// // Copyright 2010 The Android Open Source Project // // The input reader. // #define LOG_TAG "InputReader" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 // Log debug messages for each raw event received from the EventHub. #define DEBUG_RAW_EVENTS 0 // Log debug messages about touch screen filtering hacks. #define DEBUG_HACKS 0 // Log debug messages about virtual key processing. #define DEBUG_VIRTUAL_KEYS 0 // Log debug messages about pointers. #define DEBUG_POINTERS 0 // Log debug messages about pointer assignment calculations. #define DEBUG_POINTER_ASSIGNMENT 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { // --- Static Functions --- template inline static T abs(const T& value) { return value < 0 ? - value : value; } template inline static T min(const T& a, const T& b) { return a < b ? a : b; } template inline static void swap(T& a, T& b) { T temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } int32_t updateMetaState(int32_t keyCode, bool down, int32_t oldMetaState) { int32_t mask; switch (keyCode) { case AKEYCODE_ALT_LEFT: mask = AMETA_ALT_LEFT_ON; break; case AKEYCODE_ALT_RIGHT: mask = AMETA_ALT_RIGHT_ON; break; case AKEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT: mask = AMETA_SHIFT_LEFT_ON; break; case AKEYCODE_SHIFT_RIGHT: mask = AMETA_SHIFT_RIGHT_ON; break; case AKEYCODE_SYM: mask = AMETA_SYM_ON; break; default: return oldMetaState; } int32_t newMetaState = down ? oldMetaState | mask : oldMetaState & ~ mask & ~ (AMETA_ALT_ON | AMETA_SHIFT_ON); if (newMetaState & (AMETA_ALT_LEFT_ON | AMETA_ALT_RIGHT_ON)) { newMetaState |= AMETA_ALT_ON; } if (newMetaState & (AMETA_SHIFT_LEFT_ON | AMETA_SHIFT_RIGHT_ON)) { newMetaState |= AMETA_SHIFT_ON; } return newMetaState; } static const int32_t keyCodeRotationMap[][4] = { // key codes enumerated counter-clockwise with the original (unrotated) key first // no rotation, 90 degree rotation, 180 degree rotation, 270 degree rotation { AKEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN, AKEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT, AKEYCODE_DPAD_UP, AKEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT }, { AKEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT, AKEYCODE_DPAD_UP, AKEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT, AKEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN }, { AKEYCODE_DPAD_UP, AKEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT, AKEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN, AKEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT }, { AKEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT, AKEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN, AKEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT, AKEYCODE_DPAD_UP }, }; static const int keyCodeRotationMapSize = sizeof(keyCodeRotationMap) / sizeof(keyCodeRotationMap[0]); int32_t rotateKeyCode(int32_t keyCode, int32_t orientation) { if (orientation != InputReaderPolicyInterface::ROTATION_0) { for (int i = 0; i < keyCodeRotationMapSize; i++) { if (keyCode == keyCodeRotationMap[i][0]) { return keyCodeRotationMap[i][orientation]; } } } return keyCode; } static inline bool sourcesMatchMask(uint32_t sources, uint32_t sourceMask) { return (sources & sourceMask & ~ AINPUT_SOURCE_CLASS_MASK) != 0; } // --- InputReader --- InputReader::InputReader(const sp& eventHub, const sp& policy, const sp& dispatcher) : mEventHub(eventHub), mPolicy(policy), mDispatcher(dispatcher), mGlobalMetaState(0) { configureExcludedDevices(); updateGlobalMetaState(); updateInputConfiguration(); } InputReader::~InputReader() { for (size_t i = 0; i < mDevices.size(); i++) { delete mDevices.valueAt(i); } } void InputReader::loopOnce() { RawEvent rawEvent; mEventHub->getEvent(& rawEvent); #if DEBUG_RAW_EVENTS LOGD("Input event: device=0x%x type=0x%x scancode=%d keycode=%d value=%d", rawEvent.deviceId, rawEvent.type, rawEvent.scanCode, rawEvent.keyCode, rawEvent.value); #endif process(& rawEvent); } void InputReader::process(const RawEvent* rawEvent) { switch (rawEvent->type) { case EventHubInterface::DEVICE_ADDED: addDevice(rawEvent->when, rawEvent->deviceId); break; case EventHubInterface::DEVICE_REMOVED: removeDevice(rawEvent->when, rawEvent->deviceId); break; default: consumeEvent(rawEvent); break; } } void InputReader::addDevice(nsecs_t when, int32_t deviceId) { String8 name = mEventHub->getDeviceName(deviceId); uint32_t classes = mEventHub->getDeviceClasses(deviceId); InputDevice* device = createDevice(deviceId, name, classes); device->configure(); bool added = false; { // acquire device registry writer lock RWLock::AutoWLock _wl(mDeviceRegistryLock); ssize_t deviceIndex = mDevices.indexOfKey(deviceId); if (deviceIndex < 0) { mDevices.add(deviceId, device); added = true; } } // release device registry writer lock if (! added) { LOGW("Ignoring spurious device added event for deviceId %d.", deviceId); delete device; return; } if (device->isIgnored()) { LOGI("Device added: id=0x%x, name=%s (ignored non-input device)", deviceId, name.string()); } else { LOGI("Device added: id=0x%x, name=%s, sources=%08x", deviceId, name.string(), device->getSources()); } handleConfigurationChanged(when); } void InputReader::removeDevice(nsecs_t when, int32_t deviceId) { bool removed = false; InputDevice* device = NULL; { // acquire device registry writer lock RWLock::AutoWLock _wl(mDeviceRegistryLock); ssize_t deviceIndex = mDevices.indexOfKey(deviceId); if (deviceIndex >= 0) { device = mDevices.valueAt(deviceIndex); mDevices.removeItemsAt(deviceIndex, 1); removed = true; } } // release device registry writer lock if (! removed) { LOGW("Ignoring spurious device removed event for deviceId %d.", deviceId); return; } device->reset(); if (device->isIgnored()) { LOGI("Device removed: id=0x%x, name=%s (ignored non-input device)", device->getId(), device->getName().string()); } else { LOGI("Device removed: id=0x%x, name=%s, sources=%08x", device->getId(), device->getName().string(), device->getSources()); } delete device; handleConfigurationChanged(when); } InputDevice* InputReader::createDevice(int32_t deviceId, const String8& name, uint32_t classes) { InputDevice* device = new InputDevice(this, deviceId, name); const int32_t associatedDisplayId = 0; // FIXME: hardcoded for current single-display devices // Switch-like devices. if (classes & INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_SWITCH) { device->addMapper(new SwitchInputMapper(device)); } // Keyboard-like devices. uint32_t keyboardSources = 0; int32_t keyboardType = AINPUT_KEYBOARD_TYPE_NON_ALPHABETIC; if (classes & INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_KEYBOARD) { keyboardSources |= AINPUT_SOURCE_KEYBOARD; } if (classes & INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_ALPHAKEY) { keyboardType = AINPUT_KEYBOARD_TYPE_ALPHABETIC; } if (classes & INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_DPAD) { keyboardSources |= AINPUT_SOURCE_DPAD; } if (classes & INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_GAMEPAD) { keyboardSources |= AINPUT_SOURCE_GAMEPAD; } if (keyboardSources != 0) { device->addMapper(new KeyboardInputMapper(device, associatedDisplayId, keyboardSources, keyboardType)); } // Trackball-like devices. if (classes & INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_TRACKBALL) { device->addMapper(new TrackballInputMapper(device, associatedDisplayId)); } // Touchscreen-like devices. if (classes & INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_TOUCHSCREEN_MT) { device->addMapper(new MultiTouchInputMapper(device, associatedDisplayId)); } else if (classes & INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_TOUCHSCREEN) { device->addMapper(new SingleTouchInputMapper(device, associatedDisplayId)); } return device; } void InputReader::consumeEvent(const RawEvent* rawEvent) { int32_t deviceId = rawEvent->deviceId; { // acquire device registry reader lock RWLock::AutoRLock _rl(mDeviceRegistryLock); ssize_t deviceIndex = mDevices.indexOfKey(deviceId); if (deviceIndex < 0) { LOGW("Discarding event for unknown deviceId %d.", deviceId); return; } InputDevice* device = mDevices.valueAt(deviceIndex); if (device->isIgnored()) { //LOGD("Discarding event for ignored deviceId %d.", deviceId); return; } device->process(rawEvent); } // release device registry reader lock } void InputReader::handleConfigurationChanged(nsecs_t when) { // Reset global meta state because it depends on the list of all configured devices. updateGlobalMetaState(); // Update input configuration. updateInputConfiguration(); // Enqueue configuration changed. mDispatcher->notifyConfigurationChanged(when); } void InputReader::configureExcludedDevices() { Vector excludedDeviceNames; mPolicy->getExcludedDeviceNames(excludedDeviceNames); for (size_t i = 0; i < excludedDeviceNames.size(); i++) { mEventHub->addExcludedDevice(excludedDeviceNames[i]); } } void InputReader::updateGlobalMetaState() { { // acquire state lock AutoMutex _l(mStateLock); mGlobalMetaState = 0; { // acquire device registry reader lock RWLock::AutoRLock _rl(mDeviceRegistryLock); for (size_t i = 0; i < mDevices.size(); i++) { InputDevice* device = mDevices.valueAt(i); mGlobalMetaState |= device->getMetaState(); } } // release device registry reader lock } // release state lock } int32_t InputReader::getGlobalMetaState() { { // acquire state lock AutoMutex _l(mStateLock); return mGlobalMetaState; } // release state lock } void InputReader::updateInputConfiguration() { { // acquire state lock AutoMutex _l(mStateLock); int32_t touchScreenConfig = InputConfiguration::TOUCHSCREEN_NOTOUCH; int32_t keyboardConfig = InputConfiguration::KEYBOARD_NOKEYS; int32_t navigationConfig = InputConfiguration::NAVIGATION_NONAV; { // acquire device registry reader lock RWLock::AutoRLock _rl(mDeviceRegistryLock); InputDeviceInfo deviceInfo; for (size_t i = 0; i < mDevices.size(); i++) { InputDevice* device = mDevices.valueAt(i); device->getDeviceInfo(& deviceInfo); uint32_t sources = deviceInfo.getSources(); if ((sources & AINPUT_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN) == AINPUT_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN) { touchScreenConfig = InputConfiguration::TOUCHSCREEN_FINGER; } if ((sources & AINPUT_SOURCE_TRACKBALL) == AINPUT_SOURCE_TRACKBALL) { navigationConfig = InputConfiguration::NAVIGATION_TRACKBALL; } else if ((sources & AINPUT_SOURCE_DPAD) == AINPUT_SOURCE_DPAD) { navigationConfig = InputConfiguration::NAVIGATION_DPAD; } if (deviceInfo.getKeyboardType() == AINPUT_KEYBOARD_TYPE_ALPHABETIC) { keyboardConfig = InputConfiguration::KEYBOARD_QWERTY; } } } // release device registry reader lock mInputConfiguration.touchScreen = touchScreenConfig; mInputConfiguration.keyboard = keyboardConfig; mInputConfiguration.navigation = navigationConfig; } // release state lock } void InputReader::getInputConfiguration(InputConfiguration* outConfiguration) { { // acquire state lock AutoMutex _l(mStateLock); *outConfiguration = mInputConfiguration; } // release state lock } status_t InputReader::getInputDeviceInfo(int32_t deviceId, InputDeviceInfo* outDeviceInfo) { { // acquire device registry reader lock RWLock::AutoRLock _rl(mDeviceRegistryLock); ssize_t deviceIndex = mDevices.indexOfKey(deviceId); if (deviceIndex < 0) { return NAME_NOT_FOUND; } InputDevice* device = mDevices.valueAt(deviceIndex); if (device->isIgnored()) { return NAME_NOT_FOUND; } device->getDeviceInfo(outDeviceInfo); return OK; } // release device registy reader lock } void InputReader::getInputDeviceIds(Vector& outDeviceIds) { outDeviceIds.clear(); { // acquire device registry reader lock RWLock::AutoRLock _rl(mDeviceRegistryLock); size_t numDevices = mDevices.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) { InputDevice* device = mDevices.valueAt(i); if (! device->isIgnored()) { outDeviceIds.add(device->getId()); } } } // release device registy reader lock } int32_t InputReader::getKeyCodeState(int32_t deviceId, uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t keyCode) { return getState(deviceId, sourceMask, keyCode, & InputDevice::getKeyCodeState); } int32_t InputReader::getScanCodeState(int32_t deviceId, uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t scanCode) { return getState(deviceId, sourceMask, scanCode, & InputDevice::getScanCodeState); } int32_t InputReader::getSwitchState(int32_t deviceId, uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t switchCode) { return getState(deviceId, sourceMask, switchCode, & InputDevice::getSwitchState); } int32_t InputReader::getState(int32_t deviceId, uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t code, GetStateFunc getStateFunc) { { // acquire device registry reader lock RWLock::AutoRLock _rl(mDeviceRegistryLock); int32_t result = AKEY_STATE_UNKNOWN; if (deviceId >= 0) { ssize_t deviceIndex = mDevices.indexOfKey(deviceId); if (deviceIndex >= 0) { InputDevice* device = mDevices.valueAt(deviceIndex); if (! device->isIgnored() && sourcesMatchMask(device->getSources(), sourceMask)) { result = (device->*getStateFunc)(sourceMask, code); } } } else { size_t numDevices = mDevices.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) { InputDevice* device = mDevices.valueAt(i); if (! device->isIgnored() && sourcesMatchMask(device->getSources(), sourceMask)) { result = (device->*getStateFunc)(sourceMask, code); if (result >= AKEY_STATE_DOWN) { return result; } } } } return result; } // release device registy reader lock } bool InputReader::hasKeys(int32_t deviceId, uint32_t sourceMask, size_t numCodes, const int32_t* keyCodes, uint8_t* outFlags) { memset(outFlags, 0, numCodes); return markSupportedKeyCodes(deviceId, sourceMask, numCodes, keyCodes, outFlags); } bool InputReader::markSupportedKeyCodes(int32_t deviceId, uint32_t sourceMask, size_t numCodes, const int32_t* keyCodes, uint8_t* outFlags) { { // acquire device registry reader lock RWLock::AutoRLock _rl(mDeviceRegistryLock); bool result = false; if (deviceId >= 0) { ssize_t deviceIndex = mDevices.indexOfKey(deviceId); if (deviceIndex >= 0) { InputDevice* device = mDevices.valueAt(deviceIndex); if (! device->isIgnored() && sourcesMatchMask(device->getSources(), sourceMask)) { result = device->markSupportedKeyCodes(sourceMask, numCodes, keyCodes, outFlags); } } } else { size_t numDevices = mDevices.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) { InputDevice* device = mDevices.valueAt(i); if (! device->isIgnored() && sourcesMatchMask(device->getSources(), sourceMask)) { result |= device->markSupportedKeyCodes(sourceMask, numCodes, keyCodes, outFlags); } } } return result; } // release device registy reader lock } // --- InputReaderThread --- InputReaderThread::InputReaderThread(const sp& reader) : Thread(/*canCallJava*/ true), mReader(reader) { } InputReaderThread::~InputReaderThread() { } bool InputReaderThread::threadLoop() { mReader->loopOnce(); return true; } // --- InputDevice --- InputDevice::InputDevice(InputReaderContext* context, int32_t id, const String8& name) : mContext(context), mId(id), mName(name), mSources(0) { } InputDevice::~InputDevice() { size_t numMappers = mMappers.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numMappers; i++) { delete mMappers[i]; } mMappers.clear(); } void InputDevice::addMapper(InputMapper* mapper) { mMappers.add(mapper); } void InputDevice::configure() { mSources = 0; size_t numMappers = mMappers.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numMappers; i++) { InputMapper* mapper = mMappers[i]; mapper->configure(); mSources |= mapper->getSources(); } } void InputDevice::reset() { size_t numMappers = mMappers.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numMappers; i++) { InputMapper* mapper = mMappers[i]; mapper->reset(); } } void InputDevice::process(const RawEvent* rawEvent) { size_t numMappers = mMappers.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numMappers; i++) { InputMapper* mapper = mMappers[i]; mapper->process(rawEvent); } } void InputDevice::getDeviceInfo(InputDeviceInfo* outDeviceInfo) { outDeviceInfo->initialize(mId, mName); size_t numMappers = mMappers.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numMappers; i++) { InputMapper* mapper = mMappers[i]; mapper->populateDeviceInfo(outDeviceInfo); } } int32_t InputDevice::getKeyCodeState(uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t keyCode) { return getState(sourceMask, keyCode, & InputMapper::getKeyCodeState); } int32_t InputDevice::getScanCodeState(uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t scanCode) { return getState(sourceMask, scanCode, & InputMapper::getScanCodeState); } int32_t InputDevice::getSwitchState(uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t switchCode) { return getState(sourceMask, switchCode, & InputMapper::getSwitchState); } int32_t InputDevice::getState(uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t code, GetStateFunc getStateFunc) { int32_t result = AKEY_STATE_UNKNOWN; size_t numMappers = mMappers.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numMappers; i++) { InputMapper* mapper = mMappers[i]; if (sourcesMatchMask(mapper->getSources(), sourceMask)) { result = (mapper->*getStateFunc)(sourceMask, code); if (result >= AKEY_STATE_DOWN) { return result; } } } return result; } bool InputDevice::markSupportedKeyCodes(uint32_t sourceMask, size_t numCodes, const int32_t* keyCodes, uint8_t* outFlags) { bool result = false; size_t numMappers = mMappers.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numMappers; i++) { InputMapper* mapper = mMappers[i]; if (sourcesMatchMask(mapper->getSources(), sourceMask)) { result |= mapper->markSupportedKeyCodes(sourceMask, numCodes, keyCodes, outFlags); } } return result; } int32_t InputDevice::getMetaState() { int32_t result = 0; size_t numMappers = mMappers.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numMappers; i++) { InputMapper* mapper = mMappers[i]; result |= mapper->getMetaState(); } return result; } // --- InputMapper --- InputMapper::InputMapper(InputDevice* device) : mDevice(device), mContext(device->getContext()) { } InputMapper::~InputMapper() { } void InputMapper::populateDeviceInfo(InputDeviceInfo* info) { info->addSource(getSources()); } void InputMapper::configure() { } void InputMapper::reset() { } int32_t InputMapper::getKeyCodeState(uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t keyCode) { return AKEY_STATE_UNKNOWN; } int32_t InputMapper::getScanCodeState(uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t scanCode) { return AKEY_STATE_UNKNOWN; } int32_t InputMapper::getSwitchState(uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t switchCode) { return AKEY_STATE_UNKNOWN; } bool InputMapper::markSupportedKeyCodes(uint32_t sourceMask, size_t numCodes, const int32_t* keyCodes, uint8_t* outFlags) { return false; } int32_t InputMapper::getMetaState() { return 0; } bool InputMapper::applyStandardPolicyActions(nsecs_t when, int32_t policyActions) { if (policyActions & InputReaderPolicyInterface::ACTION_APP_SWITCH_COMING) { getDispatcher()->notifyAppSwitchComing(when); } return policyActions & InputReaderPolicyInterface::ACTION_DISPATCH; } // --- SwitchInputMapper --- SwitchInputMapper::SwitchInputMapper(InputDevice* device) : InputMapper(device) { } SwitchInputMapper::~SwitchInputMapper() { } uint32_t SwitchInputMapper::getSources() { return 0; } void SwitchInputMapper::process(const RawEvent* rawEvent) { switch (rawEvent->type) { case EV_SW: processSwitch(rawEvent->when, rawEvent->scanCode, rawEvent->value); break; } } void SwitchInputMapper::processSwitch(nsecs_t when, int32_t switchCode, int32_t switchValue) { uint32_t policyFlags = 0; int32_t policyActions = getPolicy()->interceptSwitch( when, switchCode, switchValue, policyFlags); applyStandardPolicyActions(when, policyActions); } int32_t SwitchInputMapper::getSwitchState(uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t switchCode) { return getEventHub()->getSwitchState(getDeviceId(), switchCode); } // --- KeyboardInputMapper --- KeyboardInputMapper::KeyboardInputMapper(InputDevice* device, int32_t associatedDisplayId, uint32_t