PRODUCT_BRAND ?= replicant ifneq ($(TARGET_SCREEN_WIDTH) $(TARGET_SCREEN_HEIGHT),$(space)) # determine the smaller dimension TARGET_BOOTANIMATION_SIZE := $(shell \ if [ $(TARGET_SCREEN_WIDTH) -lt $(TARGET_SCREEN_HEIGHT) ]; then \ echo $(TARGET_SCREEN_WIDTH); \ else \ echo $(TARGET_SCREEN_HEIGHT); \ fi ) # get a sorted list of the sizes bootanimation_sizes := $(subst .zip,, $(shell ls vendor/replicant/prebuilt/common/bootanimation)) bootanimation_sizes := $(shell echo -e $(subst $(space),'\n',$(bootanimation_sizes)) | sort -rn) # find the appropriate size and set define check_and_set_bootanimation $(eval TARGET_BOOTANIMATION_NAME := $(shell \ if [ -z "$(TARGET_BOOTANIMATION_NAME)" ]; then if [ $(1) -le $(TARGET_BOOTANIMATION_SIZE) ]; then \ echo $(1); \ exit 0; \ fi; fi; echo $(TARGET_BOOTANIMATION_NAME); )) endef $(foreach size,$(bootanimation_sizes), $(call check_and_set_bootanimation,$(size))) ifeq ($(TARGET_BOOTANIMATION_HALF_RES),true) PRODUCT_BOOTANIMATION := vendor/replicant/prebuilt/common/bootanimation/halfres/$(TARGET_BOOTANIMATION_NAME).zip else PRODUCT_BOOTANIMATION := vendor/replicant/prebuilt/common/bootanimation/$(TARGET_BOOTANIMATION_NAME).zip endif endif PRODUCT_BUILD_PROP_OVERRIDES += BUILD_UTC_DATE=0 ifeq ($(PRODUCT_GMS_CLIENTID_BASE),) PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \ else PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \$(PRODUCT_GMS_CLIENTID_BASE) endif PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \ keyguard.no_require_sim=true \ \ \ \ ro.setupwizard.enterprise_mode=1 \ \ PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \ # Default notification/alarm sounds PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \ ro.config.notification_sound=Argon.ogg \ ro.config.alarm_alert=Helium.ogg ifneq ($(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT),user) # Thank you, please drive thru! PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += persist.sys.dun.override=0 endif ifneq ($(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT),eng) # Enable ADB authentication ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += endif # Copy over the changelog to the device PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ vendor/replicant/CHANGELOG.mkdn:system/etc/CHANGELOG-CM.txt # Backup Tool PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ vendor/replicant/prebuilt/common/bin/ \ vendor/replicant/prebuilt/common/bin/backuptool.functions:install/bin/backuptool.functions \ vendor/replicant/prebuilt/common/bin/ \ vendor/replicant/prebuilt/common/bin/blacklist:system/addon.d/blacklist # Backup Services whitelist PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ vendor/replicant/config/permissions/backup.xml:system/etc/sysconfig/backup.xml # Signature compatibility validation PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ vendor/replicant/prebuilt/common/bin/ # init.d support PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ vendor/replicant/prebuilt/common/etc/init.d/00banner:system/etc/init.d/00banner \ vendor/replicant/prebuilt/common/bin/sysinit:system/bin/sysinit ifneq ($(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT),user) # userinit support PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ vendor/replicant/prebuilt/common/etc/init.d/90userinit:system/etc/init.d/90userinit endif # CM-specific init file PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ vendor/replicant/prebuilt/common/etc/init.local.rc:root/ # Copy over added mimetype supported in PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ vendor/replicant/prebuilt/common/lib/ # Enable SIP+VoIP on all targets PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ frameworks/native/data/etc/ # Enable wireless Xbox 360 controller support PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ frameworks/base/data/keyboards/Vendor_045e_Product_028e.kl:system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_045e_Product_0719.kl # This is CM! PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ vendor/replicant/config/permissions/ # Include CM audio files include vendor/replicant/config/ # Theme engine include vendor/replicant/config/ # CMSDK include