/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_SURFACE_COMPOSER_CLIENT_H #define ANDROID_SURFACE_COMPOSER_CLIENT_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Region; class SurfaceFlingerSynchro; struct per_client_cblk_t; struct layer_cblk_t; class SurfaceComposerClient : virtual public RefBase { public: SurfaceComposerClient(); virtual ~SurfaceComposerClient(); // Always make sure we could initialize status_t initCheck() const; // Return the connection of this client sp connection() const; // Retrieve a client for an existing connection. static sp clientForConnection(const sp& conn); // Forcibly remove connection before all references have gone away. void dispose(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // surface creation / destruction //! Create a surface sp createSurface( int pid, //!< pid of the process the surfacec is for DisplayID display, //!< Display to create this surface on uint32_t w, //!< width in pixel uint32_t h, //!< height in pixel PixelFormat format, //!< pixel-format desired uint32_t flags = 0 //!< usage flags ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Composer parameters // All composer parameters must be changed within a transaction // several surfaces can be updated in one transaction, all changes are // committed at once when the transaction is closed. // CloseTransaction() usually requires an IPC with the server. //! Open a composer transaction status_t openTransaction(); //! commit the transaction status_t closeTransaction(); //! Open a composer transaction on all active SurfaceComposerClients. static void openGlobalTransaction(); //! Close a composer transaction on all active SurfaceComposerClients. static void closeGlobalTransaction(); //! Freeze the specified display but not transactions. static status_t freezeDisplay(DisplayID dpy, uint32_t flags = 0); //! Resume updates on the specified display. static status_t unfreezeDisplay(DisplayID dpy, uint32_t flags = 0); //! Set the orientation of the given display static int setOrientation(DisplayID dpy, int orientation); // Query the number of displays static ssize_t getNumberOfDisplays(); // Get information about a display static status_t getDisplayInfo(DisplayID dpy, DisplayInfo* info); static ssize_t getDisplayWidth(DisplayID dpy); static ssize_t getDisplayHeight(DisplayID dpy); static ssize_t getDisplayOrientation(DisplayID dpy); private: friend class Surface; SurfaceComposerClient(const sp& sm, const sp& conn); status_t hide(Surface* surface); status_t show(Surface* surface, int32_t layer = -1); status_t freeze(Surface* surface); status_t unfreeze(Surface* surface); status_t setFlags(Surface* surface, uint32_t flags, uint32_t mask); status_t setTransparentRegionHint(Surface* surface, const Region& transparent); status_t setLayer(Surface* surface, int32_t layer); status_t setAlpha(Surface* surface, float alpha=1.0f); status_t setFreezeTint(Surface* surface, uint32_t tint); status_t setMatrix(Surface* surface, float dsdx, float dtdx, float dsdy, float dtdy); status_t setPosition(Surface* surface, int32_t x, int32_t y); status_t setSize(Surface* surface, uint32_t w, uint32_t h); //! Unlock the surface, and specify the dirty region if any status_t unlockAndPostSurface(Surface* surface); status_t unlockSurface(Surface* surface); status_t lockSurface(Surface* surface, Surface::SurfaceInfo* info, Region* dirty, bool blocking = true); status_t nextBuffer(Surface* surface, Surface::SurfaceInfo* info); status_t destroySurface(SurfaceID sid); void _init(const sp& sm, const sp& conn); void _signal_server(); static void _send_dirty_region(layer_cblk_t* lcblk, const Region& dirty); inline layer_state_t* _get_state_l(const sp& surface); layer_state_t* _lockLayerState(const sp& surface); inline void _unlockLayerState(); status_t validateSurface( per_client_cblk_t const* cblk, Surface const * surface); void pinHeap(const sp& heap); mutable Mutex mLock; layer_state_t* mPrebuiltLayerState; SortedVector mStates; int32_t mTransactionOpen; // these don't need to be protected because they never change // after assignment status_t mStatus; per_client_cblk_t* mControl; sp mControlMemory; sp mClient; sp mSurfaceHeap; uint8_t* mSurfaceHeapBase; void* mGL; SurfaceFlingerSynchro* mSignalServer; }; }; // namespace android #endif // ANDROID_SURFACE_COMPOSER_CLIENT_H