Mindy Pereira
Like Gmail, we only want to set activated text to a diff color for two pane.
Fixes b/5699511 Draft message is showing in white color text
Change-Id: I9f15807936db8864a1752d56056b08ddfb32f121
2011-12-02 14:20:46 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
am 333cdbae
: Tweak padding slightly to match the EditTextPreference screens.
* commit '333cdbaef46c3814ff6cad7317a8963457316f70':
Tweak padding slightly to match the EditTextPreference screens.
2011-12-02 11:58:43 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
Tweak padding slightly to match the EditTextPreference screens.
The edittextpreference uses a default system screens, but since this isn't really a preference
screen, it isn't usable here.
Change-Id: I770c12a5ec3a33906f5d6d1c9d0b7a6b027460da
2011-12-02 11:36:34 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
am dc931441
: Merge "Fix layout for edit quick response dialog."
* commit 'dc931441d879ede625a073755bfac40f93de6d10':
Fix layout for edit quick response dialog.
2011-12-02 11:15:56 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
Merge "Fix layout for edit quick response dialog."
2011-12-02 11:14:22 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
Fix layout for edit quick response dialog.
Fixes b/5528659 Quick Response "create new" dialog is janky
Change-Id: Ib78d677114f9af1969ce8314e6f58002d2ad727f
2011-12-02 11:11:21 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
am bc6625ef
: Merge "Make sure to check for a null account before using the account."
* commit 'bc6625ef73d52f207cb68b6d7a982abb3a30b8f5':
Make sure to check for a null account before using the account.
2011-12-02 10:46:02 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
Merge "Make sure to check for a null account before using the account."
2011-12-02 10:44:21 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
Make sure to check for a null account before using the account.
This is a common root cause with monkey crashes.
Fixes b/5628984 com.google.android.email: java.lang.NullPointerException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.email/com.android.email.activity.setup.AccountSetupIncoming}: java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:1955)
Change-Id: Ib3ac5c62b72662402c7d5df4e5d895beaf324197
2011-12-02 10:30:13 -08:00
Vikram Aggarwal
am 3714243c
: Merge "Consolidate Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener objects in AccountSettingsFragment"
* commit '3714243c0d1774216b357b980334d18207f50bf6':
Consolidate Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener objects in AccountSettingsFragment
2011-12-02 10:16:27 -08:00
Vikram Aggarwal
Merge "Consolidate Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener objects in AccountSettingsFragment"
2011-12-02 10:14:32 -08:00
Vikram Aggarwal
Consolidate Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener objects in AccountSettingsFragment
Fixes b/5642876
Change-Id: I74b9e06107ea89d7b3acf74c6c676dcc85125abc
2011-12-02 09:53:39 -08:00
The Android Open Source Project
am aff36f05
: Reconcile with ics-mr1-release
* commit 'aff36f0535297e8bddce5e6e5403da88afb4adde':
2011-12-02 07:57:00 -08:00
The Android Open Source Project
Reconcile with ics-mr1-release
Change-Id: I0313fc0c1df083bb5498f99ef14d5da6f8320c5e
2011-12-02 07:53:35 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
am 377a4ff7
: Merge "Fix message list width and margins"
* commit '377a4ff7feaf8c2ba9ba112b5721a01ef9971458':
Fix message list width and margins
2011-12-01 07:57:50 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
Merge "Fix message list width and margins"
2011-12-01 07:56:07 -08:00
The Android Automerger
merge in ics-mr1-release history after reset to ics-mr1
2011-12-01 06:46:38 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
am 3a1a5d2c
: am 58253012
: (-s ours) DO NOT MERGE Fix message list width and margins
* commit '3a1a5d2c319289d50fe13184bac9b84d25b768bd':
DO NOT MERGE Fix message list width and margins
2011-11-30 23:49:26 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
am 58253012
: (-s ours) DO NOT MERGE Fix message list width and margins
* commit '58253012a08c03bd2acd6a172adf89c665996944':
DO NOT MERGE Fix message list width and margins
2011-11-30 23:47:37 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
am 58253012
: DO NOT MERGE Fix message list width and margins
* commit '58253012a08c03bd2acd6a172adf89c665996944':
DO NOT MERGE Fix message list width and margins
2011-11-30 23:44:27 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
DO NOT MERGE Fix message list width and margins
Fixes b/5691557 Email tablet split view convo list text alignment has regressed
Change-Id: I031b35580c8715768719e7ea8a2685eb6aed3d31
2011-11-30 16:57:01 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
Fix message list width and margins
Fixes b/5691557 Email tablet split view convo list text alignment has regressed
Change-Id: Ia00ef382bb7b7879c4535b4571acbdb4e6ac2dd4
2011-11-30 16:42:56 -08:00
The Android Open Source Project
am d039dc9a
: Reconcile with ics-mr1-release
* commit 'd039dc9a5d463b4b21609449a879175c76b9a939':
2011-11-30 14:05:16 -08:00
Minh Pham
am fba2dbb3
: am 16439d5e
: Fix date margin
* commit 'fba2dbb35b243683ac51879d2abce454da01af10':
Fix date margin
2011-11-30 14:03:48 -08:00
The Android Open Source Project
Reconcile with ics-mr1-release
Change-Id: I80e01f57f3e71b736ccb9d0db7aa4597b2009ced
2011-11-30 12:56:13 -08:00
Minh Pham
am 16439d5e
: Fix date margin
* commit '16439d5e23ea4a4bb86e7f4d23a473525e043007':
Fix date margin
2011-11-30 10:50:53 -08:00
The Android Automerger
merge in ics-mr1-release history after reset to ics-mr1
2011-11-30 06:46:40 -08:00
Minh Pham
am 16439d5e
: Fix date margin
* commit '16439d5e23ea4a4bb86e7f4d23a473525e043007':
Fix date margin
2011-11-29 17:50:25 -08:00
Minh Pham
Fix date margin
- Use a specific margin for date in normal mode.
