Use Account instead of URI to create transports

There's no need to create a URI just to rip in appart again. Additionally, to
support additional changes (i.e. to use Mailbox instead of Folder in the
MessageController), we need to store the actual Account.

NOTE -- This change only affects IMAP and POP3. SMTP will come in a follow-on CL

Change-Id: I400036a17271c99272fd9c603547dcd713b50b9d
This commit is contained in:
Todd Kennedy 2011-04-19 11:32:06 -07:00
parent ba7652cda0
commit a50fc99b0c
16 changed files with 539 additions and 422 deletions

View File

@ -2788,6 +2788,19 @@ public abstract class EmailContent {
* Returns the login information. [0] is the username and [1] is the password. If
* {@link #FLAG_AUTHENTICATE} is not set, {@code null} is returned.
public String[] getLogin() {
if ((mFlags & FLAG_AUTHENTICATE) != 0) {
String trimUser = (mLogin != null) ? mLogin.trim() : "";
String password = (mPassword != null) ? mPassword : "";
return new String[] { trimUser, password };
return null;
* Sets the connection values of the auth structure per the given scheme, host and port.

View File

@ -13,10 +13,15 @@
public *** newInstance(android.content.Context, java.lang.String);
# TODO remove after converting Sender#instantiateSender() to use Account instead of URI
-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
public *** newInstance(java.lang.String, android.content.Context,$PersistentDataCallbacks);
-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
public *** newInstance($Account, android.content.Context,$PersistentDataCallbacks);
-keepclasseswithmembers class android.content.SharedPreferences$Editor {
*** apply();
@ -144,7 +149,7 @@
*** setTransport(;
-keepclasseswithmembers class$ImapFolder {
-keepclasseswithmembers class {
*** getMessages(int, int,$MessageRetrievalListener);
*** getMessages($MessageRetrievalListener);
*** getMessages(java.lang.String[],$MessageRetrievalListener);

View File

@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ public class Controller {
* Delete an account synchronously. Intended to be used only by unit tests.
* Delete an account synchronously.
public void deleteAccountSync(long accountId, Context context) {
try {
@ -1017,12 +1017,13 @@ public class Controller {
return; // Already deleted?
final String accountUri = account.getStoreUri(context);
// Delete Remote store at first.
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(accountUri)) {
Store.getInstance(accountUri, context, null).delete();
try {
// Delete Remote store at first.
Store.getInstance(account, context, null).delete();
// Remove the Store instance from cache.
Store.removeInstance(account, context);
} catch (MessagingException e) {
Log.w(Logging.LOG_TAG, "Failed to delete store", e);
Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(

View File

@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ public class MessagingController implements Runnable {
// Step 1: Get remote folders, make a list, and add any local folders
// that don't already exist.
Store store = Store.getInstance(account.getStoreUri(mContext), mContext, null);
Store store = Store.getInstance(account, mContext, null);
Folder[] remoteFolders = store.getAllFolders();
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ public class MessagingController implements Runnable {
StoreSynchronizer.SyncResults results;
// Select generic sync or store-specific sync
Store remoteStore = Store.getInstance(account.getStoreUri(mContext), mContext, null);
Store remoteStore = Store.getInstance(account, mContext, null);
StoreSynchronizer customSync = remoteStore.getMessageSynchronizer();
if (customSync == null) {
results = synchronizeMailboxGeneric(account, folder);
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ public class MessagingController implements Runnable {
// 2. Open the remote folder and create the remote folder if necessary
Store remoteStore = Store.getInstance(account.getStoreUri(mContext), mContext, null);
Store remoteStore = Store.getInstance(account, mContext, null);
Folder remoteFolder = remoteStore.getFolder(folder.mDisplayName);
@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ public class MessagingController implements Runnable {
// Load the remote store if it will be needed
if (remoteStore == null && deleteFromTrash) {
remoteStore = Store.getInstance(account.getStoreUri(mContext), mContext, null);
remoteStore = Store.getInstance(account, mContext, null);
// Dispatch here for specific change types
@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ public class MessagingController implements Runnable {
// Load the remote store if it will be needed
if (remoteStore == null) {
remoteStore =
Store.getInstance(account.getStoreUri(mContext), mContext, null);
Store.getInstance(account, mContext, null);
// Load the mailbox if it will be needed
if (mailbox == null) {
@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@ public class MessagingController implements Runnable {
// Load the remote store if it will be needed
if (remoteStore == null) {
remoteStore =
Store.getInstance(account.getStoreUri(mContext), mContext, null);
Store.getInstance(account, mContext, null);
// Load the mailbox if it will be needed
if (mailbox == null) {
@ -1319,7 +1319,7 @@ public class MessagingController implements Runnable {
// Load the remote store if it will be needed
if (remoteStore == null &&
(changeMoveToTrash || changeRead || changeFlagged || changeMailbox)) {
remoteStore = Store.getInstance(account.getStoreUri(mContext), mContext, null);
remoteStore = Store.getInstance(account, mContext, null);
// Dispatch here for specific change types
@ -1829,7 +1829,7 @@ public class MessagingController implements Runnable {
Store remoteStore =
Store.getInstance(account.getStoreUri(mContext), mContext, null);
Store.getInstance(account, mContext, null);
Folder remoteFolder = remoteStore.getFolder(mailbox.mDisplayName);, null);
@ -1922,7 +1922,7 @@ public class MessagingController implements Runnable {
Store remoteStore =
Store.getInstance(account.getStoreUri(mContext), mContext, null);
Store.getInstance(account, mContext, null);
Folder remoteFolder = remoteStore.getFolder(mailbox.mDisplayName);, null);
@ -2020,7 +2020,7 @@ public class MessagingController implements Runnable {
mListeners.sendPendingMessagesStarted(account.mId, -1);
Sender sender = Sender.getInstance(mContext, account.getSenderUri(mContext));
Store remoteStore = Store.getInstance(account.getStoreUri(mContext), mContext, null);
Store remoteStore = Store.getInstance(account, mContext, null);
boolean requireMoveMessageToSentFolder = remoteStore.requireCopyMessageToSentFolder();
ContentValues moveToSentValues = null;
if (requireMoveMessageToSentFolder) {

View File

@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ public class AccountCheckSettingsFragment extends Fragment {
final Context mContext;
final int mMode;
final String mStoreUri;
final Account mAccount;
final String mStoreHost;
final String mSenderUri;
final String mCheckEmail;
@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ public class AccountCheckSettingsFragment extends Fragment {
public AccountCheckTask(int mode, Account checkAccount) {
mContext = getActivity().getApplicationContext();
mMode = mode;
mStoreUri = checkAccount.getStoreUri(mContext);
mAccount = checkAccount;
mStoreHost = checkAccount.mHostAuthRecv.mAddress;
mSenderUri = checkAccount.getSenderUri(mContext);
mCheckEmail = checkAccount.mEmailAddress;
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ public class AccountCheckSettingsFragment extends Fragment {
if (isCancelled()) return null;
Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "Begin auto-discover for " + mCheckEmail);
Store store = Store.getInstance(mStoreUri, mContext, null);
Store store = Store.getInstance(mAccount, mContext, null);
Bundle result = store.autoDiscover(mContext, mCheckEmail, mCheckPassword);
// Result will be one of:
// null: remote exception - proceed to manual setup
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ public class AccountCheckSettingsFragment extends Fragment {
if (isCancelled()) return null;
Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "Begin check of incoming email settings");
Store store = Store.getInstance(mStoreUri, mContext, null);
Store store = Store.getInstance(mAccount, mContext, null);
Bundle bundle = store.checkSettings();
int resultCode = MessagingException.UNSPECIFIED_EXCEPTION;
if (bundle != null) {

