/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef _UI_INPUT_H #define _UI_INPUT_H /** * Native input event structures. */ #include #include #include /* * Additional private constants not defined in ndk/ui/input.h. */ enum { /* * Private control to determine when an app is tracking a key sequence. */ KEY_EVENT_FLAG_START_TRACKING = 0x40000000 }; /* * Maximum number of pointers supported per motion event. */ #define MAX_POINTERS 10 /* * Declare a concrete type for the NDK's input event forward declaration. */ struct AInputEvent { }; namespace android { /* * A raw event as retrieved from the EventHub. */ struct RawEvent { nsecs_t when; int32_t deviceId; int32_t type; int32_t scanCode; int32_t keyCode; int32_t value; uint32_t flags; }; /* * Flags that flow alongside events in the input dispatch system to help with certain * policy decisions such as waking from device sleep. */ enum { /* These flags originate in RawEvents and are generally set in the key map. */ POLICY_FLAG_WAKE = 0x00000001, POLICY_FLAG_WAKE_DROPPED = 0x00000002, POLICY_FLAG_SHIFT = 0x00000004, POLICY_FLAG_CAPS_LOCK = 0x00000008, POLICY_FLAG_ALT = 0x00000010, POLICY_FLAG_ALT_GR = 0x00000020, POLICY_FLAG_MENU = 0x00000040, POLICY_FLAG_LAUNCHER = 0x00000080, POLICY_FLAG_RAW_MASK = 0x0000ffff, /* These flags are set by the input reader policy as it intercepts each event. */ // Indicates that the screen was off when the event was received and the event // should wake the device. POLICY_FLAG_WOKE_HERE = 0x10000000, // Indicates that the screen was dim when the event was received and the event // should brighten the device. POLICY_FLAG_BRIGHT_HERE = 0x20000000, }; /* * Describes the basic configuration of input devices that are present. */ struct InputConfiguration { enum { TOUCHSCREEN_UNDEFINED = 0, TOUCHSCREEN_NOTOUCH = 1, TOUCHSCREEN_STYLUS = 2, TOUCHSCREEN_FINGER = 3 }; enum { KEYBOARD_UNDEFINED = 0, KEYBOARD_NOKEYS = 1, KEYBOARD_QWERTY = 2, KEYBOARD_12KEY = 3 }; enum { NAVIGATION_UNDEFINED = 0, NAVIGATION_NONAV = 1, NAVIGATION_DPAD = 2, NAVIGATION_TRACKBALL = 3, NAVIGATION_WHEEL = 4 }; int32_t touchScreen; int32_t keyboard; int32_t navigation; }; /* * Pointer coordinate data. */ struct PointerCoords { float x; float y; float pressure; float size; }; /* * Input events. */ class InputEvent : public AInputEvent { public: virtual ~InputEvent() { } virtual int32_t getType() const = 0; inline int32_t getDeviceId() const { return mDeviceId; } inline int32_t getNature() const { return mNature; } protected: void initialize(int32_t deviceId, int32_t nature); private: int32_t mDeviceId; int32_t mNature; }; /* * Key events. */ class KeyEvent : public InputEvent { public: virtual ~KeyEvent() { } virtual int32_t getType() const { return INPUT_EVENT_TYPE_KEY; } inline int32_t getAction() const { return mAction; } inline int32_t getFlags() const { return mFlags; } inline int32_t getKeyCode() const { return mKeyCode; } inline int32_t getScanCode() const { return mScanCode; } inline int32_t getMetaState() const { return mMetaState; } inline int32_t getRepeatCount() const { return mRepeatCount; } inline nsecs_t getDownTime() const { return mDownTime; } inline nsecs_t getEventTime() const { return mEventTime; } // Return true if this event may have a default action implementation. static bool hasDefaultAction(int32_t keyCode); bool hasDefaultAction() const; // Return true if this event represents a system key. static bool isSystemKey(int32_t keyCode); bool isSystemKey() const; void initialize( int32_t deviceId, int32_t nature, int32_t action, int32_t flags, int32_t keyCode, int32_t scanCode, int32_t metaState, int32_t repeatCount, nsecs_t downTime, nsecs_t eventTime); private: int32_t mAction; int32_t mFlags; int32_t mKeyCode; int32_t mScanCode; int32_t mMetaState; int32_t mRepeatCount; nsecs_t mDownTime; nsecs_t mEventTime; }; /* * Motion events. */ class MotionEvent : public InputEvent { public: virtual ~MotionEvent() { } virtual int32_t getType() const { return INPUT_EVENT_TYPE_MOTION; } inline int32_t getAction() const { return mAction; } inline int32_t getEdgeFlags() const { return mEdgeFlags; } inline int32_t getMetaState() const { return mMetaState; } inline float getXOffset() const { return mXOffset; } inline float