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* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.ContentProviderOperation;
import android.content.ContentProviderResult;
import android.content.ContentUris;
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.OperationApplicationException;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.UUID;
* EmailContent is the superclass of the various classes of content stored by EmailProvider.
* It is intended to include 1) column definitions for use with the Provider, and 2) convenience
* methods for saving and retrieving content from the Provider.
* This class will be used by 1) the Email process (which includes the application and
* EmaiLProvider) as well as 2) the Exchange process (which runs independently). It will
* necessarily be cloned for use in these two cases.
* Conventions used in naming columns:
* RECORD_ID is the primary key for all Email records
* The SyncColumns interface is used by all classes that are synced to the server directly
* (Mailbox and Email)
* <name>_KEY always refers to a foreign key
* <name>_ID always refers to a unique identifier (whether on client, server, etc.)
public abstract class EmailContent {
public static final String AUTHORITY = EmailProvider.EMAIL_AUTHORITY;
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://" + AUTHORITY);
private static final String[] COUNT_COLUMNS = new String[]{"count(*)"};
// Newly created objects get this id
private static final int NOT_SAVED = -1;
// The base Uri that this piece of content came from
public Uri mBaseUri;
// Lazily initialized uri for this Content
private Uri mUri = null;
// The id of the Content
public long mId = NOT_SAVED;
// Write the Content into a ContentValues container
public abstract ContentValues toContentValues();
// Read the Content from a ContentCursor
public abstract <T extends EmailContent> T restore (Cursor cursor);
// The Uri is lazily initialized
public Uri getUri() {
if (mUri == null) {
mUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(mBaseUri, mId);
return mUri;
public boolean isSaved() {
return mId != NOT_SAVED;
// The Content sub class must have a no-arg constructor
static public <T extends EmailContent> T getContent(Cursor cursor, Class<T> klass) {
try {
T content = klass.newInstance();
content.mId = cursor.getLong(0);
return (T)content.restore(cursor);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
return null;
* Convenience method to save or update content. Note: This is designed to save or update
* a single row, not for any bulk changes.
public Uri saveOrUpdate(Context context) {
if (!isSaved()) {
return save(context);
} else {
if (update(context, toContentValues()) == 1) {
return getUri();
return null;
public Uri save(Context context) {
Uri res = context.getContentResolver().insert(mBaseUri, toContentValues());
mId = Long.parseLong(res.getPathSegments().get(1));
return res;
public int update(Context context, ContentValues contentValues) {
return context.getContentResolver().update(getUri(), contentValues, null, null);
static public int update(Context context, Uri baseUri, long id, ContentValues contentValues) {
return context.getContentResolver()
.update(ContentUris.withAppendedId(baseUri, id), contentValues, null, null);
* Generic count method that can be used for any ContentProvider
* @param context the calling Context
* @param uri the Uri for the provider query
* @param selection as with a query call
* @param selectionArgs as with a query call
* @return the number of items matching the query (or zero)
static public int count(Context context, Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) {
Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver()
.query(uri, COUNT_COLUMNS, selection, selectionArgs, null);
try {
if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) {
return 0;
return cursor.getInt(0);
} finally {
* no public constructor since this is a utility class
private EmailContent() {
// All classes share this
public static final String RECORD_ID = "_id";
static ContentProviderOperation.Builder getSaveOrUpdateBuilder(boolean doSave,
Uri uri, long id) {
if (doSave) {
return ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(uri);
} else {
return ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate(ContentUris.withAppendedId(uri, id));
public interface SyncColumns {
// source (account name and type) : foreign key into the AccountsProvider
public static final String ACCOUNT_KEY = "syncAccountKey";
// source id (string) : the source's name of this item
public static final String SERVER_ID = "syncServerId";
// source version (string) : the source's concept of the version of this item
public static final String SERVER_VERSION = "syncServerVersion";
// source sync data (string) : any other data needed to sync this item back to the source
public static final String DATA = "syncData";
// dirty count (boolean) : the number of times this item has changed since the last time it
// was synced to the server
public static final String DIRTY_COUNT = "syncDirtyCount";
public interface BodyColumns {
// Foreign key to the message corresponding to this body
public static final String MESSAGE_KEY = "messageKey";
// The html content itself
public static final String HTML_CONTENT = "htmlContent";
// The plain text content itself
public static final String TEXT_CONTENT = "textContent";
public static final class Body extends EmailContent implements BodyColumns {
public static final String TABLE_NAME = "Body";
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse(EmailContent.CONTENT_URI + "/body");
public static final int CONTENT_ID_COLUMN = 0;
public static final int CONTENT_MESSAGE_KEY_COLUMN = 1;
public static final int CONTENT_HTML_CONTENT_COLUMN = 2;
public static final int CONTENT_TEXT_CONTENT_COLUMN = 3;
public static final String[] CONTENT_PROJECTION = new String[] {
public static final int TEXT_TEXT_COLUMN = 1;
public static final String[] TEXT_PROJECTION = new String[] {
public static final int HTML_HTML_COLUMN = 1;
public static final String[] HTML_PROJECTION = new String[] {
public static final int COMMON_TEXT_COLUMN = 1;
public long mMessageKey;
public String mHtmlContent;
public String mTextContent;
* no public constructor since this is a utility class
private Body() {
public ContentValues toContentValues() {
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
// Assign values for each row.
values.put(BodyColumns.MESSAGE_KEY, mMessageKey);
values.put(BodyColumns.HTML_CONTENT, mHtmlContent);
values.put(BodyColumns.TEXT_CONTENT, mTextContent);
return values;
public static Body restoreBodyWithId(Context context, long id) {
Uri u = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Body.CONTENT_URI, id);
Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(u, Body.CONTENT_PROJECTION,
null, null, null);
try {
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
return getContent(c, Body.class);
} else {
return null;
} finally {
private static String restoreTextWithId(Context context, long id, String[] projection) {
Uri u = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Body.CONTENT_URI, id);
Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(u, projection, null, null, null);
try {
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
return c.getString(COMMON_TEXT_COLUMN);
} else {
return null;
} finally {
public static String restoreBodyTextWithId(Context context, long id) {
return restoreTextWithId(context, id, Body.TEXT_PROJECTION);
public static String restoreBodyHtmlWithId(Context context, long id) {
return restoreTextWithId(context, id, Body.HTML_PROJECTION);
public EmailContent.Body restore(Cursor c) {
mBaseUri = EmailContent.Message.CONTENT_URI;
mMessageKey = c.getLong(CONTENT_MESSAGE_KEY_COLUMN);
mHtmlContent = c.getString(CONTENT_HTML_CONTENT_COLUMN);
mTextContent = c.getString(CONTENT_TEXT_CONTENT_COLUMN);
return this;
public boolean update() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public interface MessageColumns {
// Basic columns used in message list presentation
// The name as shown to the user in a message list
public static final String DISPLAY_NAME = "displayName";
// The time (millis) as shown to the user in a message list [INDEX]
public static final String TIMESTAMP = "timeStamp";
// Message subject
public static final String SUBJECT = "subject";
// A preview, as might be shown to the user in a message list
public static final String PREVIEW = "preview";
// Boolean, unread = 0, read = 1 [INDEX]
public static final String FLAG_READ = "flagRead";
// Three state, unloaded = 0, loaded = 1, partially loaded (optional) = 2 [INDEX]
public static final String FLAG_LOADED = "flagLoaded";
// Boolean, unflagged = 0, flagged (favorite) = 1
public static final String FLAG_FAVORITE = "flagFavorite";
// Boolean, no attachment = 0, attachment = 1
public static final String FLAG_ATTACHMENT = "flagAttachment";
// Bit field, e.g. replied, deleted
public static final String FLAGS = "flags";
// Body related
// charset: U = us-ascii; 8 = utf-8; I = iso-8559-1; others literally (e.g. KOI8-R)
// encodings: B = base64; Q = quoted printable; X = none
// Information about the text part (if any) in form <location>;<encoding>;<charset>;<length>
public static final String TEXT_INFO = "textInfo";
// Information about the html part (if any) in form <location>;<encoding>;<charset>;<length>
public static final String HTML_INFO = "htmlInfo";
// Sync related identifiers
// Any client-required identifier
public static final String CLIENT_ID = "clientId";
// The message-id in the message's header
public static final String MESSAGE_ID = "messageId";
// Thread identifier
public static final String THREAD_ID = "threadId";
// References to other Email objects in the database
// Foreign key to the Mailbox holding this message [INDEX]
public static final String MAILBOX_KEY = "mailboxKey";
// Foreign key to the Account holding this message
public static final String ACCOUNT_KEY = "accountKey";
// Foreign key to a referenced Message (e.g. for a reply/forward)
public static final String REFERENCE_KEY = "referenceKey";
// Address lists, of the form <address> [, <address> ...]
