am df67c5d8: am 48be275b: Merge "Prevent auto-download of attachments not in an inbox" into honeycomb

* commit 'df67c5d8a002d81df4091eda62b6eeac4084a76f':
  Prevent auto-download of attachments not in an inbox
This commit is contained in:
Todd Kennedy 2011-01-24 14:25:18 -08:00 committed by Android Git Automerger
commit 3c66c31396
3 changed files with 94 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1945,6 +1945,16 @@ public abstract class EmailContent {
// All attachments with an empty URI, regardless of mailbox
public static final String EMPTY_URI_SELECTION =
AttachmentColumns.CONTENT_URI + " isnull AND " + Attachment.FLAGS + "=0";
// Attachments with an empty URI that are in an inbox
public static final String EMPTY_URI_INBOX_SELECTION =
EMPTY_URI_SELECTION + " AND " + AttachmentColumns.MESSAGE_KEY + " IN ("
+ "SELECT " + MessageColumns.ID + " FROM " + Message.TABLE_NAME
+ ")";
// Bits used in mFlags
// Instruct Rfc822Output to 1) not use Content-Disposition and 2) use multipart/alternative
// with this attachment. This is only valid if there is one and only one attachment and

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@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ public class AttachmentDownloadService extends Service implements Runnable {
Uri lookupUri = EmailContent.uriWithLimit(Attachment.CONTENT_URI,
Cursor c = mContext.getContentResolver().query(lookupUri, AttachmentInfo.PROJECTION,
AttachmentColumns.CONTENT_URI + " isnull AND " + Attachment.FLAGS + "=0",
null, Attachment.RECORD_ID + " DESC");
File cacheDir = mContext.getCacheDir();
try {

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
@ -186,6 +187,88 @@ public class AttachmentProviderTests extends ProviderTestCase2<AttachmentProvide
assertEquals(300, c.getInt(0)); // size
private static Message createMessage(Context c, Mailbox b) {
return ProviderTestUtils.setupMessage("1", b.mAccountKey, b.mId, true, true, c, false,
public void testInboxQuery() {
// Create 2 accounts
Account a1 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAccount("inboxquery-1", true, mMockContext);
Account a2 = ProviderTestUtils.setupAccount("inboxquery-2", true, mMockContext);
// Create mailboxes for each account
Mailbox b1 = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox(
"box1", a1.mId, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_INBOX);
Mailbox b2 = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox(
"box2", a1.mId, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_MAIL);
Mailbox b3 = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox(
"box3", a2.mId, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_INBOX);
Mailbox b4 = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox(
"box4", a2.mId, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_MAIL);
Mailbox bt = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox(
"boxT", a2.mId, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_TRASH);
// Create some messages
// b1 (account 1, inbox): 2 messages
Message m11 = createMessage(mMockContext, b1);
Message m12 = createMessage(mMockContext, b1);
// b2 (account 1, mail): 2 messages
Message m21 = createMessage(mMockContext, b2);
Message m22 = createMessage(mMockContext, b2);
// b3 (account 2, inbox): 1 message
Message m31 = createMessage(mMockContext, b3);
// b4 (account 2, mail) has no messages.
// bt (account 2, trash): 1 message
Message mt1 = createMessage(mMockContext, bt);
// 4 attachments in the inbox, 2 different messages, 1 downloaded
createAttachment(a1, m11.mId, null);
createAttachment(a1, m11.mId, null);
createAttachment(a1, m12.mId, null);
createAttachment(a1, m12.mId, "file:///path/to/file1");
// 3 attachments in generic mailbox, 2 different messages, 1 downloaded
createAttachment(a1, m21.mId, null);
createAttachment(a1, m21.mId, null);
createAttachment(a1, m22.mId, null);
createAttachment(a1, m22.mId, "file:///path/to/file2");
// 1 attachment in inbox
createAttachment(a2, m31.mId, null);
// 2 attachments in trash, same message
createAttachment(a2, mt1.mId, null);
createAttachment(a2, mt1.mId, null);
Cursor c = null;
try {
// count all attachments with an empty URI, regardless of mailbox location
c = mMockContext.getContentResolver().query(
Attachment.CONTENT_URI, AttachmentInfo.PROJECTION,
null, Attachment.RECORD_ID + " DESC");
assertEquals(9, c.getCount());
} finally {
try {
// count all attachments with an empty URI, only in an inbox
c = mMockContext.getContentResolver().query(
Attachment.CONTENT_URI, AttachmentInfo.PROJECTION,
null, Attachment.RECORD_ID + " DESC");
assertEquals(4, c.getCount());
} finally {
* test getType()
* - regular file