/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.email.activity; import com.android.email.Email; import com.android.email.EmailAddressValidator; import com.android.email.R; import com.android.email.TestUtils; import com.android.emailcommon.Logging; import com.android.emailcommon.mail.Address; import com.android.emailcommon.mail.MessagingException; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Account; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Attachment; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Message; import com.google.android.collect.Lists; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.net.Uri; import android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2; import android.test.UiThreadTest; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.LargeTest; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.MultiAutoCompleteTextView; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Various instrumentation tests for MessageCompose. * * It might be possible to convert these to ActivityUnitTest, which would be faster. * * You can run this entire test case with: * runtest -c com.android.email.activity.MessageComposeTests email */ @LargeTest public class MessageComposeTests extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 { private Context mContext; private MultiAutoCompleteTextView mToView; private MultiAutoCompleteTextView mCcView; private MultiAutoCompleteTextView mBccView; private EditText mSubjectView; private EditText mMessageView; private long mCreatedAccountId = -1; private String mSignature; private static final String SENDER = "sender@android.com"; private static final String REPLYTO = "replyto@android.com"; private static final String RECIPIENT_TO = "recipient-to@android.com"; private static final String RECIPIENT_CC = "recipient-cc@android.com"; private static final String RECIPIENT_BCC = "recipient-bcc@android.com"; private static final String SUBJECT = "This is the subject"; private static final String BODY = "This is the body. This is also the body."; private static final String SIGNATURE = "signature"; private static final String FROM = "Fred From "; private static final String TO1 = "First To "; private static final String TO2 = "Second To "; private static final String TO3 = "CopyFirst Cc "; private static final String CC1 = "First Cc "; private static final String CC2 = "Second Cc "; private static final String CC3 = "Third Cc "; private static final String CC4 = "CopySecond To "; private static final String UTF16_SENDER = "\u3042\u3044\u3046 \u3048\u304A "; private static final String UTF16_REPLYTO = "\u3042\u3044\u3046\u3048\u304A "; private static final String UTF16_RECIPIENT_TO = "\"\u3042\u3044\u3046,\u3048\u304A\" "; private static final String UTF16_RECIPIENT_CC = "\u30A2\u30AB \u30B5\u30BF\u30CA "; private static final String UTF16_RECIPIENT_BCC = "\"\u30A2\u30AB,\u30B5\u30BF\u30CA\" "; private static final String UTF16_SUBJECT = "\u304A\u5BFF\u53F8\u306B\u3059\u308B\uFF1F"; private static final String UTF16_BODY = "\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E\u306E\u6587\u7AE0"; private static final String UTF32_SENDER = "\uD834\uDF01\uD834\uDF46 \uD834\uDF22 "; private static final String UTF32_REPLYTO = "\uD834\uDF01\uD834\uDF46\uD834\uDF22 "; private static final String UTF32_RECIPIENT_TO = "\"\uD834\uDF01\uD834\uDF46,\uD834\uDF22\" "; private static final String UTF32_RECIPIENT_CC = "\uD834\uDF22 \uD834\uDF01\uD834\uDF46 "; private static final String UTF32_RECIPIENT_BCC = "\"\uD834\uDF22,\uD834\uDF01\uD834\uDF46\" "; private static final String UTF32_SUBJECT = "\uD834\uDF01\uD834\uDF46"; private static final String UTF32_BODY = "\uD834\uDF01\uD834\uDF46"; /* * The following action definitions are purposefully copied from MessageCompose, so that * any changes to the action strings will break these tests. Changes to the actions should * be done consciously to think about existing shortcuts and clients. */ private static final String ACTION_REPLY = "com.android.email.intent.action.REPLY"; private static final String ACTION_REPLY_ALL = "com.android.email.intent.action.REPLY_ALL"; private static final String ACTION_FORWARD = "com.android.email.intent.action.FORWARD"; private static final String ACTION_EDIT_DRAFT = "com.android.email.intent.action.EDIT_DRAFT"; public MessageComposeTests() { super(MessageCompose.class); } /* * The Message Composer activity is only enabled if one or more accounts * are configured on the device and a default account has been specified, * so we do that here before every test. */ @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); mContext = getInstrumentation().getTargetContext(); // Force assignment of a default account long accountId = Account.getDefaultAccountId(mContext); if (accountId == -1) { Account account = new Account(); account.mSenderName = "Bob Sender"; account.mEmailAddress = "bob@sender.com"; account.mSignature = SIGNATURE; account.save(mContext); accountId = account.mId; mCreatedAccountId = accountId; } Account account = Account.restoreAccountWithId(mContext, accountId); mSignature = account.getSignature(); Email.setServicesEnabledSync(mContext); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); setActivityIntent(intent); final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); mToView = (MultiAutoCompleteTextView) a.findViewById(R.id.to); mCcView = (MultiAutoCompleteTextView) a.findViewById(R.id.cc); mBccView = (MultiAutoCompleteTextView) a.findViewById(R.id.bcc); mSubjectView = (EditText) a.findViewById(R.id.subject); mMessageView = (EditText) a.findViewById(R.id.message_content); } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); Context context = getInstrumentation().getTargetContext(); // If we created an account, delete it here if (mCreatedAccountId > -1) { context.getContentResolver().delete( ContentUris.withAppendedId(Account.CONTENT_URI, mCreatedAccountId), null, null); } } /** * The name 'test preconditions' is a convention to signal that if this * test doesn't pass, the test case was not set up properly and it might * explain any and all failures in other tests. This is not guaranteed * to run before other tests, as junit uses reflection to find the tests. */ public void testPreconditions() { assertNotNull(mToView); assertEquals(0, mToView.length()); assertNotNull(mSubjectView); assertEquals(0, mSubjectView.length()); assertNotNull(mMessageView); // Note that the signature is always preceeded with a newline. int sigLength = (mSignature == null) ? 0 : (1 + mSignature.length()); assertEquals(sigLength, mMessageView.length()); } /** * Test a couple of variations of processSourceMessage() for REPLY * To = Reply-To or From: (if REPLY) * To = (Reply-To or From:) + To: + Cc: (if REPLY_ALL) * Subject = Re: Subject * Body = empty (and has cursor) * * TODO test REPLY_ALL */ public void testProcessSourceMessageReply() throws MessagingException, Throwable { final Message message = buildTestMessage(RECIPIENT_TO, SENDER, SUBJECT, BODY); Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_REPLY); final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); a.setIntent(intent); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.processSourceMessage(message, null); a.setInitialComposeText(null, null); checkFields(SENDER + ", ", null, null, "Re: " + SUBJECT, null, null); checkFocused(mMessageView); } }); message.mFrom = null; message.mReplyTo = Address.parseAndPack(REPLYTO); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { resetViews(); a.processSourceMessage(message, null); a.setInitialComposeText(null, null); checkFields(REPLYTO + ", ", null, null, "Re: " + SUBJECT, null, null); checkFocused(mMessageView); } }); } public void testProcessSourceMessageReplyWithSignature() throws MessagingException, Throwable { final Message message = buildTestMessage(RECIPIENT_TO, SENDER, SUBJECT, BODY); Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_REPLY); final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); a.setIntent(intent); final Account account = new Account(); account.mSignature = SIGNATURE; runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.processSourceMessage(message, account); a.setInitialComposeText(null, SIGNATURE); checkFields(SENDER + ", ", null, null, "Re: " + SUBJECT, null, SIGNATURE); checkFocused(mMessageView); } }); message.mFrom = null; message.mReplyTo = Address.parseAndPack(REPLYTO); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { resetViews(); a.processSourceMessage(message, account); a.setInitialComposeText(null, SIGNATURE); checkFields(REPLYTO + ", ", null, null, "Re: " + SUBJECT, null, SIGNATURE); checkFocused(mMessageView); } }); } public void testProcessSourceMessageForwardWithSignature() throws MessagingException, Throwable { final Message message = buildTestMessage(RECIPIENT_TO, SENDER, SUBJECT, BODY); Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_FORWARD); final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); a.setIntent(intent); final Account account = new Account(); account.mSignature = SIGNATURE; runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.processSourceMessage(message, account); a.setInitialComposeText(null, SIGNATURE); checkFields(null, null, null, "Fwd: " + SUBJECT, null, SIGNATURE); checkFocused(mToView); } }); } /** * Test