public static final String SENDER_LIST = "senderList";
public static final String FROM_LIST = "fromList";
public static final String TO_LIST = "toList";
public static final String CC_LIST = "ccList";
public static final String BCC_LIST = "bccList";
public static final String REPLY_TO_LIST = "replyToList";
public static final class Message extends EmailContent implements SyncColumns, MessageColumns {
public static final String TABLE_NAME = "Message";
public static final String UPDATES_TABLE_NAME = "Message_Updates";
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse(EmailContent.CONTENT_URI + "/message");
public static final String KEY_TIMESTAMP_DESC = MessageColumns.TIMESTAMP + " desc";
public static final int CONTENT_ID_COLUMN = 0;
public static final int CONTENT_DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN = 1;
public static final int CONTENT_TIMESTAMP_COLUMN = 2;
public static final int CONTENT_SUBJECT_COLUMN = 3;
public static final int CONTENT_PREVIEW_COLUMN = 4;
public static final int CONTENT_FLAG_READ_COLUMN = 5;
public static final int CONTENT_FLAG_LOADED_COLUMN = 6;
public static final int CONTENT_FLAG_FAVORITE_COLUMN = 7;
public static final int CONTENT_FLAG_ATTACHMENT_COLUMN = 8;
public static final int CONTENT_FLAGS_COLUMN = 9;
public static final int CONTENT_TEXT_INFO_COLUMN = 10;
public static final int CONTENT_HTML_INFO_COLUMN = 11;
public static final int CONTENT_SERVER_ID_COLUMN = 12;
public static final int CONTENT_CLIENT_ID_COLUMN = 13;
public static final int CONTENT_MESSAGE_ID_COLUMN = 14;
public static final int CONTENT_THREAD_ID_COLUMN = 15;
public static final int CONTENT_MAILBOX_KEY_COLUMN = 16;
public static final int CONTENT_ACCOUNT_KEY_COLUMN = 17;
public static final int CONTENT_REFERENCE_KEY_COLUMN = 18;
public static final int CONTENT_SENDER_LIST_COLUMN = 19;
public static final int CONTENT_FROM_LIST_COLUMN = 20;
public static final int CONTENT_TO_LIST_COLUMN = 21;
public static final int CONTENT_CC_LIST_COLUMN = 22;
public static final int CONTENT_BCC_LIST_COLUMN = 23;
public static final int CONTENT_REPLY_TO_COLUMN = 24;
public static final int CONTENT_SERVER_VERSION_COLUMN = 25;
public static final String[] CONTENT_PROJECTION = new String[] {
RECORD_ID, MessageColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, MessageColumns.TIMESTAMP,
MessageColumns.SUBJECT, MessageColumns.PREVIEW, MessageColumns.FLAG_READ,
MessageColumns.FLAG_LOADED, MessageColumns.FLAG_FAVORITE,
MessageColumns.FLAG_ATTACHMENT, MessageColumns.FLAGS, MessageColumns.TEXT_INFO,
MessageColumns.HTML_INFO, SyncColumns.SERVER_ID,
MessageColumns.CLIENT_ID, MessageColumns.MESSAGE_ID, MessageColumns.THREAD_ID,
MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY, MessageColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY, MessageColumns.REFERENCE_KEY,
MessageColumns.SENDER_LIST, MessageColumns.FROM_LIST, MessageColumns.TO_LIST,
MessageColumns.CC_LIST, MessageColumns.BCC_LIST, MessageColumns.REPLY_TO_LIST,
public static final int LIST_ID_COLUMN = 0;
public static final int LIST_DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN = 1;
public static final int LIST_TIMESTAMP_COLUMN = 2;
public static final int LIST_SUBJECT_COLUMN = 3;
public static final int LIST_PREVIEW_COLUMN = 4;
public static final int LIST_READ_COLUMN = 5;
public static final int LIST_LOADED_COLUMN = 6;
public static final int LIST_FAVORITE_COLUMN = 7;
public static final int LIST_ATTACHMENT_COLUMN = 8;
public static final int LIST_FLAGS_COLUMN = 9;
public static final int LIST_MAILBOX_KEY_COLUMN = 10;
public static final int LIST_ACCOUNT_KEY_COLUMN = 11;
public static final int LIST_SERVER_ID_COLUMN = 12;
// Public projection for common list columns
public static final String[] LIST_PROJECTION = new String[] {
RECORD_ID, MessageColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, MessageColumns.TIMESTAMP,
MessageColumns.SUBJECT, MessageColumns.PREVIEW, MessageColumns.FLAG_READ,
MessageColumns.FLAG_LOADED, MessageColumns.FLAG_FAVORITE,
MessageColumns.FLAG_ATTACHMENT, MessageColumns.FLAGS, MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY,
MessageColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY , SyncColumns.SERVER_ID
public static final int LOAD_BODY_ID_COLUMN = 0;
public static final int LOAD_BODY_SERVER_ID_COLUMN = 1;
public static final int LOAD_BODY_TEXT_INFO_COLUMN = 2;
public static final int LOAD_BODY_HTML_INFO_COLUMN = 3;
public static final String[] LOAD_BODY_PROJECTION = new String[] {
RECORD_ID, SyncColumns.SERVER_ID, MessageColumns.TEXT_INFO, MessageColumns.HTML_INFO
public static final int ID_COLUMNS_ID_COLUMN = 0;
public static final int ID_COLUMNS_SYNC_SERVER_ID = 1;
public static final String[] ID_COLUMNS_PROJECTION = new String[] {
public static final String[] ID_COLUMN_PROJECTION = new String[] { RECORD_ID };
// _id field is in AbstractContent
public String mDisplayName;
public long mTimeStamp;
public String mSubject;
public String mPreview;
public boolean mFlagRead = false;
public int mFlagLoaded = 0;
public boolean mFlagFavorite = false;
public boolean mFlagAttachment = false;
public int mFlags = 0;
public String mTextInfo;
public String mHtmlInfo;
public String mServerId;
public int mServerIntId;
public String mClientId;
public String mMessageId;
public String mThreadId;
public long mMailboxKey;
public long mAccountKey;
public long mReferenceKey;
public String mSender;
public String mFrom;
public String mTo;
public String mCc;
public String mBcc;
public String mReplyTo;
public String mServerVersion;
transient public String mText;
transient public String mHtml;
// Can be used while building messages, but is NOT saved by the Provider
transient public ArrayList<Attachment> mAttachments = null;
public static final int UNREAD = 0;
public static final int READ = 1;
public static final int DELETED = 2;
public static final int NOT_LOADED = 0;
public static final int LOADED = 1;
public static final int PARTIALLY_LOADED = 2;
* no public constructor since this is a utility class
public Message() {
public static final Uri UPDATED_CONTENT_URI =
Uri.parse(EmailContent.CONTENT_URI + "/updatedMessage");
public ContentValues toContentValues() {
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
// Assign values for each row.
