Remove dead code

Want to get this in before I start making other changes for notifications

Change-Id: I6da6ad798d125938eac1247d16a036f05c698e43
This commit is contained in:
Todd Kennedy 2011-04-29 09:27:35 -07:00
parent 958b15e8f3
commit bd2ab000b5
1 changed files with 5 additions and 136 deletions

View File

@ -375,7 +375,6 @@ public class MessagingController implements Runnable {
SyncColumns.SERVER_ID, MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY, MessageColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY
final int mCursorIndex;
final long mId;
final boolean mFlagRead;
final boolean mFlagFavorite;
@ -383,7 +382,6 @@ public class MessagingController implements Runnable {
final String mServerId;
public LocalMessageInfo(Cursor c) {
mCursorIndex = c.getPosition();
mId = c.getLong(COLUMN_ID);
mFlagRead = c.getInt(COLUMN_FLAG_READ) != 0;
mFlagFavorite = c.getInt(COLUMN_FLAG_FAVORITE) != 0;
@ -645,40 +643,7 @@ public class MessagingController implements Runnable {
// 10. Compute and store the unread message count.
// -- no longer necessary - Provider uses DB triggers to keep track
// int remoteUnreadMessageCount = remoteFolder.getUnreadMessageCount();
// if (remoteUnreadMessageCount == -1) {
// if (remoteSupportsSeenFlag) {
// /*
// * If remote folder doesn't supported unread message count but supports
// * seen flag, use local folder's unread message count and the size of
// * new messages. This mode is not used for POP3, or IMAP.
// */
// remoteUnreadMessageCount = folder.mUnreadCount + newMessages.size();
// } else {
// /*
// * If remote folder doesn't supported unread message count and doesn't
// * support seen flag, use localUnreadCount and newMessageCount which
// * don't rely on remote SEEN flag. This mode is used by POP3.
// */
// remoteUnreadMessageCount = localUnreadCount + newMessageCount;
// }
// } else {
// /*
// * If remote folder supports unread message count, use remoteUnreadMessageCount.
// * This mode is used by IMAP.
// */
// }
// Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(EmailContent.Mailbox.CONTENT_URI, folder.mId);
// ContentValues updateValues = new ContentValues();
// updateValues.put(EmailContent.Mailbox.UNREAD_COUNT, remoteUnreadMessageCount);
// resolver.update(uri, updateValues, null, null);
// 11. Remove any messages that are in the local store but no longer on the remote store.
// 10. Remove any messages that are in the local store but no longer on the remote store.
HashSet<String> localUidsToDelete = new HashSet<String>(localMessageMap.keySet());
for (String uidToDelete : localUidsToDelete) {
@ -703,7 +668,7 @@ public class MessagingController implements Runnable {
resolver.delete(deletERowToDelete, null, null);
// 12. Divide the unsynced messages into small & large (by size)
// 11. Divide the unsynced messages into small & large (by size)
// TODO doing this work here (synchronously) is problematic because it prevents the UI
// from affecting the order (e.g. download a message because the user requested it.) Much
@ -721,7 +686,7 @@ public class MessagingController implements Runnable {
// 13. Download small messages
// 12. Download small messages
// TODO Problems with this implementation. 1. For IMAP, where we get a real envelope,
// this is going to be inefficient and duplicate work we've already done. 2. It's going
@ -743,7 +708,7 @@ public class MessagingController implements Runnable {
// 14. Download large messages. We ask the server to give us the message structure,
// 13. Download large messages. We ask the server to give us the message structure,
// but not all of the attachments.
@ -785,104 +750,8 @@ public class MessagingController implements Runnable {
// 15. Clean up and report results
// 14. Clean up and report results
// TODO - more
// Original sync code. Using for reference, will delete when done.
if (false) {
* Now do the large messages that require more round trips.
remoteFolder.fetch(largeMessages.toArray(new Message[largeMessages.size()]),
fp, null);
for (Message message : largeMessages) {
if (message.getBody() == null) {
* The provider was unable to get the structure of the message, so
* we'll download a reasonable portion of the messge and mark it as
* incomplete so the entire thing can be downloaded later if the user
* wishes to download it.
* TODO a good optimization here would be to make sure that all Stores set
* the proper size after this fetch and compare the before and after size. If
* they equal we can mark this SYNCHRONIZED instead of PARTIALLY_SYNCHRONIZED
remoteFolder.fetch(new Message[] { message }, fp, null);
// Store the updated message locally
// localFolder.appendMessages(new Message[] {
// message
// });
// Message localMessage = localFolder.getMessage(message.getUid());
// Set a flag indicating that the message has been partially downloaded and
// is ready for view.
// localMessage.setFlag(Flag.X_DOWNLOADED_PARTIAL, true);
} else {
* We have a structure to deal with, from which
* we can pull down the parts we want to actually store.
* Build a list of parts we are interested in. Text parts will be downloaded
* right now, attachments will be left for later.
ArrayList<Part> viewables = new ArrayList<Part>();
ArrayList<Part> attachments = new ArrayList<Part>();
MimeUtility.collectParts(message, viewables, attachments);
* Now download the parts we're interested in storing.
for (Part part : viewables) {
// TODO what happens if the network connection dies? We've got partial
// messages with incorrect status stored.
remoteFolder.fetch(new Message[] { message }, fp, null);
// Store the updated message locally
// localFolder.appendMessages(new Message[] {
// message
// });
// Message localMessage = localFolder.getMessage(message.getUid());
// Set a flag indicating this message has been fully downloaded and can be
// viewed.
// localMessage.setFlag(Flag.X_DOWNLOADED_FULL, true);
// Update the listener with what we've found
// synchronized (mListeners) {
// for (MessagingListener l : mListeners) {
// l.synchronizeMailboxNewMessage(
// account,
// folder,
// localFolder.getMessage(message.getUid()));
// }
// }
* Report successful sync
StoreSynchronizer.SyncResults results = new StoreSynchronizer.SyncResults(
remoteFolder.getMessageCount(), newMessages.size());
// localFolder.close(false);
return results;
return new StoreSynchronizer.SyncResults(remoteMessageCount, newMessages.size());