View File

@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ public class AccountSettingsXL extends PreferenceActivity {
public void onIncomingSettings(Account account) {
try {
Store store = Store.getInstance(account.getStoreUri(this), getApplication(), null);
Store store = Store.getInstance(account, getApplication(), null);
if (store != null) {
Class<? extends> setting = store.getSettingActivityClass();
if (setting != null) {

View File

@ -21,12 +21,17 @@ import;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
@ -59,18 +64,20 @@ public abstract class Store {
* should be returned on FetchProfile.Item.BODY_SANE requests.
public static final int FETCH_BODY_SANE_SUGGESTED_SIZE = (50 * 1024);
private static final HashMap<String, Store> sStores = new HashMap<String, Store>();
static final HashMap<String, Store> sStores = new HashMap<String, Store>();
* Static named constructor. It should be overrode by extending class.
* Because this method will be called through reflection, it can not be protected.
public static Store newInstance(String uri, Context context, PersistentDataCallbacks callbacks)
throws MessagingException {
throw new MessagingException("Store.newInstance: Unknown scheme in " + uri);
public static Store newInstance(Account account, Context context,
PersistentDataCallbacks callbacks) throws MessagingException {
throw new MessagingException("Store#newInstance: Unknown scheme in "
+ account.mDisplayName);
private static Store instantiateStore(String className, String uri, Context context,
private static Store instantiateStore(String className, Account account, Context context,
PersistentDataCallbacks callbacks)
throws MessagingException {
Object o = null;
@ -78,18 +85,19 @@ public abstract class Store {
Class<?> c = Class.forName(className);
// and invoke "newInstance" class method and instantiate store object.
java.lang.reflect.Method m =
c.getMethod("newInstance", String.class, Context.class,
c.getMethod("newInstance", Account.class, Context.class,
o = m.invoke(null, uri, context, callbacks);
// TODO Do the stores _really need a context? Is there a way to not pass it along?
o = m.invoke(null, account, context, callbacks);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, String.format(
"exception %s invoking %s.newInstance.(String, Context) method for %s",
e.toString(), className, uri));
throw new MessagingException("can not instantiate Store object for " + uri);
"exception %s invoking method %s#newInstance(Account, Context) for %s",
e.toString(), className, account.mDisplayName));
throw new MessagingException("can not instantiate Store for " + account.mDisplayName);
if (!(o instanceof Store)) {
throw new MessagingException(
uri + ": " + className + " create incompatible object");
account.mDisplayName + ": " + className + " create incompatible object");
return (Store) o;
@ -149,38 +157,54 @@ public abstract class Store {
* Get an instance of a mail store. The URI is parsed as a standard URI and
* the scheme is used to determine which protocol will be used.
* Although the URI format is somewhat protocol-specific, we use the following
* guidelines wherever possible:
* scheme [+ security [+]] :// username : password @ host [ / resource ]
* Typical schemes include imap, pop3, local, eas.
* Typical security models include SSL or TLS.
* A + after the security identifier indicates "required".
* Gets a unique key for the given account.
* @throws MessagingException If the account is not setup properly (i.e. there is no address
* or login)
static String getStoreKey(Context context, Account account) throws MessagingException {
final StringBuffer key = new StringBuffer();
final HostAuth recvAuth = account.getOrCreateHostAuthRecv(context);
if (recvAuth.mAddress == null) {
throw new MessagingException("Cannot find store for account " + account.mDisplayName);
final String address = recvAuth.mAddress.trim();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(address)) {
throw new MessagingException("Cannot find store for account " + account.mDisplayName);
if (recvAuth.mLogin != null) {
return key.toString();
* Get an instance of a mail store for the given account. The account must be valid (i.e. has
* at least an incoming server name).
* Username, password, and host are as expected.
* Resource is protocol specific. For example, IMAP uses it as the path prefix. EAS uses it
* as the domain.
* @param uri The URI of the store.
* @param account The account of the store.
* @return an initialized store of the appropriate class
* @throws MessagingException
* @throws MessagingException If the store cannot be obtained or if the account is invalid.
public synchronized static Store getInstance(String uri, Context context,
public synchronized static Store getInstance(Account account, Context context,
PersistentDataCallbacks callbacks) throws MessagingException {
Store store = sStores.get(uri);
String storeKey = getStoreKey(context, account);
Store store = sStores.get(storeKey);
if (store == null) {
context = context.getApplicationContext();
StoreInfo info = StoreInfo.getStoreInfo(uri, context);
Context appContext = context.getApplicationContext();
HostAuth recvAuth = account.getOrCreateHostAuthRecv(context);
StoreInfo info = StoreInfo.getStoreInfo(recvAuth.mProtocol, context);
if (info != null) {
store = instantiateStore(info.mClassName, uri, context, callbacks);
store = instantiateStore(info.mClassName, account, appContext, callbacks);
if (store != null) {
sStores.put(uri, store);
sStores.put(storeKey, store);
} else {
// update the callbacks, which may have been null at creation time.
@ -188,21 +212,25 @@ public abstract class Store {
if (store == null) {
throw new MessagingException("Unable to locate an applicable Store for " + uri);
throw new MessagingException("Cannot find store for account " + account.mDisplayName);
return store;
* Delete an instance of a mail store.
* Delete the mail store associated with the given account. The account must be valid (i.e. has
* at least an incoming server name).
* The store should have been notified already by calling delete(), and the caller should
* also take responsibility for deleting the matching LocalStore, etc.
* @param storeUri the store to be removed
* @throws MessagingException If the store cannot be removed or if the account is invalid.
public synchronized static void removeInstance(String storeUri) {
public synchronized static void removeInstance(Account account, Context context)
throws MessagingException {
final String storeKey = getStoreKey(context, account);

View File

@ -27,27 +27,27 @@ import;
* This interface defines a "transport", which is defined here as being one layer below the
* specific wire protocols such as POP3, IMAP, or SMTP.
* This interface defines a "transport", which is defined here as being one layer below the
* specific wire protocols such as POP3, IMAP, or SMTP.
* Practically speaking, it provides a definition of the common functionality between them
* (dealing with sockets & streams, SSL, logging, and so forth), and provides a seam just below
* the individual protocols to enable better testing.
* The following features are supported and presumed to be common:
* Interpretation of URI
* Support for SSL and TLS wireline security
public interface Transport {
* Connection security options for transport that supports SSL and/or TLS
public static final int CONNECTION_SECURITY_NONE = 0;
public static final int CONNECTION_SECURITY_SSL = 1;
public static final int CONNECTION_SECURITY_TLS = 2;
* Get a new transport, using an existing one as a model. The new transport is configured as if
* setUri() and setSecurity() have been called, but not opened or connected in any way.
@ -57,27 +57,41 @@ public interface Transport {
* Set the Uri for the connection.
* @param uri The Uri for the connection
* @param defaultPort If the Uri does not include an explicit port, this value will be used.
* @deprecated use the individual methods {@link #setHost(String)} and {@link #setPort(int)}
public void setUri(URI uri, int defaultPort);
* @return Returns the host part of the Uri
* Sets the host
public void setHost(String host);
* Sets the port
public void setPort(int port);
* Returns the host or {@code null} if none was specified.
public String getHost();
* @return Returns the port (either from the Uri or from the default)
* Returns the port or {@code 0} if none was specified.
public int getPort();
* Returns the user info parts of the Uri, if any were supplied. Typically, [0] is the user
* Returns the user info parts of the Uri, if any were supplied. Typically, [0] is the user
* and [1] is the password.
* @return Returns the user info parts of the Uri. Null if none were supplied.
* @deprecated do not use this method. user info parts should not be stored in the transport.
public String[] getUserInfoParts();
@ -86,17 +100,17 @@ public interface Transport {
* @param trustAllCertificates true to allow unverifiable certificates to be used
public void setSecurity(int connectionSecurity, boolean trustAllCertificates);
* @return Returns the desired security mode for this connection.
public int getSecurity();
* @return true if the security mode indicates that SSL is possible
public boolean canTrySslSecurity();
* @return true if the security mode indicates that TLS is possible
@ -118,35 +132,35 @@ public interface Transport {
* Attempts to open the connection using the supplied parameters, and using SSL if indicated.
public void open() throws MessagingException, CertificateValidationException;
* Attempts to reopen the connection using TLS.
public void reopenTls() throws MessagingException;
* @return true if the connection is open
public boolean isOpen();
* Closes the connection. Does not send any closure messages, simply closes the socket and the
* associated streams. Best effort only. Catches all exceptions and always returns.
* associated streams. Best effort only. Catches all exceptions and always returns.
* MUST NOT throw any exceptions.
public void close();
* @return returns the active input stream
public InputStream getInputStream();
* @return returns the active output stream
public OutputStream getOutputStream();
* Write a single line to the server, and may generate a log entry (if enabled).
* @param s The text to send to the server.
@ -154,7 +168,7 @@ public interface Transport {
* please pass a replacement string here (for logging). Most callers simply pass null,
void writeLine(String s, String sensitiveReplacement) throws IOException;
* Reads a single line from the server. Any delimiter characters will not be included in the
* result. May generate a log entry, if enabled.

