Nicolas Roard
am fcba2353: Merge "Remove uncalled function -- java counterpart of the fix for bug:4183801" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'fcba23536b1b432a5977e1ba4ea70ae0ff5aed4a':
Remove uncalled function -- java counterpart of the fix for bug:4183801
2011-04-07 17:24:05 -07:00
Nicolas Roard
Merge "Remove uncalled function -- java counterpart of the fix for bug:4183801" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-04-07 17:21:53 -07:00
Wink Saville
Merge "Add RIL_UNSOL_RIL_CONNECTED and pass radio technology + 2 to setupDataCall." into honeycomb-LTE
2011-04-07 16:49:02 -07:00
Bill Gruber
am 6bb8b0ec: am afecd1e9: IAB docs--status codes fix Bug: 4208641
* commit '6bb8b0ecb558373ba99e44ad5c351e1d7bb410d6':
IAB docs--status codes fix Bug: 4208641
2011-04-07 15:14:54 -07:00
Bill Gruber
am afecd1e9: IAB docs--status codes fix Bug: 4208641
* commit 'afecd1e99284dc386f07571c69edfed8c12f1cef':
IAB docs--status codes fix Bug: 4208641
2011-04-07 15:09:33 -07:00
Wink Saville
Merge "ConnectivityService needs to use the new names for the NetConfig vars." into honeycomb-LTE
2011-04-07 14:28:06 -07:00
Teng-Hui Zhu
am bb55777b: Merge changes Ia44d880a,Ifbf63b24 into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'bb55777be1a3231d187205dc378ca35b01e8bc65':
DO NOT MERGE : cherry pick of change Ieb7ae26b from master
DO NOT MERGE : cherry pick of change I0f9f2c65 from master
2011-04-07 14:22:33 -07:00
Teng-Hui Zhu
Merge changes Ia44d880a,Ifbf63b24 into honeycomb-mr1
* changes:
DO NOT MERGE : cherry pick of change Ieb7ae26b from master
DO NOT MERGE : cherry pick of change I0f9f2c65 from master
2011-04-07 14:17:52 -07:00
Xavier Ducrohet
am 515a08b0: Merge 59aad78e from master. do not merge.
* commit '515a08b01851a1ab9386f85dee6d9fd7b65ee7ad':
Merge 59aad78e from master. do not merge.
2011-04-07 13:38:13 -07:00
Robert Greenwalt
Merge "Add external dependency API." into honeycomb-LTE
2011-04-07 13:02:28 -07:00
John Wang
Merge "Refactor onSetupConnectionCompleted." into honeycomb-LTE
2011-04-07 12:44:14 -07:00
John Wang
Merge "Make LinkProperties comparable." into honeycomb-LTE
2011-04-07 12:44:04 -07:00
Wink Saville
Merge "Add a 4G icon for LTE." into honeycomb-LTE
2011-04-07 09:35:18 -07:00
Teng-Hui Zhu
am b25181aa: Merge "Fix the issue the video can\'t start to play" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'b25181aaccb00fee405251bf3575ce1d40badf46':
Fix the issue the video can't start to play
2011-04-07 09:07:52 -07:00
Teng-Hui Zhu
Merge "Fix the issue the video can't start to play" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-04-07 08:52:45 -07:00
Wink Saville
Merge "Add getCdmaSubscriptionSource to CommandsInterface." into honeycomb-LTE
2011-04-06 17:52:22 -07:00
Roman Nurik
am b17cc8a8: Merge "Add moov/mdat and 500KB max A/V drift recommendations to Supported Media Formats doc. Also reformat encoding parameter recommendations into a single table." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'b17cc8a83fd819efcb79d78d005e16b3f04d08df':
Add moov/mdat and 500KB max A/V drift recommendations to Supported Media Formats doc. Also reformat encoding parameter recommendations into a single table.
2011-04-06 17:21:21 -07:00
Roman Nurik
Merge "Add moov/mdat and 500KB max A/V drift recommendations to Supported Media Formats doc. Also reformat encoding parameter recommendations into a single table." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-04-06 17:18:47 -07:00
Eric Fischer
am 9f2f650f: Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '9f2f650f26941a7cd4931afc66f39918e7c2817c':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-04-06 14:12:31 -07:00
Eric Fischer
Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-04-06 14:09:32 -07:00
Bill Gruber
am 3bd37307: am 48a1b52b: Merge "IAB docs: fixes line break issues" into honeycomb
* commit '3bd373079ed2599e5e07aa1cf702c7f8386765c3':
IAB docs: fixes line break issues
2011-04-06 13:58:34 -07:00
Bill Gruber
am 48a1b52b: Merge "IAB docs: fixes line break issues" into honeycomb
* commit '48a1b52bc736acfe9c4723abf6db7c8befc5e43b':
IAB docs: fixes line break issues
2011-04-06 13:20:27 -07:00
Bill Gruber
Merge "IAB docs: fixes line break issues" into honeycomb
2011-04-06 12:52:41 -07:00
Xavier Ducrohet
am c5aeac7f: LayoutLib: Fix issue with rendering mode.
* commit 'c5aeac7f157e3cb9e29ab8c126f74e26493501f5':
LayoutLib: Fix issue with rendering mode.
