Refactor MessageCompose.

This is a lot of code moves to make the asynchronous loading process
more explicit in nature:

- separate out code path for state restoration and intent resolving (no
  need to over-write mAction now)
- separate out code path for draft loading and source message
- fixes an issue where loading a message accidentally set the draft
message instead of the source message
- makes it possible to switch reply/replyall/forward since now
processing a source message doesn't do crazy things

Bug: 4375775
Change-Id: I5b3a7ac9ed031abe88f9358df9cd46408dd1e9f9
This commit is contained in:
Ben Komalo 2011-05-03 22:53:08 -07:00
parent 5a29aa63b2
commit c7c0b6791c
1 changed files with 209 additions and 169 deletions

View File

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ public class MessageCompose extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnFocus
private static final String STATE_KEY_DRAFT_ID =
private static final String STATE_KEY_REQUEST_ID =
private static final String STATE_KEY_LAST_SAVE_TASK_ID =
private static final int ACTIVITY_REQUEST_PICK_ATTACHMENT = 1;
@ -135,14 +135,21 @@ public class MessageCompose extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnFocus
private Account mAccount;
// mDraft has mId > 0 after the first draft save.
* The contents of the current message being edited. This is not always in sync with what's
* on the UI. {@link #updateMessage(Message, Account, boolean, boolean)} must be called to sync
* the UI values into this object.
private Message mDraft = new Message();
// mSource is only set for REPLY, REPLY_ALL and FORWARD, and contains the source message.
* The source message for a reply, reply all, or forward. This is asynchronously loaded.
private Message mSource;
// we use mAction instead of Intent.getAction() because sometimes we need to
// re-write the action to EDIT_DRAFT.
* The action being handled by this activity from the {@link Intent}.
private String mAction;
@ -262,6 +269,9 @@ public class MessageCompose extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnFocus
startActivityWithMessage(context, ACTION_EDIT_DRAFT, messageId);
* Starts a compose activity with a message as a reference message (e.g. for reply or forward).
private static void startActivityWithMessage(Context context, String action, long messageId) {
Intent i = getBaseIntent(context);
i.putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE_ID, messageId);
@ -304,16 +314,6 @@ public class MessageCompose extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnFocus
mController = Controller.getInstance(getApplication());
long draftId = Message.NOT_SAVED;
long existingSaveTaskId = -1;
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
// This data gets used in onCreate, so grab it here instead of onRestoreInstanceState
mSourceMessageProcessed =
savedInstanceState.getBoolean(STATE_KEY_SOURCE_MESSAGE_PROCED, false);
draftId = savedInstanceState.getLong(STATE_KEY_DRAFT_ID, Message.NOT_SAVED);
existingSaveTaskId = savedInstanceState.getLong(STATE_KEY_REQUEST_ID, -1);
// Show the back arrow on the action bar.
@ -321,45 +321,48 @@ public class MessageCompose extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnFocus
Intent intent = getIntent();
mAction = intent.getAction();
if (draftId != Message.NOT_SAVED) {
// this means that we saved the draft earlier,
// so now we need to disregard the intent action and do
// EDIT_DRAFT instead.
mDraft.mId = draftId;
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
long draftId = savedInstanceState.getLong(STATE_KEY_DRAFT_ID, Message.NOT_SAVED);
long existingSaveTaskId = savedInstanceState.getLong(STATE_KEY_LAST_SAVE_TASK_ID, -1);
SendOrSaveMessageTask existingSaveTask = sActiveSaveTasks.get(existingSaveTaskId);
// Assert ((draftId != Message.NOT_SAVED) || (existingSaveTask != null));
resumeDraft(draftId, existingSaveTask, false /* don't restore views */);
} else {
// Handle the various intents that launch the message composer
private void resolveIntent(Intent intent) {
if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(mAction)
|| Intent.ACTION_SENDTO.equals(mAction)
|| Intent.ACTION_SEND.equals(mAction)
|| Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE.equals(mAction)) {
// Use the fields found in the Intent to prefill as much of the message as possible
mMessageLoaded = true;
mSourceMessageProcessed = true;
} else if (ACTION_REPLY.equals(mAction)
|| ACTION_REPLY_ALL.equals(mAction)
|| ACTION_FORWARD.equals(mAction)) {
long sourceMessageId = getIntent().getLongExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE_ID, Message.NOT_SAVED);
} else if (ACTION_EDIT_DRAFT.equals(mAction)) {
// Assert getIntent.hasExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE_ID)
long draftId = getIntent().getLongExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE_ID, Message.NOT_SAVED);
resumeDraft(draftId, null, true /* restore views */);
} else {
// Otherwise, handle the internal cases (Message Composer invoked from within app)
long messageId = (draftId != Message.NOT_SAVED)
? draftId : intent.getLongExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE_ID, -1);
SendOrSaveMessageTask saveTask = sActiveSaveTasks.get(existingSaveTaskId);
if ((messageId != Message.NOT_SAVED) || (saveTask != null)) {
new LoadMessageTask(messageId, saveTask).executeParallel();
} else {
setInitialComposeText(null, getAccountSignature(mAccount));
// Normal compose flow for a new message.
setInitialComposeText(null, getAccountSignature(mAccount));
// Since this is a new message, we don't need to call LoadMessageTask.