sources, int32_t keyboardType) : InputMapper(device), mAssociatedDisplayId(associatedDisplayId), mSources(sources), mKeyboardType(keyboardType) { initializeLocked(); } KeyboardInputMapper::~KeyboardInputMapper() { } void KeyboardInputMapper::initializeLocked() { mLocked.metaState = AMETA_NONE; mLocked.downTime = 0; } uint32_t KeyboardInputMapper::getSources() { return mSources; } void KeyboardInputMapper::populateDeviceInfo(InputDeviceInfo* info) { InputMapper::populateDeviceInfo(info); info->setKeyboardType(mKeyboardType); } void KeyboardInputMapper::reset() { for (;;) { int32_t keyCode, scanCode; { // acquire lock AutoMutex _l(mLock); // Synthesize key up event on reset if keys are currently down. if (mLocked.keyDowns.isEmpty()) { initializeLocked(); break; // done } const KeyDown& keyDown = mLocked.keyDowns.top(); keyCode = keyDown.keyCode; scanCode = keyDown.scanCode; } // release lock nsecs_t when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); processKey(when, false, keyCode, scanCode, 0); } InputMapper::reset(); getContext()->updateGlobalMetaState(); } void KeyboardInputMapper::process(const RawEvent* rawEvent) { switch (rawEvent->type) { case EV_KEY: { int32_t scanCode = rawEvent->scanCode; if (isKeyboardOrGamepadKey(scanCode)) { processKey(rawEvent->when, rawEvent->value != 0, rawEvent->keyCode, scanCode, rawEvent->flags); } break; } } } bool KeyboardInputMapper::isKeyboardOrGamepadKey(int32_t scanCode) { return scanCode < BTN_MOUSE || scanCode >= KEY_OK || (scanCode >= BTN_GAMEPAD && scanCode < BTN_DIGI); } void KeyboardInputMapper::processKey(nsecs_t when, bool down, int32_t keyCode, int32_t scanCode, uint32_t policyFlags) { int32_t newMetaState; nsecs_t downTime; bool metaStateChanged = false; { // acquire lock AutoMutex _l(mLock); if (down) { // Rotate key codes according to orientation if needed. // Note: getDisplayInfo is non-reentrant so we can continue holding the lock. if (mAssociatedDisplayId >= 0) { int32_t orientation; if (! getPolicy()->getDisplayInfo(mAssociatedDisplayId, NULL, NULL, & orientation)) { return; } keyCode = rotateKeyCode(keyCode, orientation); } // Add key down. ssize_t keyDownIndex = findKeyDownLocked(scanCode); if (keyDownIndex >= 0) { // key repeat, be sure to use same keycode as before in case of rotation keyCode = mLocked.keyDowns.top().keyCode; } else { // key down mLocked.keyDowns.push(); KeyDown& keyDown = mLocked.keyDowns.editTop(); keyDown.keyCode = keyCode; keyDown.scanCode = scanCode; } mLocked.downTime = when; } else { // Remove key down. ssize_t keyDownIndex = findKeyDownLocked(scanCode); if (keyDownIndex >= 0) { // key up, be sure to use same keycode as before in case of rotation keyCode = mLocked.keyDowns.top().keyCode; mLocked.keyDowns.removeAt(size_t(keyDownIndex)); } else { // key was not actually down LOGI("Dropping key up from device %s because the key was not down. " "keyCode=%d, scanCode=%d", getDeviceName().string(), keyCode, scanCode); return; } } int32_t oldMetaState = mLocked.metaState; newMetaState = updateMetaState(keyCode, down, oldMetaState); if (oldMetaState != newMetaState) { mLocked.metaState = newMetaState; metaStateChanged = true; } downTime = mLocked.downTime; } // release lock if (metaStateChanged) { getContext()->updateGlobalMetaState(); } applyPolicyAndDispatch(when, policyFlags, down, keyCode, scanCode, newMetaState, downTime); } void KeyboardInputMapper::applyPolicyAndDispatch(nsecs_t when, uint32_t policyFlags, bool down, int32_t keyCode, int32_t scanCode, int32_t metaState, nsecs_t downTime) { int32_t policyActions = getPolicy()->interceptKey(when, getDeviceId(), down, keyCode, scanCode, policyFlags); if (! applyStandardPolicyActions(when, policyActions)) { return; // event dropped } int32_t keyEventAction = down ? AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN : AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_UP; int32_t keyEventFlags = AKEY_EVENT_FLAG_FROM_SYSTEM; if (policyFlags & POLICY_FLAG_WOKE_HERE) { keyEventFlags = keyEventFlags | AKEY_EVENT_FLAG_WOKE_HERE; } getDispatcher()->notifyKey(when, getDeviceId(), AINPUT_SOURCE_KEYBOARD, policyFlags, keyEventAction, keyEventFlags, keyCode, scanCode, metaState, downTime); } ssize_t KeyboardInputMapper::findKeyDownLocked(int32_t scanCode) { size_t n = mLocked.keyDowns.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (mLocked.keyDowns[i].scanCode == scanCode) { return i; } } return -1; } int32_t KeyboardInputMapper::getKeyCodeState(uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t keyCode) { return getEventHub()->getKeyCodeState(getDeviceId(), keyCode); } int32_t KeyboardInputMapper::getScanCodeState(uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t scanCode) { return getEventHub()->getScanCodeState(getDeviceId(), scanCode); } bool KeyboardInputMapper::markSupportedKeyCodes(uint32_t sourceMask, size_t numCodes, const int32_t* keyCodes, uint8_t* outFlags) { return getEventHub()->markSupportedKeyCodes(getDeviceId(), numCodes, keyCodes, outFlags); } int32_t KeyboardInputMapper::getMetaState() { { // acquire lock AutoMutex _l(mLock); return mLocked.metaState; } // release lock } // --- TrackballInputMapper --- TrackballInputMapper::TrackballInputMapper(InputDevice* device, int32_t associatedDisplayId) : InputMapper(device), mAssociatedDisplayId(associatedDisplayId) { mXPrecision = TRACKBALL_MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD; mYPrecision = TRACKBALL_MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD; mXScale = 1.0f / TRACKBALL_MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD; mYScale = 1.0f / TRACKBALL_MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD; initializeLocked(); } TrackballInputMapper::~TrackballInputMapper() { } uint32_t TrackballInputMapper::getSources() { return AINPUT_SOURCE_TRACKBALL; } void TrackballInputMapper::populateDeviceInfo(InputDeviceInfo* info) { InputMapper::populateDeviceInfo(info); info->addMotionRange(AINPUT_MOTION_RANGE_X, -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, mXScale); info->addMotionRange(AINPUT_MOTION_RANGE_Y, -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, mYScale); } void TrackballInputMapper::initializeLocked() { mAccumulator.clear(); mLocked.down = false; mLocked.downTime = 0; } void TrackballInputMapper::reset() { for (;;) { { // acquire lock AutoMutex _l(mLock); if (! mLocked.down) { initializeLocked(); break; // done } } // release lock // Synthesize trackball button up event on reset. nsecs_t when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); mAccumulator.fields = Accumulator::FIELD_BTN_MOUSE; mAccumulator.btnMouse = false; sync(when); mAccumulator.clear(); } InputMapper::reset(); } void TrackballInputMapper::process(const RawEvent* rawEvent) { switch (rawEvent->type) { case EV_KEY: switch (rawEvent->scanCode) { case BTN_MOUSE: mAccumulator.fields |= Accumulator::FIELD_BTN_MOUSE; mAccumulator.btnMouse = rawEvent->value != 0; sync(rawEvent->when); mAccumulator.clear(); break; } break; case EV_REL: switch (rawEvent->scanCode) { case REL_X: mAccumulator.fields |= Accumulator::FIELD_REL_X; mAccumulator.relX = rawEvent->value; break; case REL_Y: mAccumulator.fields |= Accumulator::FIELD_REL_Y; mAccumulator.relY = rawEvent->value; break; } break; case EV_SYN: switch (rawEvent->scanCode) { case SYN_REPORT: if (mAccumulator.isDirty()) { sync(rawEvent->when); mAccumulator.clear(); } break; } break; } } void TrackballInputMapper::sync(nsecs_t when) { int motionEventAction; PointerCoords pointerCoords; nsecs_t downTime; { // acquire lock AutoMutex _l(mLock); uint32_t fields = mAccumulator.fields; bool downChanged = fields & Accumulator::FIELD_BTN_MOUSE; if (downChanged) { if (mAccumulator.btnMouse) { mLocked.down = true; mLocked.downTime = when; } else { mLocked.down = false; } } downTime = mLocked.downTime; float x = fields & Accumulator::FIELD_REL_X ? mAccumulator.relX * mXScale : 0.0f; float y = fields & Accumulator::FIELD_REL_Y ? mAccumulator.relY * mYScale : 0.0f; if (downChanged) { motionEventAction = mLocked.down ? AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN : AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_UP; } else { motionEventAction = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MOVE; } pointerCoords.x = x; pointerCoords.y = y; pointerCoords.pressure = mLocked.down ? 1.0f : 0.0f; pointerCoords.size = 0; pointerCoords.touchMajor = 0; pointerCoords.touchMinor = 0; pointerCoords.toolMajor = 0; pointerCoords.toolMinor = 0; pointerCoords.orientation = 0; if (mAssociatedDisplayId >= 0 && (x != 0.0f || y != 0.0f)) { // Rotate motion based on display orientation if needed. // Note: getDisplayInfo is non-reentrant so we can continue holding the lock. int32_t orientation; if (! getPolicy()->getDisplayInfo(mAssociatedDisplayId, NULL, NULL, & orientation)) { return; } float temp; switch (orientation) { case InputReaderPolicyInterface::ROTATION_90: temp = pointerCoords.x; pointerCoords.x = pointerCoords.y; pointerCoords.y = - temp; break; case InputReaderPolicyInterface::ROTATION_180: pointerCoords.x = - pointerCoords.x; pointerCoords.y = - pointerCoords.y; break; case InputReaderPolicyInterface::ROTATION_270: temp = pointerCoords.x; pointerCoords.x = - pointerCoords.y; pointerCoords.y = temp; break; } } } // release lock applyPolicyAndDispatch(when, motionEventAction, & pointerCoords, downTime); } void TrackballInputMapper::applyPolicyAndDispatch(nsecs_t when, int32_t motionEventAction, PointerCoords* pointerCoords, nsecs_t downTime) { uint32_t policyFlags = 0; int32_t policyActions = getPolicy()->interceptGeneric(when, policyFlags); if (! applyStandardPolicyActions(when, policyActions)) { return; // event dropped } int32_t metaState = mContext->getGlobalMetaState(); int32_t pointerId = 0; getDispatcher()->notifyMotion(when, getDeviceId(), AINPUT_SOURCE_TRACKBALL, policyFlags, motionEventAction, metaState, AMOTION_EVENT_EDGE_FLAG_NONE, 1, & pointerId, pointerCoords, mXPrecision, mYPrecision, downTime); } int32_t