reply to utf-16 name and address */ public void testProcessSourceMessageReplyUtf16() throws MessagingException, Throwable { final Message message = buildTestMessage(UTF16_RECIPIENT_TO, UTF16_SENDER, UTF16_SUBJECT, UTF16_BODY); Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_REPLY); final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); a.setIntent(intent); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.processSourceMessage(message, null); a.setInitialComposeText(null, null); checkFields(UTF16_SENDER + ", ", null, null, "Re: " + UTF16_SUBJECT, null, null); checkFocused(mMessageView); } }); message.mFrom = null; message.mReplyTo = Address.parseAndPack(UTF16_REPLYTO); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { resetViews(); a.processSourceMessage(message, null); a.setInitialComposeText(null, null); checkFields(UTF16_REPLYTO + ", ", null, null, "Re: " + UTF16_SUBJECT, null, null); checkFocused(mMessageView); } }); } /** * Test reply to utf-32 name and address */ public void testProcessSourceMessageReplyUtf32() throws MessagingException, Throwable { final Message message = buildTestMessage(UTF32_RECIPIENT_TO, UTF32_SENDER, UTF32_SUBJECT, UTF32_BODY); Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_REPLY); final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); a.setIntent(intent); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.processSourceMessage(message, null); a.setInitialComposeText(null, null); checkFields(UTF32_SENDER + ", ", null, null, "Re: " + UTF32_SUBJECT, null, null); checkFocused(mMessageView); } }); message.mFrom = null; message.mReplyTo = Address.parseAndPack(UTF32_REPLYTO); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { resetViews(); a.processSourceMessage(message, null); a.setInitialComposeText(null, null); checkFields(UTF32_REPLYTO + ", ", null, null, "Re: " + UTF32_SUBJECT, null, null); checkFocused(mMessageView); } }); } /** * Test processSourceMessage() for FORWARD * To = empty (and has cursor) * Subject = Fwd: Subject * Body = empty */ public void testProcessSourceMessageForward() throws MessagingException, Throwable { final Message message = buildTestMessage(RECIPIENT_TO, SENDER, SUBJECT, BODY); Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_FORWARD); final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); a.setIntent(intent); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.processSourceMessage(message, null); a.setInitialComposeText(null, null); checkFields(null, null, null, "Fwd: " + SUBJECT, null, null); checkFocused(mToView); } }); } /** * Test processSourceMessage() for EDIT_DRAFT * Reply and ReplyAll should map: * To = to * Subject = Subject * Body = body (has cursor) * * TODO check CC and BCC handling too */ public void testProcessDraftMessage() throws MessagingException, Throwable { final Message message = buildTestMessage(RECIPIENT_TO, SENDER, SUBJECT, BODY); Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_EDIT_DRAFT); final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); a.setIntent(intent); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.processDraftMessage(message, true); checkFields(RECIPIENT_TO + ", ", null, null, SUBJECT, BODY, null); checkFocused(mMessageView); } }); // if subject is null, then cursor should be there instead message.mSubject = ""; runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { resetViews(); a.processDraftMessage(message, true); checkFields(RECIPIENT_TO + ", ", null, null, null, BODY, null); checkFocused(mSubjectView); } }); } /** * Test processDraftMessage() for EDIT_DRAFT with utf-16 name and address * TODO check CC and BCC handling too */ public void testProcessDraftMessageWithUtf16() throws MessagingException, Throwable { final Message message = buildTestMessage(UTF16_RECIPIENT_TO, UTF16_SENDER, UTF16_SUBJECT, UTF16_BODY); Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_EDIT_DRAFT); final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); a.setIntent(intent); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.processDraftMessage(message, true); checkFields(UTF16_RECIPIENT_TO + ", ", null, null, UTF16_SUBJECT, UTF16_BODY, null); checkFocused(mMessageView); } }); // if subject is null, then cursor should be there instead message.mSubject = ""; runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { resetViews(); a.processDraftMessage(message, true); checkFields(UTF16_RECIPIENT_TO + ", ", null, null, null, UTF16_BODY, null); checkFocused(mSubjectView); } }); } /** * Test processDraftMessage() for EDIT_DRAFT with utf-32 name and address * TODO check CC and BCC handling too */ public void