
710 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.test.ProviderTestCase2;
import android.test.mock.MockContentResolver;
* Tests of the Email Attachments provider.
* You can run this entire test case with:
* runtest -c email
public class AttachmentProviderTests extends ProviderTestCase2<AttachmentProvider> {
EmailProvider mEmailProvider;
Context mMockContext;
ContentResolver mMockResolver;
public AttachmentProviderTests() {
super(AttachmentProvider.class, AttachmentUtilities.AUTHORITY);
public void setUp() throws Exception {
mMockContext = getMockContext();
mMockResolver = mMockContext.getContentResolver();
// Spin up an Email provider as well and put it under the same mock test framework
mEmailProvider = new EmailProvider();
mEmailProvider.attachInfo(mMockContext, null);
((MockContentResolver) mMockResolver)
.addProvider(EmailContent.AUTHORITY, mEmailProvider);
* test delete() - should do nothing
* test update() - should do nothing
* test insert() - should do nothing
public void testUnimplemented() {
assertEquals(0, mMockResolver.delete(AttachmentUtilities.CONTENT_URI, null, null));
assertEquals(0, mMockResolver.update(AttachmentUtilities.CONTENT_URI, null, null,
assertEquals(null, mMockResolver.insert(AttachmentUtilities.CONTENT_URI, null));
* test query()
* - item found
* - item not found
* - permuted projection
public void testQuery() throws MessagingException {
Account account1 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAccount("attachment-query", false, mMockContext);
account1.mCompatibilityUuid = "test-UUID";;
final long message1Id = 1;
long attachment1Id = 1;
long attachment2Id = 2;
long attachment3Id = 3;
// Note: There is an implicit assumption in this test sequence that the first
// attachment we add will be id=1 and the 2nd will have id=2. This could fail on
// a legitimate implementation. Asserts below will catch this and fail the test
// if necessary.
Uri attachment1Uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId,
Uri attachment2Uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId,
Uri attachment3Uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId,
// Test with no attachment found - should return null
Cursor c = mMockResolver.query(attachment1Uri, (String[])null, null, (String[])null, null);
// Add a couple of attachment entries. Note, query() just uses the DB, and does not
// sample the files, so we won't bother creating the files
Attachment newAttachment1 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message1Id, "file1", 100,
false, mMockContext);
newAttachment1.mContentUri =
AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId, attachment1Id).toString();
attachment1Id = addAttachmentToDb(account1, newAttachment1);
assertEquals("Broken test: Unexpected id assignment", 1, attachment1Id);
Attachment newAttachment2 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message1Id, "file2", 200,
false, mMockContext);
newAttachment2.mContentUri =
AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId, attachment2Id).toString();
attachment2Id = addAttachmentToDb(account1, newAttachment2);
assertEquals("Broken test: Unexpected id assignment", 2, attachment2Id);
Attachment newAttachment3 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message1Id, "file3", 300,
false, mMockContext);
newAttachment3.mContentUri =
AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId, attachment3Id).toString();
attachment3Id = addAttachmentToDb(account1, newAttachment3);
assertEquals("Broken test: Unexpected id assignment", 3, attachment3Id);
// Return a row with all columns specified
attachment2Uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId, attachment2Id);
c = mMockResolver.query(
new String[] { AttachmentUtilities.Columns._ID,
AttachmentUtilities.Columns.SIZE },
null, null, null);
assertEquals(1, c.getCount());
assertEquals(attachment2Id, c.getLong(0)); // id
assertEquals(attachment2Uri.toString(), c.getString(1)); // content URI
assertEquals("file2", c.getString(2)); // display name
assertEquals(200, c.getInt(3)); // size
// Return a row with permuted columns
attachment3Uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId, attachment3Id);
c = mMockResolver.query(
new String[] { AttachmentUtilities.Columns.SIZE,
AttachmentUtilities.Columns._ID },
null, null, null);
assertEquals(1, c.getCount());
assertEquals(attachment3Id, c.getLong(3)); // id
assertEquals(attachment3Uri.toString(), c.getString(2)); // content URI
assertEquals("file3", c.getString(1)); // display name
assertEquals(300, c.getInt(0)); // size
private static Message createMessage(Context c, Mailbox b) {
Message m = ProviderTestUtils.setupMessage("1", b.mAccountKey, b.mId, true, false, c, false,
m.mFlagLoaded = Message.FLAG_LOADED_COMPLETE;;
return m;
public void testInboxQuery() {
// Create 2 accounts
Account a1 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAccount("inboxquery-1", true, mMockContext);
Account a2 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAccount("inboxquery-2", true, mMockContext);
// Create mailboxes for each account
Mailbox b1 = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox(
"box1", a1.mId, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_INBOX);
Mailbox b2 = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox(
"box2", a1.mId, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_MAIL);
Mailbox b3 = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox(
"box3", a2.mId, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_INBOX);
Mailbox b4 = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox(
"box4", a2.mId, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_MAIL);
Mailbox bt = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox(
"boxT", a2.mId, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_TRASH);
// Create some messages
// b1 (account 1, inbox): 2 messages
Message m11 = createMessage(mMockContext, b1);
Message m12 = createMessage(mMockContext, b1);
// b2 (account 1, mail): 2 messages
Message m21 = createMessage(mMockContext, b2);
Message m22 = createMessage(mMockContext, b2);
// b3 (account 2, inbox): 1 message
Message m31 = createMessage(mMockContext, b3);
// b4 (account 2, mail) has no messages.