TrackballInputMapper::getScanCodeState(uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t scanCode) { if (scanCode >= BTN_MOUSE && scanCode < BTN_JOYSTICK) { return getEventHub()->getScanCodeState(getDeviceId(), scanCode); } else { return AKEY_STATE_UNKNOWN; } } // --- TouchInputMapper --- TouchInputMapper::TouchInputMapper(InputDevice* device, int32_t associatedDisplayId) : InputMapper(device), mAssociatedDisplayId(associatedDisplayId) { mLocked.surfaceOrientation = -1; mLocked.surfaceWidth = -1; mLocked.surfaceHeight = -1; initializeLocked(); } TouchInputMapper::~TouchInputMapper() { } uint32_t TouchInputMapper::getSources() { return mAssociatedDisplayId >= 0 ? AINPUT_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN : AINPUT_SOURCE_TOUCHPAD; } void TouchInputMapper::populateDeviceInfo(InputDeviceInfo* info) { InputMapper::populateDeviceInfo(info); { // acquire lock AutoMutex _l(mLock); // Ensure surface information is up to date so that orientation changes are // noticed immediately. configureSurfaceLocked(); info->addMotionRange(AINPUT_MOTION_RANGE_X, mLocked.orientedRanges.x); info->addMotionRange(AINPUT_MOTION_RANGE_Y, mLocked.orientedRanges.y); info->addMotionRange(AINPUT_MOTION_RANGE_PRESSURE, mLocked.orientedRanges.pressure); info->addMotionRange(AINPUT_MOTION_RANGE_SIZE, mLocked.orientedRanges.size); info->addMotionRange(AINPUT_MOTION_RANGE_TOUCH_MAJOR, mLocked.orientedRanges.touchMajor); info->addMotionRange(AINPUT_MOTION_RANGE_TOUCH_MINOR, mLocked.orientedRanges.touchMinor); info->addMotionRange(AINPUT_MOTION_RANGE_TOOL_MAJOR, mLocked.orientedRanges.toolMajor); info->addMotionRange(AINPUT_MOTION_RANGE_TOOL_MINOR, mLocked.orientedRanges.toolMinor); info->addMotionRange(AINPUT_MOTION_RANGE_ORIENTATION, mLocked.orientedRanges.orientation); } // release lock } void TouchInputMapper::initializeLocked() { mCurrentTouch.clear(); mLastTouch.clear(); mDownTime = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_POINTERS; i++) { mAveragingTouchFilter.historyStart[i] = 0; mAveragingTouchFilter.historyEnd[i] = 0; } mJumpyTouchFilter.jumpyPointsDropped = 0; mLocked.currentVirtualKey.down = false; } void TouchInputMapper::configure() { InputMapper::configure(); // Configure basic parameters. mParameters.useBadTouchFilter = getPolicy()->filterTouchEvents(); mParameters.useAveragingTouchFilter = getPolicy()->filterTouchEvents(); mParameters.useJumpyTouchFilter = getPolicy()->filterJumpyTouchEvents(); // Configure absolute axis information. configureAxes(); { // acquire lock AutoMutex _l(mLock); // Configure pressure factors. if (mAxes.pressure.valid) { mLocked.pressureOrigin = mAxes.pressure.minValue; mLocked.pressureScale = 1.0f / mAxes.pressure.getRange(); } else { mLocked.pressureOrigin = 0; mLocked.pressureScale = 1.0f; } mLocked.orientedRanges.pressure.min = 0.0f; mLocked.orientedRanges.pressure.max = 1.0f; mLocked.orientedRanges.pressure.flat = 0.0f; mLocked.orientedRanges.pressure.fuzz = mLocked.pressureScale; // Configure size factors. if (mAxes.size.valid) { mLocked.sizeOrigin = mAxes.size.minValue; mLocked.sizeScale = 1.0f / mAxes.size.getRange(); } else { mLocked.sizeOrigin = 0; mLocked.sizeScale = 1.0f; } mLocked.orientedRanges.size.min = 0.0f; mLocked.orientedRanges.size.max = 1.0f; mLocked.orientedRanges.size.flat = 0.0f; mLocked.orientedRanges.size.fuzz = mLocked.sizeScale; // Configure orientation factors. if (mAxes.orientation.valid && mAxes.orientation.maxValue > 0) { mLocked.orientationScale = float(M_PI_2) / mAxes.orientation.maxValue; } else { mLocked.orientationScale = 0.0f; } mLocked.orientedRanges.orientation.min = - M_PI_2; mLocked.orientedRanges.orientation.max = M_PI_2; mLocked.orientedRanges.orientation.flat = 0; mLocked.orientedRanges.orientation.fuzz = mLocked.orientationScale; // Configure surface dimensions and orientation. configureSurfaceLocked(); } // release lock } void TouchInputMapper::configureAxes() { mAxes.x.valid = false; mAxes.y.valid = false; mAxes.pressure.valid = false; mAxes.size.valid = false; mAxes.touchMajor.valid = false; mAxes.touchMinor.valid = false; mAxes.toolMajor.valid = false; mAxes.toolMinor.valid = false; mAxes.orientation.valid = false; } bool TouchInputMapper::configureSurfaceLocked() { // Update orientation and dimensions if needed. int32_t orientation; int32_t width, height; if (mAssociatedDisplayId >= 0) { // Note: getDisplayInfo is non-reentrant so we can continue holding the lock. if (! getPolicy()->getDisplayInfo(mAssociatedDisplayId, & width, & height, & orientation)) { return false; } } else { orientation = InputReaderPolicyInterface::ROTATION_0; width = mAxes.x.getRange(); height = mAxes.y.getRange(); } bool orientationChanged = mLocked.surfaceOrientation != orientation; if (orientationChanged) { mLocked.surfaceOrientation = orientation; } bool sizeChanged = mLocked.surfaceWidth != width || mLocked.surfaceHeight != height; if (sizeChanged) { mLocked.surfaceWidth = width; mLocked.surfaceHeight = height; // Compute size-dependent translation and scaling factors and place virtual keys. if (mAxes.x.valid && mAxes.y.valid) { mLocked.xOrigin = mAxes.x.minValue; mLocked.yOrigin = mAxes.y.minValue; LOGI("Device configured: id=0x%x, name=%s (display size was changed)", getDeviceId(), getDeviceName().string()); mLocked.xScale = float(width) / mAxes.x.getRange(); mLocked.yScale = float(height) / mAxes.y.getRange(); mLocked.xPrecision = 1.0f / mLocked.xScale; mLocked.yPrecision = 1.0f / mLocked.yScale; configureVirtualKeysLocked(); } else { mLocked.xOrigin = 0; mLocked.yOrigin = 0; mLocked.xScale = 1.0f; mLocked.yScale = 1.0f; mLocked.xPrecision = 1.0f; mLocked.yPrecision = 1.0f; } // Configure touch and tool area ranges. float diagonal = sqrt(float(width * width + height * height)); float diagonalFuzz = sqrt(mLocked.xScale * mLocked.xScale + mLocked.yScale * mLocked.yScale); InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange area; area.min = 0.0f; area.max = diagonal; area.flat = 0.0f; area.fuzz = diagonalFuzz; mLocked.orientedRanges.touchMajor = area; mLocked.orientedRanges.touchMinor = area; mLocked.orientedRanges.toolMajor = area; mLocked.orientedRanges.toolMinor = area; } if (orientationChanged || sizeChanged) { // Compute oriented surface dimensions, precision, and scales. float orientedXScale, orientedYScale; switch (mLocked.surfaceOrientation) { case InputReaderPolicyInterface::ROTATION_90: case InputReaderPolicyInterface::ROTATION_270: mLocked.orientedSurfaceWidth = mLocked.surfaceHeight; mLocked.orientedSurfaceHeight = mLocked.surfaceWidth; mLocked.orientedXPrecision = mLocked.yPrecision; mLocked.orientedYPrecision = mLocked.xPrecision; orientedXScale = mLocked.yScale; orientedYScale = mLocked.xScale; break; default: mLocked.orientedSurfaceWidth = mLocked.surfaceWidth; mLocked.orientedSurfaceHeight = mLocked.surfaceHeight; mLocked.orientedXPrecision = mLocked.xPrecision; mLocked.orientedYPrecision = mLocked.yPrecision; orientedXScale = mLocked.xScale; orientedYScale = mLocked.yScale; break; } // Configure position ranges. mLocked.orientedRanges.x.min = 0; mLocked.orientedRanges.x.max = mLocked.orientedSurfaceWidth; mLocked.orientedRanges.x.flat = 0; mLocked.orientedRanges.x.fuzz = orientedXScale; mLocked.orientedRanges.y.min = 0; mLocked.orientedRanges.y.max = mLocked.orientedSurfaceHeight; mLocked.orientedRanges.y.flat = 0; mLocked.orientedRanges.y.fuzz = orientedYScale; } return true; } void TouchInputMapper::configureVirtualKeysLocked() { assert(mAxes.x.valid && mAxes.y.valid); // Note: getVirtualKeyDefinitions is non-reentrant so we can continue holding the lock. Vector virtualKeyDefinitions; getPolicy()->getVirtualKeyDefinitions(getDeviceName(), virtualKeyDefinitions); mLocked.virtualKeys.clear(); if (virtualKeyDefinitions.size() == 0) { return; } mLocked.virtualKeys.setCapacity(virtualKeyDefinitions.size()); int32_t touchScreenLeft = mAxes.x.minValue; int32_t touchScreenTop = mAxes.y.minValue; int32_t touchScreenWidth = mAxes.x.getRange(); int32_t touchScreenHeight = mAxes.y.getRange(); for (size_t i = 0; i < virtualKeyDefinitions.size(); i++) { const InputReaderPolicyInterface::VirtualKeyDefinition& virtualKeyDefinition = virtualKeyDefinitions[i]; mLocked.virtualKeys.add(); VirtualKey& virtualKey = mLocked.virtualKeys.editTop(); virtualKey.scanCode = virtualKeyDefinition.scanCode; int32_t keyCode; uint32_t flags; if (getEventHub()->scancodeToKeycode(getDeviceId(), virtualKey.scanCode, & keyCode, & flags)) { LOGW(" VirtualKey %d: could not obtain key code, ignoring", virtualKey.scanCode); mLocked.virtualKeys.pop(); // drop the key continue; } virtualKey.keyCode = keyCode; virtualKey.flags = flags; // convert the key definition's display coordinates into touch coordinates for a hit box int32_t halfWidth = virtualKeyDefinition.width / 2; int32_t halfHeight = virtualKeyDefinition.height / 2; virtualKey.hitLeft = (virtualKeyDefinition.centerX - halfWidth) * touchScreenWidth / mLocked.surfaceWidth + touchScreenLeft; virtualKey.hitRight= (virtualKeyDefinition.centerX + halfWidth) * touchScreenWidth / mLocked.surfaceWidth + touchScreenLeft; virtualKey.hitTop = (virtualKeyDefinition.centerY - halfHeight) * touchScreenHeight / mLocked.surfaceHeight + touchScreenTop; virtualKey.hitBottom = (virtualKeyDefinition.centerY + halfHeight) * touchScreenHeight / mLocked.surfaceHeight + touchScreenTop; LOGI(" VirtualKey %d: keyCode=%d hitLeft=%d hitRight=%d hitTop=%d hitBottom=%d", virtualKey.scanCode, virtualKey.keyCode, virtualKey.hitLeft, virtualKey.hitRight, virtualKey.hitTop, virtualKey.hitBottom); } } void TouchInputMapper::reset() { // Synthesize touch up event if touch is currently down. // This will also take care of finishing virtual key processing if needed. if (mLastTouch.pointerCount != 0) { nsecs_t when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); mCurrentTouch.clear(); syncTouch(when, true); } { // acquire lock AutoMutex _l(mLock); initializeLocked(); } // release lock InputMapper::reset(); } void TouchInputMapper::syncTouch(nsecs_t when, bool havePointerIds) { // Apply generic policy