/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.emailcommon.utility; import com.android.mail.utils.LogUtils; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.Socket; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.security.KeyManagementException; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.net.ssl.*; import javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory; public class SSLSocketFactoryWrapper extends javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory { private final SSLSocketFactory mFactory; private final boolean mSecure; private final int mHandshakeTimeout; private final String[] mDefaultCipherSuites; private final String[] DEPRECATED_CIPHER_SUITES_TO_ENABLE = new String[] { "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA", "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA", "SSL_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA", "SSL_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA", "SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA", "SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5", "TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA", "TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA", "TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA", "TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA", "TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA", "TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA", "TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA", "TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA", "SSL_DHE_DSS_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA", "SSL_DHE_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA", "SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA", "SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5", "SSL_DHE_DSS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA", "SSL_DHE_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA", "SSL_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA" }; SSLSocketFactoryWrapper(final SSLSocketFactory factory, final boolean secure, int handshakeTimeout) { mFactory = factory; mSecure = secure; mHandshakeTimeout = handshakeTimeout; // Find the base factory's list of defaultCipherSuites, and merge our extras with it. // Remember that the order is important. We'll add our extras at the end, and only // if they weren't already in the base factory's list. final String[] baseDefaultCipherSuites = mFactory.getDefaultCipherSuites(); final List fullCipherSuiteList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList( mFactory.getDefaultCipherSuites())); final Set baseDefaultCipherSuiteSet = new HashSet(fullCipherSuiteList); final String[] baseSupportedCipherSuites = mFactory.getSupportedCipherSuites(); final Set baseSupportedCipherSuiteSet = new HashSet(Arrays.asList( mFactory.getSupportedCipherSuites())); for (String cipherSuite : DEPRECATED_CIPHER_SUITES_TO_ENABLE) { if (baseSupportedCipherSuiteSet.contains(cipherSuite) && !baseDefaultCipherSuiteSet.contains(cipherSuite)) { fullCipherSuiteList.add(cipherSuite); } } mDefaultCipherSuites = new String[fullCipherSuiteList.size()]; fullCipherSuiteList.toArray(mDefaultCipherSuites); } public static SSLSocketFactory getDefault(final KeyManager[] keyManagers, int handshakeTimeout) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException{ final SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); context.init(keyManagers, null, null); return new SSLSocketFactoryWrapper(context.getSocketFactory(), true, handshakeTimeout); } public static SSLSocketFactory getInsecure(final KeyManager[] keyManagers, final TrustManager[] trustManagers, int handshakeTimeout) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException { final SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); context.init(keyManagers, trustManagers, null); return new SSLSocketFactoryWrapper(context.getSocketFactory(), false, handshakeTimeout); } public Socket createSocket()throws IOException { return mFactory.createSocket(); } public Socket createSocket(final Socket socket, final String host, final int port, final boolean autoClose) throws IOException { final SSLSocket sslSocket = (SSLSocket)mFactory.createSocket(socket, host, port, autoClose); setHandshakeTimeout(sslSocket, mHandshakeTimeout); sslSocket.setEnabledCipherSuites(mDefaultCipherSuites); if (mSecure) { verifyHostname(sslSocket, host); } return sslSocket; } @Override public Socket createSocket(String host, int port) throws IOException, UnknownHostException { final SSLSocket sslSocket = (SSLSocket)mFactory.createSocket(host, port); setHandshakeTimeout(sslSocket, mHandshakeTimeout); sslSocket.setEnabledCipherSuites(mDefaultCipherSuites); if (mSecure) { verifyHostname(sslSocket, host); } return sslSocket; } @Override public Socket createSocket(String host, int i, InetAddress inetAddress, int i2) throws IOException, UnknownHostException { final SSLSocket sslSocket = (SSLSocket)mFactory.createSocket(host, i, inetAddress, i2); setHandshakeTimeout(sslSocket, mHandshakeTimeout); sslSocket.setEnabledCipherSuites(mDefaultCipherSuites); if (mSecure) { verifyHostname(sslSocket, host); } return sslSocket; } @Override public Socket createSocket(InetAddress inetAddress, int i) throws IOException { final SSLSocket sslSocket = (SSLSocket)mFactory.createSocket(inetAddress, i); setHandshakeTimeout(sslSocket, mHandshakeTimeout); sslSocket.setEnabledCipherSuites(mDefaultCipherSuites); return sslSocket; } @Override public Socket createSocket(InetAddress inetAddress, int i, InetAddress inetAddress2, int i2) throws IOException { final SSLSocket sslSocket = (SSLSocket)mFactory.createSocket(inetAddress, i, inetAddress2, i2); setHandshakeTimeout(sslSocket, mHandshakeTimeout); sslSocket.setEnabledCipherSuites(mDefaultCipherSuites); return sslSocket; } public String[] getDefaultCipherSuites() { return mDefaultCipherSuites.clone(); } public String[] getSupportedCipherSuites() { return mFactory.getSupportedCipherSuites(); } /** * Attempt to set the hostname of the socket. * @param sslSocket The SSLSocket * @param hostname the hostname * @return true if able to set the hostname, false if not. */ public static boolean potentiallyEnableSni(SSLSocket sslSocket, String hostname) { try { // Many implementations of SSLSocket support setHostname, although it is not part of // the class definition. We will attempt to setHostname using reflection. If the // particular SSLSocket implementation we are using does not support this meethod, // we'll fail and return false. sslSocket.getClass().getMethod("setHostname", String.class).invoke(sslSocket, hostname); return true; } catch (Exception ignored) { return false; } } /** * Attempt to enable session tickets. * @param sslSocket the SSLSocket. * @return true if able to enable session tickets, false otherwise. */ public static boolean potentiallyEnableSessionTickets(SSLSocket sslSocket) { try { // Many implementations of SSLSocket support setUseSessionTickets, although it is not // part of the class definition. We will attempt to setHostname using reflection. If the // particular SSLSocket implementation we are using does not support this meethod, // we'll fail and return false. sslSocket.getClass().getMethod("setUseSessionTickets", boolean.class) .invoke(sslSocket, true); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * Verify the hostname of the certificate used by the other end of a * connected socket. You MUST call this if you did not supply a hostname * to {@link #createSocket()}. It is harmless to call this method * redundantly if the hostname has already been verified. * * @param socket An SSL socket which has been connected to a server * @param hostname The expected hostname of the remote server * @throws IOException if something goes wrong handshaking with the server * @throws SSLPeerUnverifiedException if the server cannot prove its identity * * @hide */ public static void verifyHostname(Socket socket, String hostname) throws IOException { if (!(socket instanceof SSLSocket)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to verify non-SSL socket"); } // The code at the start of OpenSSLSocketImpl.startHandshake() // ensures that the call is idempotent, so we can safely call it. SSLSocket ssl = (SSLSocket) socket; ssl.startHandshake(); SSLSession session = ssl.getSession(); LogUtils.d(LogUtils.TAG, "using cipherSuite %s", session.getCipherSuite()); if (session == null) { throw new SSLException("Cannot verify SSL socket without session"); } if (!HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultHostnameVerifier().verify(hostname, session)) { throw new SSLPeerUnverifiedException("Cannot verify hostname: " + hostname); } } private void setHandshakeTimeout(SSLSocket sslSocket, int timeout) { try { // Most implementations of SSLSocket support setHandshakeTimeout(), but it is not // actually part of the class definition. We will attempt to set it using reflection. // If the particular implementation of SSLSocket we are using does not support this // function, then we will just have to use the default handshake timeout. sslSocket.getClass().getMethod("setHandshakeTimeout", int.class).invoke(sslSocket, timeout); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.w(LogUtils.TAG, e, "unable to set handshake timeout"); } } }