// bt (account 2, trash): 1 message
Message mt1 = createMessage(mMockContext, bt);
// 4 attachments in the inbox, 2 different messages, 1 downloaded
createAttachment(a1, m11.mId, null);
createAttachment(a1, m11.mId, null);
createAttachment(a1, m12.mId, null);
createAttachment(a1, m12.mId, "file:///path/to/file1");
// 3 attachments in generic mailbox, 2 different messages, 1 downloaded
createAttachment(a1, m21.mId, null);
createAttachment(a1, m21.mId, null);
createAttachment(a1, m22.mId, null);
createAttachment(a1, m22.mId, "file:///path/to/file2");
// 1 attachment in inbox
createAttachment(a2, m31.mId, null);
// 2 attachments in trash, same message
createAttachment(a2, mt1.mId, null);
createAttachment(a2, mt1.mId, null);
Cursor c = null;
try {
// count all attachments with an empty URI, regardless of mailbox location
c = mMockContext.getContentResolver().query(
Attachment.CONTENT_URI, AttachmentInfo.PROJECTION,
null, Attachment.RECORD_ID + " DESC");
assertEquals(9, c.getCount());
} finally {
try {
// count all attachments with an empty URI, only in an inbox
c = mMockContext.getContentResolver().query(
Attachment.CONTENT_URI, AttachmentInfo.PROJECTION,
null, Attachment.RECORD_ID + " DESC");
assertEquals(4, c.getCount());
} finally {
* test getType()
* - regular file
* - thumbnail
public void testGetType() throws MessagingException {
Account account1 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAccount("get-type", false, mMockContext);
account1.mCompatibilityUuid = "test-UUID";;
final long message1Id = 1;
long attachment1Id = 1;
long attachment2Id = 2;
long attachment3Id = 3;
long attachment4Id = 4;
long attachment5Id = 5;
long attachment6Id = 6;
Uri attachment1Uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId,
// Test with no attachment found - should return null
String type = mMockResolver.getType(attachment1Uri);
// Add a couple of attachment entries. Note, getType() just uses the DB, and does not
// sample the files, so we won't bother creating the files
Attachment newAttachment2 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message1Id, "file2", 100,
false, mMockContext);
newAttachment2.mMimeType = "image/jpg";
attachment2Id = addAttachmentToDb(account1, newAttachment2);
Attachment newAttachment3 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message1Id, "file3", 100,
false, mMockContext);
newAttachment3.mMimeType = "text/plain";
attachment3Id = addAttachmentToDb(account1, newAttachment3);
Attachment newAttachment4 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message1Id, "file4.doc", 100,
false, mMockContext);
newAttachment4.mMimeType = "application/octet-stream";
attachment4Id = addAttachmentToDb(account1, newAttachment4);
Attachment newAttachment5 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message1Id, "", 100,
false, mMockContext);
newAttachment5.mMimeType = "application/octet-stream";
attachment5Id = addAttachmentToDb(account1, newAttachment5);
Attachment newAttachment6 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message1Id, "file6", 100,
false, mMockContext);
newAttachment6.mMimeType = "";
attachment6Id = addAttachmentToDb(account1, newAttachment6);
// Check the returned filetypes
Uri uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId, attachment2Id);
type = mMockResolver.getType(uri);
assertEquals("image/jpg", type);
uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId, attachment3Id);
type = mMockResolver.getType(uri);
assertEquals("text/plain", type);
uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId, attachment4Id);
type = mMockResolver.getType(uri);
assertEquals("application/msword", type);
uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId, attachment5Id);
type = mMockResolver.getType(uri);
assertEquals("application/xyz", type);
uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId, attachment6Id);
type = mMockResolver.getType(uri);
assertEquals("application/octet-stream", type);
// Check the returned filetypes for the thumbnails
uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentThumbnailUri(account1.mId, attachment2Id, 62,
type = mMockResolver.getType(uri);
assertEquals("image/png", type);
uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentThumbnailUri(account1.mId, attachment3Id, 62,
type = mMockResolver.getType(uri);
assertEquals("image/png", type);
* test openFile()
* - regular file
* - TODO: variations on the content URI
public void testOpenFile() throws MessagingException, IOException {
Account account1 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAccount("open-file", false, mMockContext);
account1.mCompatibilityUuid = "test-UUID";;
final long message1Id = 1;
long attachment1Id = 1;
long attachment2Id = 2;
// Note: There is an implicit assumption in this test sequence that the first
// attachment we add will be id=1 and the 2nd will have id=2. This could fail on
// a legitimate implementation. Asserts below will catch this and fail the test
// if necessary.