actions. uint32_t policyFlags = 0; int32_t policyActions = getPolicy()->interceptGeneric(when, policyFlags); if (! applyStandardPolicyActions(when, policyActions)) { mLastTouch.clear(); return; // event dropped } // Preprocess pointer data. if (mParameters.useBadTouchFilter) { if (applyBadTouchFilter()) { havePointerIds = false; } } if (mParameters.useJumpyTouchFilter) { if (applyJumpyTouchFilter()) { havePointerIds = false; } } if (! havePointerIds) { calculatePointerIds(); } TouchData temp; TouchData* savedTouch; if (mParameters.useAveragingTouchFilter) { temp.copyFrom(mCurrentTouch); savedTouch = & temp; applyAveragingTouchFilter(); } else { savedTouch = & mCurrentTouch; } // Process touches and virtual keys. TouchResult touchResult = consumeOffScreenTouches(when, policyFlags); if (touchResult == DISPATCH_TOUCH) { dispatchTouches(when, policyFlags); } // Copy current touch to last touch in preparation for the next cycle. if (touchResult == DROP_STROKE) { mLastTouch.clear(); } else { mLastTouch.copyFrom(*savedTouch); } } TouchInputMapper::TouchResult TouchInputMapper::consumeOffScreenTouches( nsecs_t when, uint32_t policyFlags) { int32_t keyEventAction, keyEventFlags; int32_t keyCode, scanCode, downTime; TouchResult touchResult; { // acquire lock AutoMutex _l(mLock); // Update surface size and orientation, including virtual key positions. if (! configureSurfaceLocked()) { return DROP_STROKE; } // Check for virtual key press. if (mLocked.currentVirtualKey.down) { if (mCurrentTouch.pointerCount == 0) { // Pointer went up while virtual key was down. mLocked.currentVirtualKey.down = false; #if DEBUG_VIRTUAL_KEYS LOGD("VirtualKeys: Generating key up: keyCode=%d, scanCode=%d", mCurrentVirtualKey.keyCode, mCurrentVirtualKey.scanCode); #endif keyEventAction = AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_UP; keyEventFlags = AKEY_EVENT_FLAG_FROM_SYSTEM | AKEY_EVENT_FLAG_VIRTUAL_HARD_KEY; touchResult = SKIP_TOUCH; goto DispatchVirtualKey; } if (mCurrentTouch.pointerCount == 1) { int32_t x = mCurrentTouch.pointers[0].x; int32_t y = mCurrentTouch.pointers[0].y; const VirtualKey* virtualKey = findVirtualKeyHitLocked(x, y); if (virtualKey && virtualKey->keyCode == mLocked.currentVirtualKey.keyCode) { // Pointer is still within the space of the virtual key. return SKIP_TOUCH; } } // Pointer left virtual key area or another pointer also went down. // Send key cancellation and drop the stroke so subsequent motions will be // considered fresh downs. This is useful when the user swipes away from the // virtual key area into the main display surface. mLocked.currentVirtualKey.down = false; #if DEBUG_VIRTUAL_KEYS LOGD("VirtualKeys: Canceling key: keyCode=%d, scanCode=%d", mCurrentVirtualKey.keyCode, mCurrentVirtualKey.scanCode); #endif keyEventAction = AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_UP; keyEventFlags = AKEY_EVENT_FLAG_FROM_SYSTEM | AKEY_EVENT_FLAG_VIRTUAL_HARD_KEY | AKEY_EVENT_FLAG_CANCELED; touchResult = DROP_STROKE; goto DispatchVirtualKey; } else { if (mCurrentTouch.pointerCount >= 1 && mLastTouch.pointerCount == 0) { // Pointer just went down. Handle off-screen touches, if needed. int32_t x = mCurrentTouch.pointers[0].x; int32_t y = mCurrentTouch.pointers[0].y; if (! isPointInsideSurfaceLocked(x, y)) { // If exactly one pointer went down, check for virtual key hit. // Otherwise we will drop the entire stroke. if (mCurrentTouch.pointerCount == 1) { const VirtualKey* virtualKey = findVirtualKeyHitLocked(x, y); if (virtualKey) { mLocked.currentVirtualKey.down = true; mLocked.currentVirtualKey.downTime = when; mLocked.currentVirtualKey.keyCode = virtualKey->keyCode; mLocked.currentVirtualKey.scanCode = virtualKey->scanCode; #if DEBUG_VIRTUAL_KEYS LOGD("VirtualKeys: Generating key down: keyCode=%d, scanCode=%d", mCurrentVirtualKey.keyCode, mCurrentVirtualKey.scanCode); #endif keyEventAction = AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN; keyEventFlags = AKEY_EVENT_FLAG_FROM_SYSTEM | AKEY_EVENT_FLAG_VIRTUAL_HARD_KEY; touchResult = SKIP_TOUCH; goto DispatchVirtualKey; } } return DROP_STROKE; } } return DISPATCH_TOUCH; } DispatchVirtualKey: // Collect remaining state needed to dispatch virtual key. keyCode = mLocked.currentVirtualKey.keyCode; scanCode = mLocked.currentVirtualKey.scanCode; downTime = mLocked.currentVirtualKey.downTime; } // release lock // Dispatch virtual key. applyPolicyAndDispatchVirtualKey(when, policyFlags, keyEventAction, keyEventFlags, keyCode, scanCode, downTime); return touchResult; } void TouchInputMapper::applyPolicyAndDispatchVirtualKey(nsecs_t when, uint32_t policyFlags, int32_t keyEventAction, int32_t keyEventFlags, int32_t keyCode, int32_t scanCode, nsecs_t downTime) { int32_t metaState = mContext->getGlobalMetaState(); if (keyEventAction == AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN) { getPolicy()->virtualKeyDownFeedback(); } int32_t policyActions = getPolicy()->interceptKey(when, getDeviceId(), keyEventAction == AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN, keyCode, scanCode, policyFlags); if (applyStandardPolicyActions(when, policyActions)) { getDispatcher()->notifyKey(when, getDeviceId(), AINPUT_SOURCE_KEYBOARD, policyFlags, keyEventAction, keyEventFlags, keyCode, scanCode, metaState, downTime); } } void TouchInputMapper::dispatchTouches(nsecs_t when, uint32_t policyFlags) { uint32_t currentPointerCount = mCurrentTouch.pointerCount; uint32_t lastPointerCount = mLastTouch.pointerCount; if (currentPointerCount == 0 && lastPointerCount == 0) { return; // nothing to do! } BitSet32 currentIdBits = mCurrentTouch.idBits; BitSet32 lastIdBits = mLastTouch.idBits; if (currentIdBits == lastIdBits) { // No pointer id changes so this is a move event. // The dispatcher takes care of batching moves so we don't have to deal with that here. int32_t motionEventAction = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MOVE; dispatchTouch(when, policyFlags, & mCurrentTouch, currentIdBits, -1, motionEventAction); } else { // There may be pointers going up and pointers going down at the same time when pointer // ids are reported by the device driver. BitSet32 upIdBits(lastIdBits.value & ~ currentIdBits.value); BitSet32 downIdBits(currentIdBits.value & ~ lastIdBits.value); BitSet32 activeIdBits(lastIdBits.value); while (! upIdBits.isEmpty()) { uint32_t upId = upIdBits.firstMarkedBit(); upIdBits.clearBit(upId); BitSet32 oldActiveIdBits = activeIdBits; activeIdBits.clearBit(upId); int32_t motionEventAction; if (activeIdBits.isEmpty()) { motionEventAction = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_UP; } else { motionEventAction = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP; } dispatchTouch(when, policyFlags, & mLastTouch, oldActiveIdBits, upId, motionEventAction); } while (! downIdBits.isEmpty()) { uint32_t downId = downIdBits.firstMarkedBit(); downIdBits.clearBit(downId); BitSet32 oldActiveIdBits = activeIdBits; activeIdBits.markBit(downId); int32_t motionEventAction; if (oldActiveIdBits.isEmpty()) { motionEventAction = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN; mDownTime = when; } else { motionEventAction = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN; } dispatchTouch(when, policyFlags, & mCurrentTouch, activeIdBits, downId, motionEventAction); } } } void TouchInputMapper::dispatchTouch(nsecs_t when, uint32_t policyFlags, TouchData* touch, BitSet32 idBits, uint32_t changedId, int32_t motionEventAction) { uint32_t pointerCount = 0; int32_t pointerIds[MAX_POINTERS]; PointerCoords pointerCoords[MAX_POINTERS]; int32_t motionEventEdgeFlags = 0; float xPrecision, yPrecision; { // acquire lock AutoMutex _l(mLock); // Walk through the the active pointers and map touch screen coordinates (TouchData) into // display coordinates (PointerCoords) and adjust for display orientation. while (! idBits.isEmpty()) { uint32_t id = idBits.firstMarkedBit(); idBits.clearBit(id); uint32_t index = touch->idToIndex[id]; float x = float(touch->pointers[index].x - mLocked.xOrigin) * mLocked.xScale; float y = float(touch->pointers[index].y - mLocked.yOrigin) * mLocked.yScale; float pressure = float(touch->pointers[index].pressure - mLocked.pressureOrigin) * mLocked.pressureScale; float size = float(touch->pointers[index].size - mLocked.sizeOrigin) * mLocked.sizeScale; float orientation = float(touch->pointers[index].orientation) * mLocked.orientationScale; float touchMajor, touchMinor, toolMajor, toolMinor; if (abs(orientation) <= M_PI_4) { // Nominally vertical orientation: scale major axis by Y, and scale minor axis by X. touchMajor = float(touch->pointers[index].touchMajor) * mLocked.yScale; touchMinor = float(touch->pointers[index].touchMinor) * mLocked.xScale; toolMajor = float(touch->pointers[index].toolMajor) * mLocked.yScale; toolMinor = float(touch->pointers[index].toolMinor) * mLocked.xScale; } else { // Nominally horizontal orientation: scale major axis by X, and scale minor axis by Y. touchMajor = float(touch->pointers[index].touchMajor) * mLocked.xScale; touchMinor = float(touch->pointers[index].touchMinor) * mLocked.yScale; toolMajor = float(touch->pointers[index].toolMajor) * mLocked.xScale; toolMinor = float(touch->pointers[index].toolMinor) * mLocked.yScale; } switch (mLocked.surfaceOrientation) { case InputReaderPolicyInterface::ROTATION_90: { float xTemp = x; x = y; y = mLocked.surfaceWidth - xTemp; orientation -= M_PI_2; if (orientation < - M_PI_2) { orientation += M_PI; } break; } case InputReaderPolicyInterface::ROTATION_180: { x = mLocked.surfaceWidth - x; y = mLocked.surfaceHeight - y; orientation = - orientation; break; } case InputReaderPolicyInterface::ROTATION_270: { float xTemp = x; x = mLocked.surfaceHeight - y; y = xTemp; orientation += M_PI_2; if (orientation > M_PI_2) { orientation -= M_PI; } break; } } pointerIds[pointerCount] = int32_t(id); pointerCoords[pointerCount].x = x; pointerCoords[pointerCount].y = y; pointerCoords[pointerCount].pressure = pressure; pointerCoords[pointerCount].size = size; pointerCoords[pointerCount].touchMajor = touchMajor; pointerCoords[pointerCount].touchMinor = touchMinor; pointerCoords[pointerCount].toolMajor = toolMajor; pointerCoords[pointerCount].toolMinor = toolMinor; pointerCoords[pointerCount].orientation = orientation; if (id == changedId) { motionEventAction |= pointerCount << AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT; } pointerCount += 1; } // Check edge flags by looking only at the first pointer since the flags are // global to the event. if (motionEventAction == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN) { if (pointerCoords[0].x <= 0) { motionEventEdgeFlags |= AMOTION_EVENT_EDGE_FLAG_LEFT; } else if (pointerCoords[0].x >= mLocked.orientedSurfaceWidth) { motionEventEdgeFlags |= AMOTION_EVENT_EDGE_FLAG_RIGHT; } if (pointerCoords[0].y <= 0) { motionEventEdgeFlags |= AMOTION_EVENT_EDGE_FLAG_TOP; } else if (pointerCoords[0].y >= mLocked.orientedSurfaceHeight) { motionEventEdgeFlags |= AMOTION_EVENT_EDGE_FLAG_BOTTOM; } } xPrecision = mLocked.orientedXPrecision; yPrecision = mLocked.orientedYPrecision; } // release lock getDispatcher()->notifyMotion(when, getDeviceId(), AINPUT_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN, policyFlags, motionEventAction, getContext()->getGlobalMetaState(), motionEventEdgeFlags, pointerCount, pointerIds, pointerCoords, xPrecision, yPrecision, mDownTime); } bool TouchInputMapper::isPointInsideSurfaceLocked(int32_t x, int32_t y) { if (mAxes.x.valid && mAxes.y.valid) { return x >= mAxes.x.minValue && x <= mAxes.x.maxValue && y >= mAxes.y.minValue && y <= mAxes.y.maxValue; } return true; } const TouchInputMapper::VirtualKey* TouchInputMapper::findVirtualKeyHitLocked( int32_t x, int32_t y) { size_t numVirtualKeys = mLocked.virtualKeys.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numVirtualKeys; i++) { const VirtualKey& virtualKey = mLocked.virtualKeys[i]; #if DEBUG_VIRTUAL_KEYS LOGD("VirtualKeys: Hit test (%d, %d): keyCode=%d, scanCode=%d, " "left=%d, top=%d, right=%d, bottom=%d", x, y, virtualKey.keyCode, virtualKey.scanCode, virtualKey.hitLeft, virtualKey.hitTop, virtualKey.hitRight, virtualKey.hitBottom); #endif if (virtualKey.isHit(x, y)) { return & virtualKey; } } return NULL; } void TouchInputMapper::calculatePointerIds() { uint32_t currentPointerCount = mCurrentTouch.pointerCount; uint32_t lastPointerCount = mLastTouch.pointerCount; if (currentPointerCount == 0) { // No pointers to assign. mCurrentTouch.idBits.clear(); } else if (lastPointerCount == 0) { // All pointers are new. mCurrentTouch.idBits.clear(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < currentPointerCount; i++) { mCurrentTouch.pointers[i].id = i; mCurrentTouch.idToIndex[i] = i; mCurrentTouch.idBits.markBit(i); } } else if (currentPointerCount == 1 && lastPointerCount == 1) { // Only one pointer and no change in count so it must have the same id as before. uint32_t id = mLastTouch.pointers[0].id; mCurrentTouch.pointers[0].id = id; mCurrentTouch.idToIndex[id] = 0; mCurrentTouch.idBits.value = BitSet32::valueForBit(id); } else { // General case. // We build a heap of squared euclidean distances between current and last pointers // associated with the current and last pointer indices. Then, we find the best // match (by distance) for each current pointer. PointerDistanceHeapElement heap[MAX_POINTERS * MAX_POINTERS]; uint32_t heapSize = 0; for (uint32_t currentPointerIndex = 0; currentPointerIndex < currentPointerCount; currentPointerIndex++) { for (uint32_t lastPointerIndex = 0; lastPointerIndex < lastPointerCount; lastPointerIndex++) { int64_t deltaX = mCurrentTouch.pointers[currentPointerIndex].x - mLastTouch.pointers[lastPointerIndex].x; int64_t deltaY = mCurrentTouch.pointers[currentPointerIndex].y - mLastTouch.pointers[lastPointerIndex].y; uint64_t distance = uint64_t(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY); // Insert new element into the heap (sift up). heap[heapSize].currentPointerIndex = currentPointerIndex; heap[heapSize].lastPointerIndex = lastPointerIndex; heap[heapSize].distance = distance; heapSize += 1; } } // Heapify for (uint32_t startIndex = heapSize / 2; startIndex != 0; ) { startIndex -= 1; for (uint32_t parentIndex = startIndex; ;) { uint32_t childIndex = parentIndex * 2 + 1; if (childIndex >= heapSize) { break; } if (childIndex + 1 < heapSize && heap[childIndex + 1].distance < heap[childIndex].distance) { childIndex += 1; } if (heap[parentIndex].distance <= heap[childIndex].distance) { break; } swap(heap[parentIndex], heap[childIndex]); parentIndex = childIndex; } } #if DEBUG_POINTER_ASSIGNMENT LOGD("calculatePointerIds - initial distance min-heap: size=%d", heapSize); for (size_t i = 0; i < heapSize; i++) { LOGD(" heap[%d]: cur=%d, last=%d, distance=%lld", i, heap[i].currentPointerIndex, heap[i].lastPointerIndex, heap[i].distance); } #endif // Pull matches out by increasing order of distance. // To avoid reassigning pointers that have already been matched, the loop keeps track // of which last and current pointers have been matched using the matchedXXXBits variables. // It also tracks the used pointer id bits. BitSet32 matchedLastBits(0); BitSet32 matchedCurrentBits(0); BitSet32 usedIdBits(0); bool first = true; for (uint32_t i = min(currentPointerCount, lastPointerCount); i > 0; i--) { for (;;) { if (first) { // The first time through the loop, we just consume the root element of // the heap (the one with smallest distance). first = false; } else { // Previous iterations consumed the root element of the heap. // Pop root element off of the heap (sift down). heapSize -= 1; assert(heapSize > 0); // Sift down. heap[0] = heap[heapSize]; for (uint32_t parentIndex = 0; ;) { uint32_t childIndex = parentIndex * 2 + 1; if (childIndex >= heapSize) { break; } if (childIndex + 1 < heapSize && heap[childIndex + 1].distance < heap[childIndex].distance) { childIndex += 1; } if (heap[parentIndex].distance <= heap[childIndex].distance) { break; } swap(heap[parentIndex], heap[childIndex]); parentIndex = childIndex; } #if DEBUG_POINTER_ASSIGNMENT LOGD("calculatePointerIds - reduced distance min-heap: size=%d", heapSize); for (size_t i = 0; i < heapSize; i++) { LOGD(" heap[%d]: cur=%d, last=%d, distance=%lld", i, heap[i].currentPointerIndex, heap[i].lastPointerIndex, heap[i].distance); } #endif } uint32_t currentPointerIndex = heap[0].currentPointerIndex; if (matchedCurrentBits.hasBit(currentPointerIndex)) continue; // already matched uint32_t lastPointerIndex = heap[0].lastPointerIndex; if (matchedLastBits.hasBit(lastPointerIndex)) continue; // already matched matchedCurrentBits.markBit(currentPointerIndex); matchedLastBits.markBit(lastPointerIndex); uint32_t id = mLastTouch.pointers[lastPointerIndex].id; mCurrentTouch.pointers[currentPointerIndex].id = id; mCurrentTouch.idToIndex[id] = currentPointerIndex; usedIdBits.markBit(id); #if DEBUG_POINTER_ASSIGNMENT LOGD("calculatePointerIds - matched: cur=%d, last=%d, id=%d, distance=%lld", lastPointerIndex, currentPointerIndex, id, heap[0].distance); #endif break; } } // Assign fresh ids to new pointers. if (currentPointerCount > lastPointerCount) { for (uint32_t i = currentPointerCount - lastPointerCount; ;) { uint32_t currentPointerIndex = matchedCurrentBits.firstUnmarkedBit(); uint32_t id = usedIdBits.firstUnmarkedBit(); mCurrentTouch.pointers[currentPointerIndex].id = id; mCurrentTouch.idToIndex[id] = currentPointerIndex; usedIdBits.markBit(id); #if DEBUG_POINTER_ASSIGNMENT LOGD("calculatePointerIds - assigned: cur=%d, id=%d", currentPointerIndex, id); #endif if (--i == 0) break; // done matchedCurrentBits.markBit(currentPointerIndex); } } // Fix id bits. mCurrentTouch.idBits = usedIdBits; } } /* Special hack for devices that have bad screen data: if one of the * points has moved more than a screen height from the last position, * then drop it. */ bool TouchInputMapper::applyBadTouchFilter() { // This hack requires valid axis parameters. if (! mAxes.y.valid) { return false; } uint32_t pointerCount = mCurrentTouch.pointerCount; // Nothing to do if there are no points. if (pointerCount == 0) { return false; } // Don't do anything if a finger is going down or up. We run // here before assigning pointer IDs, so there isn't a good // way to do per-finger matching. if (pointerCount != mLastTouch.pointerCount) { return false; } // We consider a single movement across more than a 7/16 of // the long size of the screen to be bad. This was a magic value // determined by looking at the maximum distance it is feasible // to actually move in one sample. int32_t maxDeltaY = mAxes.y.getRange() * 7 / 16; // XXX The original code in InputDevice.java included commented out // code for testing the X axis. Note that when we drop a point // we don't actually restore the old X either. Strange. // The old code also tries to track when bad points were previously // detected but it turns out that due to the placement of a "break" // at the end of the loop, we never set mDroppedBadPoint to true // so it is effectively dead code. // Need to figure out if the old code is busted or just overcomplicated // but working as intended. // Look through all new points and see if any are farther than // acceptable from all previous points. for (uint32_t i = pointerCount; i-- > 0; ) { int32_t y = mCurrentTouch.pointers[i].y; int32_t closestY = INT_MAX; int32_t closestDeltaY = 0; #if DEBUG_HACKS LOGD("BadTouchFilter: Looking at next point #%d: y=%d", i, y); #endif for (uint32_t j = pointerCount; j-- > 0; ) { int32_t lastY = mLastTouch.pointers[j].y; int32_t deltaY = abs(y - lastY); #if DEBUG_HACKS LOGD("BadTouchFilter: Comparing with last point #%d: y=%d deltaY=%d", j, lastY, deltaY); #endif if (deltaY < maxDeltaY) { goto SkipSufficientlyClosePoint; } if (deltaY < closestDeltaY) { closestDeltaY = deltaY; closestY = lastY; } } // Must not have found a close enough match. #if DEBUG_HACKS LOGD("BadTouchFilter: Dropping bad point #%d: newY=%d oldY=%d deltaY=%d maxDeltaY=%d", i, y, closestY, closestDeltaY, maxDeltaY); #endif mCurrentTouch.pointers[i].y = closestY; return true; // XXX