/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "AudioPolicyService" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AudioPolicyService.h" #include "AudioPolicyManagerGeneric.h" #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the sim build doesn't have gettid #ifndef HAVE_GETTID # define gettid getpid #endif namespace android { static bool checkPermission() { #ifndef HAVE_ANDROID_OS return true; #endif if (getpid() == IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid()) return true; bool ok = checkCallingPermission(String16("android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS")); if (!ok) LOGE("Request requires android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS"); return ok; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AudioPolicyService::AudioPolicyService() : BnAudioPolicyService() , mpPolicyManager(NULL) { char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; // start tone playback thread mTonePlaybacThread = new AudioCommandThread(); // start audio commands thread mAudioCommandThread = new AudioCommandThread(); #if (defined GENERIC_AUDIO) || (defined AUDIO_POLICY_TEST) mpPolicyManager = new AudioPolicyManagerGeneric(this); LOGV("build for GENERIC_AUDIO - using generic audio policy"); #else // if running in emulation - use the emulator driver if (property_get("ro.kernel.qemu", value, 0)) { LOGV("Running in emulation - using generic audio policy"); mpPolicyManager = new AudioPolicyManagerGeneric(this); } else { LOGV("Using hardware specific audio policy"); mpPolicyManager = createAudioPolicyManager(this); } #endif // load properties property_get("ro.camera.sound.forced", value, "0"); mpPolicyManager->setSystemProperty("ro.camera.sound.forced", value); } AudioPolicyService::~AudioPolicyService() { mTonePlaybacThread->exit(); mTonePlaybacThread.clear(); mAudioCommandThread->exit(); mAudioCommandThread.clear(); if (mpPolicyManager) { delete mpPolicyManager; } } status_t AudioPolicyService::setDeviceConnectionState(AudioSystem::audio_devices device, AudioSystem::device_connection_state state, const char *device_address) { if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) { return NO_INIT; } if (!checkPermission()) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } if (!AudioSystem::isOutputDevice(device) && !AudioSystem::isInputDevice(device)) { return BAD_VALUE; } if (state != AudioSystem::DEVICE_STATE_AVAILABLE && state != AudioSystem::DEVICE_STATE_UNAVAILABLE) { return BAD_VALUE; } LOGV("setDeviceConnectionState() tid %d", gettid()); Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); return mpPolicyManager->setDeviceConnectionState(device, state, device_address); } AudioSystem::device_connection_state AudioPolicyService::getDeviceConnectionState(AudioSystem::audio_devices device, const char *device_address) { if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) { return AudioSystem::DEVICE_STATE_UNAVAILABLE; } if (!checkPermission()) { return AudioSystem::DEVICE_STATE_UNAVAILABLE; } return mpPolicyManager->getDeviceConnectionState(device, device_address); } status_t AudioPolicyService::setPhoneState(int state) { if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) { return NO_INIT; } if (!checkPermission()) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } if (state < 0 || state >= AudioSystem::NUM_MODES) { return BAD_VALUE; } LOGV("setPhoneState() tid %d", gettid()); // TODO: check if it is more appropriate to do it in platform specific policy manager AudioSystem::setMode(state); Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); mpPolicyManager->setPhoneState(state); return NO_ERROR; } status_t AudioPolicyService::setRingerMode(uint32_t mode, uint32_t mask) { if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) { return NO_INIT; } if (!checkPermission()) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } mpPolicyManager->setRingerMode(mode, mask); return NO_ERROR; } status_t AudioPolicyService::setForceUse(AudioSystem::force_use usage, AudioSystem::forced_config config) { if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) { return NO_INIT; } if (!checkPermission()) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } if (usage < 0 || usage >= AudioSystem::NUM_FORCE_USE) { return BAD_VALUE; } if (config < 0 || config >= AudioSystem::NUM_FORCE_CONFIG) { return BAD_VALUE; } LOGV("setForceUse() tid %d", gettid()); Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); mpPolicyManager->setForceUse(usage, config); return NO_ERROR; } AudioSystem::forced_config AudioPolicyService::getForceUse(AudioSystem::force_use usage) { if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) { return AudioSystem::FORCE_NONE; } if (!checkPermission()) { return AudioSystem::FORCE_NONE; } if (usage < 0 || usage >= AudioSystem::NUM_FORCE_USE) { return AudioSystem::FORCE_NONE; } return mpPolicyManager->getForceUse(usage); } audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyService::getOutput(AudioSystem::stream_type stream, uint32_t samplingRate, uint32_t format, uint32_t channels, AudioSystem::output_flags flags) { if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) { return NULL; } LOGV("getOutput() tid %d", gettid()); Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); return mpPolicyManager->getOutput(stream, samplingRate, format, channels, flags); } status_t AudioPolicyService::startOutput(audio_io_handle_t output, AudioSystem::stream_type stream) { if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) { return NO_INIT; } LOGV("startOutput() tid %d", gettid()); Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); return mpPolicyManager->startOutput(output, stream); } status_t AudioPolicyService::stopOutput(audio_io_handle_t output, AudioSystem::stream_type stream) { if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) { return NO_INIT; } LOGV("stopOutput() tid %d", gettid()); Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); return mpPolicyManager->stopOutput(output, stream); } void AudioPolicyService::releaseOutput(audio_io_handle_t