Uri file1Uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId, attachment1Id);
Uri file2Uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId, attachment2Id);
// Test with no attachment found
AssetFileDescriptor afd;
try {
afd = mMockResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(file1Uri, "r");
fail("Should throw an exception on a missing attachment entry");
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) {
// expected
// Add an attachment (but no associated file)
Attachment newAttachment = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message1Id, "file", 100,
false, mMockContext);
attachment1Id = addAttachmentToDb(account1, newAttachment);
assertEquals("Broken test: Unexpected id assignment", 1, attachment1Id);
// Test with an attached database, attachment entry found, but no attachment found
try {
afd = mMockResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(file1Uri, "r");
fail("Should throw an exception on a missing attachment file");
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) {
// expected
// Create an "attachment" by copying an image resource into a file
/* String fileName = */ createAttachmentFile(account1, attachment2Id);
Attachment newAttachment2 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message1Id, "file", 100,
false, mMockContext);
newAttachment2.mContentId = null;
newAttachment2.mContentUri =
AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId, attachment2Id)
newAttachment2.mMimeType = "image/png";
attachment2Id = addAttachmentToDb(account1, newAttachment2);
assertEquals("Broken test: Unexpected id assignment", 2, attachment2Id);
// Test with an attached database, attachment entry found - returns a file
afd = mMockResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(file2Uri, "r");
// TODO: Confirm it's the "right" file?
* test openFile()
* - thumbnail
* @throws IOException
* TODO: The thumbnail mode returns null for its failure cases (and in one case, throws
* an SQLiteException). The ContentResolver contract requires throwing FileNotFoundException
* in all of the non-success cases, and the provider should be fixed for consistency.
public void testOpenThumbnail() throws MessagingException, IOException {
Account account1 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAccount("open-thumbnail", false, mMockContext);
account1.mCompatibilityUuid = "test-UUID";;
final long message1Id = 1;
long attachment1Id = 1;
long attachment2Id = 2;
// Note: There is an implicit assumption in this test sequence that the first
// attachment we add will be id=1 and the 2nd will have id=2. This could fail on
// a legitimate implementation. Asserts below will catch this and fail the test
// if necessary.
Uri thumb1Uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentThumbnailUri(account1.mId,
attachment1Id, 62, 62);
Uri thumb2Uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentThumbnailUri(account1.mId,
attachment2Id, 62, 62);
// Test with an attached database, but no attachment found
AssetFileDescriptor afd = mMockResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(thumb1Uri, "r");
// Add an attachment (but no associated file)
Attachment newAttachment = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message1Id, "file", 100,
false, mMockContext);
attachment1Id = addAttachmentToDb(account1, newAttachment);
assertEquals("Broken test: Unexpected id assignment", 1, attachment1Id);
// Test with an attached database, attachment entry found, but no attachment found
afd = mMockResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(thumb1Uri, "r");
// Create an "attachment" by copying an image resource into a file
/* String fileName = */ createAttachmentFile(account1, attachment2Id);
Attachment newAttachment2 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message1Id, "file", 100,
false, mMockContext);
newAttachment2.mContentId = null;
newAttachment2.mContentUri =
AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId, attachment2Id)
newAttachment2.mMimeType = "image/png";
attachment2Id = addAttachmentToDb(account1, newAttachment2);
assertEquals("Broken test: Unexpected id assignment", 2, attachment2Id);
// Test with an attached database, attachment entry found - returns a thumbnail
afd = mMockResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(thumb2Uri, "r");
// TODO: Confirm it's the "right" file?
private Uri createAttachment(Account account, long messageId, String contentUriStr) {
// Add an attachment entry.
