Instant Upload Instant Upload Album Uploading Finished Paused %1$d%% • %2$d photos • %3$d videos %1$d photos • %2$d videos low battery exceeded photos quota roaming waiting for WiFi delayed until charging waiting for connection retrying in %s Show Pending Uploads Show Finished Uploads View Online Show Pending Uploads Hide Pending Uploads Show Details Hide Details Settings Uploaded %s %d%% Account Upload OK Cancel Uploading to %s for %s %1$s \"%2$s\" Upload initialization failed. File not available. Failed to retrieve account information. There was a problem signing into your account. Waiting to retry Waiting for WiFi Uploading Failed Completed uploading manually paused paused - low battery paused - delayed until charging paused - waiting for connection paused - out of PWA quota paused - waiting for wifi paused - roaming waiting to retry 1 minute 2 minutes 5 minutes No data connection Account is out of disk quota File not found Service error Network error Authentication failed Pending uploads [%d] Completed uploads [%d] Pause uploads Resume uploads Upload now Upload later Do not upload View Retry Upload canceled Upload already finished Sync all Last Sync:\n%1$s\n%2$s Finished items list is empty. Instant Upload Uploads finished Uploads paused Instant Upload hasn\'t been activated yet Large files will be uploaded over a WiFi connection only. Scanning for files... Preparing %1$d photos and %2$d videos for upload... No additional photos/videos need to be uploaded. There was a problem communicating with the server. Please try again later. Sync all canceled Sync All View Completed View Pending General Pause all uploads Power Upload only when the phone is being charged. Wi-Fi Upload only when Wi-Fi is available. Photos Account Upload conditions Photo size Videos Account The photos account will be used video uploads. Upload conditions Photos connectivity settings are used for now. Only photos via mobile networks Photos & videos via mobile networks Photos & videos via Wi-Fi only About Instant Upload Version Recommended: 1600 pixels (for sharing, prints and screensavers) Original size (slowest upload) paused - SD card unavailable SD card unavailable Instant Upload settings Instant Upload Automatically upload new photos & videos to a private web album Upload status Advanced Mobile uploads Roaming uploads Upload photos & videos when roaming on data network Battery uploads Upload photos & videos only when charging Upload existing photos Upload any existing photos & videos from your phone now Disabled %1$s: %2$s Uploading (%1$d%%) : %1$d of %2$d Paused: touch to resume uploading Upload existing photos Uploading photos and videos that have not already been uploaded from your phone to a private album on the web can take a while, but will be done in the background. Are you sure you want to continue? Yes No