Andreas Huber
am eb12e45f: Merge "Refactor connection/redirection code, support redirects on reconnection." into froyo
Merge commit 'eb12e45f7a92fd424988451256c82605d086245d' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'eb12e45f7a92fd424988451256c82605d086245d':
Refactor connection/redirection code, support redirects on reconnection.
2010-04-08 12:45:59 -07:00
Robert Greenwalt
am 2b4b5738: Merge "Add service to monitor/control the flow of data." into froyo
Merge commit '2b4b5738011f5ccb118ad15721fd757c85448966' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '2b4b5738011f5ccb118ad15721fd757c85448966':
Add service to monitor/control the flow of data.
2010-04-08 12:45:51 -07:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "Refactor connection/redirection code, support redirects on reconnection." into froyo
2010-04-08 12:44:33 -07:00
Robert Greenwalt
Merge "Add service to monitor/control the flow of data." into froyo
2010-04-08 12:42:09 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 2be9a0e7: am 2c5c9bb8: am 2670105e: Merge "Fix issue #2580316 : Contacts and Phone app not supporting landscape mode..." into froyo
2010-04-08 11:43:06 -07:00
The Android Open Source Project
am c9522c95: am 727cec02: merge from open-source master
2010-04-08 11:43:03 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 2c5c9bb8: am 2670105e: Merge "Fix issue #2580316 : Contacts and Phone app not supporting landscape mode..." into froyo
Merge commit '2c5c9bb89b539a1a97d093a54669bf2242697410' into kraken
* commit '2c5c9bb89b539a1a97d093a54669bf2242697410':
Fix issue #2580316 : Contacts and Phone app not supporting landscape mode...
2010-04-08 11:41:38 -07:00
The Android Open Source Project
am 727cec02: merge from open-source master
Merge commit '727cec02daa66b5e984aff277185d503fabe5d51' into kraken
* commit '727cec02daa66b5e984aff277185d503fabe5d51':
Fix reporting of window visibility in WindowManagerService.
2010-04-08 11:39:51 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 2670105e: Merge "Fix issue #2580316 : Contacts and Phone app not supporting landscape mode..." into froyo
Merge commit '2670105ee6929d3036a1a7134400730f214f0f7e' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '2670105ee6929d3036a1a7134400730f214f0f7e':
Fix issue #2580316 : Contacts and Phone app not supporting landscape mode...
2010-04-08 11:39:03 -07:00
The Android Open Source Project
merge from open-source master
Change-Id: I0902959c7703bd3a1c41abfc6a8788b89d0aa977
2010-04-08 11:35:37 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Fix issue #2580316 : Contacts and Phone app not supporting landscape mode..." into froyo
2010-04-08 11:35:27 -07:00
The Android Open Source Project
am 892debc6: am 65369424: merge from open-source master
2010-04-08 11:33:28 -07:00
Scott Main
am bc494d43: am 6b04d5c7: am 4981863d: Merge "docs: revisions to the installLocation documentation" into froyo
2010-04-08 11:33:24 -07:00
The Android Open Source Project
am 65369424: merge from open-source master
Merge commit '65369424cbfbf165b4324bdcb6f138435462a196' into kraken
* commit '65369424cbfbf165b4324bdcb6f138435462a196':
Add keycodes PageUp and PageDown
2010-04-08 11:29:23 -07:00
Scott Main
am 6b04d5c7: am 4981863d: Merge "docs: revisions to the installLocation documentation" into froyo
Merge commit '6b04d5c735df7fa05c705f979eff8821989ab73d' into kraken
* commit '6b04d5c735df7fa05c705f979eff8821989ab73d':
docs: revisions to the installLocation documentation
2010-04-08 11:29:19 -07:00
The Android Open Source Project
merge from open-source master
Change-Id: I975030d9572463bc69245bcffa25c47d7acb2b51
2010-04-08 11:27:55 -07:00
Scott Main
am 4981863d: Merge "docs: revisions to the installLocation documentation" into froyo
Merge commit '4981863de52941f053bf002ae2f9c8f705534599' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '4981863de52941f053bf002ae2f9c8f705534599':
docs: revisions to the installLocation documentation
2010-04-08 11:25:36 -07:00
Scott Main
Merge "docs: revisions to the installLocation documentation" into froyo
2010-04-08 11:22:42 -07:00
Jaikumar Ganesh
am 0dbec5f4: am 9e82d359: am d1a95f97: Merge "Don\'t allow connection to profiles in TURNING_OFF state." into froyo
2010-04-08 10:15:31 -07:00
Jaikumar Ganesh
am 9e82d359: am d1a95f97: Merge "Don\'t allow connection to profiles in TURNING_OFF state." into froyo
Merge commit '9e82d359bcc22d1acd2eae5d7d183168cdfbf761' into kraken
* commit '9e82d359bcc22d1acd2eae5d7d183168cdfbf761':
Don't allow connection to profiles in TURNING_OFF state.
