/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.email.service; import android.content.Context; import com.android.email.AccountTestCase; import com.android.email.EmailConnectivityManager; import com.android.email.provider.ProviderTestUtils; import com.android.email.service.AttachmentDownloadService.DownloadRequest; import com.android.email.service.AttachmentDownloadService.DownloadSet; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Account; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Attachment; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Message; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Mailbox; import com.android.emailcommon.service.EmailServiceStatus; import java.io.File; import java.util.Iterator; /** * Tests of the AttachmentDownloadService * * You can run this entire test case with: * runtest -c com.android.email.service.AttachmentDownloadServiceTests email */ public class AttachmentDownloadServiceTests extends AccountTestCase { private AttachmentDownloadService mService; private Context mMockContext; private Account mAccount; private Mailbox mMailbox; private long mAccountId; private long mMailboxId; private AttachmentDownloadService.AccountManagerStub mAccountManagerStub; private MockDirectory mMockDirectory; private DownloadSet mDownloadSet; @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); mMockContext = getMockContext(); // Set up an account and mailbox mAccount = ProviderTestUtils.setupAccount("account", false, mMockContext); mAccount.mFlags |= Account.FLAGS_BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENTS; mAccount.save(mMockContext); mAccountId = mAccount.mId; mMailbox = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("mailbox", mAccountId, true, mMockContext); mMailboxId = mMailbox.mId; // Set up our download service to simulate a running environment // Use the NullEmailService so that the loadAttachment calls become no-ops mService = new AttachmentDownloadService(); mService.mContext = mMockContext; // there's no NullEmailService class /*mService.addServiceIntentForTest(mAccountId, new Intent(mContext, NullEmailService.class));*/ mAccountManagerStub = new AttachmentDownloadService.AccountManagerStub(null); mService.mAccountManagerStub = mAccountManagerStub; mService.mConnectivityManager = new MockConnectivityManager(mContext, "mock"); mDownloadSet = mService.mDownloadSet; mMockDirectory = new MockDirectory(mService.mContext.getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath()); } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); } /** * This test creates attachments and places them in the DownloadSet; we then do various checks * that exercise its functionality. */ public void testDownloadSet() { // TODO: Make sure that this doesn't interfere with the "real" ADS that might be running // on device Message message = ProviderTestUtils.setupMessage("message", mAccountId, mMailboxId, false, true, mMockContext); Attachment att1 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message.mId, "filename1", 1000, Attachment.FLAG_DOWNLOAD_USER_REQUEST, true, mMockContext); Attachment att2 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message.mId, "filename2", 1000, Attachment.FLAG_DOWNLOAD_FORWARD, true, mMockContext); Attachment att3 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message.mId, "filename3", 1000, Attachment.FLAG_DOWNLOAD_FORWARD, true, mMockContext); Attachment att4 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAttachment(message.mId, "filename4", 1000, Attachment.FLAG_DOWNLOAD_USER_REQUEST, true, mMockContext); // Indicate that these attachments have changed; they will be added to the queue mDownloadSet.onChange(mMockContext, att1); mDownloadSet.onChange(mMockContext, att2); mDownloadSet.onChange(mMockContext, att3); mDownloadSet.onChange(mMockContext, att4); Iterator iterator = mDownloadSet.descendingIterator(); // Check the expected ordering; 1 & 4 are higher priority than 2 & 3 // 1 and 3 were created earlier than their priority equals long[] expectedAttachmentIds = new long[] {att1.mId, att4.mId, att2.mId, att3.mId}; for (int i = 0; i < expectedAttachmentIds.length; i++) { assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()); DownloadRequest req = iterator.next(); assertEquals(expectedAttachmentIds[i], req.attachmentId); } // Process the queue; attachment 1 should be marked "in progress", and should be in // the in-progress map mDownloadSet.processQueue(); DownloadRequest req = mDownloadSet.findDownloadRequest(att1.mId); assertNotNull(req); assertTrue(req.inProgress); assertTrue(mDownloadSet.mDownloadsInProgress.containsKey(att1.mId)); // There should also be only one download in progress (testing the per-account limitation) assertEquals(1, mDownloadSet.mDownloadsInProgress.size()); // End