View File

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ import;
import com.beetstra.jutf7.CharsetProvider;
@ -51,8 +53,6 @@ import android.util.Log;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
@ -130,66 +130,53 @@ public class ImapStore extends Store {
* Static named constructor.
public static Store newInstance(String uri, Context context, PersistentDataCallbacks callbacks)
throws MessagingException {
return new ImapStore(context, uri);
public static Store newInstance(Account account, Context context,
PersistentDataCallbacks callbacks) throws MessagingException {
return new ImapStore(context, account);
* Allowed formats for the Uri:
* imap://user:password@server:port
* imap+tls+://user:password@server:port
* imap+tls+trustallcerts://user:password@server:port
* imap+ssl+://user:password@server:port
* imap+ssl+trustallcerts://user:password@server:port
* @param uriString the Uri containing information to configure this store
* Creates a new store for the given account.
private ImapStore(Context context, String uriString) throws MessagingException {
private ImapStore(Context context, Account account) throws MessagingException {
mContext = context;
URI uri;
try {
uri = new URI(uriString);
} catch (URISyntaxException use) {
throw new MessagingException("Invalid ImapStore URI", use);
String scheme = uri.getScheme();
if (scheme == null || !scheme.startsWith(STORE_SCHEME_IMAP)) {
HostAuth recvAuth = account.getOrCreateHostAuthRecv(context);
if (recvAuth == null || !STORE_SCHEME_IMAP.equalsIgnoreCase(recvAuth.mProtocol)) {
throw new MessagingException("Unsupported protocol");
// defaults, which can be changed by security modifiers
int connectionSecurity = Transport.CONNECTION_SECURITY_NONE;
int defaultPort = 143;
// check for security modifiers and apply changes
if (scheme.contains("+ssl")) {
// check for security flags and apply changes
if ((recvAuth.mFlags & HostAuth.FLAG_SSL) != 0) {
connectionSecurity = Transport.CONNECTION_SECURITY_SSL;
defaultPort = 993;
} else if (scheme.contains("+tls")) {
} else if ((recvAuth.mFlags & HostAuth.FLAG_TLS) != 0) {
connectionSecurity = Transport.CONNECTION_SECURITY_TLS;
boolean trustCertificates = scheme.contains(STORE_SECURITY_TRUST_CERTIFICATES);
boolean trustCertificates = ((recvAuth.mFlags & HostAuth.FLAG_TRUST_ALL) != 0);
int port = defaultPort;
if (recvAuth.mPort != HostAuth.PORT_UNKNOWN) {
port = recvAuth.mPort;
mRootTransport = new MailTransport("IMAP");
mRootTransport.setUri(uri, defaultPort);
mRootTransport.setSecurity(connectionSecurity, trustCertificates);
String[] userInfoParts = mRootTransport.getUserInfoParts();
String[] userInfoParts = recvAuth.getLogin();
if (userInfoParts != null) {
mUsername = userInfoParts[0];
if (userInfoParts.length > 1) {
mPassword = userInfoParts[1];
mPassword = userInfoParts[1];
// build the LOGIN string once (instead of over-and-over again.)
// apply the quoting here around the built-up password
mLoginPhrase = ImapConstants.LOGIN + " " + mUsername + " "
+ ImapUtility.imapQuoted(mPassword);
if ((uri.getPath() != null) && (uri.getPath().length() > 0)) {
mPathPrefix = uri.getPath().substring(1);
// build the LOGIN string once (instead of over-and-over again.)
// apply the quoting here around the built-up password
mLoginPhrase = ImapConstants.LOGIN + " " + mUsername + " "
+ ImapUtility.imapQuoted(mPassword);
mPathPrefix = recvAuth.mDomain;
/* package */ Collection<ImapConnection> getConnectionPoolForTest() {

