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* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.ContentUris;
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.HashSet;
* New central controller/dispatcher for Email activities that may require remote operations.
* Handles disambiguating between legacy MessagingController operations and newer provider/sync
* based code.
public class Controller {
static Controller sInstance;
private Context mContext;
private Context mProviderContext;
private MessagingController mLegacyController;
private HashSet<Result> mListeners = new HashSet<Result>();
private static String[] MESSAGEID_TO_ACCOUNTID_PROJECTION = new String[] {
protected Controller(Context _context) {
mContext = _context;
mProviderContext = _context;
mLegacyController = MessagingController.getInstance(mContext);
* Gets or creates the singleton instance of Controller.
* @param _context The context that will be used for all underlying system access
public synchronized static Controller getInstance(Context _context) {
if (sInstance == null) {
sInstance = new Controller(_context);
return sInstance;
* For testing only: Inject a different context for provider access. This will be
* used internally for access the underlying provider (e.g. getContentResolver().query()).
* @param providerContext the provider context to be used by this instance
public void setProviderContext(Context providerContext) {
mProviderContext = providerContext;
* Any UI code that wishes for callback results (on async ops) should register their callback
* here (typically from onResume()). Unregistered callbacks will never be called, to prevent
* problems when the command completes and the activity has already paused or finished.
* @param listener The callback that may be used in action methods
public void addResultCallback(Result listener) {
synchronized (mListeners) {
* Any UI code that no longer wishes for callback results (on async ops) should unregister
* their callback here (typically from onPause()). Unregistered callbacks will never be called,
* to prevent problems when the command completes and the activity has already paused or
* finished.
* @param listener The callback that may no longer be used
public void removeResultCallback(Result listener) {
synchronized (mListeners) {
private boolean isActiveResultCallback(Result listener) {
synchronized (mListeners) {
return mListeners.contains(listener);
* Request a remote update of mailboxes for an account.
* TODO: Implement (if any) for non-MessagingController
* TODO: Probably the right way is to create a fake "service" for MessagingController ops
public void updateMailboxList(final EmailContent.Account account, final Result callback) {
// 1. determine if we can use MessagingController for this
boolean legacyController = isMessagingController(account);
// 2. if not...?
// TODO: for now, just pretend "it worked"
if (!legacyController) {
if (callback != null) {
callback.updateMailboxListCallback(null, account.mId);
// 3. if so, make the call
new Thread() {
public void run() {
MessagingListener listener = new LegacyListener(callback);
mLegacyController.listFolders(account, listener);
* Request a remote update of a mailbox.
* The contract here should be to try and update the headers ASAP, in order to populate
* a simple message list. We should also at this point queue up a background task of
* downloading some/all of the messages in this mailbox, but that should be interruptable.
public void updateMailbox(final EmailContent.Account account,
final EmailContent.Mailbox mailbox, final Result callback) {
// 1. determine if we can use MessagingController for this
boolean legacyController = isMessagingController(account);
// 2. if not...?
// TODO: for now, just pretend "it worked"
if (!legacyController) {
if (callback != null) {
callback.updateMailboxCallback(null, account.mId, mailbox.mId, -1, -1);
// 3. if so, make the call
new Thread() {
public void run() {
MessagingListener listener = new LegacyListener(callback);
mLegacyController.synchronizeMailbox(account, mailbox, listener);
* Saves the message to a mailbox of given type.
* @param message the message (must have the mAccountId set).
* @param mailboxType the mailbox type (e.g. Mailbox.TYPE_DRAFTS).
* TODO: UI feedback.
* TODO: use AsyncTask instead of Thread
public void saveToMailbox(final EmailContent.Message message, final int mailboxType) {
new Thread() {
public void run() {
long accountId = message.mAccountKey;
long mailboxId = findOrCreateMailboxOfType(accountId, mailboxType);
message.mMailboxKey = mailboxId;;
* @param accountId the account id
* @param mailboxType the mailbox type (e.g. EmailContent.Mailbox.TYPE_TRASH)
* @return the id of the mailbox. The mailbox is created if not existing.
* Returns Mailbox.NO_MAILBOX if the accountId or mailboxType are negative.