2010-04-08 10:12:57 -07:00
Jaikumar Ganesh
am d1a95f97: Merge "Don\'t allow connection to profiles in TURNING_OFF state." into froyo
Merge commit 'd1a95f975b03371a937da87735359c286a6de7f3' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'd1a95f975b03371a937da87735359c286a6de7f3':
Don't allow connection to profiles in TURNING_OFF state.
2010-04-08 10:08:25 -07:00
Jaikumar Ganesh
Merge "Don't allow connection to profiles in TURNING_OFF state." into froyo
2010-04-08 10:01:50 -07:00
Andrei Popescu
am ec472da7: am 1531d211: am 3fe36fe5: Merge "Avoid calling proxy.playbackEnded() again in onCustomViewHidden(). It is now always called via the MediaPlayer.onCompletion() callback." into froyo
2010-04-08 09:16:35 -07:00
Andrei Popescu
am 1531d211: am 3fe36fe5: Merge "Avoid calling proxy.playbackEnded() again in onCustomViewHidden(). It is now always called via the MediaPlayer.onCompletion() callback." into froyo
Merge commit '1531d211249783bdfc3ded9323397f22a5f1fc34' into kraken
* commit '1531d211249783bdfc3ded9323397f22a5f1fc34':
Avoid calling proxy.playbackEnded() again in onCustomViewHidden().
2010-04-08 09:12:43 -07:00
Andrei Popescu
am 3fe36fe5: Merge "Avoid calling proxy.playbackEnded() again in onCustomViewHidden(). It is now always called via the MediaPlayer.onCompletion() callback." into froyo
Merge commit '3fe36fe589809b732db12054428166adb069f53b' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '3fe36fe589809b732db12054428166adb069f53b':
Avoid calling proxy.playbackEnded() again in onCustomViewHidden().
2010-04-08 09:10:09 -07:00
Andrei Popescu
Merge "Avoid calling proxy.playbackEnded() again in onCustomViewHidden(). It is now always called via the MediaPlayer.onCompletion() callback." into froyo
2010-04-08 09:07:32 -07:00
Andreas Huber
am c63c6e97: am d06c435c: am c6c8a1e9: Merge "Increase the size of the pages used in CachingDataSource (total amount of memory used remains the same) to compensate for reduced locality of audio/video data requests. Also fixes a mistaken trailing "\r\n" in the range he
2010-04-08 08:43:30 -07:00
Andreas Huber
am d06c435c: am c6c8a1e9: Merge "Increase the size of the pages used in CachingDataSource (total amount of memory used remains the same) to compensate for reduced locality of audio/video data requests. Also fixes a mistaken trailing "\r\n" in the range header and bett
Merge commit 'd06c435c3f520ef2012fdd331dac76b1621a72e6' into kraken
* commit 'd06c435c3f520ef2012fdd331dac76b1621a72e6':
Increase the size of the pages used in CachingDataSource (total amount of memory used remains the same) to compensate for reduced locality of audio/video data requests. Also fixes a mistaken trailing "\r\n" in the range header and better error handling on http connection.
2010-04-08 08:35:53 -07:00
Andreas Huber
am c6c8a1e9: Merge "Increase the size of the pages used in CachingDataSource (total amount of memory used remains the same) to compensate for reduced locality of audio/video data requests. Also fixes a mistaken trailing "\r\n" in the range header and better error hand
Merge commit 'c6c8a1e96f2cccb7b2bf7aec5140a3eacb7a922a' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'c6c8a1e96f2cccb7b2bf7aec5140a3eacb7a922a':
Increase the size of the pages used in CachingDataSource (total amount of memory used remains the same) to compensate for reduced locality of audio/video data requests. Also fixes a mistaken trailing "\r\n" in the range header and better error handling on http connection.
2010-04-08 08:31:20 -07:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "Increase the size of the pages used in CachingDataSource (total amount of memory used remains the same) to compensate for reduced locality of audio/video data requests. Also fixes a mistaken trailing "\r\n" in the range header and better error handling on http connection." into froyo
2010-04-08 08:27:20 -07:00
Daniel Sandler
am 715896be: am 6fec76a0: am 8d318958: Merge "Transparent alarm icons for lockscreen." into froyo
2010-04-08 06:35:40 -07:00
Daniel Sandler
am 8c66936a: am 07023777: am 9f71025b: Merge "Add emergency call button to PUK\'d lockscreen." into froyo
2010-04-08 06:35:34 -07:00
Daniel Sandler
am 6fec76a0: am 8d318958: Merge "Transparent alarm icons for lockscreen." into froyo
Merge commit '6fec76a081fd5976c3d7d0aa9616d5680ccb237f' into kraken
* commit '6fec76a081fd5976c3d7d0aa9616d5680ccb237f':
Transparent alarm icons for lockscreen.
