#include "idmap.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace android; #define NEXT(b, i, o) do { if (buf.next(&i, &o) < 0) { return -1; } } while (0) namespace { static const uint32_t IDMAP_MAGIC = 0x706d6469; static const size_t PATH_LENGTH = 256; static const uint32_t IDMAP_HEADER_SIZE = (3 + 2 * (PATH_LENGTH / sizeof(uint32_t))); void printe(const char *fmt, ...); class IdmapBuffer { private: char *buf_; size_t len_; mutable size_t pos_; public: IdmapBuffer() : buf_((char *)MAP_FAILED), len_(0), pos_(0) {} ~IdmapBuffer() { if (buf_ != MAP_FAILED) { munmap(buf_, len_); } } int init(const char *idmap_path) { struct stat st; int fd; if (stat(idmap_path, &st) < 0) { printe("failed to stat idmap '%s': %s\n", idmap_path, strerror(errno)); return -1; } len_ = st.st_size; if ((fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(idmap_path, O_RDONLY))) < 0) { printe("failed to open idmap '%s': %s\n", idmap_path, strerror(errno)); return -1; } if ((buf_ = (char*)mmap(NULL, len_, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0)) == MAP_FAILED) { close(fd); printe("failed to mmap idmap: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } close(fd); return 0; } int next(uint32_t *i, uint32_t *offset) const { if (!buf_) { printe("failed to read next uint32_t: buffer not initialized\n"); return -1; } if (pos_ + 4 > len_) { printe("failed to read next uint32_t: end of buffer reached at pos=0x%08x\n", pos_); return -1; } *offset = pos_ / sizeof(uint32_t); char a = buf_[pos_++]; char b = buf_[pos_++]; char c = buf_[pos_++]; char d = buf_[pos_++]; *i = (d << 24) | (c << 16) | (b << 8) | a; return 0; } int nextPath(char *b, uint32_t *offset_start, uint32_t *offset_end) const { if (!buf_) { printe("failed to read next path: buffer not initialized\n"); return -1; } if (pos_ + PATH_LENGTH > len_) { printe("failed to read next path: end of buffer reached at pos=0x%08x\n", pos_); return -1; } memcpy(b, buf_ + pos_, PATH_LENGTH); *offset_start = pos_ / sizeof(uint32_t); pos_ += PATH_LENGTH; *offset_end = pos_ / sizeof(uint32_t) - 1; return 0; } }; void printe(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); fprintf(stderr, "error: "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } void print_header() { printf("SECTION ENTRY VALUE OFFSET COMMENT\n"); } void print(const char *section, const char *subsection, uint32_t value, uint32_t offset, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); printf("%-12s %-12s 0x%08x 0x%-4x ", section, subsection, value, offset); vprintf(fmt, ap); printf("\n"); va_end(ap); } void print_path(const char *section, const char *subsection, uint32_t offset_start, uint32_t offset_end, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); printf("%-12s %-12s .......... 0x%02x-0x%02x ", section, subsection, offset_start, offset_end); vprintf(fmt, ap); printf("\n"); va_end(ap); } int resource_metadata(const AssetManager& am, uint32_t res_id, String8 *package, String8 *type, String8 *name) { const ResTable& rt = am.getResources(); struct ResTable::resource_name data; if (!rt.getResourceName(res_id, false, &data)) { printe("failed to get resource name id=0x%08x\n", res_id); return -1; } if (package) { *package = String8(String16(data.package, data.packageLen)); } if (type) { *type = String8(String16(data.type, data.typeLen)); } if (name) { *name = String8(String16(data.name, data.nameLen)); } return 0; } int package_id(const AssetManager& am) { return (am.getResources().getBasePackageId(0)) << 24; } int parse_idmap_header(const IdmapBuffer& buf, AssetManager& am) { uint32_t i, o, e; char path[PATH_LENGTH]; NEXT(buf, i, o); if (i != IDMAP_MAGIC) { printe("not an idmap file: actual magic constant 0x%08x does not match expected magic " "constant 0x%08x\n", i, IDMAP_MAGIC); return -1; } print_header(); print("IDMAP HEADER", "magic", i, o, ""); NEXT(buf, i, o); print("", "base crc", i, o, ""); NEXT(buf, i, o); print("", "overlay crc", i, o, ""); if (buf.nextPath(path, &o, &e) < 0) { // printe done from IdmapBuffer::nextPath return -1; } print_path("", "base path", o, e, "%s", path); if (!am.addAssetPath(String8(path), NULL)) { printe("failed to add '%s' as asset path\n", path); return -1; } if (buf.nextPath(path, &o, &e) < 0) { // printe done from IdmapBuffer::nextPath return -1; } print_path("", "overlay path", o, e, "%s", path); return 0; } int parse_data_header(const IdmapBuffer& buf, const AssetManager& am, Vector& types) { uint32_t i, o; const uint32_t numeric_package = package_id(am); NEXT(buf, i, o); print("DATA HEADER", "types count", i, o, ""); const uint32_t N = i; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < N; ++j) { NEXT(buf, i, o); if (i == 0) { print("", "padding", i, o, ""); } else { String8 type; const uint32_t numeric_type = (j + 1) << 16; const uint32_t res_id = numeric_package | numeric_type; if (resource_metadata(am, res_id, NULL, &type, NULL) < 0) { // printe done from resource_metadata return -1; } print("", "type offset", i, o, "absolute offset 0x%02x, %s", i + IDMAP_HEADER_SIZE, type.string()); types.add(numeric_type); } } return 0; } int parse_data_block(const IdmapBuffer& buf, const AssetManager& am, size_t numeric_type) { uint32_t i, o, n, id_offset; const uint32_t numeric_package = package_id(am); NEXT(buf, i, o); print("DATA BLOCK", "entry count", i, o, ""); n = i; NEXT(buf, i, o); print("", "entry offset", i, o, ""); id_offset = i; for ( ; n > 0; --n) { String8 type, name; NEXT(buf, i, o); if (i == 0) { print("", "padding", i, o, ""); } else { uint32_t res_id = numeric_package | numeric_type | id_offset; if (resource_metadata(am, res_id, NULL, &type, &name) < 0) { // printe done from resource_metadata return -1; } print("", "entry", i, o, "%s/%s", type.string(), name.string()); } ++id_offset; } return 0; } } int idmap_inspect(const char *idmap_path) { IdmapBuffer buf; if (buf.init(idmap_path) < 0) { // printe done from IdmapBuffer::init return EXIT_FAILURE; } AssetManager am; if (parse_idmap_header(buf, am) < 0) { // printe done from parse_idmap_header return EXIT_FAILURE; } Vector types; if (parse_data_header(buf, am, types) < 0) { // printe done from parse_data_header return EXIT_FAILURE; } const size_t N = types.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { if (parse_data_block(buf, am, types.itemAt(i)) < 0) { // printe done from parse_data_block return EXIT_FAILURE; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }