email: support for auto-sync multiple IMAP folders

This enables to auto-sync multiple IMAP folders, not only Inbox. Default to Inbox only.
This changes relays in the syncloopback attribute to configure the folders to add to
sync process.

Change-Id: I8973cfd6ddec33446256bc8b48418558e27596b5
Signed-off-by: Jorge Ruesga <>
This commit is contained in:
Jorge Ruesga 2015-04-04 20:42:30 +02:00 committed by Steve Kondik
parent 8b1818d4a8
commit 598a070c27
7 changed files with 111 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -299,6 +299,10 @@ public class Mailbox extends EmailContent implements EmailContent.MailboxColumns
MailboxColumns.SYNC_INTERVAL + "=1 and " + MailboxColumns.TYPE + "=? and " +
MailboxColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY + "=?";
/** Selection for mailboxes that are configured for sync for an account. */
MailboxColumns.SYNC_INTERVAL + "=1 and " + MailboxColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY + "=?";
// Types of mailboxes. The list is ordered to match a typical UI presentation, e.g.
// placing the inbox at the top.
// Arrays of "special_mailbox_display_names" and "special_mailbox_icons" are depends on
@ -910,6 +914,19 @@ public class Mailbox extends EmailContent implements EmailContent.MailboxColumns
new String[] { Integer.toString(mailboxType), Long.toString(accountId) }, null);
* Get the mailbox ids for an account that are configured for sync by the user.
* @param cr The {@link ContentResolver}.
* @param accountId The id for the account that is syncing.
* @return A cursor (with one column, containing ids) with all mailbox ids that match.
public static Cursor getLoopBackMailboxIdsForSync(final ContentResolver cr,
final long accountId) {
return cr.query(Mailbox.CONTENT_URI, Mailbox.ID_PROJECTION,
new String[] {Long.toString(accountId) }, null);
* Get the account id for a mailbox.
* @param context The {@link Context}.

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public class SyncWindow {
return 365*10;
return 14;
return 7;

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@ -186,7 +186,8 @@ public final class DBHelper {
// Version 126: Decode address lists for To, From, Cc, Bcc and Reply-To columns in Message.
// Version 127: Force mFlags to contain the correct flags for EAS accounts given a protocol
// version above 12.0
public static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 128;
// Version 129: Update all IMAP INBOX mailboxes to force synchronization
public static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 129;
// Any changes to the database format *must* include update-in-place code.
// Original version: 2
@ -1538,6 +1539,28 @@ public final class DBHelper {
LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from v127 to v128", e);
// This statement changes the syncInterval column to 1 for all IMAP INBOX mailboxes.
// It does this by matching mailboxes against all account IDs whose receive auth is
// either R.string.protocol_legacy_imap, R.string.protocol_imap or "imap"
// It needed in order to mark
// We do it here to avoid the minor collisions with aosp main db
if (oldVersion <= 129) {
db.execSQL("update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set "
+ MailboxColumns.SYNC_INTERVAL + "= 1 where "
+ MailboxColumns.TYPE + "= " + Mailbox.TYPE_INBOX + " and "
+ MailboxColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY + " in (select "
+ Account.TABLE_NAME + "." + AccountColumns._ID + " from "
+ Account.TABLE_NAME + " join " + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + " where "
+ HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "." + HostAuthColumns._ID + "="
+ Account.TABLE_NAME + "." + AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV
+ " and (" + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "."
+ HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL + "='"
+ mContext.getString(R.string.protocol_legacy_imap) + "' or "
+ HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "." + HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL + "='"
+ mContext.getString(R.string.protocol_imap) + "' or "
+ HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "." + HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL + "='imap'));");

View File

@ -419,6 +419,11 @@ public abstract class EmailServiceStub extends IEmailService.Stub implements IEm;
if (type == Mailbox.TYPE_INBOX) {
inboxId = mailbox.mId;
// In a clean start we must mark the Inbox mailbox as syncable. This
// is required by the new multiple mailboxes sync. Initially Inbox
// should start marked
mailbox.mSyncInterval = 1;

View File

@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ import java.util.List;
public class ImapService extends Service {
// TODO get these from configurations or settings.
private static final long QUICK_SYNC_WINDOW_MILLIS = DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS;
private static final long FULL_SYNC_WINDOW_MILLIS = 7 * DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS;
private static final long FULL_SYNC_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 4 * DateUtils.HOUR_IN_MILLIS;
private static final String TAG = "ImapService";
@ -503,38 +502,12 @@ public class ImapService extends Service {
final boolean fullSync = (uiRefresh || loadMore ||
timeSinceLastFullSync >= FULL_SYNC_INTERVAL_MILLIS || timeSinceLastFullSync < 0);
if (account.mSyncLookback == SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_ALL) {
// This is really for testing. There is no UI that allows setting the sync window for
// IMAP, but it can be set by sending a special intent to AccountSetupFinal activity.
endDate = 0;
} else if (fullSync) {
// Find the oldest message in the local store. We need our time window to include
// all messages that are currently present locally.
endDate = System.currentTimeMillis() - FULL_SYNC_WINDOW_MILLIS;
Cursor localOldestCursor = null;
try {
// b/11520812 Ignore message with timestamp = 0 (which includes NULL)
localOldestCursor = resolver.query(EmailContent.Message.CONTENT_URI,
EmailContent.MessageColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY + "=?" + " AND " +
MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY + "=? AND " +
MessageColumns.TIMESTAMP + "!=0",
new String[] {String.valueOf(account.mId), String.valueOf(mailbox.mId)},
if (localOldestCursor != null && localOldestCursor.moveToFirst()) {
long oldestLocalMessageDate = localOldestCursor.getLong(
if (oldestLocalMessageDate > 0) {
endDate = Math.min(endDate, oldestLocalMessageDate);
Logging.LOG_TAG, "oldest local message " + oldestLocalMessageDate);
} finally {
if (localOldestCursor != null) {
if (fullSync) {
int syncLookBack = mailbox.mSyncLookback == SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_ACCOUNT
? account.mSyncLookback
: mailbox.mSyncLookback;
endDate = System.currentTimeMillis() -
(SyncWindow.toDays(syncLookBack) * DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS);
LogUtils.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "full sync: original window: now - " + endDate);
} else {
// We are doing a frequent, quick sync. This only syncs a small time window, so that