2011-04-06 12:41:17 -07:00
Scott Main
am e4cafabb: am a90eb8fe: docs: fix the TOC in a few docs
* commit 'e4cafabbcc4b69479217d1a167926b79c37e5ded':
docs: fix the TOC in a few docs
2011-04-05 14:28:23 -07:00
Scott Main
am a90eb8fe: docs: fix the TOC in a few docs
* commit 'a90eb8fec1c67177b614b945bcc4a4b14aaabaff':
docs: fix the TOC in a few docs
2011-04-05 14:21:36 -07:00
Adam Powell
am 030b38ff: Merge "Fix bug 4207704 - Gestures can be lost when Flash is enabled" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '030b38ffc21ef3962b31d5bac5170531293b6046':
Fix bug 4207704 - Gestures can be lost when Flash is enabled
2011-04-05 11:14:27 -07:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Fix bug 4207704 - Gestures can be lost when Flash is enabled" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-04-05 10:45:25 -07:00
Bill Gruber
am 63ac0379: am d36bc32e: Merge "SDK doc updates" into honeycomb
* commit '63ac03794df9ca383416c3a782812b9a9c03456d':
SDK doc updates
2011-04-04 17:31:23 -07:00
Bill Gruber
am d36bc32e: Merge "SDK doc updates" into honeycomb
* commit 'd36bc32ea9a109596308a0516b3e0898c82cebc5':
SDK doc updates
2011-04-04 17:21:25 -07:00
Bill Gruber
Merge "SDK doc updates" into honeycomb
2011-04-04 17:15:08 -07:00
Roman Nurik
am 5a41a8a0: Merge "Document support for .TS video containers." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '5a41a8a0fda21d5332f1355832550fcfffbb9975':
Document support for .TS video containers.
2011-04-04 13:44:23 -07:00
Roman Nurik
Merge "Document support for .TS video containers." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-04-04 13:41:11 -07:00
Robert Ly
am 3f39f653: Adding package description for android.hardware.usb
* commit '3f39f653a90f9727d13be1e9908f0afb8fe66d6e':
Adding package description for android.hardware.usb
2011-04-04 11:41:02 -07:00
Dirk Dougherty
am f9cdf7fe: Doc change: add diff report for API 12.
* commit 'f9cdf7feb47aa142e11862f5694c0a29ac013a51':
Doc change: add diff report for API 12.
2011-04-03 14:04:20 -07:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 16769201: Merge "Doc change: update media formats tables with adts/aac and flac" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '1676920113d35b66e6e8846ffb7dded7e011c2fa':
Doc change: update media formats tables with adts/aac and flac
2011-04-03 13:50:48 -07:00
Dirk Dougherty
Merge "Doc change: update media formats tables with adts/aac and flac" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-04-03 13:40:48 -07:00
Scott Main
am 90a1befa: am 27690eba: Merge "docs: update device dashboard" into honeycomb
* commit '90a1befa551a9e6dc8f06b7331e26e6470ab824f':
docs: update device dashboard
2011-04-01 17:41:40 -07:00
Scott Main
am 27690eba: Merge "docs: update device dashboard" into honeycomb
* commit '27690ebabc915091956f0331023c9d074177271d':
docs: update device dashboard
2011-04-01 17:39:05 -07:00
Scott Main
Merge "docs: update device dashboard" into honeycomb
2011-04-01 17:36:42 -07:00
Wink Saville
Merge "Data Retry fix after failure due to permanent causes." into honeycomb-LTE
2011-04-01 16:34:51 -07:00
Scott Main
am 6261861a: am cb719a48: Merge "docs: update homepage announcement for Google IO" into honeycomb
* commit '6261861a94448e4fbc26e313ce1410a184a10914':
docs: update homepage announcement for Google IO
2011-04-01 16:22:35 -07:00
Scott Main
am cb719a48: Merge "docs: update homepage announcement for Google IO" into honeycomb
* commit 'cb719a48a2f2e9bc47b317f75ebb8320f6ce877c':
docs: update homepage announcement for Google IO
2011-04-01 16:19:30 -07:00
Scott Main
Merge "docs: update homepage announcement for Google IO" into honeycomb
2011-04-01 16:17:40 -07:00
Mike Lockwood
am 11dd5ae9: Improve Javadoc for USB Manager and MTP/PTP support.
* commit '11dd5ae97b1cd5889bb66862fd12718da62a9c75':
Improve Javadoc for USB Manager and MTP/PTP support.
2011-04-01 11:34:39 -07:00
Wink Saville
Merge "Airplane mode on always timed out when camping on LTE" into honeycomb-LTE
2011-04-01 10:28:22 -07:00
Scott Main
am 1ccdc235: am e979332f: docs: fix markup bugs
* commit '1ccdc235716715e7c6f13cab42e4195454e04615':
docs: fix markup bugs
2011-03-31 19:10:56 -07:00
Scott Main
am e979332f: docs: fix markup bugs
* commit 'e979332f38e677db4c9d89f695352ed41052553d':
docs: fix markup bugs
2011-03-31 19:06:33 -07:00
Wink Saville
Merge "Telephony: Add Powerdown Cause to PDP Deactivate Message." into honeycomb-LTE
2011-03-31 15:51:07 -07:00
Wink Saville
Merge "Telephony: Cleanup of SIM handling in CdmaLteSST." into honeycomb-LTE
2011-03-31 13:16:41 -07:00