View File

@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ import;
@ -39,8 +41,6 @@ import android.util.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
@ -86,54 +86,45 @@ public class Pop3Store extends Store {
* Static named constructor.
public static Store newInstance(String uri, Context context, PersistentDataCallbacks callbacks)
throws MessagingException {
return new Pop3Store(uri);
public static Store newInstance(Account account, Context context,
PersistentDataCallbacks callbacks) throws MessagingException {
return new Pop3Store(context, account);
* pop3://user:password@server:port
* pop3+tls+://user:password@server:port
* pop3+tls+trustallcerts://user:password@server:port
* pop3+ssl+://user:password@server:port
* pop3+ssl+trustallcerts://user:password@server:port
* @param _uri
* Creates a new store for the given account.
private Pop3Store(String _uri) throws MessagingException {
URI uri;
try {
uri = new URI(_uri);
} catch (URISyntaxException use) {
throw new MessagingException("Invalid Pop3Store URI", use);
String scheme = uri.getScheme();
if (scheme == null || !scheme.startsWith(STORE_SCHEME_POP3)) {
private Pop3Store(Context context, Account account) throws MessagingException {
HostAuth recvAuth = account.getOrCreateHostAuthRecv(context);
if (recvAuth == null || !STORE_SCHEME_POP3.equalsIgnoreCase(recvAuth.mProtocol)) {
throw new MessagingException("Unsupported protocol");
// defaults, which can be changed by security modifiers
int connectionSecurity = Transport.CONNECTION_SECURITY_NONE;
int defaultPort = 110;
// check for security modifiers and apply changes
if (scheme.contains("+ssl")) {
// check for security flags and apply changes
if ((recvAuth.mFlags & HostAuth.FLAG_SSL) != 0) {
connectionSecurity = Transport.CONNECTION_SECURITY_SSL;
defaultPort = 995;
} else if (scheme.contains("+tls")) {
} else if ((recvAuth.mFlags & HostAuth.FLAG_TLS) != 0) {
connectionSecurity = Transport.CONNECTION_SECURITY_TLS;
boolean trustCertificates = scheme.contains(STORE_SECURITY_TRUST_CERTIFICATES);
boolean trustCertificates = ((recvAuth.mFlags & HostAuth.FLAG_TRUST_ALL) != 0);
int port = defaultPort;
if (recvAuth.mPort != HostAuth.PORT_UNKNOWN) {
port = recvAuth.mPort;
mTransport = new MailTransport("POP3");
mTransport.setUri(uri, defaultPort);
mTransport.setSecurity(connectionSecurity, trustCertificates);
String[] userInfoParts = mTransport.getUserInfoParts();
String[] userInfoParts = recvAuth.getLogin();
if (userInfoParts != null) {
mUsername = userInfoParts[0];
if (userInfoParts.length > 1) {
mPassword = userInfoParts[1];
mPassword = userInfoParts[1];
@ -147,7 +138,7 @@ public class Pop3Store extends Store {
public Folder getFolder(String name) throws MessagingException {
public Folder getFolder(String name) {
Folder folder = mFolders.get(name);
if (folder == null) {
folder = new Pop3Folder(name);
@ -157,7 +148,7 @@ public class Pop3Store extends Store {
public Folder[] getAllFolders() throws MessagingException {
public Folder[] getAllFolders() {
return new Folder[] {
@ -314,7 +305,7 @@ public class Pop3Store extends Store {
public OpenMode getMode() throws MessagingException {
public OpenMode getMode() {
return OpenMode.READ_WRITE;
@ -348,12 +339,12 @@ public class Pop3Store extends Store {
public boolean create(FolderType type) throws MessagingException {
public boolean create(FolderType type) {
return false;
public boolean exists() throws MessagingException {
public boolean exists() {
return mName.equalsIgnoreCase("INBOX");
@ -363,7 +354,7 @@ public class Pop3Store extends Store {
public int getUnreadMessageCount() throws MessagingException {
public int getUnreadMessageCount() {
return -1;
@ -608,14 +599,15 @@ public class Pop3Store extends Store {
public Message[] getMessages(MessageRetrievalListener listener) throws MessagingException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Pop3Folder.getMessage(MessageRetrievalListener)");
public Message[] getMessages(MessageRetrievalListener listener) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
public Message[] getMessages(String[] uids, MessageRetrievalListener listener)
throws MessagingException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Pop3Folder.getMessage(MessageRetrievalListener)");
public Message[] getMessages(String[] uids, MessageRetrievalListener listener) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
@ -805,20 +797,20 @@ public class Pop3Store extends Store {
public Flag[] getPermanentFlags() throws MessagingException {
public Flag[] getPermanentFlags() {
public void appendMessages(Message[] messages) throws MessagingException {
public void appendMessages(Message[] messages) {
public void delete(boolean recurse) throws MessagingException {
public void delete(boolean recurse) {
public Message[] expunge() throws MessagingException {
public Message[] expunge() {
return null;
@ -847,8 +839,7 @@ public class Pop3Store extends Store {
public void copyMessages(Message[] msgs, Folder folder, MessageUpdateCallbacks callbacks)
throws MessagingException {
public void copyMessages(Message[] msgs, Folder folder, MessageUpdateCallbacks callbacks) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("copyMessages is not supported in POP3");
@ -859,7 +850,7 @@ public class Pop3Store extends Store {
// (mMessageCount * 58) / (mThroughputKbS * 1024 / 8) * 1000;
// }
private Pop3Capabilities getCapabilities() throws IOException, MessagingException {
private Pop3Capabilities getCapabilities() throws IOException {
Pop3Capabilities capabilities = new Pop3Capabilities();
try {
String response = executeSimpleCommand("CAPA");
@ -945,13 +936,13 @@ public class Pop3Store extends Store {
public Message createMessage(String uid) throws MessagingException {
public Message createMessage(String uid) {
return new Pop3Message(uid, this);
public static class Pop3Message extends MimeMessage {
public Pop3Message(String uid, Pop3Folder folder) throws MessagingException {
public Pop3Message(String uid, Pop3Folder folder) {
mUid = uid;
mFolder = folder;
mSize = -1;

View File

@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ public class MailTransport implements Transport {
return newObject;
public void setUri(URI uri, int defaultPort) {
mHost = uri.getHost();
@ -109,13 +111,24 @@ public class MailTransport implements Transport {
if (uri.getUserInfo() != null) {
mUserInfoParts = uri.getUserInfo().split(":", 2);
public String[] getUserInfoParts() {
return mUserInfoParts;
public void setHost(String host) {
mHost = host;
public void setPort(int port) {
mPort = port;
public String getHost() {
return mHost;

View File

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import;
* This class handles all of the protocol-level aspects of sending messages via SMTP.
* TODO Remove dependence upon URI; there's no reason why we need it here
public class SmtpSender extends Sender {
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ public class SmtpSender extends Sender {
* @param uriString the Uri containing information to configure this sender
private SmtpSender(Context context, String uriString) throws MessagingException {
mContext = context;
URI uri;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,10 @@
import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest;
@ -27,83 +30,100 @@ import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest;
public class StoreTests extends AndroidTestCase {
public void testGetStoreKey() throws MessagingException {
HostAuth testAuth = new HostAuth();
Account testAccount = new Account();
String testKey;
* Test StoreInfo & Store lookup for POP accounts
public void testStoreLookupPOP() throws MessagingException {
final String storeUri = "pop3://";
Store.StoreInfo info = Store.StoreInfo.getStoreInfo(storeUri, getContext());
assertNotNull("storeInfo null", info);
assertNotNull("scheme null", info.mScheme);
assertNotNull("classname null", info.mClassName);
assertEquals(Email.VISIBLE_LIMIT_DEFAULT, info.mVisibleLimitDefault);
assertEquals(Email.VISIBLE_LIMIT_INCREMENT, info.mVisibleLimitIncrement);
// This will throw MessagingException if the result would have been null
Store store = Store.getInstance(storeUri, getContext(), null);
* Test StoreInfo & Store lookup for IMAP accounts
public void testStoreLookupIMAP() throws MessagingException {
final String storeUri = "imap://";
Store.StoreInfo info = Store.StoreInfo.getStoreInfo(storeUri, getContext());
assertNotNull("storeInfo null", info);
assertNotNull("scheme null", info.mScheme);
assertNotNull("classname null", info.mClassName);
assertEquals(Email.VISIBLE_LIMIT_DEFAULT, info.mVisibleLimitDefault);
assertEquals(Email.VISIBLE_LIMIT_INCREMENT, info.mVisibleLimitIncrement);
// This will throw MessagingException if the result would have been null
Store store = Store.getInstance(storeUri, getContext(), null);
* Test StoreInfo & Store lookup for EAS accounts
* TODO: EAS store will probably require implementation of Store.PersistentDataCallbacks
public void testStoreLookupEAS() throws MessagingException {
final String storeUri = "eas://";
Store.StoreInfo info = Store.StoreInfo.getStoreInfo(storeUri, getContext());
if (info != null) {
assertNotNull("scheme null", info.mScheme);
assertNotNull("classname null", info.mClassName);
assertEquals(-1, info.mVisibleLimitDefault);
assertEquals(-1, info.mVisibleLimitIncrement);
// This will throw MessagingException if the result would have been null
Store store = Store.getInstance(storeUri, getContext(), null);
} else {
try {
Store store = Store.getInstance(storeUri, getContext(), null);
fail("MessagingException expected when EAS not supported");
} catch (MessagingException me) {
// expected - fall through
* Test StoreInfo & Store lookup for unknown accounts
public void testStoreLookupUnknown() {
final String storeUri = "bogus-scheme://";
Store.StoreInfo info = Store.StoreInfo.getStoreInfo(storeUri, getContext());
// Make sure to set the host auth; otherwise we create entries in the hostauth db
testAccount.mHostAuthRecv = testAuth;
// No address defined; throws an exception
try {
Store store = Store.getInstance(storeUri, getContext(), null);
fail("MessagingException expected from bogus URI scheme");
} catch (MessagingException me) {
// expected - fall through
testKey = Store.getStoreKey(mContext, testAccount);
fail("MesasginException not thrown for missing address");
} catch (MessagingException expected) {
// Empty address defined; throws an exception
testAuth.mAddress = " \t ";
try {
testKey = Store.getStoreKey(mContext, testAccount);
fail("MesasginException not thrown for empty address");
} catch (MessagingException expected) {
// Address defined, no login
testAuth.mAddress = "";
testKey = Store.getStoreKey(mContext, testAccount);
assertEquals("", testKey);
// Address & login defined
testAuth.mAddress = "";
testAuth.mLogin = "auser";
testKey = Store.getStoreKey(mContext, testAccount);
assertEquals("address.orgauser", testKey);
public void testGetStoreInfo() {
StoreInfo testInfo;
// POP3
testInfo = Store.StoreInfo.getStoreInfo("pop3", mContext);
assertEquals(Email.VISIBLE_LIMIT_DEFAULT, testInfo.mVisibleLimitDefault);
assertEquals(Email.VISIBLE_LIMIT_INCREMENT, testInfo.mVisibleLimitIncrement);
testInfo = Store.StoreInfo.getStoreInfo("imap", mContext);
assertEquals(Email.VISIBLE_LIMIT_DEFAULT, testInfo.mVisibleLimitDefault);
assertEquals(Email.VISIBLE_LIMIT_INCREMENT, testInfo.mVisibleLimitIncrement);
// Unknown
testInfo = Store.StoreInfo.getStoreInfo("unknownscheme", mContext);
public void testGetInstance() throws MessagingException {
HostAuth testAuth = new HostAuth();
Account testAccount = new Account();
Store testStore;
// Make sure to set the host auth; otherwise we create entries in the hostauth db
testAccount.mHostAuthRecv = testAuth;
// POP3
testAuth.mAddress = "";
testAuth.mProtocol = "pop3";
testStore = Store.getInstance(testAccount, getContext(), null);
assertEquals(1, Store.sStores.size());
assertSame(testStore, Store.sStores.get(""));
testAuth.mAddress = "";
testAuth.mProtocol = "imap";
testStore = Store.getInstance(testAccount, getContext(), null);
assertEquals(1, Store.sStores.size());
assertSame(testStore, Store.sStores.get(""));
// Unknown
testAuth.mAddress = "";
testAuth.mProtocol = "unknown";
try {
testStore = Store.getInstance(testAccount, getContext(), null);
fail("Store#getInstance() should have thrown an exception");
} catch (MessagingException expected) {
assertEquals(0, Store.sStores.size());

