/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * Copyright (C) 2008 HTC Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_HARDWARE_CAMERA_H #define ANDROID_HARDWARE_CAMERA_H #include namespace android { /* * A set of bit masks for specifying how the received frames from preview are * handled before the frame callback call. * * The least significant 3 bits of an "int" value are used for this purpose: * * ..... 0 0 0 * ^ ^ ^ * | | |---------> determine whether the callback is enabled or not * | |-----------> determine whether the callback is one-shot or not * |-------------> determine whether the frame is copied out or not * * For instance, * 1. 0x00 disables the callback. In this case, copy out and one shot bits * are ignored. * 2. 0x01 enables a callback without copying out the recievied frames. A * typical use case is the Camcorder application to avoid making costly * frame copies. * 3. 0x05 is enabling a callback with frame copied out repeatedly. A typical * use case is the Camera application. * 4. 0x07 is enabling a callback with frame copied out only once. A typical use * case is the Barcode scanner application. */ #define FRAME_CALLBACK_FLAG_ENABLE_MASK 0x01 #define FRAME_CALLBACK_FLAG_ONE_SHOT_MASK 0x02 #define FRAME_CALLBACK_FLAG_COPY_OUT_MASK 0x04 // Typical use cases #define FRAME_CALLBACK_FLAG_NOOP 0x00 #define FRAME_CALLBACK_FLAG_CAMCORDER 0x01 #define FRAME_CALLBACK_FLAG_CAMERA 0x05 #define FRAME_CALLBACK_FLAG_BARCODE_SCANNER 0x07 class ICameraService; class ICamera; class Surface; class Mutex; class String8; typedef void (*shutter_callback)(void *cookie); typedef void (*frame_callback)(const sp& mem, void *cookie); typedef void (*autofocus_callback)(bool focused, void *cookie); typedef void (*error_callback)(status_t err, void *cookie); class Camera : public BnCameraClient, public IBinder::DeathRecipient { public: // construct a camera client from an existing remote Camera(const sp& camera); static sp connect(); ~Camera(); void init(); status_t reconnect(); void disconnect(); status_t getStatus() { return mStatus; } // pass the buffered ISurface to the camera service status_t setPreviewDisplay(const sp& surface); status_t setPreviewDisplay(const sp& surface); // start preview mode, must call setPreviewDisplay first status_t startPreview(); // stop preview mode void stopPreview(); // autoFocus - status returned from callback status_t autoFocus(); // take a picture - picture returned from callback status_t takePicture(); // set preview/capture parameters - key/value pairs status_t setParameters(const String8& params); // get preview/capture parameters - key/value pairs String8 getParameters() const; void setShutterCallback(shutter_callback cb, void *cookie); void setRawCallback(frame_callback cb, void *cookie); void setJpegCallback(frame_callback cb, void *cookie); void setFrameCallback(frame_callback cb, void *cookie, int frame_callback_flag = FRAME_CALLBACK_FLAG_NOOP); void setErrorCallback(error_callback cb, void *cookie); void setAutoFocusCallback(autofocus_callback cb, void *cookie); // ICameraClient interface virtual void shutterCallback(); virtual void rawCallback(const sp& picture); virtual void jpegCallback(const sp& picture); virtual void frameCallback(const sp& frame); virtual void errorCallback(status_t error); virtual void autoFocusCallback(bool focused); sp remote(); private: Camera(); virtual void binderDied(const wp& who); class DeathNotifier: public IBinder::DeathRecipient { public: DeathNotifier() { } virtual void binderDied(const wp& who); }; static sp mDeathNotifier; // helper function to obtain camera service handle static const sp& getCameraService(); sp mCamera; status_t mStatus; shutter_callback mShutterCallback; void *mShutterCallbackCookie; frame_callback mRawCallback; void *mRawCallbackCookie; frame_callback mJpegCallback; void *mJpegCallbackCookie; frame_callback mFrameCallback; void *mFrameCallbackCookie; error_callback mErrorCallback; void *mErrorCallbackCookie; autofocus_callback mAutoFocusCallback; void *mAutoFocusCallbackCookie; friend class DeathNotifier; static Mutex mLock; static sp mCameraService; }; }; // namespace android #endif