Use EmailProvider to create account list
Change-Id: Iedd99ecb95066c3b7e089e3b987a0caed44b97e5
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,12 +16,11 @@
import java.lang.Override;
public class EmailAccountCacheProvider extends AccountCacheProvider {
// The authority of our conversation provider (a forwarding provider)
// This string must match the declaration in AndroidManifest.xml
private static final String sAuthority = "";
// Content provider for Email
private static final String sAuthority = "";
protected String getAuthority() {
@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ public class EmailProvider extends ContentProvider {
private static final int UI_FOLDER_REFRESH = UI_BASE + 9;
private static final int UI_FOLDER = UI_BASE + 10;
private static final int UI_ACCOUNT = UI_BASE + 11;
private static final int UI_ACCTS = UI_BASE + 12;
private static final int LAST_EMAIL_PROVIDER_DB_BASE = UI_BASE;
@ -294,6 +295,7 @@ public class EmailProvider extends ContentProvider {
private static final String ID_EQUALS = EmailContent.RECORD_ID + "=?";
private static final ContentValues CONTENT_VALUES_RESET_NEW_MESSAGE_COUNT;
private static final ContentValues EMPTY_CONTENT_VALUES = new ContentValues();
public static final String MESSAGE_URI_PARAMETER_MAILBOX_ID = "mailboxId";
@ -413,6 +415,7 @@ public class EmailProvider extends ContentProvider {
matcher.addURI(EmailContent.AUTHORITY, "uirefresh/#", UI_FOLDER_REFRESH);
matcher.addURI(EmailContent.AUTHORITY, "uifolder/#", UI_FOLDER);
matcher.addURI(EmailContent.AUTHORITY, "uiaccount/#", UI_ACCOUNT);
matcher.addURI(EmailContent.AUTHORITY, "uiaccts", UI_ACCTS);
@ -1128,6 +1131,8 @@ public class EmailProvider extends ContentProvider {
try {
switch (match) {
// First, dispatch queries from UnfiedEmail
case UI_ACCTS:
return uiAccounts(projection);
case UI_UNDO:
return uiUndo(uri, projection);
@ -1938,14 +1943,6 @@ outer:
.add(UIProvider.FolderColumns.LAST_SYNC_RESULT, MailboxColumns.UI_LAST_SYNC_RESULT)
private static final long BASE_EAS_CAPABILITIES =
AccountCapabilities.SYNCABLE_FOLDERS |
AccountCapabilities.FOLDER_SERVER_SEARCH |
AccountCapabilities.SANITIZED_HTML |
AccountCapabilities.SMART_REPLY |
AccountCapabilities.SERVER_SEARCH |
// private static final Uri BASE_SETTINGS_URI =
// Uri.parse("content://");
@ -1955,22 +1952,15 @@ outer:
private static final ProjectionMap sAccountListMap = ProjectionMap.builder()
.add(BaseColumns._ID, AccountColumns.ID)
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.ACCOUNT_FROM_ADDRESSES_URI, "")
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.CAPABILITIES, Long.toString(BASE_EAS_CAPABILITIES))
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.FOLDER_LIST_URI, uriWithEmailAddress("uifolders"))
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.FOLDER_LIST_URI, uriWithId("uifolders"))
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.NAME, AccountColumns.DISPLAY_NAME)
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.SAVE_DRAFT_URI, uriWithEmailAddress("uisavedraft"))
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.SEND_MAIL_URI, uriWithEmailAddress("uisendmail"))
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.UNDO_URI, uriWithEmailAddress("uiundo"))
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.SAVE_DRAFT_URI, uriWithId("uisavedraft"))
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.SEND_MAIL_URI, uriWithId("uisendmail"))
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.UNDO_URI, uriWithId("uiundo"))
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.URI, uriWithId("uiaccount"))
// TODO: Is this used?
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.PROVIDER_VERSION, "1")
// TODO: Can't build this properly...