View File

@ -41,12 +41,15 @@ import;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
import android.test.InstrumentationTestCase;
import android.test.MoreAsserts;
import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* TODO test for BYE response in various places?
public class ImapStoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
public class ImapStoreUnitTests extends InstrumentationTestCase {
private final static String[] NO_REPLY = new String[0];
@ -85,6 +88,7 @@ public class ImapStoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
/* These values are provided by setUp() */
private ImapStore mStore = null;
private ImapFolder mFolder = null;
private Context mTestContext;
private int mNextTag;
// Fields specific to the CopyMessages tests
@ -98,11 +102,18 @@ public class ImapStoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
mTestContext = getInstrumentation().getContext();
// Use the target's (i.e. the Email application) context
// These are needed so we can get at the inner classes
mStore = (ImapStore) ImapStore.newInstance("imap://user:password@server:999",
getContext(), null);
HostAuth testAuth = new HostAuth();
Account testAccount = new Account();
testAuth.setLogin("user", "password");
testAuth.setConnection("imap", "server", 999);
testAccount.mHostAuthRecv = testAuth;
mStore = (ImapStore) ImapStore.newInstance(testAccount, mTestContext, null);
mFolder = (ImapFolder) mStore.getFolder(FOLDER_NAME);
mNextTag = 1;
@ -194,10 +205,10 @@ public class ImapStoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
// x-android-device-model Model (Optional, so not tested here)
// x-android-net-operator Carrier (Unreliable, so not tested here)
// AGUID A device+account UID
String id = ImapStore.getImapId(getContext(), "user-name", "host-name",
String id = ImapStore.getImapId(mTestContext, "user-name", "host-name",
HashMap<String, String> map = tokenizeImapId(id);
assertEquals(getContext().getPackageName(), map.get("name"));
assertEquals(mTestContext.getPackageName(), map.get("name"));
assertEquals("android", map.get("os"));
@ -237,7 +248,7 @@ public class ImapStoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
public void testImapIdWithVendorPolicy() {
try {
// Prepare mock result
Bundle result = new Bundle();
@ -245,7 +256,7 @@ public class ImapStoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
MockVendorPolicy.mockResult = result;
// Invoke
String id = ImapStore.getImapId(getContext(), "user-name", "host-name",
String id = ImapStore.getImapId(mTestContext, "user-name", "host-name",
ImapTestUtils.parseResponse("* CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 XXX YYY Z").flatten());
// Check the result
@ -289,17 +300,37 @@ public class ImapStoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
* Test that IMAP ID uid's are per-username
public void testImapIdDeviceId() throws MessagingException {
ImapStore store1a = (ImapStore) ImapStore.newInstance("imap://user1:password@server:999",
getContext(), null);
ImapStore store1b = (ImapStore) ImapStore.newInstance("imap://user1:password@server:999",
getContext(), null);
ImapStore store2 = (ImapStore) ImapStore.newInstance("imap://user2:password@server:999",
getContext(), null);
HostAuth testAuth;
Account testAccount;
// store 1a
testAuth = new HostAuth();
testAuth.setLogin("user1", "password");
testAuth.setConnection("imap", "server", 999);
testAccount = new Account();
testAccount.mHostAuthRecv = testAuth;
ImapStore testStore1A = (ImapStore) ImapStore.newInstance(testAccount, mTestContext, null);
// store 1b
testAuth = new HostAuth();
testAuth.setLogin("user1", "password");
testAuth.setConnection("imap", "server", 999);
testAccount = new Account();
testAccount.mHostAuthRecv = testAuth;
ImapStore testStore1B = (ImapStore) ImapStore.newInstance(testAccount, mTestContext, null);
// store 2
testAuth = new HostAuth();
testAuth.setLogin("user2", "password");
testAuth.setConnection("imap", "server", 999);
testAccount = new Account();
testAccount.mHostAuthRecv = testAuth;
ImapStore testStore2 = (ImapStore) ImapStore.newInstance(testAccount, mTestContext, null);
String capabilities = CAPABILITY_RESPONSE.flatten();
String id1a = ImapStore.getImapId(getContext(), "user1", "host-name", capabilities);
String id1b = ImapStore.getImapId(getContext(), "user1", "host-name", capabilities);
String id2 = ImapStore.getImapId(getContext(), "user2", "host-name", capabilities);
String id1a = ImapStore.getImapId(mTestContext, "user1", "host-name", capabilities);
String id1b = ImapStore.getImapId(mTestContext, "user1", "host-name", capabilities);
String id2 = ImapStore.getImapId(mTestContext, "user2", "host-name", capabilities);
String uid1a = tokenizeImapId(id1a).get("AGUID");
String uid1b = tokenizeImapId(id1b).get("AGUID");
@ -412,7 +443,7 @@ public class ImapStoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
public void testImapIdSecureServerNotSent() throws MessagingException {
// Note, this is injected into mStore (which we don't use for this test)
MockTransport mockTransport = openAndInjectMockTransport();
// Prime the expects pump as if the server wants IMAP ID, but we should not actually expect
// to send it, because the login code in the store should never actually send it (to this
@ -498,7 +529,7 @@ public class ImapStoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
// Create mock transport and inject it into the ImapStore that's already set up
MockTransport mockTransport = new MockTransport();
mockTransport.setSecurity(connectionSecurity, trustAllCertificates);
return mockTransport;

