Fix auto-discover / account verification logic

New behavior:
 * There are two primary paths through this activity:
 *   Edit existing:
 *     Load existing values from account into fields
 *     When user clicks 'next':
 *       Confirm not a duplicate account
 *       Try new values (check settings)
 *       If new values are OK:
 *         Write new values (save to provider)
 *         finish() (pop to previous)
 *   Creating New:
 *     Try Auto-discover to get details from server
 *     If Auto-discover reports an authentication failure:
 *       finish() (pop to previous, to re-enter username & password)
 *     If Auto-discover succeeds:
 *       write server's account details into account
 *     Load values from account into fields
 *     Confirm not a duplicate account
 *     Try new values (check settings)
 *     If new values are OK:
 *       Write new values (save to provider)
 *       Proceed to options screen
 *       finish() (removes self from back stack)
* Added unit test for new loadFields method

Bug: 2412300
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Stadler 2010-02-03 10:38:27 -08:00
parent b854d05a89
commit 8bb0ee3b92
2 changed files with 131 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -54,6 +54,30 @@ import;
* Requires SSL?
* User (login)
* Password
* There are two primary paths through this activity:
* Edit existing:
* Load existing values from account into fields
* When user clicks 'next':
* Confirm not a duplicate account
* Try new values (check settings)
* If new values are OK:
* Write new values (save to provider)
* finish() (pop to previous)
* Creating New:
* Try Auto-discover to get details from server
* If Auto-discover reports an authentication failure:
* finish() (pop to previous, to re-enter username & password)
* If Auto-discover succeeds:
* write server's account details into account
* Load values from account into fields
* Confirm not a duplicate account
* Try new values (check settings)
* If new values are OK:
* Write new values (save to provider)
* Proceed to options screen
* finish() (removes self from back stack)
public class AccountSetupExchange extends Activity implements OnClickListener,
OnCheckedChangeListener {
@ -151,57 +175,12 @@ public class AccountSetupExchange extends Activity implements OnClickListener,
mAccount = (EmailContent.Account) savedInstanceState.getParcelable(EXTRA_ACCOUNT);
String username = null;
String password = null;
try {
URI uri = new URI(mAccount.getStoreUri(this));
if (uri.getUserInfo() != null) {
String[] userInfoParts = uri.getUserInfo().split(":", 2);
username = userInfoParts[0];
if (userInfoParts.length > 1) {
password = userInfoParts[1];
if (username != null) {
// Add a backslash to the start of the username, but only if the username has no
// backslash in it.
if (username.indexOf('\\') < 0) {
username = "\\" + username;
if (password != null) {
if (uri.getScheme().startsWith("eas")) {
// any other setup from mAccount can go here
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown account type: " + mAccount.getStoreUri(this));
if (uri.getHost() != null) {
boolean ssl = uri.getScheme().contains("ssl");
mTrustCertificatesView.setVisibility(ssl ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
} catch (URISyntaxException use) {
* We should always be able to parse our own settings.
throw new Error(use);
// If we've got a username and password and we're NOT editing, try autodiscover
String username = mAccount.mHostAuthRecv.mLogin;
String password = mAccount.mHostAuthRecv.mPassword;
if (username != null && password != null &&
!Intent.ACTION_EDIT.equals(intent.getAction())) {
// NOTE: Disabling AutoDiscover is only used in unit tests
@ -264,11 +243,48 @@ public class AccountSetupExchange extends Activity implements OnClickListener,
* Copy mAccount's values into UI fields
/* package */ void loadFields(Account account) {
HostAuth hostAuth = account.mHostAuthRecv;
String userName = hostAuth.mLogin;
if (userName != null) {
// Add a backslash to the start of the username, but only if the username has no
// backslash in it.
if (userName.indexOf('\\') < 0) {
userName = "\\" + userName;
if (hostAuth.mPassword != null) {
String protocol = hostAuth.mProtocol;
if (protocol == null && !protocol.startsWith("eas")) {
throw new Error("Unknown account type: " + account.getStoreUri(this));
if (hostAuth.mAddress != null) {
boolean ssl = 0 != (hostAuth.mFlags & HostAuth.FLAG_SSL);
boolean trustCertificates = 0 != (hostAuth.mFlags & HostAuth.FLAG_TRUST_ALL_CERTIFICATES);
mTrustCertificatesView.setVisibility(ssl ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
* Check the values in the fields and decide if it makes sense to enable the "next" button
* NOTE: Does it make sense to extract & combine with similar code in AccountSetupIncoming?
* @return true if all fields are valid, false if fields are incomplete
private void validateFields() {
private boolean validateFields() {
boolean enabled = usernameFieldValid(mUsernameView)
&& Utility.requiredFieldValid(mPasswordView)
&& Utility.requiredFieldValid(mServerView);
@ -281,6 +297,7 @@ public class AccountSetupExchange extends Activity implements OnClickListener,
Utility.setCompoundDrawablesAlpha(mNextButton, enabled ? 255 : 128);
return enabled;
private void doOptions() {
@ -326,22 +343,30 @@ public class AccountSetupExchange extends Activity implements OnClickListener,
} else if (requestCode == AccountSetupCheckSettings.REQUEST_CODE_AUTO_DISCOVER) {
// The idea here is that it only matters if we've gotten a HostAuth back from the
// autodiscover service call. In all other cases, we can ignore the result
// If authentication failed, exit immediately (to re-enter credentials)
if (resultCode == AccountSetupCheckSettings.RESULT_AUTO_DISCOVER_AUTH_FAILED) {
// If data was returned, populate the account, populate the UI fields, and proceed
// directly into account validation (to confirm the provided details actually work)
if (data != null) {
Parcelable p = data.getParcelableExtra("HostAuth");
if (p != null) {
HostAuth hostAuth = (HostAuth)p;
mAccount.mHostAuthSend = hostAuth;
mAccount.mHostAuthRecv = hostAuth;
if (validateFields()) {
// "click" next to launch server verification
// If we've got an auth failed, we need to go back to the basic screen
// Otherwise, we just continue on with the Exchange setup screen
} else if (resultCode == AccountSetupCheckSettings.RESULT_AUTO_DISCOVER_AUTH_FAILED) {
// Otherwise, we'll fall through into the regular setup UI, with some fields
// pre-filled, and the user can do whatever they need to do.