values.put(MessageColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, mDisplayName);
values.put(MessageColumns.TIMESTAMP, mTimeStamp);
values.put(MessageColumns.SUBJECT, mSubject);
values.put(MessageColumns.FLAG_READ, mFlagRead);
values.put(MessageColumns.FLAG_LOADED, mFlagLoaded);
values.put(MessageColumns.FLAG_FAVORITE, mFlagFavorite);
values.put(MessageColumns.FLAG_ATTACHMENT, mFlagAttachment);
values.put(MessageColumns.FLAGS, mFlags);
values.put(MessageColumns.TEXT_INFO, mTextInfo);
values.put(MessageColumns.HTML_INFO, mHtmlInfo);
if (mServerId != null) {
values.put(SyncColumns.SERVER_ID, mServerId);
} else {
values.put(SyncColumns.SERVER_ID, mServerIntId);
values.put(MessageColumns.CLIENT_ID, mClientId);
values.put(MessageColumns.MESSAGE_ID, mMessageId);
values.put(MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY, mMailboxKey);
values.put(MessageColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY, mAccountKey);
values.put(MessageColumns.REFERENCE_KEY, mReferenceKey);
values.put(MessageColumns.SENDER_LIST, mSender);
values.put(MessageColumns.FROM_LIST, mFrom);
values.put(MessageColumns.TO_LIST, mTo);
values.put(MessageColumns.CC_LIST, mCc);
values.put(MessageColumns.BCC_LIST, mBcc);
values.put(MessageColumns.REPLY_TO_LIST, mReplyTo);
values.put(SyncColumns.SERVER_VERSION, mServerVersion);
return values;
public static Message restoreMessageWithId(Context context, long id) {
Uri u = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Message.CONTENT_URI, id);
Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(u, Message.CONTENT_PROJECTION,
null, null, null);
try {
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
return getContent(c, Message.class);
} else {
return null;
} finally {
public EmailContent.Message restore(Cursor c) {
mBaseUri = EmailContent.Message.CONTENT_URI;
mDisplayName = c.getString(CONTENT_DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN);
mSubject = c.getString(CONTENT_SUBJECT_COLUMN);
mPreview = c.getString(CONTENT_PREVIEW_COLUMN);
mFlagRead = c.getInt(CONTENT_FLAG_READ_COLUMN) == 1;
mFlagFavorite = c.getInt(CONTENT_FLAG_FAVORITE_COLUMN) == 1;
mFlagAttachment = c.getInt(CONTENT_FLAG_ATTACHMENT_COLUMN) == 1;
mFlags = c.getInt(CONTENT_FLAGS_COLUMN);
mTextInfo = c.getString(CONTENT_TEXT_INFO_COLUMN);
mHtmlInfo = c.getString(CONTENT_HTML_INFO_COLUMN);
mServerId = c.getString(CONTENT_SERVER_ID_COLUMN);
mServerIntId = c.getInt(CONTENT_SERVER_ID_COLUMN);
mClientId = c.getString(CONTENT_CLIENT_ID_COLUMN);
mMessageId = c.getString(CONTENT_MESSAGE_ID_COLUMN);
mThreadId = c.getString(CONTENT_THREAD_ID_COLUMN);
mMailboxKey = c.getLong(CONTENT_MAILBOX_KEY_COLUMN);
mAccountKey = c.getLong(CONTENT_ACCOUNT_KEY_COLUMN);
mReferenceKey = c.getLong(CONTENT_REFERENCE_KEY_COLUMN);
mSender = c.getString(CONTENT_SENDER_LIST_COLUMN);
mFrom = c.getString(CONTENT_FROM_LIST_COLUMN);
mTo = c.getString(CONTENT_TO_LIST_COLUMN);
mCc = c.getString(CONTENT_CC_LIST_COLUMN);
mBcc = c.getString(CONTENT_BCC_LIST_COLUMN);
mReplyTo = c.getString(CONTENT_REPLY_TO_COLUMN);
mServerVersion = c.getString(CONTENT_SERVER_VERSION_COLUMN);
return this;
public boolean update() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
* Override this so that we can store the Body first and link it to the Message
* Also, attachments when we get there...
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
public Uri save(Context context) {
boolean doSave = !isSaved();
// This logic is in place so I can (a) short circuit the expensive stuff when
// possible, and (b) override (and throw) if anyone tries to call save() or update()
// directly for Message, which are unsupported.