View File

@ -29,8 +29,10 @@ import;
import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
import android.test.InstrumentationTestCase;
import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
@ -38,27 +40,33 @@ import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
* complete - no server(s) required.
public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends InstrumentationTestCase {
final String UNIQUE_ID_1 = "20080909002219r1800rrjo9e00";
final static int PER_MESSAGE_SIZE = 100;
/* These values are provided by setUp() */
private Pop3Store mStore = null;
private Pop3Store.Pop3Folder mFolder = null;
* Setup code. We generate a lightweight Pop3Store and Pop3Store.Pop3Folder.
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
// Use the target's (i.e. the Email application) context
// These are needed so we can get at the inner classes
mStore = (Pop3Store) Pop3Store.newInstance("pop3://user:password@server:999",
getContext(), null);
HostAuth testAuth = new HostAuth();
Account testAccount = new Account();
testAuth.setLogin("user", "password");
testAuth.setConnection("pop3", "server", 999);
testAccount.mHostAuthRecv = testAuth;
mStore = (Pop3Store) Pop3Store.newInstance(
testAccount, getInstrumentation().getContext(), null);
mFolder = (Pop3Store.Pop3Folder) mStore.getFolder("INBOX");
@ -69,24 +77,24 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
// multi-line mode
Pop3Store.Pop3Folder.UidlParser parser = UidlParser();
// Test basic in-list UIDL
parser.parseMultiLine("101 " + UNIQUE_ID_1);
assertEquals(101, parser.mMessageNumber);
assertEquals(UNIQUE_ID_1, parser.mUniqueId);
// Test end-of-list
* Test various sunny-day operations of UIDL parser for single-line responses
public void testUIDLParserSingle() {
public void testUIDLParserSingle() {
// single-line mode
Pop3Store.Pop3Folder.UidlParser parser = UidlParser();
@ -96,12 +104,12 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
assertEquals(101, parser.mMessageNumber);
assertEquals(UNIQUE_ID_1, parser.mUniqueId);
// Test single-message ERR response
parser.parseSingleLine("-ERR what???");
* Test various rainy-day operations of the UIDL parser for multi-line responses
* TODO other malformed responses
@ -109,17 +117,17 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
public void testUIDLParserMultiFail() {
// multi-line mode
Pop3Store.Pop3Folder.UidlParser parser = UidlParser();
// Test with null input
boolean result;
result = parser.parseMultiLine(null);
// Test with empty input
result = parser.parseMultiLine("");
* Test various rainy-day operations of the UIDL parser for single-line responses
* TODO other malformed responses
@ -127,25 +135,25 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
public void testUIDLParserSingleFail() {
// single-line mode
Pop3Store.Pop3Folder.UidlParser parser = UidlParser();
// Test with null input
boolean result;
result = parser.parseSingleLine(null);
// Test with empty input
result = parser.parseSingleLine("");
* Tests that variants on the RFC-specified formatting of UIDL work properly.
public void testUIDLComcastVariant() {
// multi-line mode
Pop3Store.Pop3Folder.UidlParser parser = UidlParser();
// Comcast servers send multiple spaces in their darn UIDL strings.
parser.parseMultiLine("101 " + UNIQUE_ID_1);
assertEquals(101, parser.mMessageNumber);
@ -153,19 +161,19 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
* Confirms simple non-SSL non-TLS login
public void testSimpleLogin() throws MessagingException {
MockTransport mockTransport = openAndInjectMockTransport();
// try to open it
setupOpenFolder(mockTransport, 0, null);, null);
* TODO: Test with SSL negotiation (faked)
* TODO: Test with SSL required but not supported
@ -173,25 +181,25 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
* TODO: Test with TLS required but not supported
* TODO: Test calling getMessageCount(), getMessages(), etc.
* Test the operation of checkSettings(), which requires (a) a good open and (b) UIDL support.
public void testCheckSettings() throws MessagingException {
MockTransport mockTransport = openAndInjectMockTransport();
// scenario 1: CAPA returns -ERR, so we try UIDL explicitly
setupOpenFolder(mockTransport, 0, null);
setupUidlSequence(mockTransport, 1);
mockTransport.expect("QUIT", "");
// scenario 2: CAPA indicates UIDL, so we don't try UIDL
setupOpenFolder(mockTransport, 0, "UIDL");
mockTransport.expect("QUIT", "");
// scenario 3: CAPA returns -ERR, and UIDL fails
try {
setupOpenFolder(mockTransport, 0, null);
@ -238,8 +246,8 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
* Test small Store & Folder functions that manage folders & namespace
public void testStoreFoldersFunctions() throws MessagingException {
public void testStoreFoldersFunctions() {
// getPersonalNamespaces() always returns INBOX folder
Folder[] folders = mStore.getAllFolders();
assertEquals(1, folders.length);
@ -251,18 +259,18 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
assertEquals("INBOX", folderMixedCaseInbox.getName());
Pop3Store.Pop3Folder folderNotInbox = Pop3Folder("NOT-INBOX");
assertEquals("NOT-INBOX", folderNotInbox.getName());
// exists() true if name is INBOX
* Test small Folder functions that don't really do anything in Pop3
public void testSmallFolderFunctions() throws MessagingException {
public void testSmallFolderFunctions() {
// getMode() returns OpenMode.READ_WRITE
assertEquals(OpenMode.READ_WRITE, mFolder.getMode());
@ -274,7 +282,7 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
// getUnreadMessageCount() always returns -1
assertEquals(-1, mFolder.getUnreadMessageCount());
// getMessages(MessageRetrievalListener listener) is unsupported
try {
@ -282,7 +290,7 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
// expected - succeed
// getMessages(String[] uids, MessageRetrievalListener listener) is unsupported
try {
mFolder.getMessages(null, null);
@ -290,22 +298,22 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
// expected - succeed
// getPermanentFlags() returns { Flag.DELETED }
Flag[] flags = mFolder.getPermanentFlags();
assertEquals(1, flags.length);
assertEquals(Flag.DELETED, flags[0]);
// appendMessages(Message[] messages) does nothing
// delete(boolean recurse) does nothing
// TODO - it should!
// expunge() returns null
// copyMessages() is unsupported
try {
mFolder.copyMessages(null, null, null);
@ -314,14 +322,14 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
// expected - succeed
* Lightweight test to confirm that POP3 hasn't implemented any folder roles yet.
public void testNoFolderRolesYet() throws MessagingException {
public void testNoFolderRolesYet() {
Folder[] remoteFolders = mStore.getAllFolders();
for (Folder folder : remoteFolders) {
assertEquals(Folder.FolderRole.UNKNOWN, folder.getRole());
assertEquals(Folder.FolderRole.UNKNOWN, folder.getRole());
@ -329,26 +337,26 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
* Lightweight test to confirm that POP3 isn't requesting structure prefetch.
public void testNoStructurePrefetch() {
* Lightweight test to confirm that POP3 is requesting sent-message-upload.
public void testSentUploadRequested() {
* Test the process of opening and indexing a mailbox with one unread message in it.
* TODO should create an instrumented listener to confirm all expected callbacks. Then use
* it everywhere we could have passed a message listener.
public void testOneUnread() throws MessagingException {
MockTransport mockTransport = openAndInjectMockTransport();
@ -356,9 +364,9 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
* Test the process of opening and getting message by uid.
public void testGetMessageByUid() throws MessagingException {
MockTransport mockTransport = openAndInjectMockTransport();
setupOpenFolder(mockTransport, 2, null);, null);
// check message count
@ -369,7 +377,7 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
String uid1 = getSingleMessageUID(1);
String uid2 = getSingleMessageUID(2);
String uid3 = getSingleMessageUID(3);
Message msg1 = mFolder.getMessage(uid1);
assertTrue("message with uid1", msg1 != null);
@ -385,11 +393,11 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
* Test the scenario where the transport is "open" but not really (e.g. server closed). Two
* things should happen: We should see an intermediate failure that makes sense, and the next
* operation should reopen properly.
* There are multiple versions of this test because we are simulating the steps of
* MessagingController.synchronizeMailboxSyncronous() and we will inject the failure a bit
* further along in each case, to test various recovery points.