* Does not validate the input in other ways (e.g. does not verify the existence of account).
public long findOrCreateMailboxOfType(long accountId, int mailboxType) {
if (accountId < 0 || mailboxType < 0) {
return Mailbox.NO_MAILBOX;
long mailboxId =
Mailbox.findMailboxOfType(mProviderContext, accountId, mailboxType);
return mailboxId == Mailbox.NO_MAILBOX ? createMailbox(accountId, mailboxType) : mailboxId;
* @param mailboxType the mailbox type
* @return the resource string corresponding to the mailbox type, empty if not found.
/* package */ String getSpecialMailboxDisplayName(int mailboxType) {
int resId = -1;
switch (mailboxType) {
case Mailbox.TYPE_INBOX:
// TODO: there is no special_mailbox_display_name_inbox; why?
resId = R.string.special_mailbox_name_inbox;
case Mailbox.TYPE_OUTBOX:
resId = R.string.special_mailbox_display_name_outbox;
case Mailbox.TYPE_DRAFTS:
resId = R.string.special_mailbox_display_name_drafts;
case Mailbox.TYPE_TRASH:
resId = R.string.special_mailbox_display_name_trash;
case Mailbox.TYPE_SENT:
resId = R.string.special_mailbox_display_name_sent;
return resId != -1 ? mContext.getString(resId) : "";
* Create a mailbox given the account and mailboxType.
* TODO: Does this need to be signaled explicitly to the sync engines?
* As this method is only used internally ('private'), it does not
* validate its inputs (accountId and mailboxType).
/* package */ long createMailbox(long accountId, int mailboxType) {
if (accountId < 0 || mailboxType < 0) {
String mes = "Invalid arguments " + accountId + ' ' + mailboxType;
Log.e(Email.LOG_TAG, mes);
throw new RuntimeException(mes);
Mailbox box = new Mailbox();
box.mAccountKey = accountId;
box.mType = mailboxType;
box.mSyncInterval = EmailContent.Account.CHECK_INTERVAL_NEVER;
box.mFlagVisible = true;
box.mDisplayName = getSpecialMailboxDisplayName(mailboxType);;
return box.mId;
* Send a message:
* - move the message to Outbox (the message is assumed to be in Drafts).
* - perform any necessary notification
* - do the work in a separate (non-UI) thread
* @param messageId the id of the message to send
public void sendMessage(long messageId, long accountId) {
ContentResolver resolver = mProviderContext.getContentResolver();
if (accountId == -1) {
accountId = lookupAccountForMessage(messageId);
if (accountId == -1) {
// probably the message was not found
if (Email.LOGD) {
Email.log("no account found for message " + messageId);
// Move to Outbox
long outboxId = findOrCreateMailboxOfType(accountId, Mailbox.TYPE_OUTBOX);
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
cv.put(EmailContent.MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY, outboxId);
// does this need to be SYNCED_CONTENT_URI instead?
Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(EmailContent.Message.CONTENT_URI, messageId);
resolver.update(uri, cv, null, null);
// TODO: notifications
* @param messageId the id of message
* @return the accountId corresponding to the given messageId, or -1 if not found.
private long lookupAccountForMessage(long messageId) {
ContentResolver resolver = mProviderContext.getContentResolver();
Cursor c = resolver.query(EmailContent.Message.CONTENT_URI,
new String[] { Long.toString(messageId) }, null);
try {
return c.moveToFirst()
: -1;
} finally {
* Delete a single message by moving it to the trash.
* This function has no callback, no result reporting, because the desired outcome
* is reflected entirely by changes to one or more cursors.
* @param messageId The id of the message to "delete".