Attachment newAttachment = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(messageId, "file", 100,
false, mMockContext);
newAttachment.mContentUri = contentUriStr;
long attachmentId = addAttachmentToDb(account, newAttachment);
Uri attachmentUri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account.mId, attachmentId);
return attachmentUri;
* test resolveAttachmentIdToContentUri()
* - without DB
* - not in DB
* - in DB, with not-null contentUri
* - in DB, with null contentUri
public void testResolveAttachmentIdToContentUri() throws MessagingException {
Account account1 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAccount("attachment-query", false, mMockContext);
account1.mCompatibilityUuid = "test-UUID";;
final long message1Id = 1;
// We use attachmentId == 1 but any other id would do
final long attachment1Id = 1;
final Uri attachment1Uri = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(account1.mId,
// Test with no attachment found - should return input
// We know that the attachmentId 1 does not exist because there are no attachments
// created at this point
Uri result = AttachmentUtilities.resolveAttachmentIdToContentUri(
mMockResolver, attachment1Uri);
assertEquals(attachment1Uri, result);
// Test with existing attachement and contentUri != null
// Note, resolveAttachmentIdToContentUri() just uses
// the DB, and does not sample the files, so we won't bother creating the files
Uri attachmentUri = createAttachment(account1, message1Id, "file:///path/to/file");
Uri contentUri = AttachmentUtilities.resolveAttachmentIdToContentUri(
mMockResolver, attachmentUri);
// When the attachment is found, return the stored content_uri value
assertEquals("file:///path/to/file", contentUri.toString());
// Test with existing attachement and contentUri == null
Uri attachmentUri = createAttachment(account1, message1Id, null);
Uri contentUri = AttachmentUtilities.resolveAttachmentIdToContentUri(
mMockResolver, attachmentUri);
// When contentUri is null should return input
assertEquals(attachmentUri, contentUri);
* Test the functionality of deleting all attachment files for a given message.
public void testDeleteFiles() throws IOException {
Account account1 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAccount("attachment-query", false, mMockContext);
account1.mCompatibilityUuid = "test-UUID";;
final long message1Id = 1; // 1 attachment, 1 file
final long message2Id = 2; // 2 attachments, 2 files
final long message3Id = 3; // 1 attachment, missing file
final long message4Id = 4; // no attachments
// Add attachment entries for various test messages
Attachment newAttachment1 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message1Id, "file1", 100,
true, mMockContext);
Attachment newAttachment2 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message2Id, "file2", 200,
true, mMockContext);
Attachment newAttachment3 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message2Id, "file3", 100,
true, mMockContext);
Attachment newAttachment4 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message3Id, "file4", 100,
true, mMockContext);
// Create test files
createAttachmentFile(account1, newAttachment1.mId);
createAttachmentFile(account1, newAttachment2.mId);
createAttachmentFile(account1, newAttachment3.mId);
// Confirm 3 attachment files found
File attachmentsDir = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentDirectory(mMockContext,
assertEquals(3, attachmentsDir.listFiles().length);
// Command deletion of some files and check for results
// Message 4 has no attachments so no files should be deleted
AttachmentUtilities.deleteAllAttachmentFiles(mMockContext, account1.mId,
assertEquals(3, attachmentsDir.listFiles().length);
// Message 3 has no attachment files so no files should be deleted
AttachmentUtilities.deleteAllAttachmentFiles(mMockContext, account1.mId,
assertEquals(3, attachmentsDir.listFiles().length);
// Message 2 has 2 attachment files so this should delete 2 files
AttachmentUtilities.deleteAllAttachmentFiles(mMockContext, account1.mId,
assertEquals(1, attachmentsDir.listFiles().length);
// Message 1 has 1 attachment file so this should delete the last file
AttachmentUtilities.deleteAllAttachmentFiles(mMockContext, account1.mId,
assertEquals(0, attachmentsDir.listFiles().length);
* Test the functionality of deleting an entire mailbox's attachments.
