
libjni_lib_test.so 0x9DF00000 # [???]
librunperf.so 0x9DE00000 # [???]
libctest.so 0x9DD00000 # [<64K]
libUAPI_jni.so 0x9DC00000 # [???]
librpc.so 0x9DB00000 # [~1M]
libtrace_test.so 0x9DA00000 # [???]
libsrec_jni.so 0x9D800000 # [~2M]
libjpeg.so 0x9D700000 # [~1M]
libiprouteutil.so 0x9D600000 # [~1M] for external/iproute2
libnetlink.so 0x9D500000 # [<64K] for external/iproute2
libpagemap.so 0x9D400000 # [<64K] for system/extras/libpagemap
libstlport.so 0x9D100000 # [~3M] for external/stlport
libzxing.so 0x9D000000 # [<64K] for goggles
libinterstitial.so 0x9CF00000 # [<64K] for goggles
liblept.so 0x9CA00000 # [~5M] for external/leptonica