original code only corrects one point SkipSufficientlyClosePoint: ; } // No change. return false; } /* Special hack for devices that have bad screen data: drop points where * the coordinate value for one axis has jumped to the other pointer's location. */ bool TouchInputMapper::applyJumpyTouchFilter() { // This hack requires valid axis parameters. if (! mAxes.y.valid) { return false; } uint32_t pointerCount = mCurrentTouch.pointerCount; if (mLastTouch.pointerCount != pointerCount) { #if DEBUG_HACKS LOGD("JumpyTouchFilter: Different pointer count %d -> %d", mLastTouch.pointerCount, pointerCount); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) { LOGD(" Pointer %d (%d, %d)", i, mCurrentTouch.pointers[i].x, mCurrentTouch.pointers[i].y); } #endif if (mJumpyTouchFilter.jumpyPointsDropped < JUMPY_TRANSITION_DROPS) { if (mLastTouch.pointerCount == 1 && pointerCount == 2) { // Just drop the first few events going from 1 to 2 pointers. // They're bad often enough that they're not worth considering. mCurrentTouch.pointerCount = 1; mJumpyTouchFilter.jumpyPointsDropped += 1; #if DEBUG_HACKS LOGD("JumpyTouchFilter: Pointer 2 dropped"); #endif return true; } else if (mLastTouch.pointerCount == 2 && pointerCount == 1) { // The event when we go from 2 -> 1 tends to be messed up too mCurrentTouch.pointerCount = 2; mCurrentTouch.pointers[0] = mLastTouch.pointers[0]; mCurrentTouch.pointers[1] = mLastTouch.pointers[1]; mJumpyTouchFilter.jumpyPointsDropped += 1; #if DEBUG_HACKS for (int32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { LOGD("JumpyTouchFilter: Pointer %d replaced (%d, %d)", i, mCurrentTouch.pointers[i].x, mCurrentTouch.pointers[i].y); } #endif return true; } } // Reset jumpy points dropped on other transitions or if limit exceeded. mJumpyTouchFilter.jumpyPointsDropped = 0; #if DEBUG_HACKS LOGD("JumpyTouchFilter: Transition - drop limit reset"); #endif return false; } // We have the same number of pointers as last time. // A 'jumpy' point is one where the coordinate value for one axis // has jumped to the other pointer's location. No need to do anything // else if we only have one pointer. if (pointerCount < 2) { return false; } if (mJumpyTouchFilter.jumpyPointsDropped < JUMPY_DROP_LIMIT) { int jumpyEpsilon = mAxes.y.getRange() / JUMPY_EPSILON_DIVISOR; // We only replace the single worst jumpy point as characterized by pointer distance // in a single axis. int32_t badPointerIndex = -1; int32_t badPointerReplacementIndex = -1; int32_t badPointerDistance = INT_MIN; // distance to be corrected for (uint32_t i = pointerCount; i-- > 0; ) { int32_t x = mCurrentTouch.pointers[i].x; int32_t y = mCurrentTouch.pointers[i].y; #if DEBUG_HACKS LOGD("JumpyTouchFilter: Point %d (%d, %d)", i, x, y); #endif // Check if a touch point is too close to another's coordinates bool dropX = false, dropY = false; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < pointerCount; j++) { if (i == j) { continue; } if (abs(x - mCurrentTouch.pointers[j].x) <= jumpyEpsilon) { dropX = true; break; } if (abs(y - mCurrentTouch.pointers[j].y) <= jumpyEpsilon) { dropY = true; break; } } if (! dropX && ! dropY) { continue; // not jumpy } // Find a replacement candidate by comparing with older points on the // complementary (non-jumpy) axis. int32_t distance = INT_MIN; // distance to be corrected int32_t replacementIndex = -1; if (dropX) { // X looks too close. Find an older replacement point with a close Y. int32_t smallestDeltaY = INT_MAX; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < pointerCount; j++) { int32_t deltaY = abs(y - mLastTouch.pointers[j].y); if (deltaY < smallestDeltaY) { smallestDeltaY = deltaY; replacementIndex = j; } } distance = abs(x - mLastTouch.pointers[replacementIndex].x); } else { // Y looks too close. Find an older replacement point with a close X. int32_t smallestDeltaX = INT_MAX; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < pointerCount; j++) { int32_t deltaX = abs(x - mLastTouch.pointers[j].x); if (deltaX < smallestDeltaX) { smallestDeltaX = deltaX; replacementIndex = j; } } distance = abs(y - mLastTouch.pointers[replacementIndex].y); } // If replacing this pointer would correct a worse error than the previous ones // considered, then use this replacement instead. if (distance > badPointerDistance) { badPointerIndex = i; badPointerReplacementIndex = replacementIndex; badPointerDistance = distance; } } // Correct the jumpy pointer if one was found. if (badPointerIndex >= 0) { #if DEBUG_HACKS LOGD("JumpyTouchFilter: Replacing bad pointer %d with (%d, %d)", badPointerIndex, mLastTouch.pointers[badPointerReplacementIndex].x, mLastTouch.pointers[badPointerReplacementIndex].y); #endif mCurrentTouch.pointers[badPointerIndex].x = mLastTouch.pointers[badPointerReplacementIndex].x; mCurrentTouch.pointers[badPointerIndex].y = mLastTouch.pointers[badPointerReplacementIndex].y; mJumpyTouchFilter.jumpyPointsDropped += 1; return true; } } mJumpyTouchFilter.jumpyPointsDropped = 0; return false; } /* Special hack for devices that have bad screen data: aggregate and * compute averages of the coordinate data, to reduce the amount of * jitter seen by applications. */ void TouchInputMapper::applyAveragingTouchFilter() { for (uint32_t currentIndex = 0; currentIndex < mCurrentTouch.pointerCount; currentIndex++) { uint32_t id = mCurrentTouch.pointers[currentIndex].id; int32_t x = mCurrentTouch.pointers[currentIndex].x; int32_t y = mCurrentTouch.pointers[currentIndex].y; int32_t pressure = mCurrentTouch.pointers[currentIndex].pressure; if (mLastTouch.idBits.hasBit(id)) { // Pointer was down before and is still down now. // Compute average over history trace. uint32_t start = mAveragingTouchFilter.historyStart[id]; uint32_t end = mAveragingTouchFilter.historyEnd[id]; int64_t deltaX = x - mAveragingTouchFilter.historyData[end].pointers[id].x; int64_t deltaY = y - mAveragingTouchFilter.historyData[end].pointers[id].y; uint64_t distance = uint64_t(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY); #if DEBUG_HACKS LOGD("AveragingTouchFilter: Pointer id %d - Distance from last sample: %lld", id, distance); #endif if (distance < AVERAGING_DISTANCE_LIMIT) { // Increment end index in preparation for recording new historical data. end += 1; if (end > AVERAGING_HISTORY_SIZE) { end = 0; } // If the end index has looped back to the start index then we have filled // the historical trace up to the desired size so we drop the historical // data at the start of the trace. if (end == start) { start += 1; if (start > AVERAGING_HISTORY_SIZE) { start = 0; } } // Add the raw data to the historical trace. mAveragingTouchFilter.historyStart[id] = start; mAveragingTouchFilter.historyEnd[id] = end; mAveragingTouchFilter.historyData[end].pointers[id].x = x; mAveragingTouchFilter.historyData[end].pointers[id].y = y; mAveragingTouchFilter.historyData[end].pointers[id].pressure = pressure; // Average over all historical positions in the trace by total pressure. int32_t averagedX = 0; int32_t averagedY = 0; int32_t totalPressure = 0; for (;;) { int32_t historicalX = mAveragingTouchFilter.historyData[start].pointers[id].x; int32_t historicalY = mAveragingTouchFilter.historyData[start].pointers[id].y; int32_t historicalPressure = mAveragingTouchFilter.historyData[start] .pointers[id].pressure; averagedX += historicalX * historicalPressure; averagedY += historicalY * historicalPressure; totalPressure += historicalPressure; if (start == end) { break; } start += 1; if (start > AVERAGING_HISTORY_SIZE) { start = 0; } } averagedX /= totalPressure; averagedY /= totalPressure; #if DEBUG_HACKS LOGD("AveragingTouchFilter: Pointer id %d - " "totalPressure=%d, averagedX=%d, averagedY=%d", id, totalPressure, averagedX, averagedY); #endif mCurrentTouch.pointers[currentIndex].x = averagedX; mCurrentTouch.pointers[currentIndex].y = averagedY; } else { #if DEBUG_HACKS LOGD("AveragingTouchFilter: Pointer id %d - Exceeded max distance", id); #endif } } else { #if DEBUG_HACKS LOGD("AveragingTouchFilter: Pointer id %d - Pointer went up", id); #endif } // Reset pointer history. mAveragingTouchFilter.historyStart[id] = 0; mAveragingTouchFilter.historyEnd[id] = 0; mAveragingTouchFilter.historyData[0].pointers[id].x = x; mAveragingTouchFilter.historyData[0].pointers[id].y = y; mAveragingTouchFilter.historyData[0].pointers[id].pressure = pressure; } } int32_t TouchInputMapper::getKeyCodeState(uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t keyCode) { { // acquire lock AutoMutex _l(mLock); if (mLocked.currentVirtualKey.down && mLocked.currentVirtualKey.keyCode == keyCode) { return AKEY_STATE_VIRTUAL; } size_t numVirtualKeys = mLocked.virtualKeys.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numVirtualKeys; i++) { const VirtualKey& virtualKey = mLocked.virtualKeys[i]; if (virtualKey.keyCode == keyCode) { return AKEY_STATE_UP; } } } // release lock return AKEY_STATE_UNKNOWN; } int32_t TouchInputMapper::getScanCodeState(uint32_t sourceMask, int32_t scanCode) { { // acquire lock AutoMutex _l(mLock); if (mLocked.currentVirtualKey.down && mLocked.currentVirtualKey.scanCode == scanCode) { return AKEY_STATE_VIRTUAL; } size_t numVirtualKeys = mLocked.virtualKeys.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numVirtualKeys; i++) { const VirtualKey& virtualKey = mLocked.virtualKeys[i]; if (virtualKey.scanCode == scanCode) { return AKEY_STATE_UP; } } } // release lock return AKEY_STATE_UNKNOWN; } bool TouchInputMapper::markSupportedKeyCodes(uint32_t sourceMask, size_t numCodes, const int32_t* keyCodes, uint8_t* outFlags) { { // acquire lock AutoMutex _l(mLock); size_t numVirtualKeys = mLocked.virtualKeys.