Mathias Agopian df37b62c62 SurfaceFlinger will now allocate buffers based on the usage specified by the clients. This allows to allocate the right kind of buffer automatically, without having the user to specify anything.
This change makes SurfaceHolder.setType(GPU) obsolete (it's now ignored).
Added an API to android_native_window_t to allow extending the functionality without ever breaking binary compatibility. This is used to implement the new set_usage() API. This API needs to be called by software renderers because the default is to use usage flags suitable for h/w.
2009-08-11 16:12:56 -07:00

237 lines
7.6 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <utils/threads.h>
#include <ui/ISurface.h>
#include <ui/PixelFormat.h>
#include <ui/Region.h>
#include <ui/ISurfaceFlingerClient.h>
#include <ui/egl/android_natives.h>
namespace android {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class BufferMapper;
class IOMX;
class Rect;
class Surface;
class SurfaceComposerClient;
struct per_client_cblk_t;
struct layer_cblk_t;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SurfaceControl : public RefBase
static bool isValid(const sp<SurfaceControl>& surface) {
return (surface != 0) && surface->isValid();
bool isValid() {
return mToken>=0 && mClient!=0;
static bool isSameSurface(
const sp<SurfaceControl>& lhs, const sp<SurfaceControl>& rhs);
SurfaceID ID() const { return mToken; }
uint32_t getFlags() const { return mFlags; }
uint32_t getIdentity() const { return mIdentity; }
// release surface data from java
void clear();
status_t setLayer(int32_t layer);
status_t setPosition(int32_t x, int32_t y);
status_t setSize(uint32_t w, uint32_t h);
status_t hide();
status_t show(int32_t layer = -1);
status_t freeze();
status_t unfreeze();
status_t setFlags(uint32_t flags, uint32_t mask);
status_t setTransparentRegionHint(const Region& transparent);
status_t setAlpha(float alpha=1.0f);
status_t setMatrix(float dsdx, float dtdx, float dsdy, float dtdy);
status_t setFreezeTint(uint32_t tint);
static status_t writeSurfaceToParcel(
const sp<SurfaceControl>& control, Parcel* parcel);
sp<Surface> getSurface() const;
// can't be copied
SurfaceControl& operator = (SurfaceControl& rhs);
SurfaceControl(const SurfaceControl& rhs);
friend class SurfaceComposerClient;
// camera and camcorder need access to the ISurface binder interface for preview
friend class Camera;
friend class MediaRecorder;
// mediaplayer needs access to ISurface for display
friend class MediaPlayer;
// for testing
friend class Test;
const sp<ISurface>& getISurface() const { return mSurface; }
friend class Surface;
const sp<SurfaceComposerClient>& client,
const sp<ISurface>& surface,
const ISurfaceFlingerClient::surface_data_t& data,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h, PixelFormat format, uint32_t flags);
status_t validate(per_client_cblk_t const* cblk) const;
void destroy();
sp<SurfaceComposerClient> mClient;
sp<ISurface> mSurface;
SurfaceID mToken;
uint32_t mIdentity;
uint32_t mWidth;
uint32_t mHeight;
PixelFormat mFormat;
uint32_t mFlags;
mutable Mutex mLock;
mutable sp<Surface> mSurfaceData;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Surface
: public EGLNativeBase<android_native_window_t, Surface, RefBase>
struct SurfaceInfo {
uint32_t w;
uint32_t h;
uint32_t s;
uint32_t usage;
PixelFormat format;
void* bits;
uint32_t reserved[2];
Surface(const Parcel& data);
static bool isValid(const sp<Surface>& surface) {
return (surface != 0) && surface->isValid();
bool isValid() {
return mToken>=0 && mClient!=0;
static bool isSameSurface(
const sp<Surface>& lhs, const sp<Surface>& rhs);
SurfaceID ID() const { return mToken; }
uint32_t getFlags() const { return mFlags; }
uint32_t getIdentity() const { return mIdentity; }
status_t lock(SurfaceInfo* info, bool blocking = true);
status_t lock(SurfaceInfo* info, Region* dirty, bool blocking = true);
status_t unlockAndPost();
// setSwapRectangle() is intended to be used by GL ES clients
void setSwapRectangle(const Rect& r);
// can't be copied
Surface& operator = (Surface& rhs);
Surface(const Surface& rhs);
Surface(const sp<SurfaceControl>& control);
void init();
friend class SurfaceComposerClient;
friend class SurfaceControl;
// camera and camcorder need access to the ISurface binder interface for preview
friend class Camera;
friend class MediaRecorder;
// mediaplayer needs access to ISurface for display
friend class MediaPlayer;
friend class Test;
friend class IOMX;
const sp<ISurface>& getISurface() const { return mSurface; }
status_t getBufferLocked(int index, int usage);
status_t validate(per_client_cblk_t const* cblk) const;
static void _send_dirty_region(layer_cblk_t* lcblk, const Region& dirty);
inline const BufferMapper& getBufferMapper() const { return mBufferMapper; }
inline BufferMapper& getBufferMapper() { return mBufferMapper; }
static int setSwapInterval(android_native_window_t* window, int interval);
static int dequeueBuffer(android_native_window_t* window, android_native_buffer_t** buffer);
static int lockBuffer(android_native_window_t* window, android_native_buffer_t* buffer);
static int queueBuffer(android_native_window_t* window, android_native_buffer_t* buffer);
static int query(android_native_window_t* window, int what, int* value);
static int perform(android_native_window_t* window, int operation, ...);
int dequeueBuffer(android_native_buffer_t** buffer);
int lockBuffer(android_native_buffer_t* buffer);
int queueBuffer(android_native_buffer_t* buffer);
int query(int what, int* value);
int perform(int operation, va_list args);
status_t dequeueBuffer(sp<SurfaceBuffer>* buffer);
status_t lockBuffer(const sp<SurfaceBuffer>& buffer);
status_t queueBuffer(const sp<SurfaceBuffer>& buffer);
alloc_device_t* mAllocDevice;
sp<SurfaceComposerClient> mClient;
sp<ISurface> mSurface;
sp<SurfaceBuffer> mBuffers[2];
sp<SurfaceBuffer> mLockedBuffer;
SurfaceID mToken;
uint32_t mIdentity;
uint32_t mWidth;
uint32_t mHeight;
uint32_t mUsage;
PixelFormat mFormat;
uint32_t mFlags;
mutable Region mDirtyRegion;
mutable Region mOldDirtyRegion;
mutable uint8_t mBackbufferIndex;
mutable Mutex mSurfaceLock;
Rect mSwapRectangle;
BufferMapper& mBufferMapper;
}; // namespace android