* This test confirms that Pop3Store needs to call close() in the IOExceptionHandler in
* Pop3Folder.getMessages(), due to a closure before the UIDL command completes.
@ -428,11 +436,11 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
* Test the scenario where the transport is "open" but not really (e.g. server closed). Two
* things should happen: We should see an intermediate failure that makes sense, and the next
* operation should reopen properly.
* There are multiple versions of this test because we are simulating the steps of
* MessagingController.synchronizeMailboxSyncronous() and we will inject the failure a bit
* further along in each case, to test various recovery points.
* This test confirms that Pop3Store needs to call close() in the IOExceptionHandler in
* Pop3Folder.getMessages(), due to non-numeric data in a multi-line UIDL.
@ -470,11 +478,11 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
* Test the scenario where the transport is "open" but not really (e.g. server closed). Two
* things should happen: We should see an intermediate failure that makes sense, and the next
* operation should reopen properly.
* There are multiple versions of this test because we are simulating the steps of
* MessagingController.synchronizeMailboxSyncronous() and we will inject the failure a bit
* further along in each case, to test various recovery points.
* This test confirms that Pop3Store needs to call close() in the IOExceptionHandler in
* Pop3Folder.getMessages(), due to non-numeric data in a single-line UIDL.
@ -513,29 +521,29 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
* Test the scenario where the transport is "open" but not really (e.g. server closed). Two
* things should happen: We should see an intermediate failure that makes sense, and the next
* operation should reopen properly.
* There are multiple versions of this test because we are simulating the steps of
* There are multiple versions of this test because we are simulating the steps of
* MessagingController.synchronizeMailboxSyncronous() and we will inject the failure a bit
* further along in each case, to test various recovery points.
* This test confirms that Pop3Store needs to call close() in the first IOExceptionHandler in
* This test confirms that Pop3Store needs to call close() in the first IOExceptionHandler in
* Pop3Folder.fetch(), for a failure in the call to indexUids().
public void testCatchClosed2() throws MessagingException {
MockTransport mockTransport = openAndInjectMockTransport();
// index the message(s)
setupUidlSequence(mockTransport, 1);
Message[] messages = mFolder.getMessages(1, 1, null);
assertEquals(1, messages.length);
assertEquals(getSingleMessageUID(1), messages[0].getUid());
assertEquals(getSingleMessageUID(1), messages[0].getUid());
// cause the next sequence to fail on the readLine() calls
try {
// try the basic fetch of flags & envelope
setupListSequence(mockTransport, 1);
@ -553,36 +561,36 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
// At this point the UI would display connection error, which is fine. Now, the real
// test is, can we recover? So I'll just repeat the above steps, without the failure.
// NOTE: everything from here down is copied from testOneUnread() and should be consolidated
// confirm that we're closed at this point
assertFalse("folder should be 'closed' after an IOError", mFolder.isOpen());
// and confirm that the next connection will be OK
* Test the scenario where the transport is "open" but not really (e.g. server closed). Two
* things should happen: We should see an intermediate failure that makes sense, and the next
* operation should reopen properly.
* There are multiple versions of this test because we have to check additional places where
* Pop3Store and/or Pop3Folder should be dealing with IOErrors.
* This test confirms that Pop3Store needs to call close() in the first IOExceptionHandler in
* This test confirms that Pop3Store needs to call close() in the first IOExceptionHandler in
* Pop3Folder.fetch(), for a failure in the call to fetchEnvelope().
public void testCatchClosed2a() throws MessagingException {
MockTransport mockTransport = openAndInjectMockTransport();
// index the message(s)
setupUidlSequence(mockTransport, 1);
Message[] messages = mFolder.getMessages(1, 1, null);
assertEquals(1, messages.length);
assertEquals(getSingleMessageUID(1), messages[0].getUid());
assertEquals(getSingleMessageUID(1), messages[0].getUid());
// try the basic fetch of flags & envelope, but the LIST command fails
setupBrokenListSequence(mockTransport, 1);
@ -600,37 +608,37 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
// At this point the UI would display connection error, which is fine. Now, the real
// test is, can we recover? So I'll just repeat the above steps, without the failure.
// NOTE: everything from here down is copied from testOneUnread() and should be consolidated
// confirm that we're closed at this point
assertFalse("folder should be 'closed' after an IOError", mFolder.isOpen());
// and confirm that the next connection will be OK
* Test the scenario where the transport is "open" but not really (e.g. server closed). Two
* things should happen: We should see an intermediate failure that makes sense, and the next
* operation should reopen properly.
* There are multiple versions of this test because we are simulating the steps of
* There are multiple versions of this test because we are simulating the steps of
* MessagingController.synchronizeMailboxSyncronous() and we will inject the failure a bit
* further along in each case, to test various recovery points.
* This test confirms that Pop3Store needs to call close() in the second IOExceptionHandler in
* This test confirms that Pop3Store needs to call close() in the second IOExceptionHandler in
* Pop3Folder.fetch().
public void testCatchClosed3() throws MessagingException {
MockTransport mockTransport = openAndInjectMockTransport();
// index the message(s)
setupUidlSequence(mockTransport, 1);
Message[] messages = mFolder.getMessages(1, 1, null);
assertEquals(1, messages.length);
assertEquals(getSingleMessageUID(1), messages[0].getUid());
assertEquals(getSingleMessageUID(1), messages[0].getUid());
// try the basic fetch of flags & envelope
setupListSequence(mockTransport, 1);
@ -659,37 +667,37 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
// At this point the UI would display connection error, which is fine. Now, the real
// test is, can we recover? So I'll just repeat the above steps, without the failure.
// NOTE: everything from here down is copied from testOneUnread() and should be consolidated
// confirm that we're closed at this point
assertFalse("folder should be 'closed' after an IOError", mFolder.isOpen());
// and confirm that the next connection will be OK
* Test the scenario where the transport is "open" but not really (e.g. server closed). Two
* things should happen: We should see an intermediate failure that makes sense, and the next
* operation should reopen properly.
* There are multiple versions of this test because we have to check additional places where
* Pop3Store and/or Pop3Folder should be dealing with IOErrors.
* This test confirms that Pop3Store needs to call close() in the IOExceptionHandler in
* This test confirms that Pop3Store needs to call close() in the IOExceptionHandler in
* Pop3Folder.setFlags().
public void testCatchClosed4() throws MessagingException {
MockTransport mockTransport = openAndInjectMockTransport();
// index the message(s)
setupUidlSequence(mockTransport, 1);
Message[] messages = mFolder.getMessages(1, 1, null);
assertEquals(1, messages.length);
assertEquals(getSingleMessageUID(1), messages[0].getUid());
// cause the next sequence to fail on the readLine() calls
@ -706,44 +714,44 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
// At this point the UI would display connection error, which is fine. Now, the real
// test is, can we recover? So I'll just repeat the above steps, without the failure.
// NOTE: everything from here down is copied from testOneUnread() and should be consolidated
// confirm that we're closed at this point
assertFalse("folder should be 'closed' after an IOError", mFolder.isOpen());
// and confirm that the next connection will be OK
* Test the scenario where the transport is "open" but not really (e.g. server closed). Two
* things should happen: We should see an intermediate failure that makes sense, and the next
* operation should reopen properly.
* There are multiple versions of this test because we have to check additional places where
* Pop3Store and/or Pop3Folder should be dealing with IOErrors.