if (mText == null && mHtml == null) {
if (doSave) {
} else {
// Call update, rather than super.update in case we ever override it
if (update(context, toContentValues()) == 1) {
return getUri();
return null;
ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> ops = new ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation>();
2009-06-16 18:26:40 +00:00
try {
ContentProviderResult[] results =
context.getContentResolver().applyBatch(EmailProvider.EMAIL_AUTHORITY, ops);
// If saving, set the mId's of the various saved objects
if (doSave) {
Uri u = results[0].uri;
mId = Long.parseLong(u.getPathSegments().get(1));
return u;
} else {
return null;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// There is nothing to be done here; fail by returning null
} catch (OperationApplicationException e) {
// There is nothing to be done here; fail by returning null
return null;
public void addSaveOps(ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> ops) {
// First, save the message
ContentProviderOperation.Builder b = getSaveOrUpdateBuilder(true, mBaseUri, mId);
// Create and save the body
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
if (mText != null) {
cv.put(Body.TEXT_CONTENT, mText);
if (mHtml != null) {
cv.put(Body.HTML_CONTENT, mHtml);
b = getSaveOrUpdateBuilder(true, Body.CONTENT_URI, 0);
ContentValues backValues = new ContentValues();
backValues.put(Body.MESSAGE_KEY, ops.size() - 1);
// Text and Html information are stored as <location>;<encoding>;<charset>;<length>
// charset: U = us-ascii; 8 = utf-8; I = iso-8559-1; others literally (e.g. KOI8-R)
// encodings: B = base64; Q = quoted printable; X = none
public static final class BodyInfo {
public String mLocation;
public char mEncoding;
public String mCharset;
public long mLength;
static public BodyInfo expandFromTextOrHtmlInfo (String info) {
BodyInfo b = new BodyInfo();
int start = 0;
int next = info.indexOf(';');
if (next > 0) {
b.mLocation = info.substring(start, next);
start = next + 1;
next = info.indexOf(';', start);
if (next > 0) {
b.mEncoding = info.charAt(start);
start = next + 1;
next = info.indexOf(';', start);
if (next > 0) {
String cs = info.substring(start, next);
if (cs.equals("U")) {
b.mCharset = "us-ascii";
} else if (cs.equals("I")) {
b.mCharset = "iso-8859-1";
} else if (cs.equals("8")) {
b.mCharset = "utf-8";
} else {
b.mCharset = cs;
start = next + 1;
b.mLength = Integer.parseInt(info.substring(start));
return b;
return null;
public interface AccountColumns {
// The display name of the account (user-settable)
public static final String DISPLAY_NAME = "displayName";
// The email address corresponding to this account
public static final String EMAIL_ADDRESS = "emailAddress";
// A server-based sync key on an account-wide basis (EAS needs this)
public static final String SYNC_KEY = "syncKey";
// The default sync lookback period for this account
public static final String SYNC_LOOKBACK = "syncLookback";
// The default sync frequency for this account
public static final String SYNC_FREQUENCY = "syncFrequency";
// A foreign key into the account manager, having host, login, password, port, and ssl flags
public static final String HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV = "hostAuthKeyRecv";
// (optional) A foreign key into the account manager, having host, login, password, port,
// and ssl flags
public static final String HOST_AUTH_KEY_SEND = "hostAuthKeySend";
// Flags
public static final String FLAGS = "flags";
// Default account
public static final String IS_DEFAULT = "isDefault";
// Old-Style UUID for compatibility with previous versions
public static final String COMPATIBILITY_UUID = "compatibilityUuid";
// User name (for outgoing messages)
public static final String SENDER_NAME = "senderName";
// Ringtone
public static final String RINGTONE_URI = "ringtoneUri";
public static final class Account extends EmailContent implements AccountColumns, Parcelable {
public static final String TABLE_NAME = "Account";
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse(EmailContent.CONTENT_URI + "/account");
public final static int FLAGS_NOTIFY_NEW_MAIL = 1;
public final static int FLAGS_VIBRATE = 2;
public static final int FLAGS_DELETE_POLICY_MASK = 4+8;
public static final int FLAGS_DELETE_POLICY_SHIFT = 2;
public static final int DELETE_POLICY_NEVER = 0;
public static final int DELETE_POLICY_7DAYS = 1;
public static final int DELETE_POLICY_ON_DELETE = 2;
public static final int CHECK_INTERVAL_NEVER = -1;
public static final int CHECK_INTERVAL_PUSH = -2;
public static final int SYNC_WINDOW_USER = -1;
public String mDisplayName;
public String mEmailAddress;
public String mSyncKey;
public int mSyncLookback;
public int mSyncFrequency;
public long mHostAuthKeyRecv;
public long mHostAuthKeySend;
public int mFlags;
public boolean mIsDefault;
public String mCompatibilityUuid;
public String mSenderName;
public String mRingtoneUri;
// Convenience for creating an account
public transient HostAuth mHostAuthRecv;
public transient HostAuth mHostAuthSend;
public static final int CONTENT_ID_COLUMN = 0;
public static final int CONTENT_DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN = 1;
public static final int CONTENT_EMAIL_ADDRESS_COLUMN = 2;
public static final int CONTENT_SYNC_KEY_COLUMN = 3;
public static final int CONTENT_SYNC_LOOKBACK_COLUMN = 4;
public static final int CONTENT_SYNC_FREQUENCY_COLUMN = 5;
public static final int CONTENT_HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV_COLUMN = 6;
public static final int CONTENT_HOST_AUTH_KEY_SEND_COLUMN = 7;
public static final int CONTENT_FLAGS_COLUMN = 8;
public static final int CONTENT_IS_DEFAULT_COLUMN = 9;
public static final int CONTENT_COMPATIBILITY_UUID_COLUMN = 10;
public static final int CONTENT_SENDER_NAME_COLUMN = 11;
public static final int CONTENT_RINGTONE_URI_COLUMN = 12;
public static final String[] CONTENT_PROJECTION = new String[] {
AccountColumns.EMAIL_ADDRESS, AccountColumns.SYNC_KEY, AccountColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK,
AccountColumns.SYNC_FREQUENCY, AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV,
AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_SEND, AccountColumns.FLAGS, AccountColumns.IS_DEFAULT,
AccountColumns.COMPATIBILITY_UUID, AccountColumns.SENDER_NAME,
* This projection is for listing account id's only
public static final String[] ID_PROJECTION = new String[] {
* no public constructor since this is a utility class
public Account() {
// other defaults (policy)
mRingtoneUri = "content://settings/system/notification_sound";
mSyncFrequency = -1;
mSyncLookback = -1;
mCompatibilityUuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
public static Account restoreAccountWithId(Context context, long id) {
Uri u = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Account.CONTENT_URI, id);
Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(u, Account.CONTENT_PROJECTION,
null, null, null);
try {
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
return getContent(c, Account.class);
} else {
return null;
} finally {
* Refresh an account that has already been loaded. This is slightly less expensive
* that generating a brand-new account object.
public void refresh(Context context) {
Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(this.getUri(), Account.CONTENT_PROJECTION,
null, null, null);
try {
} finally {
if (c != null) {
public EmailContent.Account restore(Cursor cursor) {
mBaseUri = EmailContent.Account.CONTENT_URI;
mDisplayName = cursor.getString(CONTENT_DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN);
mEmailAddress = cursor.getString(CONTENT_EMAIL_ADDRESS_COLUMN);
mSyncKey = cursor.getString(CONTENT_SYNC_KEY_COLUMN);
mSyncLookback = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_SYNC_LOOKBACK_COLUMN);
mSyncFrequency = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_SYNC_FREQUENCY_COLUMN);
mHostAuthKeyRecv = cursor.getLong(CONTENT_HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV_COLUMN);
mHostAuthKeySend = cursor.getLong(CONTENT_HOST_AUTH_KEY_SEND_COLUMN);
mFlags = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_FLAGS_COLUMN);
mIsDefault = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_IS_DEFAULT_COLUMN) == 1;
mCompatibilityUuid = cursor.getString(CONTENT_COMPATIBILITY_UUID_COLUMN);
mSenderName = cursor.getString(CONTENT_SENDER_NAME_COLUMN);
mRingtoneUri = cursor.getString(CONTENT_RINGTONE_URI_COLUMN);
return this;
private long getId(Uri u) {
return Long.parseLong(u.getPathSegments().get(1));
* @return the user-visible name for the account
public String getDescription() {
return mDisplayName;
* Set the description. Be sure to call save() to commit to database.
* @param description the new description
public void setDescription(String description) {
mDisplayName = description;
* @return the email address for this account
public String getEmail() {
return mEmailAddress;
* Set the Email address for this account. Be sure to call save() to commit to database.
* @param emailAddress the new email address for this account
public void setEmail(String emailAddress) {
mEmailAddress = emailAddress;
* @return the sender's name for this account
public String getName() {
return mSenderName;
* Set the sender's name. Be sure to call save() to commit to database.
* @param name the new sender name
public void setName(String name) {
mSenderName = name;
* @return the minutes per check (for polling)
* TODO define sentinel values for "never", "push", etc. See
public int getAutomaticCheckIntervalMinutes()
return mSyncFrequency;
* Set the minutes per check (for polling). Be sure to call save() to commit to database.
* TODO define sentinel values for "never", "push", etc. See
* @param minutes the number of minutes between polling checks
public void setAutomaticCheckIntervalMinutes(int minutes)
mSyncFrequency = minutes;
* @return the sync lookback window in # of days
* TODO define sentinel values for "all", "1 month", etc. See
public int getSyncWindow() {
return mSyncLookback;
* Set the sync lookback window in # of days. Be sure to call save() to commit to database.
