/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.gltrace; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; option java_package = "com.android.ide.eclipse.gltrace"; option java_outer_classname = "GLProtoBuf"; message GLMessage { enum Function { glActiveTexture = 0; glAlphaFunc = 1; glAlphaFuncx = 2; glAlphaFuncxOES = 3; glAttachShader = 4; glBeginPerfMonitorAMD = 5; glBindAttribLocation = 6; glBindBuffer = 7; glBindFramebuffer = 8; glBindFramebufferOES = 9; glBindRenderbuffer = 10; glBindRenderbufferOES = 11; glBindTexture = 12; glBindVertexArrayOES = 13; glBlendColor = 14; glBlendEquation = 15; glBlendEquationOES = 16; glBlendEquationSeparate = 17; glBlendEquationSeparateOES = 18; glBlendFunc = 19; glBlendFuncSeparate = 20; glBlendFuncSeparateOES = 21; glBufferData = 22; glBufferSubData = 23; glCheckFramebufferStatus = 24; glCheckFramebufferStatusOES = 25; glClearColor = 26; glClearColorx = 27; glClearColorxOES = 28; glClearDepthf = 29; glClearDepthfOES = 30; glClearDepthx = 31; glClearDepthxOES = 32; glClear = 33; glClearStencil = 34; glClientActiveTexture = 35; glClipPlanef = 36; glClipPlanefIMG = 37; glClipPlanefOES = 38; glClipPlanex = 39; glClipPlanexIMG = 40; glClipPlanexOES = 41; glColor4f = 42; glColor4ub = 43; glColor4x = 44; glColor4xOES = 45; glColorMask = 46; glColorPointer = 47; glCompileShader = 48; glCompressedTexImage2D = 49; glCompressedTexImage3DOES = 50; glCompressedTexSubImage2D = 51; glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES = 52; glCopyTexImage2D = 53; glCopyTexSubImage2D = 54; glCopyTexSubImage3DOES = 55; glCoverageMaskNV = 56; glCoverageOperationNV = 57; glCreateProgram = 58; glCreateShader = 59; glCullFace = 60; glCurrentPaletteMatrixOES = 61; glDeleteBuffers = 62; glDeleteFencesNV = 63; glDeleteFramebuffers = 64; glDeleteFramebuffersOES = 65; glDeletePerfMonitorsAMD = 66; glDeleteProgram = 67; glDeleteRenderbuffers = 68; glDeleteRenderbuffersOES = 69; glDeleteShader = 70; glDeleteTextures = 71; glDeleteVertexArraysOES = 72; glDepthFunc = 73; glDepthMask = 74; glDepthRangef = 75; glDepthRangefOES = 76; glDepthRangex = 77; glDepthRangexOES = 78; glDetachShader = 79; glDisableClientState = 80; glDisableDriverControlQCOM = 81; glDisable = 82; glDisableVertexAttribArray = 83; glDiscardFramebufferEXT = 84; glDrawArrays = 85; glDrawElements = 86; glDrawTexfOES = 87; glDrawTexfvOES = 88; glDrawTexiOES = 89; glDrawTexivOES = 90; glDrawTexsOES = 91; glDrawTexsvOES = 92; glDrawTexxOES = 93; glDrawTexxvOES = 94; glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES = 95; glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES = 96; glEnableClientState = 97; glEnableDriverControlQCOM = 98; glEnable = 99; glEnableVertexAttribArray = 100; glEndPerfMonitorAMD = 101; glEndTilingQCOM = 102; glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM = 103; glExtGetBuffersQCOM = 104; glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM = 105; glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM = 106; glExtGetProgramsQCOM = 107; glExtGetRenderbuffersQCOM = 108; glExtGetShadersQCOM = 109; glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM = 110; glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM = 111; glExtGetTexturesQCOM = 112; glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM = 113; glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM = 114; glFinishFenceNV = 115; glFinish = 116; glFlush = 117; glFogf = 118; glFogfv = 119; glFogx = 120; glFogxOES = 121; glFogxv = 122; glFogxvOES = 123; glFramebufferRenderbuffer = 124; glFramebufferRenderbufferOES = 125; glFramebufferTexture2D = 126; glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG = 127; glFramebufferTexture2DOES = 128; glFramebufferTexture3DOES = 129; glFrontFace = 130; glFrustumf = 131; glFrustumfOES = 132; glFrustumx = 133; glFrustumxOES = 134; glGenBuffers = 135; glGenerateMipmap = 136; glGenerateMipmapOES = 137; glGenFencesNV = 138; glGenFramebuffers = 139; glGenFramebuffersOES = 140; glGenPerfMonitorsAMD = 141; glGenRenderbuffers = 