#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2011, The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import os import sys externs = [] def generate_caller(lines): i = 0 output = "" skipFunctions = [] for line in lines: if line.find("API_ENTRY(") >= 0: # a function prototype returnType = line[0: line.find(" API_ENTRY(")] functionName = line[line.find("(") + 1: line.find(")")] #extract GL function name parameterList = line[line.find(")(") + 2: line.find(") {")] #if line.find("*") >= 0: # extern = "%s Debug_%s(%s);" % (returnType, functionName, parameterList) # externs.append(extern) # continue if functionName in skipFunctions: sys.stderr.write("!\n! skipping function '%s'\n!\n" % functionName) continue output += "\ case glesv2debugger::Message_Function_%s:\n" % functionName parameters = parameterList.split(',') paramIndex = 0 if line.find("*") >= 0 and (line.find("*") < line.find(":") or line.find("*") > line.rfind(":")): # unannotated pointer # add function to list of functions that should be hand written, but generate code anyways externs.append(functionName) output += "\ ret = GenerateCall_%s(dbg, cmd, msg, prevRet);\n\ break;\n" % (functionName) continue elif line.find(":out") >= 0 or line.find(":inout") >= 0: externs.append(functionName) output += "\ ret = GenerateCall_%s(dbg, cmd, msg, prevRet);\n\ break; // annotated output pointers\n" % (functionName) continue if parameterList == "void": parameters = [] arguments = "" paramNames = [] inout = "" getData = "" callerMembers = "" for parameter in parameters: const = parameter.find("const") parameter = parameter.replace("const", "") parameter = parameter.strip() paramType = parameter.split(' ')[0] paramName = parameter.split(' ')[1] annotation = "" if parameter.find(":") >= 0: # has annotation assert inout == "" # only one parameter should be annotated sys.stderr.write("%s is annotated: %s \n" % (functionName, paramType)) inout = paramType.split(":")[2] annotation = paramType.split(":")[1] paramType = paramType.split(":")[0] count = 1 countArg = "" if annotation.find("*") >= 0: # [1,n] * param count = int(annotation.split("*")[0]) countArg = annotation.split("*")[1] assert countArg in paramNames elif annotation in paramNames: count = 1 countArg = annotation elif annotation == "GLstring": annotation = "strlen(%s)" % (paramName) else: count = int(annotation) paramType += "*" arguments += "reinterpret_cast<%s>(const_cast(cmd.data().data()))" % (paramType) elif paramType == "GLboolean": arguments += "GLboolean(cmd.arg%d())" % (paramIndex) else: arguments += "static_cast<%s>(cmd.arg%d())" % (paramType, paramIndex) if paramIndex < len(parameters) - 1: arguments += ", " if len(arguments) - arguments.rfind("\n") > 60 : arguments += "\n\ " if const >= 0: paramType = "const " + paramType paramNames.append(paramName) paramIndex += 1 if returnType == "void": output += "\ dbg->hooks->gl.%s(\n\ %s);\n\ break;\n" % (functionName, arguments) else: output += "\ msg.set_ret(static_cast(dbg->hooks->gl.%s(\n\ %s)));\n\ if (cmd.has_ret())\n\ ret = reinterpret_cast(msg.ret());\n\ break;\n" % (functionName, arguments) return output if __name__ == "__main__": lines = open("gl2_api_annotated.in").readlines() output = generate_caller(lines) out = open("src/caller.cpp", "w") out.write("""\ /* ** Copyright 2011, The Android Open Source Project ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ // auto generated by generate_caller_cpp.py // implement declarations in caller.h #include "header.h" namespace android { """) for extern in externs: out.write("\ static const int * GenerateCall_%s(DbgContext * const dbg,\n\ const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet);\n" % (extern)) print("\ static const int * GenerateCall_%s(DbgContext * const dbg,\n\ const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd,\n\ glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet)\n\ { assert(0); return prevRet; }\n" % (extern)) out.write( """ #include "caller.h" const int * GenerateCall(DbgContext * const dbg, const glesv2debugger::Message & cmd, glesv2debugger::Message & msg, const int * const prevRet) { LOGD("GenerateCall function=%u", cmd.function()); const int * ret = prevRet; // only some functions have return value nsecs_t c0 = systemTime(timeMode); switch (cmd.function()) {""") out.write(output) out.write("""\ default: assert(0); } msg.set_time((systemTime(timeMode) - c0) * 1e-6f); msg.set_context_id(reinterpret_cast(dbg)); msg.set_function(cmd.function()); msg.set_type(glesv2debugger::Message_Type_AfterCall); return ret; } }; // name space android { """)