Bug: 5685616
Change-Id: I38843b66e8e2cbc077f2d7421a4e1cb86b274dc5
2011-11-29 17:40:12 -08:00
Eric Fischer
am 702d2e2b
: Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into ics-mr1
* commit '702d2e2bfdb2bb0147d5846c8ce8ac62d091797c':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-11-29 14:30:11 -08:00
Jeff Brown
am d462ae95
: Add application launch category.
* commit 'd462ae95e4b3012e562d5644389a62a43efe8435':
Add application launch category.
2011-11-29 14:29:55 -08:00
Eric Fischer
am 4c2b8d3a
: am 702d2e2b
: (-s ours) Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into ics-mr1
* commit '4c2b8d3a4c63de658b8b66f9dd76ef0f688930d3':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-11-29 13:33:47 -08:00
Eric Fischer
am 702d2e2b
: (-s ours) Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into ics-mr1
* commit '702d2e2bfdb2bb0147d5846c8ce8ac62d091797c':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-11-29 13:30:40 -08:00
Eric Fischer
Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into ics-mr1
2011-11-29 13:26:50 -08:00
Jeff Brown
am 2b08112d
: am d462ae95
: Add application launch category.
* commit '2b08112df42780b1326d05686bf6c44aa5c57aee':
Add application launch category.
2011-11-29 13:22:43 -08:00
Jeff Brown
am d462ae95
: Add application launch category.
* commit 'd462ae95e4b3012e562d5644389a62a43efe8435':
Add application launch category.
2011-11-29 13:20:08 -08:00
Eric Fischer
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
Change-Id: I238d3246e725ddfa38c2b53d842c7e97c2d00bf8
2011-11-29 13:15:11 -08:00
Eric Fischer
am d28bbcea
: Merge "Import revised translations."
* commit 'd28bbceac9cdbf8e615cc3ba16c72422432ff6f2':
Import revised translations.
2011-11-29 11:10:54 -08:00
Eric Fischer
Merge "Import revised translations."
2011-11-29 11:07:46 -08:00
Eric Fischer
Import revised translations.
Change-Id: I6f7573020c772af80589c7f60f0f2bd079ef20d2
2011-11-29 10:57:31 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
am e18e8f45
: Merge "Show correct error when adding widget with no email accts on device."
* commit 'e18e8f45dabc1bbb36f6f4d7541d5cfad4fb691c':
Show correct error when adding widget with no email accts on device.
2011-11-29 09:38:22 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
Merge "Show correct error when adding widget with no email accts on device."
2011-11-29 09:35:34 -08:00
Jeff Brown
Add application launch category.
Bug: 5674723
Change-Id: I8eb030c9bdc29769b7a3c7e3ca383d29c0a0ebdb
2011-11-28 20:11:53 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
Show correct error when adding widget with no email accts on device.
If the WidgetConfiguration service is disabled until the user adds an account,
adding the widget just fails badly as there is no service registered
to handed an APPWIDGET_CONFIGURE intent.
Fixes b/5613821 App isn't installed toast message when creating widget for Email without any account
Change-Id: I98003eadf71fb944d3c0902f7e132ca7c5b67571
2011-11-28 16:30:12 -08:00
The Android Automerger
merge in ics-mr1-release history after reset to ics-mr1
2011-11-28 12:22:53 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
am ac96f640
: Merge "Check for account before launching welcome screen."
* commit 'ac96f64081ac5d90815be2529dfedba28a90e4b4':
Check for account before launching welcome screen.
2011-11-28 11:37:39 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
Merge "Check for account before launching welcome screen."
2011-11-28 11:35:07 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
Check for account before launching welcome screen.
If this is running via monkey, might not have an account yet.
fixes b/5518958 java.lang.NullPointerException at com.android.email.activity.MessageCompose.onBack(MessageCompose.java:1797)
Change-Id: I17fb606a2fd3aad685a855ae8bd9eda551296ca3
2011-11-28 11:26:03 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
am d767a762
: Fixup wait activity screen to look like Gmail.
* commit 'd767a7625ffe7a7aa480f73830264639f8043b6d':
Fixup wait activity screen to look like Gmail.
2011-11-28 11:15:52 -08:00
Mindy Pereira
Fixup wait activity screen to look like Gmail.
Fixes b/5642479 "Waiting for sync" in ugly font
Change-Id: I61ea9b296eb7f64c80f8992c77724fc02a978d38
2011-11-28 11:04:54 -08:00