// But we DO need to set mMessageLoaded to indicate the message can be sent
mMessageLoaded = true;
mSourceMessageProcessed = true;
mMessageLoaded = true;
mSourceMessageProcessed = true;
// Attach the text listeners late, since any population of data from Intent/saved instances
// are uninteresting and should be ignored.
@ -444,7 +447,7 @@ public class MessageCompose extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnFocus
// If there are any outstanding save requests, ensure that it's noted in case it hasn't
// finished by the time the activity is restored.
outState.putLong(STATE_KEY_REQUEST_ID, mLastSaveTaskId);
outState.putLong(STATE_KEY_LAST_SAVE_TASK_ID, mLastSaveTaskId);
@ -620,6 +623,89 @@ public class MessageCompose extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnFocus
mAddressAdapterBcc = new EmailAddressAdapter(this);
* Asynchronously loads a draft message for editing.
* This may or may not restore the view contents, depending on whether or not callers want,
* since in the case of screen rotation, those are restored automatically.
private void resumeDraft(
long draftId,
SendOrSaveMessageTask existingSaveTask,
final boolean restoreViews) {
// Note - this can be Message.NOT_SAVED if there is an existing save task in progress
// for the draft we need to load.
mDraft.mId = draftId;
new LoadMessageTask(draftId, existingSaveTask, new OnMessageLoadHandler() {
public void onMessageLoaded(Message message, Body body) {
message.mHtml = body.mHtmlContent;
message.mText = body.mTextContent;
message.mHtmlReply = body.mHtmlReply;
message.mTextReply = body.mTextReply;
message.mIntroText = body.mIntroText;
message.mSourceKey = body.mSourceKey;
mDraft = message;
loadAttachments(message.mId, mAccount);
if (restoreViews) {
addAddresses(mToView, Address.unpack(message.mTo));
Address[] cc = Address.unpack(message.mCc);
if (cc.length > 0) {
addAddresses(mCcView, cc);
Address[] bcc = Address.unpack(message.mBcc);
if (bcc.length > 0) {
addAddresses(mBccView, bcc);
// The quoted text must always be restored.
displayQuotedText(message.mTextReply, message.mHtmlReply);
(mDraft.mFlags & Message.FLAG_NOT_INCLUDE_QUOTED_TEXT) == 0, false);
}).executeParallel((Void[]) null);
* Asynchronously loads a source message (to be replied or forwarded in this current view),
* populating text fields and quoted text fields as appropriate when the load finishes.
private void loadSourceMessage(long sourceMessageId) {
new LoadMessageTask(sourceMessageId, null, new OnMessageLoadHandler() {
public void onMessageLoaded(Message message, Body body) {
message.mHtml = body.mHtmlContent;
message.mText = body.mTextContent;
message.mHtmlReply = null;
message.mTextReply = null;
message.mIntroText = null;
mSource = message;
if (isForward()) {
loadAttachments(message.mId, mAccount);
processSourceMessage(mSource, mAccount);
}).executeParallel((Void[]) null);
private interface OnMessageLoadHandler {
* Handles a load to a message (e.g. a draft message or a source message).
void onMessageLoaded(Message message, Body body);
* Asynchronously loads a message and the account information.
* This can be used to load a reference message (when replying) or when restoring a draft.
@ -635,10 +721,20 @@ public class MessageCompose extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnFocus
private final SendOrSaveMessageTask mSaveTask;
public LoadMessageTask(long messageId, SendOrSaveMessageTask saveTask) {
* A callback to pass the results of the load to.
private final OnMessageLoadHandler mCallback;
private final Context mContext;
public LoadMessageTask(
long messageId, SendOrSaveMessageTask saveTask, OnMessageLoadHandler callback) {
mMessageId = messageId;
mSaveTask = saveTask;
mCallback = callback;
mContext = getApplicationContext();
private long getIdToLoad() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
@ -662,111 +758,85 @@ public class MessageCompose extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnFocus
// Don't have a good message ID to load - bail.