View File

@ -18,12 +18,17 @@ package;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2;
import android.test.UiThreadTest;
import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.CheckBox;
import android.widget.EditText;
@ -36,6 +41,8 @@ public class AccountSetupExchangeTests extends
private AccountSetupExchange mActivity;
private EditText mServerView;
private Button mNextButton;
private CheckBox mSslRequiredCheckbox;
private CheckBox mTrustAllCertificatesCheckbox;
public AccountSetupExchangeTests() {
super("", AccountSetupExchange.class);
@ -115,6 +122,45 @@ public class AccountSetupExchangeTests extends
* Test aspects of loadFields()
* TODO: More cases
public void testLoadFields() {
// The default URI has no SSL and no "trust"
assertFalse(mTrustAllCertificatesCheckbox.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE);
// Setup host auth with variants of SSL enabled and check. This also enables the
// "trust certificates" checkbox (not checked, but visible now).
Account account =
ProviderTestUtils.setupAccount("account", false, mActivity.getBaseContext());
account.mHostAuthRecv =
ProviderTestUtils.setupHostAuth("hostauth", 1, false, mActivity.getBaseContext());
account.mHostAuthRecv.mFlags |= HostAuth.FLAG_SSL;
account.mHostAuthRecv.mFlags &= ~HostAuth.FLAG_TRUST_ALL_CERTIFICATES;
assertTrue(mTrustAllCertificatesCheckbox.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE);
// Setup host auth with variants of SSL enabled and check. This also enables the
// "trust certificates" checkbox (not checked, but visible now).
account.mHostAuthRecv.mFlags |= HostAuth.FLAG_TRUST_ALL_CERTIFICATES;
assertTrue(mTrustAllCertificatesCheckbox.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE);
* TODO: Directly test validateFields() checking boolean result
* Get the activity (which causes it to be started, using our intent) and get the UI fields
@ -123,6 +169,9 @@ public class AccountSetupExchangeTests extends
mActivity = getActivity();
mServerView = (EditText) mActivity.findViewById(;
mNextButton = (Button) mActivity.findViewById(;
mSslRequiredCheckbox = (CheckBox) mActivity.findViewById(;
mTrustAllCertificatesCheckbox =
(CheckBox) mActivity.findViewById(;