* TODO define sentinel values for "all", "1 month", etc. See
* @param days number of days to look back for syncing messages
public void setSyncWindow(int days) {
mSyncLookback = days;
* @return the flags for this account
public int getFlags() {
return mFlags;
* Set the flags for this account
* @param newFlags the new value for the flags
public void setFlags(int newFlags) {
mFlags = newFlags;
* @return the ringtone Uri for this account
public String getRingtone() {
return mRingtoneUri;
* Set the ringtone Uri for this account
* @param newUri the new URI string for the ringtone for this account
public void setRingtone(String newUri) {
mRingtoneUri = newUri;
* Set the "delete policy" as a simple 0,1,2 value set.
* @param newPolicy the new delete policy
public void setDeletePolicy(int newPolicy) {
* Return the "delete policy" as a simple 0,1,2 value set.
* @return the current delete policy
public int getDeletePolicy() {
* Return the Uuid associated with this account. This is primarily for compatibility
* with accounts set up by previous versions, because there are externals references
* to the Uuid (e.g. desktop shortcuts).
String getUuid() {
return mCompatibilityUuid;
* For compatibility while converting to provider model, generate a "store URI"
* @return a string in the form of a Uri, as used by the other parts of the email app
public String getStoreUri(Context context) {
// reconstitute if necessary
if (mHostAuthRecv == null) {
mHostAuthRecv = HostAuth.restoreHostAuthWithId(context, mHostAuthKeyRecv);
// convert if available
if (mHostAuthRecv != null) {
String storeUri = mHostAuthRecv.getStoreUri();
if (storeUri != null) {
return storeUri;
return "";
* For compatibility while converting to provider model, generate a "sender URI"
* @return a string in the form of a Uri, as used by the other parts of the email app
public String getSenderUri(Context context) {
// reconstitute if necessary
if (mHostAuthSend == null) {
mHostAuthSend = HostAuth.restoreHostAuthWithId(context, mHostAuthKeySend);
// convert if available
if (mHostAuthSend != null) {
String senderUri = mHostAuthSend.getStoreUri();
if (senderUri != null) {
return senderUri;
return "";
* For compatibility while converting to provider model, set the store URI
* @param the new value
public void setStoreUri(Context context, String senderUri) {
// reconstitute or create if necessary
if (mHostAuthRecv == null) {
if (mHostAuthKeyRecv != 0) {
mHostAuthRecv = HostAuth.restoreHostAuthWithId(context, mHostAuthKeyRecv);
} else {
mHostAuthRecv = new EmailContent.HostAuth();
if (mHostAuthRecv != null) {
* For compatibility while converting to provider model, set the sender URI
* @param the new value
public void setSenderUri(Context context, String senderUri) {
// reconstitute or create if necessary
if (mHostAuthSend == null) {
if (mHostAuthKeySend != 0) {
mHostAuthSend = HostAuth.restoreHostAuthWithId(context, mHostAuthKeySend);
} else {
mHostAuthSend = new EmailContent.HostAuth();
if (mHostAuthSend != null) {
* For compatibility while converting to provider model, generate a "local store URI"
* @return a string in the form of a Uri, as used by the other parts of the email app
public String getLocalStoreUri(Context context) {
return "local://localhost/" + context.getDatabasePath(getUuid() + ".db");
* Set the account to be the default account. If this is set to "true", when the account
* is saved, all other accounts will have the same value set to "false".
* @param newDefaultState the new default state - if true, others will be cleared.
public void setDefaultAccount(boolean newDefaultState) {
mIsDefault = newDefaultState;
static private Account getAccountWhere(Context context, String where) {
Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(CONTENT_URI, CONTENT_PROJECTION,
where, null, null);
try {
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
return getContent(cursor, Account.class);
} finally {
return null;
* Return the default Account; if one hasn't been explicitly specified, return the first
* account found in the database.
* @param context
* @return the default Account (or none, if there are no accounts)
static public Account getDefaultAccount(Context context) {
Account acct = getAccountWhere(context, AccountColumns.IS_DEFAULT + "=1");
if (acct == null) {
acct = getAccountWhere(context, null);
return acct;
* Do not use Use Account.saveOrUpdate()
public Uri save(Context context) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Do not use Account.update(). Use Account.saveOrUpdate()
public int update(Context context, ContentValues contentValues) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Override this so that we can store the HostAuth's first and link them to the Account
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
public Uri saveOrUpdate(Context context) {
boolean doSave = !isSaved();
// This logic is in place so I can (a) short circuit the expensive stuff when
// possible, and (b) override (and throw) if anyone tries to call save() or update()
// directly for Account, which are unsupported.
if (mHostAuthRecv == null && mHostAuthSend == null && mIsDefault == false) {
if (doSave) {
} else {
if (super.update(context, toContentValues()) == 1) {
return getUri();
return null;
int index = 0;
int recvIndex = -1;
int sendIndex = -1;
// Create operations for saving the send and recv hostAuths
// Also, remember which operation in the array they represent
ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> ops = new ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation>();
if (mHostAuthRecv != null) {
recvIndex = index++;
ops.add(getSaveOrUpdateBuilder(doSave, mHostAuthRecv.mBaseUri, mHostAuthRecv.mId)
if (mHostAuthSend != null) {
sendIndex = index++;
ops.add(getSaveOrUpdateBuilder(doSave, mHostAuthSend.mBaseUri, mHostAuthSend.mId)
// Create operations for making this the only default account
// Note, these are always updates because they change existing accounts
if (mIsDefault) {
ContentValues cv1 = new ContentValues();
cv1.put(AccountColumns.IS_DEFAULT, 0);
// Now do the Account
ContentValues cv = null;
if (doSave && (recvIndex >= 0 || sendIndex >= 0)) {
cv = new ContentValues();
if (recvIndex >= 0) {
cv.put(Account.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV, recvIndex);
if (sendIndex >= 0) {
cv.put(Account.HOST_AUTH_KEY_SEND, sendIndex);
ContentProviderOperation.Builder b = getSaveOrUpdateBuilder(doSave, mBaseUri, mId);
if (cv != null) {
try {
ContentProviderResult[] results =
context.getContentResolver().applyBatch(EmailProvider.EMAIL_AUTHORITY, ops);
// If saving, set the mId's of the various saved objects
if (doSave) {
if (recvIndex >= 0) {
long newId = getId(results[recvIndex].uri);
mHostAuthKeyRecv = newId;
mHostAuthRecv.mId = newId;
if (sendIndex >= 0) {
long newId = getId(results[sendIndex].uri);
mHostAuthKeySend = newId;
mHostAuthSend.mId = newId;
Uri u = results[index].uri;
mId = getId(u);
return u;
} else {
return null;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// There is nothing to be done here; fail by returning null
} catch (OperationApplicationException e) {
// There is nothing to be done here; fail by returning null
return null;
public ContentValues toContentValues() {
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(AccountColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, mDisplayName);