vendor/replicant/config/ # Required CM packages PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ CMAudioService \ Development \ BluetoothExt \ Profiles \ ThemeManagerService \ WeatherManagerService # Optional CM packages PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ libemoji \ Terminal \ LiveWallpapersPicker # Include librsjni explicitly to workaround GMS issue PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ librsjni # Custom packages PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ Launcher3 \ Trebuchet \ AudioFX \ ReplicantWallpapers \ CMFileManager \ Eleven \ LockClock \ CMSettingsProvider \ ExactCalculator \ LiveLockScreenService \ WeatherProvider \ DataUsageProvider \ WallpaperPicker \ SoundRecorder \ Screencast \ F-Droid \ FDroidPrivilegedExtension # Exchange support PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ Exchange2 # Extra tools in CM PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ libsepol \ mke2fs \ tune2fs \ nano \ htop \ mkfs.ntfs \ fsck.ntfs \ mount.ntfs \ gdbserver \ micro_bench \ oprofiled \ sqlite3 \ strace \ pigz \ 7z \ lib7z \ bash \ bzip2 \ curl \ powertop \ unzip \ vim \ wget \ zip # Custom off-mode charger ifneq ($(WITH_CM_CHARGER),false) PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ charger_res_images \ cm_charger_res_images \ font_log.png \ endif # ExFAT support WITH_EXFAT ?= true ifeq ($(WITH_EXFAT),true) TARGET_USES_EXFAT := true PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ mount.exfat \ fsck.exfat \ mkfs.exfat endif # Openssh PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ scp \ sftp \ ssh \ sshd \ sshd_config \ ssh-keygen \ start-ssh # rsync PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ rsync # Stagefright FFMPEG plugin PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ libffmpeg_extractor \ libffmpeg_omx \ media_codecs_ffmpeg.xml PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \ \ # These packages are excluded from user builds ifneq ($(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT),user) PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ procmem \ procrank \ su endif PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \ persist.sys.root_access=0 DEVICE_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS += vendor/replicant/overlay/common ifeq ($(USE_OPENGL_RENDERER),true) PRODUCT_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS += vendor/replicant/overlay/opengl else BOARD_EGL_CFG := vendor/replicant/prebuilt/softwaregl/configs/egl.cfg PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += ro.softwaregl=1 # use Android's software renderer by default PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += ro.libagl=1 PRODUCT_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS += vendor/replicant/overlay/softwaregl endif PRODUCT_VERSION_MAJOR = 6 PRODUCT_VERSION_MINOR = 0 PRODUCT_VERSION_MAINTENANCE = 1 REPLICANT_VERSION := "replicant-6.0" PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \$(REPLICANT_VERSION) \ ro.modversion=$(REPLICANT_VERSION) -include vendor/cm-priv/keys/ CM_VERSION := $(REPLICANT_VERSION) CM_DISPLAY_VERSION := $(REPLICANT_VERSION) ifneq ($(PRODUCT_DEFAULT_DEV_CERTIFICATE),) ifneq ($(PRODUCT_DEFAULT_DEV_CERTIFICATE),build/target/product/security/testkey) ifneq ($(CM_BUILDTYPE), UNOFFICIAL) ifndef TARGET_VENDOR_RELEASE_BUILD_ID ifneq ($(CM_EXTRAVERSION),) # Remove leading dash from CM_EXTRAVERSION CM_EXTRAVERSION := $(shell echo $(CM_EXTRAVERSION) | sed 's/-//') TARGET_VENDOR_RELEASE_BUILD_ID := $(CM_EXTRAVERSION) else TARGET_VENDOR_RELEASE_BUILD_ID := $(shell date -u +%Y%m%d) endif else TARGET_VENDOR_RELEASE_BUILD_ID := $(TARGET_VENDOR_RELEASE_BUILD_ID) endif ifeq ($(CM_VERSION_MAINTENANCE),0) CM_DISPLAY_VERSION := $(PRODUCT_VERSION_MAJOR).$(PRODUCT_VERSION_MINOR)-$(TARGET_VENDOR_RELEASE_BUILD_ID)-$(CM_BUILD) else CM_DISPLAY_VERSION := $(PRODUCT_VERSION_MAJOR).$(PRODUCT_VERSION_MINOR).$(CM_VERSION_MAINTENANCE)-$(TARGET_VENDOR_RELEASE_BUILD_ID)-$(CM_BUILD) endif endif endif endif PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \$(CM_DISPLAY_VERSION) -include $(WORKSPACE)/build_env/ -include vendor/cyngn/ $(call prepend-product-if-exists, vendor/extra/