testProcessDraftMessageWithUtf32() throws MessagingException, Throwable { final Message message = buildTestMessage(UTF32_RECIPIENT_TO, UTF32_SENDER, UTF32_SUBJECT, UTF32_BODY); Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_EDIT_DRAFT); final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); a.setIntent(intent); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.processDraftMessage(message, true); checkFields(UTF32_RECIPIENT_TO + ", ", null, null, UTF32_SUBJECT, UTF32_BODY, null); checkFocused(mMessageView); } }); // if subject is null, then cursor should be there instead message.mSubject = ""; runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { resetViews(); a.processDraftMessage(message, true); checkFields(UTF32_RECIPIENT_TO + ", ", null, null, null, UTF32_BODY, null); checkFocused(mSubjectView); } }); } /** * Check that we create the proper to and cc addressees in reply and reply-all, making sure * to reject duplicate addressees AND the email address of the sending account * * In this case, we're doing a "reply" * The user is TO1 (a "to" recipient) * The to should be: FROM * The cc should be empty */ public void testReplyAddresses() throws Throwable { final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); // Doesn't matter what Intent we use here final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); Message msg = new Message(); final Account account = new Account(); msg.mFrom = Address.parseAndPack(FROM); msg.mTo = Address.parseAndPack(TO1 + ',' + TO2); msg.mCc = Address.parseAndPack(CC1 + ',' + CC2 + ',' + CC3); final Message message = msg; account.mEmailAddress = "FiRsT.tO@gOoGlE.cOm"; runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.initFromIntent(intent); a.setupAddressViews(message, account, false); assertEquals("", mCcView.getText().toString()); String result = Address.parseAndPack(mToView.getText().toString()); String expected = Address.parseAndPack(FROM); assertEquals(expected, result); // It doesn't harm even if the CC view is visible. } }); } /** * Check that we create the proper to and cc addressees in reply and reply-all, making sure * to reject duplicate addressees AND the email address of the sending account * * In this case, we're doing a "reply all" * The user is TO1 (a "to" recipient) * The to should be: FROM * The cc should be: TO2, CC1, CC2, and CC3 */ public void testReplyAllAddresses1() throws Throwable { final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); // Doesn't matter what Intent we use here final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); Message msg = new Message(); final Account account = new Account(); msg.mFrom = Address.parseAndPack(FROM); msg.mTo = Address.parseAndPack(TO1 + ',' + TO2); msg.mCc = Address.parseAndPack(CC1 + ',' + CC2 + ',' + CC3); final Message message = msg; account.mEmailAddress = "FiRsT.tO@gOoGlE.cOm"; runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.initFromIntent(intent); a.setupAddressViews(message, account, true); String result = Address.parseAndPack(mToView.getText().toString()); String expected = Address.parseAndPack(FROM); assertEquals(expected, result); result = Address.parseAndPack(mCcView.getText().toString()); expected = Address.parseAndPack(TO2 + ',' + CC1 + ',' + CC2 + ',' + CC3); assertEquals(expected, result); TestUtils.assertViewVisible(mCcView); } }); } /** * Check that we create the proper to and cc addressees in reply and reply-all, making sure * to reject duplicate addressees AND the email address of the sending account * * In this case, we're doing a "reply all" * The user is CC2 (a "cc" recipient) * The to should be: FROM, * The cc should be: TO1, TO2, CC1 and CC3 (CC2 is our account's email address) */ public void testReplyAllAddresses2() throws Throwable { final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); // Doesn't matter what Intent we use here final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); Message msg = new Message(); final Account account = new Account(); msg.mFrom = Address.parseAndPack(FROM); msg.mTo = Address.parseAndPack(TO1 + ',' + TO2); msg.mCc = Address.parseAndPack(CC1 + ',' + CC2 + ',' + CC3); final Message message = msg; account.mEmailAddress = "sEcOnD.cC@gOoGlE.cOm"; runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.initFromIntent(intent); a.setupAddressViews(message, account, true); String result = Address.parseAndPack(mToView.getText().toString()); String expected = Address.parseAndPack(FROM); assertEquals(expected, result); result = Address.parseAndPack(mCcView.getText().toString()); expected = Address.parseAndPack(TO1 + ',' + TO2 + ',' + CC1 + ',' + CC3); assertEquals(expected, result); TestUtils.assertViewVisible(mCcView); } }); } /** * Check that we create the proper to and cc addressees in reply and reply-all, making sure * to reject duplicate addressees AND the email address of the sending account * * In this case, we're doing a "reply all" * The user is CC2 (a "cc" recipient) * The to should be: FROM, TO1, TO2, and TO3 * The cc should be: CC3 (CC1/CC4 are duplicates; CC2 is the our account's email address) */ public void testReplyAllAddresses3() throws Throwable { final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); // Doesn't matter what Intent we use here final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); Message msg = new Message(); final Account account = new Account(); msg.mFrom = Address.parseAndPack(FROM); msg.mTo = Address.parseAndPack(TO1 + ',' + TO2 + ',' + TO3); msg.mCc = Address.parseAndPack(CC1 + ',' + CC2 + ',' + CC3 + ',' + CC4); final Message message = msg; account.mEmailAddress = "sEcOnD.cC@gOoGlE.cOm"; runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.initFromIntent(intent); a.setupAddressViews(message, account, true); String result = Address.parseAndPack(mToView.getText().toString()); String expected = Address.parseAndPack(FROM); assertEquals(expected, result); result = Address.parseAndPack(mCcView.getText().toString()); expected = Address.parseAndPack(TO1 + ',' + TO2 + ',' + TO3+ ',' + CC3); assertEquals(expected, result); TestUtils.assertViewVisible(mCcView); } }); } /** * Test for processing of Intent EXTRA_* fields that impact the headers: * Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, Intent.EXTRA_CC, Intent.EXTRA_BCC, Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT */ public void testIntentHeaderExtras() throws MessagingException, Throwable { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[] { RECIPIENT_TO }); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_CC, new String[] { RECIPIENT_CC }); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_BCC, new String[] { RECIPIENT_BCC }); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, SUBJECT); final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); final Intent i2 = new Intent(intent); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.initFromIntent(i2); checkFields(RECIPIENT_TO + ", ", RECIPIENT_CC + ", ", RECIPIENT_BCC + ", ", SUBJECT, null, mSignature); checkFocused(mMessageView); } }); } /** * Test for processing of Intent EXTRA_* fields that impact the headers with utf-16. */ public void testIntentHeaderExtrasWithUtf16() throws MessagingException, Throwable { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[] { UTF16_RECIPIENT_TO }); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_CC, new String[] { UTF16_RECIPIENT_CC }); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_BCC, new String[] { UTF16_RECIPIENT_BCC }); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, UTF16_SUBJECT); final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); final Intent i2 = new Intent(intent); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.initFromIntent(i2); checkFields(UTF16_RECIPIENT_TO + ", ", UTF16_RECIPIENT_CC + ", ", UTF16_RECIPIENT_BCC + ", ", UTF16_SUBJECT, null, mSignature); checkFocused(mMessageView); } }); } /** * Test for processing of Intent EXTRA_* fields that impact the headers with utf-32. */ public void testIntentHeaderExtrasWithUtf32() throws MessagingException, Throwable { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[] { UTF32_RECIPIENT_TO }); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_CC, new String[] { UTF32_RECIPIENT_CC }); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_BCC, new String[] { UTF32_RECIPIENT_BCC }); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, UTF32_SUBJECT); final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); final Intent i2 = new Intent(intent); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.initFromIntent(i2); checkFields(UTF32_RECIPIENT_TO + ", ", UTF32_RECIPIENT_CC + ", ", UTF32_RECIPIENT_BCC + ", ", UTF32_SUBJECT, null, mSignature); checkFocused(mMessageView); } }); } /** * Test for processing of a typical browser "share" intent, e.g. * type="text/plain", EXTRA_TEXT="http:link.server.com" */ public void testIntentSendPlainText() throws MessagingException, Throwable { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType("text/plain"); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, BODY); final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); final Intent i2 = new Intent(intent); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.initFromIntent(i2); checkFields(null, null, null, null, BODY, mSignature); checkFocused(mToView); } }); } /** * Test