the "download" with a connection error; we should still have this in the queue, // but it should no longer be in-progress mDownloadSet.endDownload(att1.mId, EmailServiceStatus.CONNECTION_ERROR); assertFalse(req.inProgress); assertEquals(0, mDownloadSet.mDownloadsInProgress.size()); mDownloadSet.processQueue(); // Things should be as they were earlier; att1 should be an in-progress download req = mDownloadSet.findDownloadRequest(att1.mId); assertNotNull(req); assertTrue(req.inProgress); assertTrue(mDownloadSet.mDownloadsInProgress.containsKey(att1.mId)); // Successfully download the attachment; there should be no downloads in progress, and // att1 should no longer be in the queue mDownloadSet.endDownload(att1.mId, EmailServiceStatus.SUCCESS); assertEquals(0, mDownloadSet.mDownloadsInProgress.size()); assertNull(mDownloadSet.findDownloadRequest(att1.mId)); // Test dequeue and isQueued assertEquals(3, mDownloadSet.size()); mService.dequeue(att2.mId); assertEquals(2, mDownloadSet.size()); assertTrue(mService.isQueued(att4.mId)); assertTrue(mService.isQueued(att3.mId)); mDownloadSet.processQueue(); // att4 should be the download in progress req = mDownloadSet.findDownloadRequest(att4.mId); assertNotNull(req); assertTrue(req.inProgress); assertTrue(mDownloadSet.mDownloadsInProgress.containsKey(att4.mId)); } /** * A mock file directory containing a single (Mock)File. The total space, usable space, and * length of the single file can be set */ private static class MockDirectory extends File { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private long mTotalSpace; private long mUsableSpace; private MockFile[] mFiles; private final MockFile mMockFile = new MockFile(); public MockDirectory(String path) { super(path); mFiles = new MockFile[1]; mFiles[0] = mMockFile; } private void setTotalAndUsableSpace(long total, long usable) { mTotalSpace = total; mUsableSpace = usable; } @Override public long getTotalSpace() { return mTotalSpace; } @Override public long getUsableSpace() { return mUsableSpace; } public void setFileLength(long length) { mMockFile.mLength = length; } @Override public File[] listFiles() { return mFiles; } } /** * A mock file that reports back a pre-set length */ private static class MockFile extends File { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private long mLength = 0; public MockFile() { super("_mock"); } @Override public long length() { return mLength; } } private static class MockConnectivityManager extends EmailConnectivityManager { public MockConnectivityManager(Context context, String name) { super(context, name); } @Override public void waitForConnectivity() { } @Override public boolean isAutoSyncAllowed() { return true; } } public void testCanPrefetchForAccount() { // First, test our "global" limits (based on free storage) // Mock storage @ 100 total and 26 available // Note that all file lengths in this test are in arbitrary units mMockDirectory.setTotalAndUsableSpace(100L, 26L); // Mock 2 accounts in total mAccountManagerStub.setNumberOfAccounts(2); // With 26% available, we should be ok to prefetch assertTrue(mService.canPrefetchForAccount(mAccount, mMockDirectory)); // Now change to 24 available mMockDirectory.setTotalAndUsableSpace(100L, 24L); // With 24% available, we should NOT be ok to prefetch assertFalse(mService.canPrefetchForAccount(mAccount, mMockDirectory)); // Now, test per-account storage // Mock storage @ 100 total and 50 available mMockDirectory.setTotalAndUsableSpace(100L, 50L); // Mock a file of length 12, but need to uncache previous amount first mService.mAttachmentStorageMap.remove(mAccountId); mMockDirectory.setFileLength(11); // We can prefetch since 11 < 50/4 assertTrue(mService.canPrefetchForAccount(mAccount, mMockDirectory)); // Mock a file of length 13, but need to uncache previous amount first mService.mAttachmentStorageMap.remove(mAccountId); mMockDirectory.setFileLength(13); // We can't prefetch since 13 > 50/4 assertFalse(mService.canPrefetchForAccount(mAccount, mMockDirectory)); } public void testCanPrefetchForAccountNoBackgroundDownload() { Account account = ProviderTestUtils.setupAccount("account2", false, mMockContext); account.mFlags &= ~Account.FLAGS_BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENTS; account.save(mMockContext); // First, test our "global" limits (based on free storage) // Mock storage @ 100 total and 26 available // Note that all file lengths in this test are in arbitrary units mMockDirectory.setTotalAndUsableSpace(100L, 26L); // Mock 2 accounts in total mAccountManagerStub.setNumberOfAccounts(2); // With 26% available, we should be ok to prefetch, // *but* bg download is disabled on the account. assertFalse(mService.canPrefetchForAccount(account, mMockDirectory)); } }