Merge "Unit Tests for serialization of Account and HostAuth objects" into ub-mail-master

This commit is contained in:
James Lemieux 2014-06-09 23:33:17 +00:00 committed by Android (Google) Code Review
commit 97fb20697c
4 changed files with 193 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import android.os.RemoteException;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
@ -141,8 +142,10 @@ public final class Account extends EmailContent implements Parcelable {
public long mPolicyKey;
public long mPingDuration;
private static final String JSON_TAG_HOST_AUTH_RECV = "hostAuthRecv";
private static final String JSON_TAG_HOST_AUTH_SEND = "hostAuthSend";
static final String JSON_TAG_HOST_AUTH_RECV = "hostAuthRecv";
static final String JSON_TAG_HOST_AUTH_SEND = "hostAuthSend";
// Convenience for creating/working with an account
public transient HostAuth mHostAuthRecv;

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import android.text.TextUtils;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
@ -71,7 +72,8 @@ public class HostAuth extends EmailContent implements Parcelable {
public byte[] mServerCert = null;
public long mCredentialKey;
private static final String JSON_TAG_CREDENTIAL = "credential";
static final String JSON_TAG_CREDENTIAL = "credential";
public transient Credential mCredential;
public static final int CONTENT_ID_COLUMN = 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
public class AccountTest extends AndroidTestCase {
public void testDeserializeFromJSON() throws JSONException {
final JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put(EmailContent.AccountColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, "David Hasselhoff");
json.put(EmailContent.AccountColumns.EMAIL_ADDRESS, "");
json.put(EmailContent.AccountColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK, 42);
json.put(EmailContent.AccountColumns.SYNC_INTERVAL, 99);
json.put(Account.JSON_TAG_HOST_AUTH_RECV, getHostAuthJSON("receiver", "recpass").toJson());
json.put(Account.JSON_TAG_HOST_AUTH_SEND, getHostAuthJSON("send", "sendpass").toJson());
json.put(EmailContent.AccountColumns.FLAGS, 22);
json.put(EmailContent.AccountColumns.SENDER_NAME, "Friend of Kitt");
json.put(EmailContent.AccountColumns.PROTOCOL_VERSION, "protocol version 3.14");
json.put(EmailContent.AccountColumns.SIGNATURE, "David with a heart over the i");
json.put(EmailContent.AccountColumns.PING_DURATION, 77);
// deserialize the json
final Account a = Account.fromJson(json);
// verify that all fields deserialized as expected
assertEquals("David Hasselhoff", a.getDisplayName());
assertEquals("", a.getEmailAddress());
assertEquals(42, a.getSyncLookback());
assertEquals(99, a.getSyncInterval());
assertEquals("receiver", a.mHostAuthRecv.mLogin);
assertEquals("recpass", a.mHostAuthRecv.mPassword);
assertEquals("send", a.mHostAuthSend.mLogin);
assertEquals("sendpass", a.mHostAuthSend.mPassword);
assertEquals(22, a.getFlags());
assertEquals("Friend of Kitt", a.getSenderName());
assertEquals("protocol version 3.14", a.mProtocolVersion);
assertEquals("David with a heart over the i", a.getSignature());
assertEquals(77, a.mPingDuration);
* A factory method to generate HostAuth values that allow us to serialize the Account object.
* See {@link HostAuthTests} for tests that exercise serialization of HostAuth.
* @param username a given username
* @param password a given password
* @return a HostAuth that includes the given username and password
private static HostAuth getHostAuthJSON(String username, String password) {
final HostAuth ha = new HostAuth();
ha.setLogin(username, password);
ha.mProtocol = "IMAP";
ha.mAddress = "";
ha.mPort = 543;
ha.mFlags = 777;
return ha;
public void testSerializeAndDeserializeWithJSON() {
// build an Account object with all fields set
final Account before = new Account();
before.setDisplayName("David Hasselhoff");
before.mSyncKey = "syncKey";
before.setFlags(1 << 5);
before.setSenderName("Friend of Kitt");
before.mProtocolVersion = "protocol version 3.14";
before.mSecuritySyncKey = "securitySyncKey";
before.setSignature("David with a heart over the i");
before.mPolicyKey = 66;
before.mPingDuration = 77;
before.mHostAuthRecv = getHostAuthJSON("receiver", "recpass");
// this must be called before serialization occurs
// serialize and deserialize
final Account after = Account.fromJson(before.toJson());
assertEquals(before.getDisplayName(), after.getDisplayName());
assertEquals(before.getEmailAddress(), after.getEmailAddress());
assertEquals(before.getSyncLookback(), after.getSyncLookback());
assertEquals(before.getSyncInterval(), after.getSyncInterval());
assertEquals(before.mHostAuthSend, after.mHostAuthSend);
assertEquals(before.mHostAuthKeySend, after.mHostAuthKeySend);
assertEquals(before.mHostAuthKeyRecv, after.mHostAuthKeyRecv);
assertEquals(before.getFlags(), after.getFlags());
assertEquals(before.getSenderName(), after.getSenderName());
assertEquals(before.mProtocolVersion, after.mProtocolVersion);
assertEquals(before.getSignature(), after.getSignature());
assertEquals(before.mPingDuration, after.mPingDuration);
assertNull(after.mSyncKey); // sync key is not serialized; field defaults to null
assertEquals(0, after.mPolicyKey); // policy key is not serialized; field defaults to 0