public void testDeleteMailbox() throws IOException {
Account account1 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAccount("attach-mbox-del", false, mMockContext);
account1.mCompatibilityUuid = "test-UUID";;
long account1Id = account1.mId;
Mailbox mailbox1 = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("mbox1", account1Id, true, mMockContext);
long mailbox1Id = mailbox1.mId;
Mailbox mailbox2 = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("mbox2", account1Id, true, mMockContext);
long mailbox2Id = mailbox2.mId;
// Fill each mailbox with messages & attachments
populateAccountMailbox(account1, mailbox1Id, 3);
populateAccountMailbox(account1, mailbox2Id, 1);
// Confirm four attachment files found
File attachmentsDir = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentDirectory(mMockContext,
assertEquals(4, attachmentsDir.listFiles().length);
// Command the deletion of mailbox 1 - we should lose 3 attachment files
AttachmentUtilities.deleteAllMailboxAttachmentFiles(mMockContext, account1Id,
assertEquals(1, attachmentsDir.listFiles().length);
// Command the deletion of mailbox 2 - we should lose 1 attachment file
AttachmentUtilities.deleteAllMailboxAttachmentFiles(mMockContext, account1Id,
assertEquals(0, attachmentsDir.listFiles().length);
* Test the functionality of deleting an entire account's attachments.
public void testDeleteAccount() throws IOException {
Account account1 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAccount("attach-acct-del1", false, mMockContext);
account1.mCompatibilityUuid = "test-UUID";;
long account1Id = account1.mId;
Mailbox mailbox1 = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("mbox1", account1Id, true, mMockContext);
long mailbox1Id = mailbox1.mId;
Mailbox mailbox2 = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("mbox2", account1Id, true, mMockContext);
long mailbox2Id = mailbox2.mId;
// Repeat for account #2
Account account2 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAccount("attach-acct-del2", false, mMockContext);
account2.mCompatibilityUuid = "test-UUID-2";;
long account2Id = account2.mId;
Mailbox mailbox3 = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("mbox3", account2Id, true, mMockContext);
long mailbox3Id = mailbox3.mId;
Mailbox mailbox4 = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("mbox4", account2Id, true, mMockContext);
long mailbox4Id = mailbox4.mId;
// Fill each mailbox with messages & attachments
populateAccountMailbox(account1, mailbox1Id, 3);
populateAccountMailbox(account1, mailbox2Id, 1);
populateAccountMailbox(account2, mailbox3Id, 5);
populateAccountMailbox(account2, mailbox4Id, 2);
// Confirm eleven attachment files found
File directory1 = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentDirectory(mMockContext,
assertEquals(4, directory1.listFiles().length);
File directory2 = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentDirectory(mMockContext,
assertEquals(7, directory2.listFiles().length);
// Command the deletion of account 1 - we should lose 4 attachment files
AttachmentUtilities.deleteAllAccountAttachmentFiles(mMockContext, account1Id);
assertEquals(0, directory1.listFiles().length);
assertEquals(7, directory2.listFiles().length);
// Command the deletion of account 2 - we should lose 7 attachment file
AttachmentUtilities.deleteAllAccountAttachmentFiles(mMockContext, account2Id);
assertEquals(0, directory1.listFiles().length);
assertEquals(0, directory2.listFiles().length);
* Create a set of attachments for a given test account and mailbox. Creates the following:
* Two messages per mailbox, one w/attachments, one w/o attachments
* Any number of attachments (on the first message)
* @param account the account to populate
* @param mailboxId the mailbox to populate
* @param numAttachments how many attachments to create
private void populateAccountMailbox(Account account, long mailboxId, int numAttachments)
throws IOException {
long accountId = account.mId;
// two messages per mailbox, one w/attachments, one w/o attachments
Message message1a = ProviderTestUtils.setupMessage(
"msg1a", accountId, mailboxId, false, true, mMockContext);
/* Message message1b = */ ProviderTestUtils.setupMessage(
"msg1b", accountId, mailboxId, false, true, mMockContext);
// Create attachment records & files
for (int count = 0; count < numAttachments; count++) {
Attachment newAttachment = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message1a.mId,
"file" + count, 100 * count, true, mMockContext);
createAttachmentFile(account, newAttachment.mId);
* Create an attachment by copying an image resource into a file. Uses "real" resources
* to get a real image from Email
private String createAttachmentFile(Account forAccount, long id) throws IOException {
File outFile = getAttachmentFile(forAccount, id);
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getContext().getResources(),
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, out);
return outFile.getAbsolutePath();
* Record an attachment in the attachments database
* @return the id of the attachment just created
private long addAttachmentToDb(Account forAccount, Attachment newAttachment) {;
return newAttachment.mId;
* Map from account, attachment ID to attachment file
private File getAttachmentFile(Account forAccount, long id) {
String idString = Long.toString(id);
File attachmentsDir = mMockContext.getDatabasePath(forAccount.mId + ".db_att");
if (!attachmentsDir.exists()) {
return new File(attachmentsDir, idString);