output) { if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) { return; } LOGV("releaseOutput() tid %d", gettid()); Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); mpPolicyManager->releaseOutput(output); } audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyService::getInput(int inputSource, uint32_t samplingRate, uint32_t format, uint32_t channels, AudioSystem::audio_in_acoustics acoustics) { if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) { return NULL; } Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); return mpPolicyManager->getInput(inputSource, samplingRate, format, channels, acoustics); } status_t AudioPolicyService::startInput(audio_io_handle_t input) { if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) { return NO_INIT; } Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); return mpPolicyManager->startInput(input); } status_t AudioPolicyService::stopInput(audio_io_handle_t input) { if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) { return NO_INIT; } Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); return mpPolicyManager->stopInput(input); } void AudioPolicyService::releaseInput(audio_io_handle_t input) { if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) { return; } Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); mpPolicyManager->releaseInput(input); } status_t AudioPolicyService::initStreamVolume(AudioSystem::stream_type stream, int indexMin, int indexMax) { if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) { return NO_INIT; } if (!checkPermission()) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } if (stream < 0 || stream >= AudioSystem::NUM_STREAM_TYPES) { return BAD_VALUE; } mpPolicyManager->initStreamVolume(stream, indexMin, indexMax); return NO_ERROR; } status_t AudioPolicyService::setStreamVolumeIndex(AudioSystem::stream_type stream, int index) { if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) { return NO_INIT; } if (!checkPermission()) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } if (stream < 0 || stream >= AudioSystem::NUM_STREAM_TYPES) { return BAD_VALUE; } return mpPolicyManager->setStreamVolumeIndex(stream, index); } status_t AudioPolicyService::getStreamVolumeIndex(AudioSystem::stream_type stream, int *index) { if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) { return NO_INIT; } if (!checkPermission()) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } if (stream < 0 || stream >= AudioSystem::NUM_STREAM_TYPES) { return BAD_VALUE; } return mpPolicyManager->getStreamVolumeIndex(stream, index); } void AudioPolicyService::binderDied(const wp& who) { LOGW("binderDied() %p, tid %d, calling tid %d", who.unsafe_get(), gettid(), IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid()); } status_t AudioPolicyService::dump(int fd, const Vector& args) { if (checkCallingPermission(String16("android.permission.DUMP")) == false) { dumpPermissionDenial(fd, args); } else { } return NO_ERROR; } status_t AudioPolicyService::dumpPermissionDenial(int fd, const Vector& args) { const size_t SIZE = 256; char buffer[SIZE]; String8 result; snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "Permission Denial: " "can't dump AudioPolicyService from pid=%d, uid=%d\n", IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid(), IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingUid()); result.append(buffer); write(fd, result.string(), result.size()); return NO_ERROR; } status_t AudioPolicyService::onTransact( uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags) { return BnAudioPolicyService::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AudioPolicyService::instantiate() { defaultServiceManager()->addService( String16("media.audio_policy"), new AudioPolicyService()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AudioPolicyClientInterface implementation // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyService::openOutput(uint32_t *pDevices, uint32_t *pSamplingRate, uint32_t *pFormat, uint32_t *pChannels, uint32_t *pLatencyMs, AudioSystem::output_flags flags) { sp af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger(); if (af == 0) { LOGW("openOutput() could not get AudioFlinger"); return NULL; } return af->openOutput(pDevices, pSamplingRate, (uint32_t *)pFormat, pChannels, pLatencyMs, flags); } audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyService::openDuplicateOutput(audio_io_handle_t output1, audio_io_handle_t output2) { sp af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger(); if (af == 0) { LOGW("openDuplicateOutput() could not get AudioFlinger"); return NULL; } return af->openDuplicateOutput(output1, output2); } status_t AudioPolicyService::closeOutput(audio_io_handle_t output) { sp af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger(); if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED; return af->closeOutput(output); } status_t AudioPolicyService::suspendOutput(audio_io_handle_t output) { sp af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger(); if (af == 0) { LOGW("suspendOutput() could not get AudioFlinger"); return PERMISSION_DENIED; } return af->suspendOutput(output); } status_t AudioPolicyService::restoreOutput(audio_io_handle_t output) { sp af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger(); if (af == 0) { LOGW("restoreOutput() could not get AudioFlinger"); return PERMISSION_DENIED; } return af->restoreOutput(output); } audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyService::openInput(uint32_t *pDevices, uint32_t *pSamplingRate, uint32_t *pFormat, uint32_t *pChannels, uint32_t acoustics) { sp af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger(); if (af == 0) { LOGW("openInput() could not get AudioFlinger"); return NULL; } return af->openInput(pDevices, pSamplingRate, (uint32_t *)pFormat, pChannels, acoustics); } status_t AudioPolicyService::closeInput(audio_io_handle_t input) { sp af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger(); if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED; return