getYOffset() const { return mYOffset; } inline float getXPrecision() const { return mXPrecision; } inline float getYPrecision() const { return mYPrecision; } inline nsecs_t getDownTime() const { return mDownTime; } inline size_t getPointerCount() const { return mPointerIds.size(); } inline int32_t getPointerId(size_t pointerIndex) const { return mPointerIds[pointerIndex]; } inline nsecs_t getEventTime() const { return mSampleEventTimes[getHistorySize()]; } inline float getRawX(size_t pointerIndex) const { return getCurrentPointerCoords(pointerIndex).x; } inline float getRawY(size_t pointerIndex) const { return getCurrentPointerCoords(pointerIndex).y; } inline float getX(size_t pointerIndex) const { return getRawX(pointerIndex) + mXOffset; } inline float getY(size_t pointerIndex) const { return getRawY(pointerIndex) + mYOffset; } inline float getPressure(size_t pointerIndex) const { return getCurrentPointerCoords(pointerIndex).pressure; } inline float getSize(size_t pointerIndex) const { return getCurrentPointerCoords(pointerIndex).size; } inline size_t getHistorySize() const { return mSampleEventTimes.size() - 1; } inline nsecs_t getHistoricalEventTime(size_t historicalIndex) const { return mSampleEventTimes[historicalIndex]; } inline float getHistoricalRawX(size_t pointerIndex, size_t historicalIndex) const { return getHistoricalPointerCoords(pointerIndex, historicalIndex).x; } inline float getHistoricalRawY(size_t pointerIndex, size_t historicalIndex) const { return getHistoricalPointerCoords(pointerIndex, historicalIndex).y; } inline float getHistoricalX(size_t pointerIndex, size_t historicalIndex) const { return getHistoricalRawX(pointerIndex, historicalIndex) + mXOffset; } inline float getHistoricalY(size_t pointerIndex, size_t historicalIndex) const { return getHistoricalRawY(pointerIndex, historicalIndex) + mYOffset; } inline float getHistoricalPressure(size_t pointerIndex, size_t historicalIndex) const { return getHistoricalPointerCoords(pointerIndex, historicalIndex).pressure; } inline float getHistoricalSize(size_t pointerIndex, size_t historicalIndex) const { return getHistoricalPointerCoords(pointerIndex, historicalIndex).size; } void initialize( int32_t deviceId, int32_t nature, int32_t action, int32_t edgeFlags, int32_t metaState, float xOffset, float yOffset, float xPrecision, float yPrecision, nsecs_t downTime, nsecs_t eventTime, size_t pointerCount, const int32_t* pointerIds, const PointerCoords* pointerCoords); void addSample( nsecs_t eventTime, const PointerCoords* pointerCoords); void offsetLocation(float xOffset, float yOffset); // Low-level accessors. inline const int32_t* getPointerIds() const { return mPointerIds.array(); } inline const nsecs_t* getSampleEventTimes() const { return mSampleEventTimes.array(); } inline const PointerCoords* getSamplePointerCoords() const { return mSamplePointerCoords.array(); } private: int32_t mAction; int32_t mEdgeFlags; int32_t mMetaState; float mXOffset; float mYOffset; float mXPrecision; float mYPrecision; nsecs_t mDownTime; Vector mPointerIds; Vector mSampleEventTimes; Vector mSamplePointerCoords; inline const PointerCoords& getCurrentPointerCoords(size_t pointerIndex) const { return mSamplePointerCoords[getHistorySize() * getPointerCount() + pointerIndex]; } inline const PointerCoords& getHistoricalPointerCoords( size_t pointerIndex, size_t historicalIndex) const { return mSamplePointerCoords[historicalIndex * getPointerCount() + pointerIndex]; } }; /* * Input event factory. */ class InputEventFactoryInterface { protected: virtual ~InputEventFactoryInterface() { } public: InputEventFactoryInterface() { } virtual KeyEvent* createKeyEvent() = 0; virtual MotionEvent* createMotionEvent() = 0; }; /* * A simple input event factory implementation that uses a single preallocated instance * of each type of input event that are reused for each request. */ class PreallocatedInputEventFactory : public InputEventFactoryInterface { public: PreallocatedInputEventFactory() { } virtual ~PreallocatedInputEventFactory() { } virtual KeyEvent* createKeyEvent() { return & mKeyEvent; } virtual MotionEvent* createMotionEvent() { return & mMotionEvent; } private: KeyEvent mKeyEvent; MotionEvent mMotionEvent; }; } // namespace android #endif // _UI_INPUT_H