"Unable to load draft message since existing save task failed: " + e);
return new Object[] {null, null};
return null;
Message message = Message.restoreMessageWithId(MessageCompose.this, messageId);
if (message == null) {
return new Object[] {null, null};
return null;
long accountId = message.mAccountKey;
Account account = Account.restoreAccountWithId(MessageCompose.this, accountId);
Body body;
try {
// Body body = Body.restoreBodyWithMessageId(MessageCompose.this, message.mId);
message.mHtml = Body.restoreBodyHtmlWithMessageId(MessageCompose.this, message.mId);
message.mText = Body.restoreBodyTextWithMessageId(MessageCompose.this, message.mId);
boolean isEditDraft = ACTION_EDIT_DRAFT.equals(mAction);
// the reply fields are only filled/used for Drafts.
if (isEditDraft) {
message.mHtmlReply =
Body.restoreReplyHtmlWithMessageId(MessageCompose.this, message.mId);
message.mTextReply =
Body.restoreReplyTextWithMessageId(MessageCompose.this, message.mId);
message.mIntroText =
Body.restoreIntroTextWithMessageId(MessageCompose.this, message.mId);
message.mSourceKey = Body.restoreBodySourceKey(MessageCompose.this,
} else {
message.mHtmlReply = null;
message.mTextReply = null;
message.mIntroText = null;
body = Body.restoreBodyWithMessageId(MessageCompose.this, message.mId);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "Exception while loading message body: " + e);
return new Object[] {null, null};
return null;
return new Object[] {message, account};
return new Object[] {message, body, account};
private void onLoadFailed() {
Utility.showToast(mContext, R.string.error_loading_message_body);
protected void onPostExecute(Object[] messageAndAccount) {
if (messageAndAccount == null) {
protected void onPostExecute(Object[] results) {
if ((results == null) || (results.length != 3)) {
final Message message = (Message) messageAndAccount[0];
final Account account = (Account) messageAndAccount[1];
if (message == null && account == null) {
// Something unexpected happened:
// the message or the body couldn't be loaded by SQLite.
// Bail out.
Utility.showToast(MessageCompose.this, R.string.error_loading_message_body);
final Message message = (Message) results[0];
final Body body = (Body) results[1];
final Account account = (Account) results[2];
if ((message == null) || (body == null) || (account == null)) {
// Drafts and "forwards" need to include attachments from the original unless the
// account is marked as supporting smart forward
final boolean isEditDraft = ACTION_EDIT_DRAFT.equals(mAction);
final boolean isForward = ACTION_FORWARD.equals(mAction);
if (isEditDraft || isForward) {
if (isEditDraft) {
mDraft = message;
} else {
mSource = message;
new EmailAsyncTask<Long, Void, Attachment[]>(mTaskTracker) {
protected Attachment[] doInBackground(Long... messageIds) {
return Attachment.restoreAttachmentsWithMessageId(MessageCompose.this,
protected void onPostExecute(Attachment[] attachments) {
if (attachments == null) {
final boolean supportsSmartForward =
(account.mFlags & Account.FLAGS_SUPPORTS_SMART_FORWARD) != 0;
for (Attachment attachment : attachments) {
if (supportsSmartForward && isForward) {
attachment.mFlags |= Attachment.FLAG_SMART_FORWARD;
// Note allowDelete is set in two cases:
// 1. First time a message (w/ attachments) is forwarded,
// where action == ACTION_FORWARD
// 2. 1 -> Save -> Reopen, where action == EDIT_DRAFT,
// but FLAG_SMART_FORWARD is already set at 1.
// Even if the account supports smart-forward, attachments added
// manually are still removable.
final boolean allowDelete =
(attachment.mFlags & Attachment.FLAG_SMART_FORWARD) == 0;
addAttachment(attachment, allowDelete);
} else if (ACTION_REPLY.equals(mAction) || ACTION_REPLY_ALL.equals(mAction)) {
mSource = message;
} else if (Email.LOGD) {
Email.log("Action " + mAction + " has unexpected EXTRA_MESSAGE_ID");
processSourceMessageGuarded(message, mAccount);
mCallback.onMessageLoaded(message, body);
mMessageLoaded = true;
private void loadAttachments(final long messageId, final Account account) {
new EmailAsyncTask<Void, Void, Attachment[]>(mTaskTracker) {
protected Attachment[] doInBackground(Void... params) {
return Attachment.restoreAttachmentsWithMessageId(MessageCompose.this, messageId);
protected void onPostExecute(Attachment[] attachments) {
if (attachments == null) {
final boolean supportsSmartForward =
(account.mFlags & Account.FLAGS_SUPPORTS_SMART_FORWARD) != 0;
for (Attachment attachment : attachments) {
if (supportsSmartForward && isForward()) {
attachment.mFlags |= Attachment.FLAG_SMART_FORWARD;
// Note allowDelete is set in two cases:
// 1. First time a message (w/ attachments) is forwarded,
// where action == ACTION_FORWARD
// 2. 1 -> Save -> Reopen, where action == EDIT_DRAFT,
// but FLAG_SMART_FORWARD is already set at 1.