values.put(AccountColumns.EMAIL_ADDRESS, mEmailAddress);
values.put(AccountColumns.SYNC_KEY, mSyncKey);
values.put(AccountColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK, mSyncLookback);
values.put(AccountColumns.SYNC_FREQUENCY, mSyncFrequency);
values.put(AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV, mHostAuthKeyRecv);
values.put(AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_SEND, mHostAuthKeySend);
values.put(AccountColumns.FLAGS, mFlags);
values.put(AccountColumns.IS_DEFAULT, mIsDefault ? 1 : 0);
values.put(AccountColumns.COMPATIBILITY_UUID, mCompatibilityUuid);
values.put(AccountColumns.SENDER_NAME, mSenderName);
values.put(AccountColumns.RINGTONE_URI, mRingtoneUri);
return values;
* TODO don't store these names in the account - just tag the folders
public String getDraftsFolderName(Context context) {
return context.getString(R.string.special_mailbox_name_drafts);
* TODO don't store these names in the account - just tag the folders
public String getSentFolderName(Context context) {
return context.getString(R.string.special_mailbox_name_sent);
* TODO don't store these names in the account - just tag the folders
public String getTrashFolderName(Context context) {
return context.getString(R.string.special_mailbox_name_trash);
* TODO don't store these names in the account - just tag the folders
public String getOutboxFolderName(Context context) {
return context.getString(R.string.special_mailbox_name_outbox);
* Supports Parcelable
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
* Supports Parcelable
public static final Parcelable.Creator<EmailContent.Account> CREATOR
= new Parcelable.Creator<EmailContent.Account>() {
public EmailContent.Account createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new EmailContent.Account(in);
public EmailContent.Account[] newArray(int size) {
return new EmailContent.Account[size];
* Supports Parcelable
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
// mBaseUri is not parceled
dest.writeByte(mIsDefault ? (byte)1 : (byte)0);
if (mHostAuthRecv != null) {
mHostAuthRecv.writeToParcel(dest, flags);
} else {
if (mHostAuthSend != null) {
mHostAuthSend.writeToParcel(dest, flags);
} else {
* Supports Parcelable
public Account(Parcel in) {
mBaseUri = EmailContent.Account.CONTENT_URI;
mId = in.readLong();
mDisplayName = in.readString();
mEmailAddress = in.readString();
mSyncKey = in.readString();
mSyncLookback = in.readInt();
mSyncFrequency = in.readInt();
mHostAuthKeyRecv = in.readLong();
mHostAuthKeySend = in.readLong();
mFlags = in.readInt();
mIsDefault = in.readByte() == 1;
mCompatibilityUuid = in.readString();
mSenderName = in.readString();
mRingtoneUri = in.readString();
mHostAuthRecv = null;
if (in.readByte() == 1) {
mHostAuthRecv = new EmailContent.HostAuth(in);
mHostAuthSend = null;
if (in.readByte() == 1) {
mHostAuthSend = new EmailContent.HostAuth(in);
* For debugger support only - DO NOT use for code.
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder('[');
if (mHostAuthRecv != null && mHostAuthRecv.mProtocol != null) {
if (mDisplayName != null) sb.append(mDisplayName);
if (mEmailAddress != null) sb.append(mEmailAddress);
if (mSenderName != null) sb.append(mSenderName);
return sb.toString();
public interface AttachmentColumns {
// The display name of the attachment
public static final String FILENAME = "fileName";
// The mime type of the attachment
public static final String MIME_TYPE = "mimeType";
// The size of the attachment in bytes
public static final String SIZE = "size";
// The (internal) contentId of the attachment (inline attachments will have these)
public static final String CONTENT_ID = "contentId";
// The location of the loaded attachment (probably a file)
public static final String CONTENT_URI = "contentUri";
// A foreign key into the Message table (the message owning this attachment)
public static final String MESSAGE_KEY = "messageKey";
// The location of the attachment on the server side
// For IMAP, this is a part number (e.g. 2.1); for EAS, it's the internal file name
public static final String LOCATION = "location";
// The transfer encoding of the attachment
public static final String ENCODING = "encoding";
public static final class Attachment extends EmailContent implements AttachmentColumns {
public static final String TABLE_NAME = "Attachment";
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse(EmailContent.CONTENT_URI + "/attachment");
public String mFileName;
public String mMimeType;
public long mSize;
public String mContentId;
public String mContentUri;
public long mMessageKey;
public String mLocation;
public String mEncoding;
public static final int CONTENT_ID_COLUMN = 0;
public static final int CONTENT_FILENAME_COLUMN = 1;
public static final int CONTENT_MIME_TYPE_COLUMN = 2;
public static final int CONTENT_SIZE_COLUMN = 3;
public static final int CONTENT_CONTENT_ID_COLUMN = 4;
public static final int CONTENT_CONTENT_URI_COLUMN = 5;
public static final int CONTENT_MESSAGE_ID_COLUMN = 6;
public static final int CONTENT_LOCATION_COLUMN = 7;
public static final int CONTENT_ENCODING_COLUMN = 8;
public static final String[] CONTENT_PROJECTION = new String[] {
RECORD_ID, AttachmentColumns.FILENAME, AttachmentColumns.MIME_TYPE,
AttachmentColumns.SIZE, AttachmentColumns.CONTENT_ID, AttachmentColumns.CONTENT_URI,
AttachmentColumns.MESSAGE_KEY, AttachmentColumns.LOCATION, AttachmentColumns.ENCODING
* no public constructor since this is a utility class
public Attachment() {
* Restore an Attachment from the database, given its unique id
* @param context
* @param id
* @return the instantiated Attachment
public static Attachment restoreAttachmentWithId (Context context, long id) {
Uri u = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Attachment.CONTENT_URI, id);
Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(u, Attachment.CONTENT_PROJECTION,
null, null, null);
try {
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
return getContent(c, Attachment.class);
} else {
return null;
} finally {
public EmailContent.Attachment restore(Cursor cursor) {
mBaseUri = EmailContent.Attachment.CONTENT_URI;
mFileName= cursor.getString(CONTENT_FILENAME_COLUMN);
mMimeType = cursor.getString(CONTENT_MIME_TYPE_COLUMN);
mSize = cursor.getLong(CONTENT_SIZE_COLUMN);
mContentId = cursor.getString(CONTENT_CONTENT_ID_COLUMN);
mContentUri = cursor.getString(CONTENT_CONTENT_URI_COLUMN);
mMessageKey = cursor.getLong(CONTENT_MESSAGE_ID_COLUMN);
mLocation = cursor.getString(CONTENT_LOCATION_COLUMN);
mEncoding = cursor.getString(CONTENT_ENCODING_COLUMN);
return this;
public ContentValues toContentValues() {
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(AttachmentColumns.FILENAME, mFileName);
values.put(AttachmentColumns.MIME_TYPE, mMimeType);
values.put(AttachmentColumns.SIZE, mSize);
values.put(AttachmentColumns.CONTENT_ID, mContentId);
values.put(AttachmentColumns.CONTENT_URI, mContentUri);
values.put(AttachmentColumns.MESSAGE_KEY, mMessageKey);
values.put(AttachmentColumns.LOCATION, mLocation);
values.put(AttachmentColumns.ENCODING, mEncoding);
return values;
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
// mBaseUri is not parceled
public Attachment(Parcel in) {
mBaseUri = EmailContent.Attachment.CONTENT_URI;
mId = in.readLong();
mFileName = in.readString();
mMimeType = in.readString();