* @param accountId The id of the message's account, or -1 if not known by caller
* TODO: Move out of UI thread
* TODO: "get account a for message m" should be a utility
* TODO: "get mailbox of type n for account a" should be a utility
public void deleteMessage(long messageId, long accountId) {
ContentResolver resolver = mProviderContext.getContentResolver();
// 1. Look up acct# for message we're deleting
Cursor c = null;
if (accountId == -1) {
accountId = lookupAccountForMessage(messageId);
if (accountId == -1) {
// 2. Confirm that there is a trash mailbox available
// 3. If there's no trash mailbox, create one
// TODO: Does this need to be signaled explicitly to the sync engines?
long trashMailboxId = findOrCreateMailboxOfType(accountId, Mailbox.TYPE_TRASH);
// 4. Change the mailbox key for the message we're "deleting"
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
cv.put(EmailContent.MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY, trashMailboxId);
Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(EmailContent.Message.SYNCED_CONTENT_URI, messageId);
resolver.update(uri, cv, null, null);
// 5. Drop non-essential data for the message (e.g. attachments)
// TODO: find the actual files (if any, if loaded) & delete them
c = null;
try {
c = resolver.query(EmailContent.Attachment.CONTENT_URI,
EmailContent.AttachmentColumns.MESSAGE_KEY + "=?",
new String[] { Long.toString(messageId) }, null);
while (c.moveToNext()) {
// delete any associated storage
// delete row?
} finally {
if (c != null) c.close();
// 6. For IMAP/POP3 we may need to kick off an immediate delete (depends on acct settings)
// TODO write this
* Set/clear the unread status of a message
* @param messageId the message to update
* @param isRead the new value for the isRead flag
public void setMessageRead(long messageId, boolean isRead) {
// TODO this should not be in this thread. queue it up.
// TODO Also, it needs to update the read/unread count in the mailbox
// TODO kick off service/messagingcontroller actions
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
cv.put(EmailContent.MessageColumns.FLAG_READ, isRead);
Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(
EmailContent.Message.SYNCED_CONTENT_URI, messageId);
mProviderContext.getContentResolver().update(uri, cv, null, null);
* Set/clear the favorite status of a message
* @param messageId the message to update
* @param isFavorite the new value for the isFavorite flag
public void setMessageFavorite(long messageId, boolean isFavorite) {
// TODO this should not be in this thread. queue it up.
// TODO kick off service/messagingcontroller actions
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
cv.put(EmailContent.MessageColumns.FLAG_FAVORITE, isFavorite);
Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(
EmailContent.Message.SYNCED_CONTENT_URI, messageId);
mProviderContext.getContentResolver().update(uri, cv, null, null);
* Request that an attachment be loaded. It will be stored at a location controlled
* by the AttachmentProvider.
* @param attachmentId the attachment to load
* @param messageId the owner message
* @param accountId the owner account
* @param callback the Controller callback by which results will be reported
public void loadAttachment(long attachmentId, long messageId, long accountId,
final Result callback, Object tag) {
Attachment attachInfo = Attachment.restoreAttachmentWithId(mProviderContext, attachmentId);
File saveToFile = AttachmentProvider.getAttachmentFilename(mContext,
accountId, attachmentId);
// Split here for target type (Service or MessagingController)
IEmailService service = getServiceForMessage(messageId);
if (service != null) {
// Service implementation
try {
service.loadAttachment(attachInfo.mId, saveToFile.getAbsolutePath(),
AttachmentProvider.getAttachmentUri(accountId, attachmentId).toString(),
new LoadAttachmentCallback(callback, tag));
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// TODO Change exception handling to be consistent with however this method
// is implemented for other protocols
Log.e("onDownloadAttachment", "RemoteException", e);
} else {
// MessagingController implementation
* For a given message id, return a service proxy if applicable, or null.
* @param messageId the message of interest
* @result service proxy, or null if n/a
private IEmailService getServiceForMessage(long messageId) {
// TODO make this more efficient, caching the account, smaller lookup here, etc.
Message message = Message.restoreMessageWithId(mProviderContext, messageId);
long accountId = message.mAccountKey;
Account account = EmailContent.Account.restoreAccountWithId(mProviderContext, accountId);
if (isMessagingController(account)) {
return null;
} else {
return new EmailServiceProxy(mContext, SyncManager.class);
* Simple helper to determine if legacy MessagingController should be used
* TODO this should not require a full account, just an accountId
* TODO this should use a cache because we'll be doing this a lot
private boolean isMessagingController(EmailContent.Account account) {
Store.StoreInfo info =
Store.StoreInfo.getStoreInfo(account.getStoreUri(mContext), mContext);
String scheme = info.mScheme;
return ("pop3".equals(scheme) || "imap".equals(scheme));
* Simple callback for synchronous commands. For many commands, this can be largely ignored
* and the result is observed via provider cursors. The callback will *not* necessarily be
* made from the UI thread, so you may need further handlers to safely make UI updates.