2010-04-08 06:33:26 -07:00
Daniel Sandler
am 07023777: am 9f71025b: Merge "Add emergency call button to PUK\'d lockscreen." into froyo
Merge commit '070237771e89bbf027ed85302df7a91fae0fa5c2' into kraken
* commit '070237771e89bbf027ed85302df7a91fae0fa5c2':
Add emergency call button to PUK'd lockscreen.
2010-04-08 06:33:23 -07:00
Daniel Sandler
am 8d318958: Merge "Transparent alarm icons for lockscreen." into froyo
Merge commit '8d318958a3eb3abac3696c436e27e51e0bc2c6f8' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '8d318958a3eb3abac3696c436e27e51e0bc2c6f8':
Transparent alarm icons for lockscreen.
2010-04-08 06:10:12 -07:00
Daniel Sandler
am 9f71025b: Merge "Add emergency call button to PUK\'d lockscreen." into froyo
Merge commit '9f71025b376a0c43d49b5c9c3f3f83942fd2f9b7' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '9f71025b376a0c43d49b5c9c3f3f83942fd2f9b7':
Add emergency call button to PUK'd lockscreen.
2010-04-08 06:10:09 -07:00
Daniel Sandler
Merge "Transparent alarm icons for lockscreen." into froyo
2010-04-08 06:07:57 -07:00
Daniel Sandler
Merge "Add emergency call button to PUK'd lockscreen." into froyo
2010-04-08 06:06:50 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am b921b37b: am a327dbdd: am ecb0e637: Fix issue #2541849 : System crash when an app with active notifications...
2010-04-07 22:44:56 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am a327dbdd: am ecb0e637: Fix issue #2541849 : System crash when an app with active notifications...
Merge commit 'a327dbddccb002919b98bdfd7abd81619826a3b8' into kraken
* commit 'a327dbddccb002919b98bdfd7abd81619826a3b8':
Fix issue #2541849 : System crash when an app with active notifications...
2010-04-07 22:42:46 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am ecb0e637: Fix issue #2541849 : System crash when an app with active notifications...
Merge commit 'ecb0e637870553f9c12dc6b9178de0512563af9c' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'ecb0e637870553f9c12dc6b9178de0512563af9c':
Fix issue #2541849 : System crash when an app with active notifications...
2010-04-07 22:39:18 -07:00
Wu-cheng Li
am 249c902c: am 75a9cbae: am 3f4639a6: Update API and javadoc according to API review.
2010-04-07 22:06:37 -07:00
Wu-cheng Li
am 75a9cbae: am 3f4639a6: Update API and javadoc according to API review.
Merge commit '75a9cbaea42d1e28957dd3ff59899b4c75ffd8db' into kraken
* commit '75a9cbaea42d1e28957dd3ff59899b4c75ffd8db':
Update API and javadoc according to API review.
2010-04-07 22:01:54 -07:00
Wu-cheng Li
am 3f4639a6: Update API and javadoc according to API review.
Merge commit '3f4639a6611222ae1ae5493de49213250d292139' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '3f4639a6611222ae1ae5493de49213250d292139':
Update API and javadoc according to API review.
2010-04-07 21:58:21 -07:00
Suchi Amalapurapu
am 3e543abb: am a599469f: am c2461be6: Merge "Fix 2579461 Move install location values to secure settings. Diable attribute for UI. Set default value to auto. Add command line interface to set install location via pm." into froyo
2010-04-07 21:36:43 -07:00
Suchi Amalapurapu
am a599469f: am c2461be6: Merge "Fix 2579461 Move install location values to secure settings. Diable attribute for UI. Set default value to auto. Add command line interface to set install location via pm." into froyo
Merge commit 'a599469f9095532cac95a8e7600412f156b88f1c' into kraken
* commit 'a599469f9095532cac95a8e7600412f156b88f1c':
Fix 2579461
2010-04-07 21:32:30 -07:00
Suchi Amalapurapu
am c2461be6: Merge "Fix 2579461 Move install location values to secure settings. Diable attribute for UI. Set default value to auto. Add command line interface to set install location via pm." into froyo
Merge commit 'c2461be6279137f872becf695befeb7ba8770a64' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'c2461be6279137f872becf695befeb7ba8770a64':
Fix 2579461
2010-04-07 21:29:05 -07:00
Suchi Amalapurapu
Merge "Fix 2579461 Move install location values to secure settings. Diable attribute for UI. Set default value to auto. Add command line interface to set install location via pm." into froyo
2010-04-07 21:24:36 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am d49c455c: am 822a7e2d: am ce59fb8b: Fix issue #2578244 : playing audio file downloaded by the browser...
2010-04-07 19:17:45 -07:00
Grace Kloba
am 962ebd1f: am 520d6840: am 667543cd: Merge "Revert "Use the content width to calculate the zoom overview"" into froyo
2010-04-07 19:14:53 -07:00