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.SETTINGS_INTENT_URI, "")
// TODO: Not yet implemented
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.EXPUNGE_MESSAGE_URI, "")
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.SEARCH_URI, "")
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.SYNC_STATUS, "")
.add(UIProvider.AccountColumns.SYNC_STATUS, "0")
@ -1991,9 +1981,14 @@ outer:
* Generate the SELECT clause using a specified mapping and the original UI projection
* @param map the ProjectionMap to use for this projection
* @param projection the projection as sent by UnifiedEmail
* @param values ContentValues to be used if the ProjectionMap entry is null
* @return a StringBuilder containing the SELECT expression for a SQLite query
private StringBuilder genSelect(ProjectionMap map, String[] projection) {
return genSelect(map, projection, EMPTY_CONTENT_VALUES);
private StringBuilder genSelect(ProjectionMap map, String[] projection, ContentValues values) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");
boolean first = true;
for (String column: projection) {
@ -2005,8 +2000,12 @@ outer:
String val = map.get(column);
// If we don't have the column, be permissive, returning "0 AS <column>", and warn
if (val == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "UIProvider column not found, returning 0: " + column);
val = "0 AS " + column;
if (values.containsKey(column)) {
val = "'" + values.getAsString(column) + "' AS " + column;
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "UIProvider column not found, returning 0: " + column);
val = "NULL AS " + column;
@ -2024,17 +2023,6 @@ outer:
return "'content://" + EmailContent.AUTHORITY + "/" + type + "/' || _id";
* Convenience method to create a Uri string given the "type" of query; we append the type
* of the query and the emailAddress column (for use with Account queries)
* @param type the "type" of the query, as defined by our UriMatcher definitions
* @return a Uri string
private static String uriWithEmailAddress(String type) {
return "'content://" + EmailContent.AUTHORITY + "/" + type + "/' || emailAddress";
* Convenience method to create a Uri string given the "type" of query and the table name to
* which it applies; we append the type of the query and the fully qualified (FQ) id column
@ -2105,18 +2093,90 @@ outer:
return sb.toString();
private static final long IMAP_CAPABILITIES =
AccountCapabilities.SYNCABLE_FOLDERS |
AccountCapabilities.FOLDER_SERVER_SEARCH |
private static final long POP3_CAPABILITIES = 0;
private static final long EAS_12_CAPABILITIES =
AccountCapabilities.SYNCABLE_FOLDERS |
AccountCapabilities.FOLDER_SERVER_SEARCH |
AccountCapabilities.SANITIZED_HTML |
AccountCapabilities.SMART_REPLY |
AccountCapabilities.SERVER_SEARCH |
private static final long EAS_2_CAPABILITIES =
AccountCapabilities.SYNCABLE_FOLDERS |
AccountCapabilities.SANITIZED_HTML |
AccountCapabilities.SMART_REPLY |
* Generate a "single account" SQLite query, given a projection from UnifiedEmail
* @param uiProjection as passed from UnifiedEmail
* @return the SQLite query to be executed on the EmailProvider database
private String genQueryAccount(String[] uiProjection) {
StringBuilder sb = genSelect(sAccountListMap, uiProjection);
// TODO: Get protocol specific stuff out of here (it should be in the account)
private String genQueryAccount(String[] uiProjection, String id) {
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
long accountId = Long.parseLong(id);
String protocol = Account.getProtocol(getContext(), accountId);
if (HostAuth.SCHEME_IMAP.equals(protocol)) {
values.put(UIProvider.AccountColumns.CAPABILITIES, IMAP_CAPABILITIES);
} else if (HostAuth.SCHEME_POP3.equals(protocol)) {
values.put(UIProvider.AccountColumns.CAPABILITIES, POP3_CAPABILITIES);
} else {
Account account = Account.restoreAccountWithId(getContext(), accountId);
String easVersion = account.mProtocolVersion;
Double easVersionDouble = 2.5D;
if (easVersion != null) {
try {
easVersionDouble = Double.parseDouble(easVersion);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Stick with 2.5
if (easVersionDouble >= 12.0D) {
values.put(UIProvider.AccountColumns.CAPABILITIES, EAS_12_CAPABILITIES);
} else {
values.put(UIProvider.AccountColumns.CAPABILITIES, EAS_2_CAPABILITIES);
StringBuilder sb = genSelect(sAccountListMap, uiProjection, values);
sb.append(" FROM " + Account.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + AccountColumns.ID + "=?");
return sb.toString();
private Cursor uiAccounts(String[] uiProjection) {
Context context = getContext();
SQLiteDatabase db = getDatabase(context);
Cursor accountIdCursor =
db.rawQuery("select _id from " + Account.TABLE_NAME, new String[0]);
MatrixCursor mc = new MatrixCursor(uiProjection, accountIdCursor.getCount());
Object[] values = new Object[uiProjection.length];
try {
while (accountIdCursor.moveToNext()) {
String id = accountIdCursor.getString(0);
Cursor accountCursor =
db.rawQuery(genQueryAccount(uiProjection, id), new String[] {id});
if (accountCursor.moveToNext()) {
for (int i = 0; i < uiProjection.length; i++) {
values[i] = accountCursor.getString(i);
} finally {
return mc;
* Generate the "subfolder list" SQLite query, given a projection from UnifiedEmail
@ -2166,7 +2226,7 @@ outer:
c.setNotificationUri(resolver, notifyUri);
return c;
c = db.rawQuery(genQueryAccount(uiProjection), new String[] {id});
c = db.rawQuery(genQueryAccount(uiProjection, id), new String[] {id});
notifyUri = UIPROVIDER_ACCOUNT_NOTIFIER.buildUpon().appendPath(id).build();
c.setNotificationUri(resolver, notifyUri);
return c;
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