/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.emailcommon.provider; import android.os.Parcel; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import android.test.mock.MockContext; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest; /** * Unit tests for the HostAuth inner class. * These tests must be locally complete - no server(s) required. */ @SmallTest public class HostAuthTests extends AndroidTestCase { /** * Test user name and password are set correctly */ public void testSetLogin() { HostAuth ha = new HostAuth(); ha.setLogin("user:password"); assertEquals("user", ha.mLogin); assertEquals("password", ha.mPassword); // special characters are not removed during insertion ha.setLogin("%20us%20er%20:password"); assertEquals("%20us%20er%20", ha.mLogin); assertEquals("password", ha.mPassword); // special characters are not removed during insertion ha.setLogin("user:%20pass%20word%20"); assertEquals("user", ha.mLogin); assertEquals("%20pass%20word%20", ha.mPassword); ha.setLogin("user:"); assertEquals("user", ha.mLogin); assertEquals("", ha.mPassword); ha.setLogin(":password"); assertEquals("", ha.mLogin); assertEquals("password", ha.mPassword); ha.setLogin(""); assertNull(ha.mLogin); assertNull(ha.mPassword); ha.setLogin(null); assertNull(ha.mLogin); assertNull(ha.mPassword); ha.setLogin("userpassword"); assertEquals("userpassword", ha.mLogin); assertNull(ha.mPassword); } /** * Test the authentication flag is set correctly when setting user name and password */ public void testSetLoginAuthenticate() { HostAuth ha = new HostAuth(); ha.mFlags = 0x00000000; ha.setLogin("user", "password"); assertEquals(HostAuth.FLAG_AUTHENTICATE, ha.mFlags); ha.mFlags = 0x00000000; ha.setLogin("user", ""); assertEquals(HostAuth.FLAG_AUTHENTICATE, ha.mFlags); ha.mFlags = 0xffffffff; ha.setLogin("", "password"); assertEquals(~HostAuth.FLAG_AUTHENTICATE, ha.mFlags); ha.mFlags = 0x00000000; ha.setLogin("user", null); assertEquals(HostAuth.FLAG_AUTHENTICATE, ha.mFlags); ha.mFlags = 0xffffffff; ha.setLogin(null, "password"); assertEquals(~HostAuth.FLAG_AUTHENTICATE, ha.mFlags); ha.mFlags = 0xffffffff; ha.setLogin(null, null); assertEquals(~HostAuth.FLAG_AUTHENTICATE, ha.mFlags); } /** * Test setting the connection using a protocol and flags */ public void testSetConnectionFlags() { HostAuth ha = new HostAuth(); // Different port types don't affect flags ha.setConnection("imap", "server", 123, 0); assertEquals(0, ha.mFlags); ha.setConnection("imap", "server", -1, 0); assertEquals(0, ha.mFlags); // Different protocol types don't affect flags ha.setConnection("pop3", "server", 123, 0); assertEquals(0, ha.mFlags); ha.setConnection("pop3", "server", -1, 0); assertEquals(0, ha.mFlags); ha.setConnection("eas", "server", 123, 0); assertEquals(0, ha.mFlags); ha.setConnection("eas", "server", -1, 0); assertEquals(0, ha.mFlags); ha.setConnection("smtp", "server", 123, 0); assertEquals(0, ha.mFlags); ha.setConnection("smtp", "server", -1, 0); assertEquals(0, ha.mFlags); // Sets SSL flag ha.setConnection("imap", "server", HostAuth.PORT_UNKNOWN, HostAuth.FLAG_SSL); assertEquals(HostAuth.FLAG_SSL, ha.mFlags); // Sets SSL+Trusted flags ha.setConnection("imap", "server", HostAuth.PORT_UNKNOWN, HostAuth.FLAG_SSL | HostAuth.FLAG_TRUST_ALL); assertEquals(HostAuth.FLAG_SSL | HostAuth.FLAG_TRUST_ALL, ha.mFlags); // Sets TLS flag ha.setConnection("imap", "server", HostAuth.PORT_UNKNOWN, HostAuth.FLAG_TLS); assertEquals(HostAuth.FLAG_TLS, ha.mFlags); // Sets TLS+Trusted flags ha.setConnection("imap", "server", HostAuth.PORT_UNKNOWN, HostAuth.FLAG_TLS | HostAuth.FLAG_TRUST_ALL); assertEquals(HostAuth.FLAG_TLS | HostAuth.FLAG_TRUST_ALL, ha.mFlags); // Test other defined flags; should not affect mFlags ha.setConnection("imap", "server", HostAuth.PORT_UNKNOWN, HostAuth.FLAG_AUTHENTICATE); assertEquals(0, ha.mFlags); // Test every other bit; should not affect mFlags // mFlag is evalutated to the following: // mFlag = (0 & (some operation)) | (0xfffffff4 & 0x1b) // mFlag = 0 | 0x10 // mFlag = 0x10 ha.setConnection("imap", "server", HostAuth.PORT_UNKNOWN, 0xfffffff4); assertEquals(0x10, ha.mFlags); } public void testSetConnectionWithCerts() { HostAuth ha = new HostAuth(); ha.setConnection("eas", "server", HostAuth.PORT_UNKNOWN, HostAuth.FLAG_SSL, "client-cert"); assertEquals(HostAuth.FLAG_SSL, ha.mFlags); assertEquals("client-cert", ha.mClientCertAlias); ha.setConnection("eas", "server", HostAuth.PORT_UNKNOWN, HostAuth.FLAG_TLS, "client-cert"); assertEquals(HostAuth.FLAG_TLS, ha.mFlags); assertEquals("client-cert", ha.mClientCertAlias); // Note that we can still trust all server certificates, even if we present a client // user certificate. ha.setConnection("eas", "server", HostAuth.PORT_UNKNOWN, HostAuth.FLAG_SSL | HostAuth.FLAG_TRUST_ALL, "client-cert"); assertEquals(HostAuth.FLAG_SSL | HostAuth.FLAG_TRUST_ALL, ha.mFlags); assertEquals("client-cert", ha.mClientCertAlias); try { ha.setConnection( "eas", "server", HostAuth.PORT_UNKNOWN, 0 /* no flags */, "client-cert"); fail("Shouldn't be able to set a client certificate on an unsecure connection"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { // ignore } } public void testParceling() { final HostAuth orig = new HostAuth(); // Fill in some data orig.mPort = 993; orig.mProtocol = "imap"; orig.mAddress = "example.com"; orig.mLogin = "user"; orig.mPassword = "supersecret"; orig.mDomain = "domain"; orig.mClientCertAlias = "certalias"; final Parcel p1 = Parcel.obtain(); orig.writeToParcel(p1, 0); p1.setDataPosition(0); final HostAuth unparceled1 = new HostAuth(p1); p1.recycle(); assertEquals(orig, unparceled1); assertEquals(orig.mCredentialKey, unparceled1.mCredentialKey); assertEquals(orig.mCredential, unparceled1.mCredential); orig.getOrCreateCredential(new MockContext()); final Parcel p2 = Parcel.obtain(); orig.writeToParcel(p2, 0); p2.setDataPosition(0); final HostAuth unparceled2 = new HostAuth(p2); p2.recycle(); assertEquals(orig, unparceled2); assertEquals(orig.mCredentialKey, unparceled2.mCredentialKey); assertEquals(orig.mCredential, unparceled2.mCredential); } }