View File

@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
import android.test.mock.MockContext;
import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.util.Arrays;
* Unit tests for the HostAuth inner class.
* These tests must be locally complete - no server(s) required.
@ -214,5 +219,67 @@ public class HostAuthTests extends AndroidTestCase {
assertEquals(orig.mCredentialKey, unparceled2.mCredentialKey);
assertEquals(orig.mCredential, unparceled2.mCredential);
public void testDeserializeFromJSON() throws JSONException {
final JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put(EmailContent.HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL, "IMAP");
json.put(EmailContent.HostAuthColumns.ADDRESS, "");
json.put(EmailContent.HostAuthColumns.PORT, 1337);
json.put(EmailContent.HostAuthColumns.FLAGS, 293847);
json.put(EmailContent.HostAuthColumns.LOGIN, "dhoff");
json.put(EmailContent.HostAuthColumns.PASSWORD, "daknightrida");
json.put(EmailContent.HostAuthColumns.DOMAIN, "");
json.put(EmailContent.HostAuthColumns.CLIENT_CERT_ALIAS, "I'm a client cert alias");
json.put(HostAuth.JSON_TAG_CREDENTIAL, Credential.EMPTY.toJson());
// deserialize the json
final HostAuth ha = HostAuth.fromJson(json);
// verify that all fields deserialized as expected
assertEquals("IMAP", ha.mProtocol);
assertEquals("", ha.mAddress);
assertEquals(1337, ha.mPort);
assertEquals(293847, ha.mFlags);
assertEquals("dhoff", ha.mLogin);
assertEquals("daknightrida", ha.mPassword);
assertEquals("", ha.mDomain);
assertEquals("I'm a client cert alias", ha.mClientCertAlias);
assertEquals(Credential.EMPTY, ha.mCredential);
assertNull(ha.mServerCert); // server cert is not serialized; field defaults to null
assertEquals(-1, ha.mCredentialKey); // cred key is not serialized; field defaults to -1
public void testSerializeAndDeserializeWithJSON() {
final HostAuth before = new HostAuth();
before.mProtocol = "IMAP";
before.mAddress = "";
before.mPort = 1337;
before.mFlags = 293847;
before.setLogin("dhoff", "daknightrida");
before.mDomain = "";
before.mClientCertAlias = "I'm a client cert alias";
before.mServerCert = new byte[] {(byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xAA};
before.mCredentialKey = 9873425;
before.mCredential = Credential.EMPTY;
// this must be called before serialization occurs
// serialize and deserialize
final HostAuth after = HostAuth.fromJson(before.toJson());
assertEquals(before.mProtocol, after.mProtocol);
assertEquals(before.mAddress, after.mAddress);
assertEquals(before.mPort, after.mPort);
assertEquals(before.mFlags, after.mFlags);
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(before.getLogin(), after.getLogin()));
assertEquals(before.mDomain, after.mDomain);
assertEquals(before.mClientCertAlias, after.mClientCertAlias);
assertEquals(before.mCredential, after.mCredential);
assertNull(after.mServerCert); // server cert is not serialized; field defaults to null
assertEquals(-1, after.mCredentialKey); // cred key is not serialized; field defaults to 0