for processing of a typical browser Mailto intent, e.g. * action=android.intent.action.VIEW * categories={android.intent.category.BROWSABLE} * data=mailto:user@domain.com?subject=This%20is%20%the%subject */ public void testBrowserMailToIntent() throws MessagingException, Throwable { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); Uri uri = Uri.parse("mailto:" + RECIPIENT_TO + "?subject=This%20is%20the%20subject"); intent.setData(uri); final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); final Intent i2 = new Intent(intent); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { a.initFromIntent(i2); checkFields( RECIPIENT_TO + ", ", null, null, "This is the subject", null, mSignature); checkFocused(mMessageView); } }); } /** * TODO: test mailto: with simple encoding mode * TODO: test mailto: URI with all optional fields * TODO: come up with a way to add a very small attachment * TODO: confirm the various details between handling of SEND, VIEW, SENDTO */ /** * Helper method to quickly check (and assert) on the to, subject, and content views. * * @param to expected value (null = it must be empty) * @param cc expected value (null = it must be empty) * @param bcc expected value (null = it must be empty) * @param subject expected value (null = it must be empty) * @param content expected value (null = it must be empty) * @param signature expected value (null = it must be empty) */ private void checkFields(String to, String cc, String bcc, String subject, String content, String signature) { String toText = mToView.getText().toString(); if (to == null) { assertEquals(0, toText.length()); } else { assertEquals(to, toText); TestUtils.assertViewVisible(mToView); } String ccText = mCcView.getText().toString(); if (cc == null) { assertEquals(0, ccText.length()); } else { assertEquals(cc, ccText); TestUtils.assertViewVisible(mCcView); } String bccText = mBccView.getText().toString(); if (bcc == null) { assertEquals(0, bccText.length()); } else { assertEquals(bcc, bccText); TestUtils.assertViewVisible(mBccView); } String subjectText = mSubjectView.getText().toString(); if (subject == null) { assertEquals(0, subjectText.length()); } else { assertEquals(subject, subjectText); } String contentText = mMessageView.getText().toString(); if (content == null && signature == null) { assertEquals(0, contentText.length()); } else { if (content == null) content = ""; if (signature != null) { int textLength = content.length(); if (textLength == 0 || content.charAt(textLength - 1) != '\n') { content += "\n"; } content += signature; } assertEquals(content, contentText); } } /** * Helper method to verify which field has the focus * @param focused The view that should be focused (all others should not have focus) */ private void checkFocused(View focused) { assertEquals(focused == mToView, mToView.isFocused()); assertEquals(focused == mSubjectView, mSubjectView.isFocused()); assertEquals(focused == mMessageView, mMessageView.isFocused()); } /** * Helper used when running multiple calls to processSourceMessage within a test method. * Simply clears out the views, so that we get fresh data and not appended data. * * Must call from UI thread. */ private void resetViews() { mToView.setText(null); mSubjectView.setText(null); mMessageView.setText(null); } /** * Build a test message that can be used as input to processSourceMessage * * @param to Recipient(s) of the message * @param sender Sender(s) of the message * @param subject Subject of the message * @param content Content of the message * @return a complete Message object */ private Message buildTestMessage(String to, String sender, String subject, String content) { Message message = new Message(); if (to != null) { message.mTo = Address.parseAndPack(to); } if (sender != null) { Address[] addresses = Address.parse(sender); assertTrue("from address", addresses.length > 0); message.mFrom = addresses[0].pack(); } message.mSubject = subject; if (content != null) { message.mText = content; } return message; } /** * Check AddressTextView email address validation. */ @UiThreadTest public void testAddressTextView() { MessageCompose messageCompose = getActivity(); mToView.setValidator(new EmailAddressValidator()); mToView.setText("foo"); mToView.performValidation(); // address is validated as errorneous assertNotNull(mToView.getError()); assertFalse(messageCompose.isAddressAllValid()); // the wrong address is preserved by validation assertEquals("foo, ", mToView.getText().toString()); mToView.setText("a@b.c"); mToView.performValidation(); // address is validated as correct