public interface Result {
* Callback for updateMailboxList
* @param result If null, the operation completed without error
* @param accountId The account being operated on
public void updateMailboxListCallback(MessagingException result, long accountId);
* Callback for updateMailbox
* @param result If null, the operation completed without error
* @param accountId The account being operated on
* @param mailboxId The mailbox being operated on
public void updateMailboxCallback(MessagingException result, long accountId,
long mailboxId, int totalMessagesInMailbox, int numNewMessages);
* Callback for loadAttachment
* @param result if null, the attachment completed - if non-null, terminating with failure
* @param messageId the message which contains the attachment
* @param attachmentId the attachment being loaded
* @param progress 0 for "starting", 1..99 for updates (if needed in UI), 100 for complete
* @param tag caller-defined tag, if supplied
public void loadAttachmentCallback(MessagingException result, long messageId,
long attachmentId, int progress, Object tag);
* Support for receiving callbacks from MessagingController and dealing with UI going
* out of scope.
private class LegacyListener extends MessagingListener {
Result mResultCallback;
public LegacyListener(Result callback) {
mResultCallback = callback;
public void listFoldersFailed(EmailContent.Account account, String message) {
if (mResultCallback != null && isActiveResultCallback(mResultCallback)) {
mResultCallback.updateMailboxListCallback(new MessagingException(message),
public void listFoldersFinished(EmailContent.Account account) {
if (mResultCallback != null && isActiveResultCallback(mResultCallback)) {
mResultCallback.updateMailboxListCallback(null, account.mId);
public void synchronizeMailboxFinished(EmailContent.Account account,
EmailContent.Mailbox folder, int totalMessagesInMailbox, int numNewMessages) {
if (mResultCallback != null && isActiveResultCallback(mResultCallback)) {
mResultCallback.updateMailboxCallback(null, account.mId, folder.mId,
totalMessagesInMailbox, numNewMessages);
public void synchronizeMailboxFailed(EmailContent.Account account,
EmailContent.Mailbox folder, Exception e) {
if (mResultCallback != null && isActiveResultCallback(mResultCallback)) {
MessagingException me;
if (e instanceof MessagingException) {
me = (MessagingException) e;
} else {
me = new MessagingException(e.toString());
mResultCallback.updateMailboxCallback(me, account.mId, folder.mId, -1, -1);
* Service callback for load attachment
private class LoadAttachmentCallback extends IEmailServiceCallback.Stub {
private final static boolean DEBUG_FAIL_DOWNLOADS = false; // do not check in "true"
Result mCallback;
boolean mMadeFirstCallback;
Object mTag;
public LoadAttachmentCallback(Result callback, Object tag) {
mCallback = callback;
mMadeFirstCallback = false;
mTag = tag;
* Callback from Service for load attachment status.
* This performs some translations to what the UI expects, which is (assuming no fail):
* progress = 0 ("started")
* progress = 1..99 ("running")
* progress = 100 ("finished")
* @param messageId the id of the message the callback relates to
* @param attachmentId the id of the attachment (if any)
* @param statusCode from the definitions in EmailServiceStatus
* @param progress the progress (from 0 to 100) of a download
public void status(long messageId, long attachmentId, int statusCode, int progress) {
if (mCallback != null && isActiveResultCallback(mCallback)) {
MessagingException result = null;
switch (statusCode) {
case EmailServiceStatus.SUCCESS:
progress = 100;
case EmailServiceStatus.IN_PROGRESS:
// special case, force a single "progress = 0" for the first time
if (!mMadeFirstCallback) {
progress = 0;
mMadeFirstCallback = true;
} else if (DEBUG_FAIL_DOWNLOADS && progress > 75) {
result = new MessagingException(
} else if (progress <= 0 || progress >= 100) {
result = new MessagingException(String.valueOf(statusCode));
mCallback.loadAttachmentCallback(result, messageId, attachmentId, progress, mTag);
// prevent any trailing reports if there was an error
if (result != null) {
mCallback = null;