Merge commit '5c5c85a5050d5512e437be65ec00d3f31b8bf004'
* commit '5c5c85a5050d5512e437be65ec00d3f31b8bf004':
Initial check in of AMR (NB and WB) decoders based on PV source code.
Merge commit '7d26aca8452ce01ea33c0b03ecec392c07bf867b'
* commit '7d26aca8452ce01ea33c0b03ecec392c07bf867b':
Add support for @UiThreadTest on setUp() and tearDown() in InstrumentationTestCase.
Merge commit 'fc96523b94ddaad1da39bee0d6861e2186d8479c'
* commit 'fc96523b94ddaad1da39bee0d6861e2186d8479c':
move event log tags used by SyncAdapter into a local .logtags file
Allows "aapt dump --values resource" to print out whether a string in a
ResStringPool is in UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding.
Change-Id: I6478884a70a3b46fee862dece6cb33454fc34843
Merge commit 'f2f68760eb10b52bd53d6a266f9b5e2b06037d9f' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit 'f2f68760eb10b52bd53d6a266f9b5e2b06037d9f':
Fix crash with @UiThreadTest in InstrumentationTestCase.
Merge commit '92993a620b04008a764c52982b9981c1758d9e9e'
* commit '92993a620b04008a764c52982b9981c1758d9e9e':
Add convenience function to MediaStore to move a playlist item
Merge commit 'bf0b4da21fc66aed658608ec2861646c280681e2'
* commit 'bf0b4da21fc66aed658608ec2861646c280681e2':
Enable longpress and doubletap to WebKit as touch
Merge commit '987e7fb2d43130deb756353ca8f098b0a0a3beeb' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '987e7fb2d43130deb756353ca8f098b0a0a3beeb':
Initial check in of AMR (NB and WB) decoders based on PV source code.
Merge commit 'a14b4890b914971c01bf130697090e7e775aeab4'
* commit 'a14b4890b914971c01bf130697090e7e775aeab4':
Check that the resolved activity is not in our package.
Merge commit 'b23806b92f8f5e19a7a73380da4689607c4d4e49'
* commit 'b23806b92f8f5e19a7a73380da4689607c4d4e49':
Pass a message to move the focus when user hits "Next".
Merge commit 'f44ecff46732f30977da91eb9614673bad8282f8' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit 'f44ecff46732f30977da91eb9614673bad8282f8':
Add support for @UiThreadTest on setUp() and tearDown() in InstrumentationTestCase.
Merge commit '97ef7637c6799e72956db8e08192539f1b1942f6' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '97ef7637c6799e72956db8e08192539f1b1942f6':
- move the EventLog stuff out of ATSA
Merge commit 'b3c1f1cff4ecf5c88a0bd00d421beeb022bb41e4' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit 'b3c1f1cff4ecf5c88a0bd00d421beeb022bb41e4':
move event log tags used by SyncAdapter into a local .logtags file
Merge commit '0f62abd986e1900ab4260e559b2dc7d917b6470f'
* commit '0f62abd986e1900ab4260e559b2dc7d917b6470f':
Fix#2313382: SECURITY: Live wallpapers get touch events through the lock screen.
Merge commit '274b8c584161342af2d1f6dc616995d98f6796ad'
* commit '274b8c584161342af2d1f6dc616995d98f6796ad':
Fix the build when ViewDebug.TRACE_RECYCLER is set to true.
Merge commit '9f4cea6846aa4ac2ec57c97f5da17822eb9b9727'
* commit '9f4cea6846aa4ac2ec57c97f5da17822eb9b9727':
Telephony: Make resetting radio on a radio technology change optional
Merge commit 'eb68a226563f60265663f1688dda77c4f909e5de'
* commit 'eb68a226563f60265663f1688dda77c4f909e5de':
Add bindService API to not bring ot foreground.
Merge commit '774568f73911ae2bb35c816a40d49376ea8300df'
* commit '774568f73911ae2bb35c816a40d49376ea8300df':
Close popup when Keyboard gets a CANCEL motion event.
Merge commit 'c97c5c0b9b61f48cbf47cb95d497e0bb6d01eeef'
* commit 'c97c5c0b9b61f48cbf47cb95d497e0bb6d01eeef':
Paper over 2275704 by not having LotsOfApps installed on the monkeys builds.
Merge commit '506afbd600d82a324f59ceb875f664ead4338600'
* commit '506afbd600d82a324f59ceb875f664ead4338600':
Remove the code where we suspect webkit draw during
Merge commit '5cd6fcd518d47d1974a10fccf3c3d5431a83307a'
* commit '5cd6fcd518d47d1974a10fccf3c3d5431a83307a':
Optional use of UTF-8 strings in resource bundles