mSize = in.readLong();
mContentId = in.readString();
mContentUri = in.readString();
mMessageKey = in.readLong();
mLocation = in.readString();
mEncoding = in.readString();
public static final Parcelable.Creator<EmailContent.Attachment> CREATOR
= new Parcelable.Creator<EmailContent.Attachment>() {
public EmailContent.Attachment createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new EmailContent.Attachment(in);
public EmailContent.Attachment[] newArray(int size) {
return new EmailContent.Attachment[size];
public interface MailboxColumns {
public static final String ID = "_id";
// The display name of this mailbox [INDEX]
static final String DISPLAY_NAME = "displayName";
// The server's identifier for this mailbox
public static final String SERVER_ID = "serverId";
// The server's identifier for the parent of this mailbox (null = top-level)
public static final String PARENT_SERVER_ID = "parentServerId";
// A foreign key to the Account that owns this mailbox
public static final String ACCOUNT_KEY = "accountKey";
// The type (role) of this mailbox
public static final String TYPE = "type";
// The hierarchy separator character
public static final String DELIMITER = "delimiter";
// Server-based sync key or validity marker (e.g. "SyncKey" for EAS, "uidvalidity" for IMAP)
public static final String SYNC_KEY = "syncKey";
// The sync lookback period for this mailbox (or null if using the account default)
public static final String SYNC_LOOKBACK = "syncLookback";
// The sync frequency for this mailbox (or null if using the account default)
public static final String SYNC_FREQUENCY = "syncFrequency";
// The time of last successful sync completion (millis)
public static final String SYNC_TIME = "syncTime";
// Cached unread count
public static final String UNREAD_COUNT = "unreadCount";
// Visibility of this folder in a list of folders [INDEX]
public static final String FLAG_VISIBLE = "flagVisible";
// Other states, as a bit field, e.g. CHILDREN_VISIBLE, HAS_CHILDREN
public static final String FLAGS = "flags";
// Backward compatible
public static final String VISIBLE_LIMIT = "visibleLimit";
public static final class Mailbox extends EmailContent implements SyncColumns, MailboxColumns {
public static final String TABLE_NAME = "Mailbox";
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse(EmailContent.CONTENT_URI + "/mailbox");
public String mDisplayName;
public String mServerId;
public String mParentServerId;
public long mAccountKey;
public int mType;
public int mDelimiter;
public String mSyncKey;
public int mSyncLookback;
public int mSyncFrequency;
public long mSyncTime;
public int mUnreadCount;
public boolean mFlagVisible = true;
public int mFlags;
public int mVisibleLimit;
public static final int CONTENT_ID_COLUMN = 0;
public static final int CONTENT_DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN = 1;
public static final int CONTENT_SERVER_ID_COLUMN = 2;
public static final int CONTENT_PARENT_SERVER_ID_COLUMN = 3;
public static final int CONTENT_ACCOUNT_KEY_COLUMN = 4;
public static final int CONTENT_TYPE_COLUMN = 5;
public static final int CONTENT_DELIMITER_COLUMN = 6;
public static final int CONTENT_SYNC_KEY_COLUMN = 7;
public static final int CONTENT_SYNC_LOOKBACK_COLUMN = 8;
public static final int CONTENT_SYNC_FREQUENCY_COLUMN = 9;
public static final int CONTENT_SYNC_TIME_COLUMN = 10;
public static final int CONTENT_UNREAD_COUNT_COLUMN = 11;
public static final int CONTENT_FLAG_VISIBLE_COLUMN = 12;
public static final int CONTENT_FLAGS_COLUMN = 13;
public static final int CONTENT_VISIBLE_LIMIT_COLUMN = 14;
public static final String[] CONTENT_PROJECTION = new String[] {
RECORD_ID, MailboxColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, MailboxColumns.SERVER_ID,
MailboxColumns.PARENT_SERVER_ID, MailboxColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY, MailboxColumns.TYPE,
MailboxColumns.DELIMITER, MailboxColumns.SYNC_KEY, MailboxColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK,
MailboxColumns.SYNC_FREQUENCY, MailboxColumns.SYNC_TIME,MailboxColumns.UNREAD_COUNT,
MailboxColumns.FLAG_VISIBLE, MailboxColumns.FLAGS, MailboxColumns.VISIBLE_LIMIT
* no public constructor since this is a utility class
public Mailbox() {
// Types of mailboxes. The list is ordered to match a typical UI presentation, e.g.
// placing the inbox at the top.
// The "main" mailbox for the account, almost always referred to as "Inbox"
public static final int TYPE_INBOX = 0;
// Types of mailboxes
// Holds mail (generic)
public static final int TYPE_MAIL = 1;
// Parent-only mailbox; holds no mail
public static final int TYPE_PARENT = 2;
// Holds drafts
public static final int TYPE_DRAFTS = 3;
// The local outbox associated with the Account
public static final int TYPE_OUTBOX = 4;
// Holds sent mail
public static final int TYPE_SENT = 5;
// Holds deleted mail
public static final int TYPE_TRASH = 6;
// Holds junk mail
public static final int TYPE_JUNK = 7;
// Bit field flags
public static final int FLAG_HAS_CHILDREN = 1<<0;
public static final int FLAG_CHILDREN_VISIBLE = 1<<1;
public static final int FLAG_CANT_PUSH = 1<<2;
* Restore a Mailbox from the database, given its unique id
* @param context
* @param id
* @return the instantiated Mailbox
public static Mailbox restoreMailboxWithId(Context context, long id) {
Uri u = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Mailbox.CONTENT_URI, id);
Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(u, Mailbox.CONTENT_PROJECTION,
null, null, null);
try {
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
return EmailContent.getContent(c, Mailbox.class);
} else {
return null;
} finally {
public EmailContent.Mailbox restore(Cursor cursor) {
mBaseUri = EmailContent.Mailbox.CONTENT_URI;
mDisplayName = cursor.getString(CONTENT_DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN);
mServerId = cursor.getString(CONTENT_SERVER_ID_COLUMN);
mParentServerId = cursor.getString(CONTENT_PARENT_SERVER_ID_COLUMN);
mAccountKey = cursor.getLong(CONTENT_ACCOUNT_KEY_COLUMN);
mType = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_TYPE_COLUMN);
mDelimiter = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_DELIMITER_COLUMN);
mSyncKey = cursor.getString(CONTENT_SYNC_KEY_COLUMN);
mSyncLookback = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_SYNC_LOOKBACK_COLUMN);
mSyncFrequency = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_SYNC_FREQUENCY_COLUMN);
mSyncTime = cursor.getLong(CONTENT_SYNC_TIME_COLUMN);
mUnreadCount = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_UNREAD_COUNT_COLUMN);
mFlagVisible = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_FLAG_VISIBLE_COLUMN) == 1;
mFlags = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_FLAGS_COLUMN);
mVisibleLimit = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_VISIBLE_LIMIT_COLUMN);
return this;
public ContentValues toContentValues() {
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(MailboxColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, mDisplayName);
values.put(MailboxColumns.SERVER_ID, mServerId);
values.put(MailboxColumns.PARENT_SERVER_ID, mParentServerId);
values.put(MailboxColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY, mAccountKey);
values.put(MailboxColumns.TYPE, mType);
values.put(MailboxColumns.DELIMITER, mDelimiter);