// Even if the account supports smart-forward, attachments added
// manually are still removable.
final boolean allowDelete =
(attachment.mFlags & Attachment.FLAG_SMART_FORWARD) == 0;
addAttachment(attachment, allowDelete);
}.executeParallel((Void[]) null);
public void onFocusChange(View view, boolean focused) {
if (focused) {
@ -785,7 +855,7 @@ public class MessageCompose extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnFocus
private void addAddresses(MultiAutoCompleteTextView view, Address[] addresses) {
private static void addAddresses(MultiAutoCompleteTextView view, Address[] addresses) {
if (addresses == null) {
@ -794,7 +864,7 @@ public class MessageCompose extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnFocus
private void addAddresses(MultiAutoCompleteTextView view, String[] addresses) {
private static void addAddresses(MultiAutoCompleteTextView view, String[] addresses) {
if (addresses == null) {
@ -803,16 +873,16 @@ public class MessageCompose extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnFocus
private void addAddress(MultiAutoCompleteTextView view, String address) {
private static void addAddress(MultiAutoCompleteTextView view, String address) {
view.append(address + ", ");
private String getPackedAddresses(TextView view) {
private static String getPackedAddresses(TextView view) {
Address[] addresses = Address.parse(view.getText().toString().trim());
return Address.pack(addresses);
private Address[] getAddresses(TextView view) {
private static Address[] getAddresses(TextView view) {
Address[] addresses = Address.parse(view.getText().toString().trim());
return addresses;
@ -893,7 +963,7 @@ public class MessageCompose extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnFocus
message.mHtmlReply = mSource.mHtml;
message.mTextReply = mSource.mText;
String fromAsString = Address.unpackToString(mSource.mFrom);
if (ACTION_FORWARD.equals(mAction)) {
if (isForward()) {
message.mFlags |= Message.FLAG_TYPE_FORWARD;
String subject = mSource.mSubject;
String to = Address.unpackToString(mSource.mTo);
@ -1542,7 +1612,7 @@ public class MessageCompose extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnFocus
* addressees already added to other addressing views, adds unique addressees that don't
* match our address to the passed in view
private boolean safeAddAddresses(String addrs, String ourAddress,
private static boolean safeAddAddresses(String addrs, String ourAddress,
MultiAutoCompleteTextView view, ArrayList<Address> addrList) {
boolean added = false;
for (Address address : Address.unpack(addrs)) {
@ -1593,32 +1663,11 @@ public class MessageCompose extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnFocus
void processSourceMessageGuarded(Message message, Account account) {
// Make sure we only do this once (otherwise we'll duplicate addresses!)
if (!mSourceMessageProcessed) {
processSourceMessage(message, account);
mSourceMessageProcessed = true;
/* The quoted text is displayed in a WebView whose content is not automatically
* saved/restored by onRestoreInstanceState(), so we need to *always* restore it here,
* regardless of the value of mSourceMessageProcessed.
* This only concerns EDIT_DRAFT because after a configuration change we're always
if (ACTION_EDIT_DRAFT.equals(mAction)) {
displayQuotedText(message.mTextReply, message.mHtmlReply);
setIncludeQuotedText((mDraft.mFlags & Message.FLAG_NOT_INCLUDE_QUOTED_TEXT) == 0,
* Pull out the parts of the now loaded source message and apply them to the new message
* depending on the type of message being composed.
* @param message
/* package */
void processSourceMessage(Message message, Account account) {
final String subject = message.mSubject;
@ -1639,22 +1688,9 @@ public class MessageCompose extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnFocus
displayQuotedText(message.mText, message.mHtml);
setIncludeQuotedText(true, false);
setInitialComposeText(null, getAccountSignature(account));
} else if (ACTION_EDIT_DRAFT.equals(mAction)) {
addAddresses(mToView, Address.unpack(message.mTo));
Address[] cc = Address.unpack(message.mCc);
if (cc.length > 0) {
addAddresses(mCcView, cc);
Address[] bcc = Address.unpack(message.mBcc);
if (bcc.length > 0) {
addAddresses(mBccView, bcc);
// TODO: re-enable loadAttachments
// loadAttachments(message, 0);
} else {
Log.w(Logging.LOG_TAG, "Unexpected action for a call to processSourceMessage "
+ mAction);
@ -1705,6 +1741,10 @@ public class MessageCompose extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnFocus
private boolean isForward() {
return ACTION_FORWARD.equals(mAction);
* @return the signature for the specified account, if non-null. If the account specified is
* null or has no signature, {@code null} is returned.