af->closeInput(input); } status_t AudioPolicyService::setStreamVolume(AudioSystem::stream_type stream, float volume, audio_io_handle_t output) { return mAudioCommandThread->volumeCommand((int)stream, volume, (void *)output); } status_t AudioPolicyService::setStreamOutput(AudioSystem::stream_type stream, audio_io_handle_t output) { sp af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger(); if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED; return af->setStreamOutput(stream, output); } void AudioPolicyService::setParameters(audio_io_handle_t ioHandle, const String8& keyValuePairs) { mAudioCommandThread->parametersCommand((void *)ioHandle, keyValuePairs); } String8 AudioPolicyService::getParameters(audio_io_handle_t ioHandle, const String8& keys) { String8 result = AudioSystem::getParameters(ioHandle, keys); return result; } status_t AudioPolicyService::startTone(ToneGenerator::tone_type tone, AudioSystem::stream_type stream) { mTonePlaybacThread->startToneCommand(tone, stream); return NO_ERROR; } status_t AudioPolicyService::stopTone() { mTonePlaybacThread->stopToneCommand(); return NO_ERROR; } // ----------- AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread implementation ---------- AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::AudioCommandThread() : Thread(false) { mpToneGenerator = NULL; } AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::~AudioCommandThread() { mAudioCommands.clear(); if (mpToneGenerator != NULL) delete mpToneGenerator; } void AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::onFirstRef() { const size_t SIZE = 256; char buffer[SIZE]; snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "AudioCommandThread"); run(buffer, ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO); } bool AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::threadLoop() { mLock.lock(); while (!exitPending()) { while(!mAudioCommands.isEmpty()) { AudioCommand *command = mAudioCommands[0]; mAudioCommands.removeAt(0); switch (command->mCommand) { case START_TONE: { mLock.unlock(); ToneData *data = (ToneData *)command->mParam; LOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing start tone %d on stream %d", data->mType, data->mStream); if (mpToneGenerator != NULL) delete mpToneGenerator; mpToneGenerator = new ToneGenerator(data->mStream, 1.0); mpToneGenerator->startTone(data->mType); delete data; mLock.lock(); }break; case STOP_TONE: { mLock.unlock(); LOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing stop tone"); if (mpToneGenerator != NULL) { mpToneGenerator->stopTone(); delete mpToneGenerator; mpToneGenerator = NULL; } mLock.lock(); }break; case SET_VOLUME: { VolumeData *data = (VolumeData *)command->mParam; LOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing set volume stream %d, volume %f, output %p", data->mStream, data->mVolume, data->mIO); mCommandStatus = AudioSystem::setStreamVolume(data->mStream, data->mVolume, data->mIO); mCommandCond.signal(); mWaitWorkCV.wait(mLock); delete data; }break; case SET_PARAMETERS: { ParametersData *data = (ParametersData *)command->mParam; LOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing set parameters string %s, io %p", data->mKeyValuePairs.string(), data->mIO); mCommandStatus = AudioSystem::setParameters(data->mIO, data->mKeyValuePairs); mCommandCond.signal(); mWaitWorkCV.wait(mLock); delete data; }break; default: LOGW("AudioCommandThread() unknown command %d", command->mCommand); } delete command; } LOGV("AudioCommandThread() going to sleep"); mWaitWorkCV.wait(mLock); LOGV("AudioCommandThread() waking up"); } mLock.unlock(); return false; } void AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::startToneCommand(int type, int stream) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); AudioCommand *command = new AudioCommand(); command->mCommand = START_TONE; ToneData *data = new ToneData(); data->mType = type; data->mStream = stream; command->mParam = (void *)data; mAudioCommands.add(command); LOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding tone start type %d, stream %d", type, stream); mWaitWorkCV.signal(); } void AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::stopToneCommand() { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); AudioCommand *command = new AudioCommand(); command->mCommand = STOP_TONE; command->mParam = NULL; mAudioCommands.add(command); LOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding tone stop"); mWaitWorkCV.signal(); } status_t AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::volumeCommand(int stream, float volume, void *output) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); AudioCommand *command = new AudioCommand(); command->mCommand = SET_VOLUME; VolumeData *data = new VolumeData(); data->mStream = stream; data->mVolume = volume; data->mIO = output; command->mParam = data; mAudioCommands.add(command); LOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding set volume stream %d, volume %f, output %p", stream, volume, output); mWaitWorkCV.signal(); mCommandCond.wait(mLock); status_t status = mCommandStatus; mWaitWorkCV.signal(); return status; } status_t AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::parametersCommand(void *ioHandle, const String8& keyValuePairs) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); AudioCommand *command = new AudioCommand(); command->mCommand = SET_PARAMETERS; ParametersData *data = new ParametersData(); data->mIO = ioHandle; data->mKeyValuePairs = keyValuePairs; command->mParam = data; mAudioCommands.add(command); LOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding set parameter string %s, io %p", keyValuePairs.string(), ioHandle); mWaitWorkCV.signal(); mCommandCond.wait(mLock); status_t status = mCommandStatus; mWaitWorkCV.signal(); return status; } void AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::exit() { LOGV("AudioCommandThread::exit"); { AutoMutex _l(mLock); requestExit(); mWaitWorkCV.signal(); } requestExitAndWait(); } }; // namespace android