142; glGenRenderbuffersOES = 143; glGenTextures = 144; glGenVertexArraysOES = 145; glGetActiveAttrib = 146; glGetActiveUniform = 147; glGetAttachedShaders = 148; glGetAttribLocation = 149; glGetBooleanv = 150; glGetBufferParameteriv = 151; glGetBufferPointervOES = 152; glGetClipPlanef = 153; glGetClipPlanefOES = 154; glGetClipPlanex = 155; glGetClipPlanexOES = 156; glGetDriverControlsQCOM = 157; glGetDriverControlStringQCOM = 158; glGetError = 159; glGetFenceivNV = 160; glGetFixedv = 161; glGetFixedvOES = 162; glGetFloatv = 163; glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv = 164; glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES = 165; glGetIntegerv = 166; glGetLightfv = 167; glGetLightxv = 168; glGetLightxvOES = 169; glGetMaterialfv = 170; glGetMaterialxv = 171; glGetMaterialxvOES = 172; glGetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD = 173; glGetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD = 174; glGetPerfMonitorCountersAMD = 175; glGetPerfMonitorCounterStringAMD = 176; glGetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD = 177; glGetPerfMonitorGroupStringAMD = 178; glGetPointerv = 179; glGetProgramBinaryOES = 180; glGetProgramInfoLog = 181; glGetProgramiv = 182; glGetRenderbufferParameteriv = 183; glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES = 184; glGetShaderInfoLog = 185; glGetShaderiv = 186; glGetShaderPrecisionFormat = 187; glGetShaderSource = 188; glGetString = 189; glGetTexEnvfv = 190; glGetTexEnviv = 191; glGetTexEnvxv = 192; glGetTexEnvxvOES = 193; glGetTexGenfvOES = 194; glGetTexGenivOES = 195; glGetTexGenxvOES = 196; glGetTexParameterfv = 197; glGetTexParameteriv = 198; glGetTexParameterxv = 199; glGetTexParameterxvOES = 200; glGetUniformfv = 201; glGetUniformiv = 202; glGetUniformLocation = 203; glGetVertexAttribfv = 204; glGetVertexAttribiv = 205; glGetVertexAttribPointerv = 206; glHint = 207; glIsBuffer = 208; glIsEnabled = 209; glIsFenceNV = 210; glIsFramebuffer = 211; glIsFramebufferOES = 212; glIsProgram = 213; glIsRenderbuffer = 214; glIsRenderbufferOES = 215; glIsShader = 216; glIsTexture = 217; glIsVertexArrayOES = 218; glLightf = 219; glLightfv = 220; glLightModelf = 221; glLightModelfv = 222; glLightModelx = 223; glLightModelxOES = 224; glLightModelxv = 225; glLightModelxvOES = 226; glLightx = 227; glLightxOES = 228; glLightxv = 229; glLightxvOES = 230; glLineWidth = 231; glLineWidthx = 232; glLineWidthxOES = 233; glLinkProgram = 234; glLoadIdentity = 235; glLoadMatrixf = 236; glLoadMatrixx = 237; glLoadMatrixxOES = 238; glLoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES = 239; glLogicOp = 240; glMapBufferOES = 241; glMaterialf = 242; glMaterialfv = 243; glMaterialx = 244; glMaterialxOES = 245; glMaterialxv = 246; glMaterialxvOES = 247; glMatrixIndexPointerOES = 248; glMatrixMode = 249; glMultiDrawArraysEXT = 250; glMultiDrawElementsEXT = 251; glMultiTexCoord4f = 252; glMultiTexCoord4x = 253; glMultiTexCoord4xOES = 254; glMultMatrixf = 255; glMultMatrixx = 256; glMultMatrixxOES = 257; glNormal3f = 258; glNormal3x = 259; glNormal3xOES = 260; glNormalPointer = 261; glOrthof = 262; glOrthofOES = 263; glOrthox = 264; glOrthoxOES = 265; glPixelStorei = 266; glPointParameterf = 267; glPointParameterfv = 268; glPointParameterx = 269; glPointParameterxOES = 270; glPointParameterxv = 271; glPointParameterxvOES = 272; glPointSize = 273; glPointSizePointerOES = 274; glPointSizex = 275; glPointSizexOES = 276; glPolygonOffset = 277; glPolygonOffsetx = 278; glPolygonOffsetxOES = 279; glPopMatrix = 280; glProgramBinaryOES = 281; glPushMatrix = 282; glQueryMatrixxOES = 283; glReadPixels = 284; glReleaseShaderCompiler = 285; glRenderbufferStorage = 286; glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG = 287; glRenderbufferStorageOES = 288; glRotatef = 289; glRotatex = 290; glRotatexOES = 291; glSampleCoverage = 292; glSampleCoveragex = 293; glSampleCoveragexOES = 294; glScalef = 295; glScalex = 296; glScalexOES = 297; glScissor = 298; glSelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD = 299; glSetFenceNV = 300; glShadeModel = 301; glShaderBinary = 302; glShaderSource = 303; glStartTilingQCOM = 304; glStencilFunc = 305; glStencilFuncSeparate = 306; glStencilMask = 307; glStencilMaskSeparate = 308; glStencilOp = 309; glStencilOpSeparate = 310; glTestFenceNV = 311; glTexCoordPointer = 312; glTexEnvf = 313; glTexEnvfv = 314; glTexEnvi = 315; glTexEnviv = 316; glTexEnvx = 317; glTexEnvxOES = 318; glTexEnvxv = 319; glTexEnvxvOES = 320; glTexGenfOES = 321; glTexGenfvOES = 322; glTexGeniOES = 323; glTexGenivOES = 324; glTexGenxOES = 325; glTexGenxvOES = 326; glTexImage2D = 327; glTexImage3DOES = 328; glTexParameterf = 329; glTexParameterfv = 330; glTexParameteri = 331; glTexParameteriv = 332; glTexParameterx = 333; glTexParameterxOES = 334; glTexParameterxv = 335; glTexParameterxvOES = 336; glTexSubImage2D = 337; glTexSubImage3DOES = 338; glTranslatef = 339; glTranslatex = 340; glTranslatexOES = 341; glUniform1f = 342; glUniform1fv = 343; glUniform1i = 344; glUniform1iv = 345; glUniform2f = 346; glUniform2fv = 347; glUniform2i = 348; glUniform2iv = 349; glUniform3f = 350; glUniform3fv = 351; glUniform3i = 352; glUniform3iv = 353; glUniform4f = 354; glUniform4fv = 355; glUniform4i = 356; glUniform4iv = 357; glUniformMatrix2fv = 358; glUniformMatrix3fv = 359; glUniformMatrix4fv = 360; glUnmapBufferOES = 361; glUseProgram = 362; glValidateProgram = 363; glVertexAttrib1f = 364; glVertexAttrib1fv = 365; glVertexAttrib2f = 366; glVertexAttrib2fv = 367; glVertexAttrib3f = 368; glVertexAttrib3fv = 369; glVertexAttrib4f = 370; glVertexAttrib4fv = 371; glVertexAttribPointer = 372; glVertexPointer = 373; glViewport = 374; glWeightPointerOES = 375; eglGetDisplay = 2000; eglInitialize = 2001; eglTerminate = 2002; eglGetConfigs = 2003; eglChooseConfig = 2004; eglGetConfigAttrib = 2005; eglCreateWindowSurface = 2006; eglCreatePixmapSurface = 2007; eglCreatePbufferSurface = 2008; eglDestroySurface = 2009; eglQuerySurface = 2010; eglCreateContext = 2011; eglDestroyContext = 2012; eglMakeCurrent = 2013; eglGetCurrentContext = 2014; eglGetCurrentSurface = 2015; eglGetCurrentDisplay = 2016; eglQueryContext = 2017; eglWaitGL = 2018; eglWaitNative = 2019; eglSwapBuffers = 2020; eglCopyBuffers = 2021; eglGetError = 2022; eglQueryString = 2023; eglGetProcAddress = 2024; eglSurfaceAttrib = 2025; eglBindTexImage = 2026; eglReleaseTexImage = 2027; eglSwapInterval = 2028; eglBindAPI = 2029; eglQueryAPI = 2030; eglWaitClient = 2031; eglReleaseThread = 2032; eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer = 2033; eglLockSurfaceKHR = 2034; eglUnlockSurfaceKHR = 2035; eglCreateImageKHR = 2036; eglDestroyImageKHR = 2037; eglCreateSyncKHR = 2038; eglDestroySyncKHR = 2039; eglClientWaitSyncKHR = 2040; eglGetSyncAttribKHR = 2041; eglSetSwapRectangleANDROID = 2042; eglGetRenderBufferANDROID = 2043; eglGetSystemTimeFrequencyNV = 2044; eglGetSystemTimeNV = 2045; invalid = 3000; frameBufferContents = 3001; } // A GL call's return data and arguments are formatted into this DataType message DataType { enum Type { VOID = 1; // GLvoid CHAR = 2; // GLchar BYTE = 3; // GLbyte, GLubyte INT = 4; // GLbitfield, GLshort, GLint, GLsizei, GLushort, GLuint, GLfixed FLOAT = 5; // GLfloat, GLclampf BOOL = 6; // GLboolean ENUM = 7; // GLenum }; required Type type = 1 [default = VOID]; required bool isArray = 2 [default = false]; repeated int32 intValue = 3; repeated float floatValue = 4; repeated bytes charValue = 5; repeated bytes rawBytes = 6; repeated bool boolValue = 7; } message FrameBuffer { required int32 width = 1; required int32 height = 2; repeated bytes contents = 3; } required int32 context_id = 1; // GL context ID required int64 start_time = 2; // time when call was invoked required int32 duration = 3; // duration of the call required Function function = 4 [default = invalid]; // GL function called repeated DataType args = 5; // GL function's arguments optional DataType returnValue = 6; // GL function's return value optional FrameBuffer fb = 7; // contents of the framebuffer };