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
@ -50,6 +51,9 @@ public class PopImapSyncAdapterService extends Service {
private static final String TAG = "PopImapSyncService";
private SyncAdapterImpl mSyncAdapter = null;
private static String sPop3Protocol;
private static String sLegacyImapProtocol;
public PopImapSyncAdapterService() {
@ -82,17 +86,15 @@ public class PopImapSyncAdapterService extends Service {
* @return whether or not this mailbox retrieves its data from the server (as opposed to just
* a local mailbox that is never synced).
private static boolean loadsFromServer(Context context, Mailbox m, String protocol) {
String legacyImapProtocol = context.getString(R.string.protocol_legacy_imap);
String pop3Protocol = context.getString(R.string.protocol_pop3);
if (legacyImapProtocol.equals(protocol)) {
private static boolean loadsFromServer(Context context, Mailbox m, Account acct) {
if (isLegacyImapProtocol(context, acct)) {
// TODO: actually use a sync flag when creating the mailboxes. Right now we use an
// approximation for IMAP.
return m.mType != Mailbox.TYPE_DRAFTS
&& m.mType != Mailbox.TYPE_OUTBOX
&& m.mType != Mailbox.TYPE_SEARCH;
} else if (pop3Protocol.equals(protocol)) {
} else if (isPop3Protocol(context, acct)) {
return Mailbox.TYPE_INBOX == m.mType;
@ -108,9 +110,8 @@ public class PopImapSyncAdapterService extends Service {
Account account = Account.restoreAccountWithId(context, mailbox.mAccountKey);
if (account == null) return;
ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver();
String protocol = account.getProtocol(context);
if ((mailbox.mType != Mailbox.TYPE_OUTBOX) &&
!loadsFromServer(context, mailbox, protocol)) {
!loadsFromServer(context, mailbox, account)) {
// This is an update to a message in a non-syncing mailbox; delete this from the
// updates table and return
resolver.delete(Message.UPDATED_CONTENT_URI, MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY + "=?",
@ -129,7 +130,6 @@ public class PopImapSyncAdapterService extends Service {
try {
int lastSyncResult;
try {
String legacyImapProtocol = context.getString(R.string.protocol_legacy_imap);
if (mailbox.mType == Mailbox.TYPE_OUTBOX) {
EmailServiceStub.sendMailImpl(context, account.mId);
} else {
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public class PopImapSyncAdapterService extends Service {
EmailServiceStatus.syncMailboxStatus(resolver, extras, mailboxId,
EmailServiceStatus.IN_PROGRESS, 0, lastSyncResult);
final int status;
if (protocol.equals(legacyImapProtocol)) {
if (isLegacyImapProtocol(context, account)) {
status = ImapService.synchronizeMailboxSynchronous(context, account,
mailbox, deltaMessageCount != 0, uiRefresh);
} else {
@ -240,13 +240,20 @@ public class PopImapSyncAdapterService extends Service {
// Get the id for the mailbox we want to sync.
long [] mailboxIds = Mailbox.getMailboxIdsFromBundle(extras);
if (mailboxIds == null || mailboxIds.length == 0) {
// No mailbox specified, just sync the inbox.
// TODO: IMAP may eventually want to allow multiple auto-sync mailboxes.
final long inboxId = Mailbox.findMailboxOfType(context, acct.mId,
if (inboxId != Mailbox.NO_MAILBOX) {
mailboxIds = new long[1];
mailboxIds[0] = inboxId;
EmailServiceInfo info = EmailServiceUtils.getServiceInfo(
context, acct.getProtocol(context));
// No mailbox specified, check if the protocol support auto-sync
// multiple mailboxes. In that case retrieve the mailboxes to sync
// from the account settings. Otherwise just sync the inbox.
if (info.offerLookback) {
mailboxIds = getLoopBackMailboxIdsForSync(context, acct);
} else {
final long inboxId = Mailbox.findMailboxOfType(context, acct.mId,
if (inboxId != Mailbox.NO_MAILBOX) {
mailboxIds = new long[1];
mailboxIds[0] = inboxId;
@ -270,4 +277,37 @@ public class PopImapSyncAdapterService extends Service {
private static boolean isLegacyImapProtocol(Context ctx, Account acct) {
if (sLegacyImapProtocol == null) {
sLegacyImapProtocol = ctx.getString(R.string.protocol_legacy_imap);
return acct.getProtocol(ctx).equals(sLegacyImapProtocol);
private static boolean isPop3Protocol(Context ctx, Account acct) {
if (sPop3Protocol == null) {
sPop3Protocol = ctx.getString(R.string.protocol_pop3);
return acct.getProtocol(ctx).equals(sPop3Protocol);
private static long[] getLoopBackMailboxIdsForSync(Context ctx, Account acct) {
final Cursor c = Mailbox.getLoopBackMailboxIdsForSync(ctx.getContentResolver(), acct.mId);
if (c == null) {
// No mailboxes
return null;
long[] mailboxes = new long[c.getCount()];
try {
int i = 0;
while (c.moveToNext()) {
mailboxes[i] = c.getLong(Mailbox.CONTENT_ID_COLUMN);
} finally {
return mailboxes;

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@ -87,6 +87,8 @@