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numVirtualKeys; i++) { const VirtualKey& virtualKey = mLocked.virtualKeys[i]; for (size_t i = 0; i < numCodes; i++) { if (virtualKey.keyCode == keyCodes[i]) { outFlags[i] = 1; } } } } // release lock return true; } // --- SingleTouchInputMapper --- SingleTouchInputMapper::SingleTouchInputMapper(InputDevice* device, int32_t associatedDisplayId) : TouchInputMapper(device, associatedDisplayId) { initialize(); } SingleTouchInputMapper::~SingleTouchInputMapper() { } void SingleTouchInputMapper::initialize() { mAccumulator.clear(); mDown = false; mX = 0; mY = 0; mPressure = 0; mSize = 0; } void SingleTouchInputMapper::reset() { TouchInputMapper::reset(); initialize(); } void SingleTouchInputMapper::process(const RawEvent* rawEvent) { switch (rawEvent->type) { case EV_KEY: switch (rawEvent->scanCode) { case BTN_TOUCH: mAccumulator.fields |= Accumulator::FIELD_BTN_TOUCH; mAccumulator.btnTouch = rawEvent->value != 0; sync(rawEvent->when); mAccumulator.clear(); break; } break; case EV_ABS: switch (rawEvent->scanCode) { case ABS_X: mAccumulator.fields |= Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_X; mAccumulator.absX = rawEvent->value; break; case ABS_Y: mAccumulator.fields |= Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_Y; mAccumulator.absY = rawEvent->value; break; case ABS_PRESSURE: mAccumulator.fields |= Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_PRESSURE; mAccumulator.absPressure = rawEvent->value; break; case ABS_TOOL_WIDTH: mAccumulator.fields |= Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_TOOL_WIDTH; mAccumulator.absToolWidth = rawEvent->value; break; } break; case EV_SYN: switch (rawEvent->scanCode) { case SYN_REPORT: if (mAccumulator.isDirty()) { sync(rawEvent->when); mAccumulator.clear(); } break; } break; } } void SingleTouchInputMapper::sync(nsecs_t when) { /* Update device state */ uint32_t fields = mAccumulator.fields; if (fields & Accumulator::FIELD_BTN_TOUCH) { mDown = mAccumulator.btnTouch; } if (fields & Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_X) { mX = mAccumulator.absX; } if (fields & Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_Y) { mY = mAccumulator.absY; } if (fields & Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_PRESSURE) { mPressure = mAccumulator.absPressure; } if (fields & Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_TOOL_WIDTH) { mSize = mAccumulator.absToolWidth; } mCurrentTouch.clear(); if (mDown) { mCurrentTouch.pointerCount = 1; mCurrentTouch.pointers[0].id = 0; mCurrentTouch.pointers[0].x = mX; mCurrentTouch.pointers[0].y = mY; mCurrentTouch.pointers[0].pressure = mPressure; mCurrentTouch.pointers[0].size = mSize; mCurrentTouch.pointers[0].touchMajor = mPressure; mCurrentTouch.pointers[0].touchMinor = mPressure; mCurrentTouch.pointers[0].toolMajor = mSize; mCurrentTouch.pointers[0].toolMinor = mSize; mCurrentTouch.pointers[0].orientation = 0; mCurrentTouch.idToIndex[0] = 0; mCurrentTouch.idBits.markBit(0); } syncTouch(when, true); } void SingleTouchInputMapper::configureAxes() { TouchInputMapper::configureAxes(); // The axes are aliased to take into account the manner in which they are presented // as part of the TouchData during the sync. getEventHub()->getAbsoluteAxisInfo(getDeviceId(), ABS_X, & mAxes.x); getEventHub()->getAbsoluteAxisInfo(getDeviceId(), ABS_Y, & mAxes.y); getEventHub()->getAbsoluteAxisInfo(getDeviceId(), ABS_PRESSURE, & mAxes.pressure); getEventHub()->getAbsoluteAxisInfo(getDeviceId(), ABS_TOOL_WIDTH, & mAxes.size); mAxes.touchMajor = mAxes.pressure; mAxes.touchMinor = mAxes.pressure; mAxes.toolMajor = mAxes.size; mAxes.toolMinor = mAxes.size; } // --- MultiTouchInputMapper --- MultiTouchInputMapper::MultiTouchInputMapper(InputDevice* device, int32_t associatedDisplayId) : TouchInputMapper(device, associatedDisplayId) { initialize(); } MultiTouchInputMapper::~MultiTouchInputMapper() { } void MultiTouchInputMapper::initialize() { mAccumulator.clear(); } void MultiTouchInputMapper::reset() { TouchInputMapper::reset(); initialize(); } void MultiTouchInputMapper::process(const RawEvent* rawEvent) { switch (rawEvent->type) { case EV_ABS: { uint32_t pointerIndex = mAccumulator.pointerCount; Accumulator::Pointer* pointer = & mAccumulator.pointers[pointerIndex]; switch (rawEvent->scanCode) { case ABS_MT_POSITION_X: pointer->fields |= Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_MT_POSITION_X; pointer->absMTPositionX = rawEvent->value; break; case ABS_MT_POSITION_Y: pointer->fields |= Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_MT_POSITION_Y; pointer->absMTPositionY = rawEvent->value; break; case ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR: pointer->fields |= Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR; pointer->absMTTouchMajor = rawEvent->value; break; case ABS_MT_TOUCH_MINOR: pointer->fields |= Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_MT_TOUCH_MINOR; pointer->absMTTouchMinor = rawEvent->value; break; case ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR: pointer->fields |= Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR; pointer->absMTWidthMajor = rawEvent->value; break; case ABS_MT_WIDTH_MINOR: pointer->fields |= Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_MT_WIDTH_MINOR; pointer->absMTWidthMinor = rawEvent->value; break; case ABS_MT_ORIENTATION: pointer->fields |= Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_MT_ORIENTATION; pointer->absMTOrientation = rawEvent->value; break; case ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID: pointer->fields |= Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID; pointer->absMTTrackingId = rawEvent->value; break; } break; } case EV_SYN: switch (rawEvent->scanCode) { case SYN_MT_REPORT: { // MultiTouch Sync: The driver has returned all data for *one* of the pointers. uint32_t pointerIndex = mAccumulator.pointerCount; if (mAccumulator.pointers[pointerIndex].fields) { if (pointerIndex == MAX_POINTERS) { LOGW("MultiTouch device driver returned more than maximum of %d pointers.", MAX_POINTERS); } else { pointerIndex += 1; mAccumulator.pointerCount = pointerIndex; } } mAccumulator.pointers[pointerIndex].clear(); break; } case SYN_REPORT: if (mAccumulator.isDirty()) { sync(rawEvent->when); mAccumulator.clear(); } break; } break; } } void MultiTouchInputMapper::sync(nsecs_t when) { static const uint32_t REQUIRED_FIELDS = Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_MT_POSITION_X | Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_MT_POSITION_Y | Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR | Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR; /* Update device state */ uint32_t inCount = mAccumulator.pointerCount; uint32_t outCount = 0; bool havePointerIds = true; mCurrentTouch.clear(); for (uint32_t inIndex = 0; inIndex < inCount; inIndex++) { uint32_t fields = mAccumulator.pointers[inIndex].fields; if ((fields & REQUIRED_FIELDS) != REQUIRED_FIELDS) { #if DEBUG_POINTERS LOGD("Pointers: Missing required multitouch pointer fields: index=%d, fields=%d", inIndex, fields); continue; #endif } if (mAccumulator.pointers[inIndex].absMTTouchMajor <= 0) { // Pointer is not down. Drop it. continue; } mCurrentTouch.pointers[outCount].x = mAccumulator.pointers[inIndex].absMTPositionX; mCurrentTouch.pointers[outCount].y = mAccumulator.pointers[inIndex].absMTPositionY; mCurrentTouch.pointers[outCount].touchMajor = mAccumulator.pointers[inIndex].absMTTouchMajor; mCurrentTouch.pointers[outCount].touchMinor = (fields & Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_MT_TOUCH_MINOR) != 0 ? mAccumulator.pointers[inIndex].absMTTouchMinor : mAccumulator.pointers[inIndex].absMTTouchMajor; mCurrentTouch.pointers[outCount].toolMajor = mAccumulator.pointers[inIndex].absMTWidthMajor; mCurrentTouch.pointers[outCount].toolMinor = (fields & Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_MT_WIDTH_MINOR) != 0 ? mAccumulator.pointers[inIndex].absMTWidthMinor : mAccumulator.pointers[inIndex].absMTWidthMajor; mCurrentTouch.pointers[outCount].orientation = (fields & Accumulator::FIELD_ABS_MT_ORIENTATION) != 0 ? mAccumulator.pointers[inIndex].absMTOrientation : 0; // Derive an approximation of pressure and size. // FIXME assignment of pressure may be incorrect, probably better to let // pressure = touch / width. Later on we pass width to MotionEvent as a size, which // isn't quite right either. Should be using touch for that. mCurrentTouch.pointers[outCount].pressure = mAccumulator.pointers[inIndex].absMTTouchMajor; mCurrentTouch.pointers[outCount].size = mAccumulator.pointers[inIndex].absMTWidthMajor; if (havePointerIds) { if (fields & Accumulator:: FIELD_ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID) { uint32_t id = uint32_t(mAccumulator.pointers[inIndex].absMTTrackingId); if (id > MAX_POINTER_ID) { #if DEBUG_POINTERS LOGD("Pointers: Ignoring driver provided pointer id %d because " "it is larger than max supported id %d for optimizations", id, MAX_POINTER_ID); #endif havePointerIds = false; } else { mCurrentTouch.pointers[outCount].id = id; mCurrentTouch.idToIndex[id] = outCount; mCurrentTouch.idBits.markBit(id); } } else { havePointerIds = false; } } outCount += 1; } mCurrentTouch.pointerCount = outCount; syncTouch(when, havePointerIds); } void MultiTouchInputMapper::configureAxes() { TouchInputMapper::configureAxes(); // The axes are aliased to take into account the manner in which they are presented // as part of the TouchData during the sync. getEventHub()->getAbsoluteAxisInfo(getDeviceId(), ABS_MT_POSITION_X, & mAxes.x); getEventHub()->getAbsoluteAxisInfo(getDeviceId(), ABS_MT_POSITION_Y, & mAxes.y); getEventHub()->getAbsoluteAxisInfo(getDeviceId(), ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR, & mAxes.touchMajor); getEventHub()->getAbsoluteAxisInfo(getDeviceId(), ABS_MT_TOUCH_MINOR, & mAxes.touchMinor); getEventHub()->getAbsoluteAxisInfo(getDeviceId(), ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR, & mAxes.toolMajor); getEventHub()->getAbsoluteAxisInfo(getDeviceId(), ABS_MT_WIDTH_MINOR, & mAxes.toolMinor); getEventHub()->getAbsoluteAxisInfo(getDeviceId(), ABS_MT_ORIENTATION, & mAxes.orientation); if (! mAxes.touchMinor.valid) { mAxes.touchMinor = mAxes.touchMajor; } if (! mAxes.toolMinor.valid) { mAxes.toolMinor = mAxes.toolMajor; } mAxes.pressure = mAxes.touchMajor; mAxes.size = mAxes.toolMajor; } } // namespace android