* This test confirms that Pop3Store needs to call close() in the first IOExceptionHandler in
* This test confirms that Pop3Store needs to call close() in the first IOExceptionHandler in
public void testCatchClosed5() {
// TODO cannot write this test until we can inject stream closures mid-sequence
* Test the scenario where the transport is "open" but not really (e.g. server closed). Two
* things should happen: We should see an intermediate failure that makes sense, and the next
* operation should reopen properly.
* There are multiple versions of this test because we have to check additional places where
* Pop3Store and/or Pop3Folder should be dealing with IOErrors.
* This test confirms that Pop3Store needs to call close() in the second IOExceptionHandler in
* This test confirms that Pop3Store needs to call close() in the second IOExceptionHandler in
* (when it calls STAT and the response is empty of garbagey).
public void testCatchClosed6a() throws MessagingException {
MockTransport mockTransport = openAndInjectMockTransport();
// like openFolderWithMessage(mockTransport) but with a broken STAT report (empty response)
setupOpenFolder(mockTransport, -1, null);
try {
@ -752,48 +760,48 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
} catch(MessagingException me) {
// success
// At this point the UI would display connection error, which is fine. Now, the real
// test is, can we recover? So I'll try a new connection, without the failure.
// confirm that we're closed at this point
assertFalse("folder should be 'closed' after an IOError", mFolder.isOpen());
// and confirm that the next connection will be OK
* Test the scenario where the transport is "open" but not really (e.g. server closed). Two
* things should happen: We should see an intermediate failure that makes sense, and the next
* operation should reopen properly.
* There are multiple versions of this test because we have to check additional places where
* Pop3Store and/or Pop3Folder should be dealing with IOErrors.
* This test confirms that Pop3Store needs to call close() in the second IOExceptionHandler in
* This test confirms that Pop3Store needs to call close() in the second IOExceptionHandler in
* (when it calls STAT, and there is no response at all).
public void testCatchClosed6b() throws MessagingException {
public void testCatchClosed6b() {
// TODO cannot write this test until we can inject stream closures mid-sequence
* Given an initialized mock transport, open it and attempt to "read" one unread message from
* Given an initialized mock transport, open it and attempt to "read" one unread message from
* it. This can be used as a basic test of functionality and it should be possible to call this
* repeatedly (if you close the folder between calls).
* @param mockTransport the mock transport we're using
private void checkOneUnread(MockTransport mockTransport) throws MessagingException {
// index the message(s)
setupUidlSequence(mockTransport, 1);
Message[] messages = mFolder.getMessages(1, 1, null);
assertEquals(1, messages.length);
assertEquals(getSingleMessageUID(1), messages[0].getUid());
// try the basic fetch of flags & envelope
setupListSequence(mockTransport, 1);
FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile();
@ -801,8 +809,8 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
mFolder.fetch(messages, fp, null);
assertEquals(PER_MESSAGE_SIZE, messages[0].getSize());
// A side effect of how messages work is that if you get fields that are empty,
// A side effect of how messages work is that if you get fields that are empty,
// then empty arrays are written back into the parsed header fields (e.g. mTo, mFrom). The
// standard message parser needs to clear these before parsing. Make sure that this
// is happening. (This doesn't affect IMAP, which reads the headers directly via
@ -841,7 +849,7 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
mFolder.fetch(messages, fp, null);
// A side effect of how messages work is that if you get fields that are empty,
// A side effect of how messages work is that if you get fields that are empty,
// then empty arrays are written back into the parsed header fields (e.g. mTo, mFrom). The
// standard message parser needs to clear these before parsing. Make sure that this
// is happening. (This doesn't affect IMAP, which reads the headers directly via
@ -881,30 +889,30 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
return mockTransport;
* Open a folder that's preloaded with one unread message.
* @param mockTransport the mock transport we're using
private void openFolderWithMessage(MockTransport mockTransport) throws MessagingException {
// try to open it
setupOpenFolder(mockTransport, 1, null);, null);
// check message count
assertEquals(1, mFolder.getMessageCount());
* Look at a fetched message and confirm that it is complete.
* TODO this needs to be more dynamic, not just hardcoded for empty message #1.
* @param message the fetched message to be checked
* @param msgNum the message number
private void checkFetchedMessage(Message message, int msgNum, boolean body)
private void checkFetchedMessage(Message message, int msgNum, boolean body)
throws MessagingException {
// check To:
Address[] to = message.getRecipients(RecipientType.TO);
@ -912,14 +920,14 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
assertEquals(1, to.length);
assertEquals("Smith@Registry.Org", to[0].getAddress());
// check From:
Address[] from = message.getFrom();
assertEquals(1, from.length);
assertEquals("Jones@Registry.Org", from[0].getAddress());
// check Cc:
Address[] cc = message.getRecipients(RecipientType.CC);
@ -935,13 +943,13 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
// TODO date
// TODO check body (if applicable)
* Helper which stuffs the mock with enough strings to satisfy a call to
* @param mockTransport the mock transport we're using
* @param statCount the number of messages to indicate in the STAT, or -1 for broken STAT
* @param capabilities if non-null, comma-separated list of capabilities
@ -972,7 +980,7 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
* @param numMessages The number of messages to return from UIDL.
private static void setupUidlSequence(MockTransport transport, int numMessages) {
transport.expect("UIDL", "+OK sending UIDL list");
transport.expect("UIDL", "+OK sending UIDL list");
for (int msgNum = 1; msgNum <= numMessages; ++msgNum) {
transport.expect(null, Integer.toString(msgNum) + " " + getSingleMessageUID(msgNum));
@ -985,9 +993,9 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
* @param numMessages The number of messages to return from LIST.
private static void setupListSequence(MockTransport transport, int numMessages) {
transport.expect("LIST", "+OK sending scan listing");
transport.expect("LIST", "+OK sending scan listing");
for (int msgNum = 1; msgNum <= numMessages; ++msgNum) {
transport.expect(null, Integer.toString(msgNum) + " " +
transport.expect(null, Integer.toString(msgNum) + " " +
Integer.toString(PER_MESSAGE_SIZE * msgNum));
transport.expect(null, ".");
@ -1009,16 +1017,16 @@ public class Pop3StoreUnitTests extends AndroidTestCase {
* Setup a single message to be retrieved.
* Per RFC822 here is a minimal message header:
* Date: 26 Aug 76 1429 EDT
* From: Jones@Registry.Org
* To: Smith@Registry.Org
* We'll add the following fields to support additional tests:
* Cc: Chris@Registry.Org
* Reply-To: Roger@Registry.Org
* @param transport the mock transport to preload
* @param msgNum the message number to expect and return
* @param body if true, a non-empty body will be added

View File

@ -204,11 +204,8 @@ public class MockTransport implements Transport {
* This is a test function (not part of the interface) and is used to set up a result
* value for getHost(), if needed for the test.
public void setMockHost(String host) {
public void setHost(String host) {
mHost = host;
@ -239,6 +236,11 @@ public class MockTransport implements Transport {
return new MockOutputStream();
public void setPort(int port) {"setPort() not implemented");
public int getPort() {"getPort() not implemented");
return 0;
@ -248,6 +250,7 @@ public class MockTransport implements Transport {
return mConnectionSecurity;
public String[] getUserInfoParts() {"getUserInfoParts() not implemented");
return null;
@ -315,6 +318,7 @@ public class MockTransport implements Transport {
public void setSoTimeout(int timeoutMilliseconds) /* throws SocketException */ {
public void setUri(URI uri, int defaultPort) {
SmtpSenderUnitTests.assertTrue("Don't call setUri on a mock transport", false);
@ -413,4 +417,4 @@ public class MockTransport implements Transport {
return null;