assertNull(mToView.getError()); assertTrue(messageCompose.isAddressAllValid()); mToView.setText("a@b.c, foo"); mToView.performValidation(); assertNotNull(mToView.getError()); assertFalse(messageCompose.isAddressAllValid()); assertEquals("a@b.c, foo, ", mToView.getText().toString()); } /** * Check message and selection with/without signature. */ public void testSetInitialComposeTextAndSelection() throws MessagingException, Throwable { final Message msg = buildTestMessage(null, null, null, BODY); final Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_EDIT_DRAFT); final Account account = new Account(); final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); a.setIntent(intent); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { resetViews(); a.setInitialComposeText(BODY, SIGNATURE); checkFields(null, null, null, null, BODY, SIGNATURE); a.setMessageContentSelection(SIGNATURE); assertEquals(BODY.length(), mMessageView.getSelectionStart()); } }); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { resetViews(); a.setInitialComposeText(BODY, null); checkFields(null, null, null, null, BODY, null); a.setMessageContentSelection(null); assertEquals(BODY.length(), mMessageView.getSelectionStart()); } }); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { resetViews(); final String body2 = BODY + "\n\na\n\n"; a.setInitialComposeText(body2, SIGNATURE); checkFields(null, null, null, null, body2, SIGNATURE); a.setMessageContentSelection(SIGNATURE); assertEquals(BODY.length() + 3, mMessageView.getSelectionStart()); } }); } /** * Tests for the comma-inserting logic. The logic is applied equally to To: Cc: and Bcc: * but we only run the full set on To: */ public void testCommaInserting() throws Throwable { if (!TestUtils.isScreenOnAndNotLocked(mContext)) { Log.w(Logging.LOG_TAG, "SKIP testCommaInserting: Screen off or locked"); return; } // simple appending cases checkCommaInsert("a", "", false); checkCommaInsert("a@", "", false); checkCommaInsert("a@b", "", false); checkCommaInsert("a@b.", "", true); // non-optimal, but matches current implementation checkCommaInsert("a@b.c", "", true); // confirm works properly for internal editing checkCommaInsert("me@foo.com, you", " they@bar.com", false); checkCommaInsert("me@foo.com, you@", "they@bar.com", false); checkCommaInsert("me@foo.com, you@bar", " they@bar.com", false); checkCommaInsert("me@foo.com, you@bar.", " they@bar.com", true); // non-optimal checkCommaInsert("me@foo.com, you@bar.com", " they@bar.com", true); // check a couple of multi-period cases checkCommaInsert("me.myself@foo", "", false); checkCommaInsert("me.myself@foo.com", "", true); checkCommaInsert("me@foo.co.uk", "", true); // cases that should not append because there's already a comma checkCommaInsert("a@b.c,", "", false); checkCommaInsert("me@foo.com, you@bar.com,", " they@bar.com", false); checkCommaInsert("me.myself@foo.com,", "", false); checkCommaInsert("me@foo.co.uk,", "", false); } /** * Check comma insertion logic for a single try on the To: field */ private void checkCommaInsert(final String before, final String after, boolean expectComma) throws Throwable { String expect = new String(before + (expectComma ? ", " : " ") + after); runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { mToView.setText(before + after); mToView.setSelection(before.length()); } }); getInstrumentation().sendStringSync(" "); String result = mToView.getText().toString(); assertEquals(expect, result); } private static int sAttachmentId = 1; private Attachment makeAttachment(String filename) { Attachment a = new Attachment(); a.mId = sAttachmentId++; a.mFileName = filename; return a; } @SmallTest public void testSourceAttachmentsProcessing() { // Attachments currently in the draft. ArrayList currentAttachments = Lists.newArrayList( makeAttachment("a.png"), makeAttachment("b.png")); // Attachments in the message being forwarded. Attachment c = makeAttachment("c.png"); Attachment d = makeAttachment("d.png"); ArrayList sourceAttachments = Lists.newArrayList(c, d); // Ensure the source attachments gets added. final MessageCompose a = getActivity(); a.processSourceMessageAttachments(currentAttachments, sourceAttachments, true /*include*/); assertEquals(4, currentAttachments.size()); assertTrue(currentAttachments.contains(c)); assertTrue(currentAttachments.contains(d)); // Now ensure they can be removed (e.g. in the case of switching from forward to reply). a.processSourceMessageAttachments(currentAttachments, sourceAttachments, false /*include*/); assertEquals(2, currentAttachments.size()); assertFalse(currentAttachments.contains(c)); assertFalse(currentAttachments.contains(d)); } }