values.put(MailboxColumns.SYNC_KEY, mSyncKey);
values.put(MailboxColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK, mSyncLookback);
values.put(MailboxColumns.SYNC_FREQUENCY, mSyncFrequency);
values.put(MailboxColumns.SYNC_TIME, mSyncTime);
values.put(MailboxColumns.UNREAD_COUNT, mUnreadCount);
values.put(MailboxColumns.FLAG_VISIBLE, mFlagVisible);
values.put(MailboxColumns.FLAGS, mFlags);
values.put(MailboxColumns.VISIBLE_LIMIT, mVisibleLimit);
return values;
public interface HostAuthColumns {
public static final String ID = "_id";
// The protocol (e.g. "imap", "pop3", "eas", "smtp"
static final String PROTOCOL = "protocol";
// The host address
static final String ADDRESS = "address";
// The port to use for the connection
static final String PORT = "port";
// General purpose flags
static final String FLAGS = "flags";
// The login (user name)
static final String LOGIN = "login";
// Password
static final String PASSWORD = "password";
// A domain or path, if required (used in IMAP and EAS)
static final String DOMAIN = "domain";
// Foreign key of the Account this is attached to
static final String ACCOUNT_KEY = "accountKey";
public static final class HostAuth extends EmailContent implements HostAuthColumns, Parcelable {
public static final String TABLE_NAME = "HostAuth";
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse(EmailContent.CONTENT_URI + "/hostauth");
private static final int FLAG_SSL = 1;
private static final int FLAG_TLS = 2;
private static final int FLAG_AUTHENTICATE = 4;
public String mProtocol;
public String mAddress;
public int mPort;
public int mFlags;
public String mLogin;
public String mPassword;
public String mDomain;
public long mAccountKey;
public static final int CONTENT_ID_COLUMN = 0;
public static final int CONTENT_PROTOCOL_COLUMN = 1;
public static final int CONTENT_ADDRESS_COLUMN = 2;
public static final int CONTENT_PORT_COLUMN = 3;
public static final int CONTENT_FLAGS_COLUMN = 4;
public static final int CONTENT_LOGIN_COLUMN = 5;
public static final int CONTENT_PASSWORD_COLUMN = 6;
public static final int CONTENT_DOMAIN_COLUMN = 7;
public static final int CONTENT_ACCOUNT_KEY_COLUMN = 8;
public static final String[] CONTENT_PROJECTION = new String[] {
RECORD_ID, HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL, HostAuthColumns.ADDRESS, HostAuthColumns.PORT,
HostAuthColumns.FLAGS, HostAuthColumns.LOGIN,
HostAuthColumns.PASSWORD, HostAuthColumns.DOMAIN,
* no public constructor since this is a utility class
public HostAuth() {
// other defaults policy)
mPort = -1;
* Restore a HostAuth from the database, given its unique id
* @param context
* @param id
* @return the instantiated HostAuth
public static HostAuth restoreHostAuthWithId(Context context, long id) {
Uri u = ContentUris.withAppendedId(EmailContent.HostAuth.CONTENT_URI, id);
Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(u, HostAuth.CONTENT_PROJECTION,
null, null, null);
try {
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
return getContent(c, HostAuth.class);
} else {
return null;
} finally {
public EmailContent.HostAuth restore(Cursor cursor) {
mBaseUri = EmailContent.HostAuth.CONTENT_URI;
mProtocol = cursor.getString(CONTENT_PROTOCOL_COLUMN);
mAddress = cursor.getString(CONTENT_ADDRESS_COLUMN);
mPort = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_PORT_COLUMN);
mFlags = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_FLAGS_COLUMN);
mLogin = cursor.getString(CONTENT_LOGIN_COLUMN);
mPassword = cursor.getString(CONTENT_PASSWORD_COLUMN);
mDomain = cursor.getString(CONTENT_DOMAIN_COLUMN);
mAccountKey = cursor.getLong(CONTENT_ACCOUNT_KEY_COLUMN);
return this;
public ContentValues toContentValues() {
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL, mProtocol);
values.put(HostAuthColumns.ADDRESS, mAddress);
values.put(HostAuthColumns.PORT, mPort);
values.put(HostAuthColumns.FLAGS, mFlags);
values.put(HostAuthColumns.LOGIN, mLogin);
values.put(HostAuthColumns.PASSWORD, mPassword);
values.put(HostAuthColumns.DOMAIN, mDomain);
values.put(HostAuthColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY, mAccountKey);
return values;
* For compatibility while converting to provider model, generate a "store URI"
* TODO cache this so we don't rebuild every time
* @return a string in the form of a Uri, as used by the other parts of the email app
public String getStoreUri() {
String security = "";
if ((mFlags & FLAG_SSL) != 0) {
security = "+ssl+";
} else if ((mFlags & FLAG_TLS) != 0) {
security = "+tls+";
String userInfo = null;
if ((mFlags & FLAG_AUTHENTICATE) != 0) {
String trimUser = (mLogin != null) ? mLogin.trim() : "";
String trimPassword = (mPassword != null) ? mPassword.trim() : "";
userInfo = trimUser + ":" + trimPassword;
String address = (mAddress != null) ? mAddress.trim() : null;
String path = (mDomain != null) ? "/" + mDomain : null;
URI uri;
try {
uri = new URI(
mProtocol + security,
return uri.toString();
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return null;
* For compatibility while converting to provider model, set fields from a "store URI"
* @param uriString a String containing a Uri
public void setStoreUri(String uriString) {
try {
URI uri = new URI(uriString);
mLogin = null;
mPassword = null;
if (uri.getUserInfo() != null) {
String[] userInfoParts = uri.getUserInfo().split(":", 2);
mLogin = userInfoParts[0];
if (userInfoParts.length > 1) {
mPassword = userInfoParts[1];
String[] schemeParts = uri.getScheme().split("\\+");
mProtocol = (schemeParts.length >= 1) ? schemeParts[0] : null;
boolean ssl = false;
boolean tls = false;
if (schemeParts.length >= 2) {
if ("ssl".equals(schemeParts[1])) {
ssl = true;
} else if ("tls".equals(schemeParts[1])) {
tls = true;
mFlags &= ~(FLAG_SSL | FLAG_TLS);
if (ssl) {
mFlags |= FLAG_SSL;
if (tls) {
mFlags |= FLAG_TLS;
mAddress = uri.getHost();
mPort = uri.getPort();
if (mPort == -1) {
// infer port# from protocol + security
// SSL implies a different port - TLS runs in the "regular" port
if ("pop3".equals(mProtocol)) {
mPort = ssl ? 995 : 110;
} else if ("imap".equals(mProtocol)) {
mPort = ssl ? 993 : 143;
} else if ("eas".equals(mProtocol)) {
mPort = ssl ? 443 : 80;
} else if ("smtp".equals(mProtocol)) {
mPort = ssl ? 465 : 25;
if (uri.getPath() != null && uri.getPath().length() > 0) {
mDomain = uri.getPath().substring(1);
} catch (URISyntaxException use) {
* We should always be able to parse our own settings.
throw new Error(use);
* Supports Parcelable
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
* Supports Parcelable
public static final Parcelable.Creator<EmailContent.HostAuth> CREATOR
= new Parcelable.Creator<EmailContent.HostAuth>() {
public EmailContent.HostAuth createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new EmailContent.HostAuth(in);
public EmailContent.HostAuth[] newArray(int size) {
return new EmailContent.HostAuth[size];
* Supports Parcelable
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
// mBaseUri is not parceled
* Supports Parcelable
public HostAuth(Parcel in) {
mId = in.readLong();
mProtocol = in.readString();
mAddress = in.readString();
mPort = in.readInt();
mFlags = in.readInt();
mLogin = in.readString();
mPassword = in.readString();
mDomain = in.readString();
mAccountKey = in.readLong();
* For debugger support only - DO NOT use for code.
public String toString() {
return getStoreUri();